社会主义国家在 GDP 和智商方面超越美国

社会主义国家在 GDP 和智商方面超越美国

Socialist Countries are Outpacing the US in GDP and IQ


无家可归的浪漫主义者 2024年9月1日

社会主义国家在从经济增长到智商等各种指标上都超越了美国。本视频探讨了实行社会主义政策的国家如何在 GDP、教育和整体生活质量等关键领域超越美国。我们将研究比较社会主义和资本主义经济的数据,揭穿常见的误解,并分析导致这些令人惊讶的趋势的因素。加入我们,深入探讨经济体系与国家成功之间的复杂关系,挑战长期以来对社会主义和资本主义的信念。无论您对全球经济、政治体系还是社会发展感兴趣,本视频都提供了对世界大国不断变化的动态的发人深省的见解。

是的,事情是这样的,伙计们,近年来,几个社会主义倾向的国家都取得了显著的进步,不仅在 GDP 呃 PPP 方面,而且在智力创新智商方面,值得注意的是,中国和瑞典是社会主义政府运作的主要佼佼者,好吧,让我们从经济表现开始,不是社会主义瑞典,好吧,兄弟,我有很多政府干预社会的事情,我甚至提出了一个范围,这样你就可以一路从民主社会主义者到极度专制的社会主义者,带有社会主义特征的资本主义,或者其他什么,嗯,首先,中国已经成为全球经济强国,根据 PPP 拥有最高的 GDP,预计 2023 年将达到 31 万亿,超过美国,只有 24 万亿,所以美国措手不及,这种显著的经济增长证明了中国的战略经济政策和大规模工业化,现在瑞典虽然没有中国那么大,文化也不完全相同,但也表现出强劲的经济表现,人均 GDP 基于PPP 反映了其高效和创新的经济,现在中国占全球制造业产出的 20% 到 28%,而美国则占 177%,在过去的十年中,中国一直是全球经济增长的主要推动力,为全球名义 GDP 增长贡献了 35%,而美国仅为 27%,现在中国的人均收入已大幅增长,达到约 13,000 美元,约为美国人均收入的 177%,这与 1990 年的不到 2% 相比有了大幅增长,因此中国在所有这些指标上都超过了美国,好吧,中国在物质资本方面投入了大量资金,这意味着基础设施、房地产、桥梁、道路、港口等,这一特定战略是其 GDP 增长的主要驱动力之一,这占 2009 年至 2010 年 GDP 增长的约三分之二,现在中国正在转变其经济模式,依靠家庭服务业的消费,而不是低技能、低工资的制造业,因为技术进步使我们不必做那么多工厂工作,所以中国在研发方面的支出超过了美国,相比之下,美国相形见绌。中国在高科技出口方面也处于世界领先地位,众所周知,中国是世界硬件之都,他们制造从电子、电信设备和机械等各种产品,别忘了他们的高铁,你知道他们建造了4万公里的火车轨道,速度很快,而我们在这里睡觉,等着埃隆马斯克的钻孔公司在山的一侧钻一个洞,他什么都没做,就像一个游乐园,只不过是晚安豆腐,我们爱你,智力和教育,中国对教育和智力的重视,在其全球排名中显而易见,所以这是另一个指标是他们现在比我们聪明,正如你在上面这张图表中看到的,日本、台湾、新加坡、香港和中国,根据现在的数据,这些是世界上智商最高的国家,我看不到,我看不到真正的好迈克,你看,美国在上面,我想我需要戴眼镜,我没有看到美国和资本主义营利性国家一起,这些国家向人们收取费用来提高聪明,我没有看到他们在上面,我看到的都是社会主义国家,让人们免费变得聪明,所以很奇怪,不是很奇怪,嗯,中国学生在国际评估中的表现一直优于美国学生,比如国际学生评估项目 Pisa,现在瑞典也因其进步而闻名,高压教育体系在智力和教育成果方面也排名很高,现在他们不在那里的名单上,但你看德国在,我们就在隔壁,那是因为我们不向人们收取上学的费用,瑞典的教育模式强调批判性思维、创造力和创新,这反映在该国的高平均智商分数和全球教育排名中的强劲表现中他们打败了我们社会主义国家

在智商和国内生产总值方面打败了我们让我们看看还有什么嗯所以对我来说这种模式表明资本主义的教育方式,OB显然优先考虑利润而不是可及性和质量它在促进广泛的智力发展方面效果较差所以你有愚蠢的政治你有文明的衰落因为人们到处乱跑愚蠢不知道如何正确地将电子设备插入墙上他们不能自己系鞋带他们甚至不能泡一杯咖啡来挽救他们的生命他们依靠呃每个人为他们做所有事情我们是白痴像中国新加坡芬兰这样的国家在全球教育排名中名列前茅他们拥有强大的公共教育政府投资巨大的体制,他们比我们聪明,他们通过向人民征税并给予他们教育来实现这一点,强大的国家,你是爱国的,捶胸顿足,你热爱国旗,你想要一个强大的国家,教你的人民变得聪明,教他们技能,他们可以用它来加强国家,促进发展,培育创新,不要再依赖埃隆·马斯为你重新发明轮子,相比之下,美国教育私有化程度不断提高,学生债务危机不断增加,它面临着为所有公民提供公平高质量教育的挑战,这种差距凸显了将市场驱动原则应用于教育的潜在缺陷,例如将教育视为公共产品而不是商品,他们认为,也许这会产生更好的结果,就整体国家情报或学术成就而言,所以另一个不能被夸大的重点是创新迈克大家都知道中国在创新方面很厉害,他们在重新发明轮子,他们实际上已经重新发明了轮子,看看他们的EVS,看看他们制造的电子产品,和我们一样,只是价格的一小部分,而且效率更高,而且不会像计划报废那样被破坏,所以我们来看看我们的中国美国自1996年以来在研发上的支出一直停滞不前,现在中国在研发上的支出逐年呈指数级增长,现在谈到创新,我们问问人们他们是否相信美国在技术上是一个创新型国家,中国人仍然相信美国人具有竞争力,但美国人不知道,如果你问美国人,你是否相信美国在创新方面领先于中国,41%的美国人不太确定,但81%的中国人仍然认为是的,也许吧,嗯,这就是问题所在只有一半的人口,这很可悲,一半人真的相信他们领先于中国,另一半人相信他们是圣,我们有 Facebook,所以我们做得很好,我有一个我会,我会中产阶级的人认为他们相信美国可能没有那么多公司或那么多生产,但他们有更高的科技产业,他们有更好的技术,因为那是假设,所有这些其他国家,即使他们可能有,也没有那么好,哦,是的,嗯,到 2018 年,中国在后期开发研究上的支出预计将是美国的两倍,这是在 2018 年,看看他们在研发方面是如何超越美国的,所以我想说,中国是世界上一些最大的科技公司的所在地,比如华为 10cent,并且在人工智能、5G 和可再生能源等领域处于领先地位能源他们在所有这三个领域都领先于我们,特别是已经推出的 5G 和可再生能源,他们拥有你想要的所有太阳能和风能,中国政府的政策已经培育出有利于创新的环境,中央计划政府决定什么是重要的,什么是不重要的,而不是市场,现在有大量的投资和研发,而瑞典则另一方面,凭借强大的福利国家和对社会公平的重视,也为创新创造了肥沃的土壤,这个国家以人均专利数量高而闻名,所以瑞典在专利方面领先世界,这意味着人们想出了新奇的设备、事物和科技,这可能很重要,全球知名的公司,如爱立信和 Spotify 也在瑞典,瑞典的创新电子系统得到了政府支持,受过高等教育的劳动力和鼓励创业和创造力的文化的结合,所以听着,我明白你说的是资本主义有些优点我不会反对,当然如果你把两者结合起来,但是嘿,你至少可以不砍伐所有的树木,至少可以不让我们在购买的东西上完全陷入困境,也许我们实际上可以拥有医疗保健,并且每个人都有基本必需品,我明白中国有一点资本主义,这很好,你知道,说实话,早在邓小平之前,他们就已经取得了长足的进步,提高了他们的国内生产总值,每年 6% 毛泽东实际上在资本主义被纳入之前就增加了国内生产总值,嗯,我有一个视频,我们可以在一分钟内观看,与此相关,迈克,迈克知道我在说什么,嗯,所以让我们谈谈气候危机,来吧,这是一个中国国营资本主义模式,它使他们能够更有效地应对气候变化,因为它是中央计划的,他们可以说,哦,有这个问题我们绝对可以改变,而不是依赖市场经济经济学我们可以说嘿让我们这样做因为这是正确的事情因为我们必须这样做因为我们不一定能保持在好所以让我们做你最喜欢的公园迈克这是与美国的比较分析虽然美国在某些领域仍然是全球领先者但它面临着许多挑战保持其在情报创新经济表现方面的竞争优势美国教育系统因表现下降智商下降成绩下降而受到批评此外美国的创新格局很强劲但它正受到中国快速发展的挑战嗯中国的经济方法结合了马克思主义原则和国家指导的资本主义框架已经展示了五件事扶贫基础设施建设技术进步经济稳定和长期规划现在如果你问我我们应该从他们的剧本中偷一点但是当谈到这是我的最后一点当谈到诸如这里是气候变化大多数中国人都对中国的气候变化持关注态度他们不怀疑,对吧,中国,你们有一群否认者

看,美国是39%,中国是73%,嗯,中国在解决贫困问题吗,你敢打赌,他们正在消除贫困,他们只是在鞭策它,这是你最喜欢的迈克,我们和中国的预期寿命大跌,中国刚刚超过美国,所以社会主义国家的寿命也比你长,感觉怎么样,感觉怎么样,感觉不错,不是吗,最近聊天室很安静,我想知道他们去了哪里,嗯,他在真正掌握任何真??实事实之前就走了,嗯,我要去另一个twitch直播,我要去看看安德鲁,嗯,我想说的最后一点是关于债务,对吧,债务陷阱哦,中国的债务陷阱,这些国家都知道哦,这只是中国的债务陷阱,大家让我告诉你,他们拥有不到20%的非洲债务,其余的是欠的西方国家指责中国搞债务陷阱外交,这种说法在太平洋地区是错误的。一家低调的研究所的报告发现,中国并没有故意搞债务陷阱外交,尽管由于贷款规模和受援国的制度弱点,风险仍然存在。因此,在肯尼亚,国际货币基金组织和世界银行等多边机构持有最大的外债份额,为 45%,而中国只占 21%。不同之处在于,中国提供了大量债务减免,一位专家指出,这是所有 G20 成员国中最大的债务减免,因此中国免除的债务远远多于任何 G20 国家,所以不要被炒作所蒙骗。中国因在民事纠纷中使用出境限制而受到批评,然而,美国也在某些情况下限制某些旅行,你知道,我们的监狱系统因剥削囚犯劳动力而受到批评,而我们指责中国在晋江强迫劳动,美国可以因各种原因吊销护照,而中国也被批评嗯你知道我们说的一切他们都会做我们也会做我们做得更努力我们做得更糟我们只是我们只是混蛋这就是我的故事我坚持下去[音乐]

Socialist Countries are Outpacing the US in GDP and IQ


The Homeless Romantic 2024年9月1日

Socialist nations are surpassing the United States in various metrics, from economic growth to intelligence quotient. This video explores how countries with socialist policies are outperforming the U.S. in key areas like GDP, education, and overall quality of life. We'll examine data comparing socialist and capitalist economies, debunk common misconceptions, and analyze the factors contributing to these surprising trends. Join us as we delve into the complex relationship between economic systems and national success, challenging long-held beliefs about socialism and capitalism. Whether you're interested in global economics, political systems, or social development, this video offers thought-provoking insights into the changing dynamics of world powers.

yeah so here's the deal guys in recent years several socialist leaning countries have demonstrated remarkable progress not in terms of only GDP uh PPP but also intelligence Innovation IQ notably China and Sweden are one of the primary standouts of socialist governments working okay so let's start with the economic performance not socialist Sweden damn well well look bro no I have a lot

of government intervention social here thing I even proposed a spectrum so that

you go from the Democratic socialists all the way to the wildly authoritarian

socialists with a with a with was a capitalism with socialist characteristics or whatever

um the uh China first of all has emerged as the global economic Powerhouse Bar

None boasting the highest GDP based on PPP estimated at 31 trillion in 2023 surpassing the United States which is only at 24 so uh got America got caught with their pants

down this significant economic growth is a testament to China's strategic

economic policies and large scale industrialization now Sweden while not

as large as China and not exactly the same culturally also demonstrates strong

economic performance with a GDP per capita based on PPP reflecting its

efficient and in inovative economy now China accounts for about 20% 28% of

global manufacturing output compared to 177% for the United States beating them

there uh over the past decade half uh China has been the main driver of global

economic growth contributing 35% to Global nominal GDP growth while the

United States is only a measly ply little 27 now China's per capita income

has grown significantly reaching a pro approximately 13,000 which is about 177%

of the US per capita income this is a substantial increase from less than 2%

in 1990 so China is rocketing past the

United States in all these metrics okay

China has heavily invested into physical

capital which means infrastructure real

estate Bridges roads things like this

ports this particular strategy is one of

the major drivers of its GDP growth this

is accounting for about 2third of its

GDP growth from 2009 to 2010 now China

is Shifting its economic model to rely

on household consumption of the service

sector rather than low skill low wage

manufacturing as technological advancements make it so we don't have to

do so many factory jobs so China has

outspent the United States on research

and development spending which now is

dwarfing it by comparison China also

leads the world in high-tech exports

which everybody knows shinen is the

hardware capital of the world um they

make everything from Electronics

telecommunications equipment and

Machinery uh and don't forget about

their High-Speed Rail guy you know they

built 40,000 kilometers of freaking uh

train track going high speed while we're

over here sleeping waiting for Elon

musk's boring company to drill a hole in

the side of the mountain he hasn't done

anything it's like an amusement park

ride it's nothing more good night tofu

we love you uh intelligence and education China's

emphasis on education and intelligence

is evident in its Global rankings uh so this is another metric they are smarter than us now as you can see with this graph up above Japan

Taiwan Singapore Hong Kong and China these are the top IQs in the

world according to the data now I don't

see I can't see real good Mike you see

United States on there I think I need

glasses I don't see United States on

there with the capitalist for-profit

countries that it's charging people to

be smart I don't see them on there all I

see are the socialist countries that let

people be smart for free so weird isn't

that weird um Chinese students consistently outperform the American

counterparts in international assessments such as Pisa the program for

international student assessment now Sweden also known for its progress

pressive education system also ranks pretty high in terms of intelligence and

educational outcomes now they're not on

that list there but you see Germany is

and we're right next door and that's

because we don't charge people to go to

school here the Swedish education model

emphasizes critical thinking creativity

and Innovation which are reflected in

the country's High average IQ scores and

strong performance in global education

rankings so they're beating us socialist

countries are beating us in IQ in GDP

let's see what else um so for me this pattern suggests

that the capitalist approach to education which OB obviously it

prioritizes profit over accessibility

and quality it's less effective in

fostering a widespread intellectual

development so you have idiocracy you

have the decay of of civilization

because people are running around stupid

don't know how to plug uh electronics

into the wall correctly they can't tie

their own shoes they can't even make a

cup of coffee to save their Liv life

they rely on uh everybody to do

everything for them we're idiots

countries like China Singapore Finland

which feature prominently in a global

education rankings they have strong

public education system with significant

government Investments they're smarter

than us and they're doing it by taxing

the people and giving them education

strong country you're patriotic beat

your chest you love the flag you want a

strong country teach your people to be

smart teach them skills that they can

use to to strengthen the country to to

to Foster development to breed

Innovation stop relying on Elon mus to

reinvent the wheel for you in contrast

the United States with its increasing

privatization of education and growing

debt student debt crisis uh it faces

challenges in providing Equitable high

quality education to all its citizens

the disparity highlights the potential

shortcomings of applying Market driven

principles to education such as treating

education as a public good rather than a

commod and they think well maybe that'll yield

better outcomes in term of in terms of

the overall National Intelligence or uh

you know ecademic achievement so another

big point that can't be overstated right so is the Innovation Mike everybody knows China's kicking ass right Innovation they're Reinventing the

wheel over there they actually have

reinvented the wheel look at their EVS

look at the electronics they're building

the same things as us just at a fraction

of the price and and better efficiency

and not made to break like planned

obsolescence so here we go here's our China United States has fell flat since 1996 spending on research and development now China has

consistently just grown year after year

exponentially on their research and

development spending now talking about

Innovations well ask the people do they

believe the US is technologically an

Innovative country uh the Chinese still

believe that the Americans are

competitive uh but the Americans uh they

don't know uh Americans if you ask them

do you believe that the US is staying

ahead of China on Innovation uh 41% of

Americans uh not too sure but 81% of

Chinese still think yeah maybe yeah uh well and this is the problem here this is only half the the population is it sad that one half

actually believes that they're staying

ahead of China one half believes that

they're St well we've got Facebook so

we're we're doing good I've got a I would I would middle class people think that they believe that the US doesn't have maybe as many

companies or as much production but they

have higher Tech Industries they have

better technology right because that's

the assumption is that all these other

countries even if they may have

it's just not as good right oh yeah yeah

um China is expected to spend up as

twice as much as uh the US on late stage

development research by 2018 this was in

2018 look at how they just blasted right

past the United States in research and

development so uh I wanted to say the

country of China it's home to some of

the world's largest tech companies such

as Huawei 10cent and leads in fields

like artificial intellig Ence 5G and

renewable energy they're kicking our

butts in all three of those especially

the 5G that's already rolled out there

and renewable energy they have all the

solar and wind that you could want

China's government their policies have

fostered an environment that is

conducive to Innovation centrally planned government

who decides what's important and what's

not instead of the market has substantial Investments and research and development now Sweden on the other hand with its strong welfare

state and emphasis on social Equity has

also created fertile ground for

Innovation uh the country is known for a

high number of patents per capita so

Sweden is leading the world in patents

that means people that come up with

novel devices and and things and

technology that it might be

important globally recognized companies

like Ericson and Spotify also in Sweden

uh Sweden's Innovation e system is

supported by a combination of government

support Highly Educated Workforce and

culture that encourages entrepreneurship

and creativity so listen I understand

that you're saying capitalism has some

merits I'm not going to disagree

obviously if you marry the two together

but hey can you at least not cut down

all the trees and can you at least not

make it so we get totally screwed on the

things that we're buying and maybe we

can actually have health care and have

uh basic necessities for everybody I

understand that China's got a dash of

capitalism going that's fine you know to

be honest they were already making great

strides and improving their GDP long

before D Xiao ping 6% every year year

over-year Mao actually increased the GDP before

capitalism was even uh put into the

thing well I have a video we can watch

in a minute related to this Mike Mike

knows what I'm talking about um yeah so

let's uh the climate crisis uh also come

on this is a a a China state-run

capitalist model it enables themselves to address climate change more effectively right because it's centrally planned they can say oh

there's a problem we can definitely

switch rather than relying on market

economics we can just say hey let's do

this because it's the right thing to do

because we're gonna have to do it

because we can't necessarily keep

in the well so let's do your favorite Park Mike

this is the comparative analysis with

the United States while the United

States has remained a global leader in

some areas it faces lots of challenges

maintaining its Competitive Edge in

intelligence Innovation economic

performance the US education system has

been criticized for disparities in

declining performance declining IQs

declining grades Additionally the United

States uh Innovation landscape it's

robust but it's being challenged by

rapid advancements seen by China um China's economic approach which in incorporates Marxist principles and state directed capitalist framework has

demonstrated five things poverty

alleviation infrastructure development

technological advancements economic

stability and long-term planning now if

you ask me we should be stealing a

little bit out of their playbook but

when it comes to and this is my final

point when it comes to things

like here's the here's the climate

change most chinesee people are on on

point with climate change in China

they're they don't they don't doubt it

right China you have a bunch of deniers

look 39% in America 73% in China um is

China tackling poverty you bet your

bottom they are taking poverty and they

are just whipping its ass and here's the your favorite Mike us and China life expectancy big one it plummeted plummeted and China has

just surpassed the United States so

socialist countries are living longer

than you too how's that feel how's that

feel it feels good doesn't it current

thing is awfully quiet in the chat

lately I wonder where they went uh he

wandered off before he could actually

get a hold of any real facts uh I'm

gonna go to another twitch stream and

I'm gonna go see if Andrew um so the last point I want to make is about debt right debt traps oh China's debt trapping these countries

everybody knows it oh this just in

China's debt trapping everyone let me

tell you something they own less than

20% of all African debt the rest is owed

by the West so when when China has been

accused of engaging in debt trap

diplomacy this narrative is wrong in the

Pacific region a lowly Institute report

found that China is not not engaged in

deliberate debt trap diplomacy though

risks remain due to the scale of lending

and institutional weaknesses in the

recipient countes so in Kenya

multilateral institutions like the IMF

and World Bank hold the largest share of

external debt at 45% while the Chinese

only account for 21% the difference is China has provided significant debt relief with one expert noting that it's been the largest debt

relief overall of all the G20 members so

China has Far and Away forgiven more

debt than any of the G20 countries so

don't fall for the hype China has been

criticized for its use of exit bands

often in civil disputes however the US

also restricts certain uh travel in

certain circumstances um you know us prison

system is uh criticized for exploiting inmate

labor while we accuse China of forced

labor in Jin Jang uh the US can revoke

passports for various reasons while

China has also been criticized um you

know everything that we say they do we

do it and we do it harder and we do it

worse and we and we're just we're just

jerks and that's my story and I'm sticking to it [Music]
