巴西限制印度国民入境 遏制向美加的移民


Brazil to restrict entry to Indian, Nepalese nationals, aiming to curb migration to the US & Canada


TimesXP 2024年8月24日



据最近的报道,圣保罗机场 70% 以上的避难申请来自印度、尼泊尔或越南。这些旅客预订在巴西中途停留的航班,但随后留在巴西申请避难,导致申请量大增,机场秩序混乱。


在南美洲的中心地带,全球移民的新篇章正在展开。巴西以其多样化的景观和丰富的文化而闻名,充满活力的自然风光,现在正成为遏制非法移民浪潮的紧急努力的中心。因此,近年来,越来越多的印度移民通过巴西前往美国和加拿大,寻求新的机会。但现在,巴西正在采取大胆的措施来解决这些问题,并重塑移民格局。让我们深入探讨正在发生的事情以及它的重要性。您正在观看 XP 时代,我正在 dri,正如我最近告诉您的那样,巴西已成为许多来自印度、尼泊尔和越南的移民前往美国和加拿大的重要中途停留地。然而,这个南美国家已经注意到这种模式。许多旅行者利用在巴西的中途停留,特别是在圣保罗国际机场,只是为了停留并申请庇护,而不是继续前往北美。因此,从 8 月 27 日起,巴西将出台新规则来解决这些旅行者的特殊问题来自亚洲的没有必要签证的移民要么继续前往预定的目的地,要么返回自己的祖国。现在,这一决定是为了应对大量移民使用巴西作为中转站前往美国和加拿大,这导致该国移民系统积压,事实上,根据最近的报道,圣保罗机场 70% 以上的庇护申请来自印度、尼泊尔和越南,这些旅客预订了在巴西中途停留的航班,但他们留在巴西申请庇护,导致申请量大增,并导致机场混乱,联邦警察调查员指出,这导致机场出现严重混乱,事实上,许多移民选择了一条危险的路线,从圣保罗前往西部的一个州,然后前往秘鲁和中美洲,最后他们试图从美国南部边境进入美国现在,为了应对越来越多的难民,巴西政府正在收紧其移民制度的压力,在总统领导下,巴西已经发放了大量人道主义签证,特别是向逃离危机的人,以应对越来越多的难民和移民制度的压力,巴西政府正在制定政策,在总统伊纳齐奥·卢拉·席尔瓦的领导下,巴西已经发放了大量人道主义签证,特别是向逃离阿富汗、叙利亚和乌克兰等国家危机的人,从 2021 年 9 月到 2024 年 4 月,巴西仅向阿富汗国民就发放了 11,000 多份人道主义签证,尽管如此,政府现在采取了更为谨慎的态度,新规则不会影响目前在萨帕奥机场的 484 名移民,但它将适用于未来的旅行,他们必须继续前往他们预订的目的地,或者他们必须返回他们的祖国,这项特别措施旨在减少巴西移民系统的压力,并防止该国被滥用为抵达北美的中途停留地。与此同时,巴西联邦检察官对移民人数的增加表示担忧,并敦促航空公司确保满足基本需求,特别是那些正在等待庇护申请的人。截至 2024 年 7 月中旬,巴西已收到 9,000 多份庇护申请,这是 2023 年全年总数的两倍多,也是十多年来的最高数字。新的限制反映了巴西为管理庇护申请激增和维持移民系统秩序所做的努力。

in the heart of South America a new chapter in the global migration Sage is unfolding Brazil a vibrant nature known

for its diverse landscape and Rich culture is now at the center of an urgent effort to curb a raising tide of

illegal migration route so in recent years an increasing number of Indian migrants have been making their way

through Brazil seeking a journey towards

new opportunity in the United States and

Canada but now Brazil is taking bold

step to address these issues and reshape

the migration landscape here let's dwell

into what's happening and why it matters

you're watching times XP and I'm dri as I told you in the recent times Brazil has become a key stopover for many migrants from India Nepal and Vietnam on their Journey to the United States and Canada however the South American country has noticed the patn many of

these Travelers exploit layover in

Brazil particularly at sa Paulo's International Airport and that to just to stay and request Asylum instead of

continuing their journey to North America so from August 27 Brazil will introduce new rules to address these

particular issues travelers from Asia who do not have their necessary Visa will will have to either proceed to

their intended destination as book or they have to return to their home country now this decision comes in

response to a significant increase in

migrants using Brazil as a Transit point

to the United States and Canada which

has led to a backlog in the country's

immigration system in fact according to

recent reports more than 70% of Asylum

requests at sa Paulo's airport are from

people from from India Nepal and Vietnam

these Travelers book flights with

layovers in Brazil but they stay behind

to request Asylum creating a large

volume of application and causing

disruption at the airport with that

federal police investigator noted that

this inflict has led to a significant

turmoil at the airport in fact many

migrants have been taken a dangerous

route from sa Pao to acre a western

State before moving on to Peru and

Central America after that they

eventually try to enter the United

States from its Southern border now in

response to the growing number of

refugee The Strain on its migration

system Brazil's government is tightening

its policy under the president Brazil

has granted numerous humanitarian Visa

particularly to people fleeing cries in

response to the growing numbers of

refugee and the strain on its migration

system Brazil's government is titing its

policy that to under President inazio

Lula D Silva Brazil has granted numerous

humanitarian Visa particularly to the

people who are fleeing crisis from the

countries like Afghanistan Syria and

Ukraine from September 2021 to April

2024 Brazil issued over 11,000

humanitarian visa to Afghan National

alone despite this the government is now

taking a more cautious approach the new

rules will not affect 484 migrants

currently at sa pao's airport but it

will apply to the Future travel well

they must either continue their journey

to their booked destination or they have

to return to their home country this

particular measure aims to reduce the

pressure on Brazil's immigration system

and prevent the misuse of country as a

stopover for reaching the North America

meanwhile Brazil's Federal prosecutor

have been raising a concern about

increasing numbers of Migrant and have

urged Airlines to ensure that the basic

needs are met specifically for those who

are waiting for their Asylum request to

be proceeded as of mid July 2024 Brazil

had received over 9,000 Asylum requests

that's more than double the total of all

of 2023 and the highest number in over a

decade the new restriction reflect

Brazil's effort to manage the surge in

Asylum application and maintain order

within its migration system.

Brazil to restrict entry to Indian, Nepalese nationals, aiming to curb migration to the US & Canada


TimesXP  2024年8月24日

In recent times, Brazil has become a key stopover for many migrants from India, Nepal, and Vietnam on their journey to the US and Canada. However, the South American country has noticed a pattern: many of these travelers exploit layovers in Brazil, particularly at São Paulo’s international airport, to stay and request asylum instead of continuing their journey to North America.

From August 27, Brazil will introduce new rules to address this issue. Travelers from Asia who do not have the necessary visas will have to either proceed to their intended destinations as booked or return to their home countries. This decision comes in response to a significant increase in migrants using Brazil as a transit point to the US and Canada, which has led to a backlog in the country’s immigration system.

According to recent reports, more than 70% of asylum requests at São Paulo's airport are from people from India, Nepal, or Vietnam. These travelers book flights with layovers in Brazil but then stay behind to request asylum, creating a large volume of applications and causing disruptions at the airport.
