保守党领袖批评 自由党阿片类药物 没有常识



YouTube 加拿大区 2024年9月16日



我们不能让保守党把我们带回到过去失败的意识形态爆炸性的时刻在下议院,愤怒的凯伦试图在所有人面前羞辱皮埃尔·佩弗,但她从未想到会被保守党领袖彻底摧毁,她沮丧得快要哭了,因为她发现自己在一场史诗般的交流中被击败了,让所有人都震惊不已,皮埃尔·佩弗被证明是不可阻挡的,他提出了精彩的论点,表明没有人可以打倒他,这场令人难忘的对决重申了他在辩论艺术中的绝对主导地位以及他面对任何攻击的能力你接下来会听到的真的很令人惊讶订阅我的 patreon 以获取无意义的内容链接在描述中,首相导致燃气供暖和食品杂货的通货膨胀飙升,有一种产品的价格实际上下降了,强效阿片类药物,首相花费 1 亿美元购买所谓的安全供应一位全球新闻记者走上街头,了解所有人的去向,结果发现他们被转售给其他瘾君子,以筹集资金购买致命的芬太尼,总理会取消这笔钱,转而把资源投入到吸毒者的治疗中吗?我们对这场反对基于证据的计划的斗争已经厌倦了,这些计划实际上正在拯救生命,我们不能让保守党把我们带回到过去失败的意识形态中,甚至哈珀的顾问本·帕林也认为,他们在胡说八道,所以停止吧,拯救生命,没有常识,证据是躺在温哥华市中心东侧人行道上的吸毒者的悲惨面孔,在总理花费 1 亿美元免费发放吸毒者之后,他导致过量用药率增加了 300% ,他会停止提供资金,而是按照我的常识计划,将资源投入到治疗和康复中,把我们的亲人带回家,拯救 46,000 例过量用药已在安全消费场所得到逆转,该成员表示他将停止,我希望他发言对于那些如果没有安全的消费场所和更安全的供应就会失去孩子的父母来说,这太荒谬了,人们正在死去,因为这个总理的政策正在杀死他们,他的政策充斥着街头,现在每剂一美元,你可以花 30 美元购买 26 剂氢吗啡酮,这是一种类似物,议长先生,这是由加拿大税收支付的,根据这个政府的一项计划,该计划导致 300% 的病例是的,为什么他们不获得一些常识,让我们的人民接受治疗部长来自命令尊敬的精神健康部长人们必须活得足够长才能得到治疗人们因为有毒的安全供应而死亡,这让人们活得足够长,这意味着在 CJ 研究中,命令命令干得好干得好请从顶部开始,我给了反对党领袖同样的礼貌人们必须活得足够长才能得到治疗人们因为有毒污染而死亡当人们关于安全供应,昨天 CJ 的文章谈到了减少过量用药,减少轻微犯罪,这是一个基于证据的项目和计划,它符合证据和科学的检验,不是一个只会和不同意他的人说话的记者,订阅我的 patreon 以获取无意义的内容描述中的链接

Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after Messing with Pierre Poilievre


The Canadian Zone 2024年9月16日 

Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after Messing with Pierre Poilievre 

During question period in the House of Commons, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre sharply criticized the Liberal's safe supply policy intended to address the opioid crisis, saying his political opponents have "no common sense."

we cannot allow the conservatives to take us back to the F failed ideology of the past explosive Moment In The House of Commons a furious Karen tried to humiliate Pierre pever in front of everyone but she never expected to be completely destroyed by the conservative leader in her frustration she was on the verge of tears as she found herself defeated in an epic exchange that left everyone in shock Pierre pev were proved to be un stoppable delivering brilliant arguments and showing that no one can take him down this Unforgettable Showdown reaffirms his absolute dominance in the art of debate and his
ability to face any attack what you will hear next is really surprising subscribe to my patreon for senseless content Link in the description the Prime Minister has sent inflation for gas heat and grocery soaring there is one product that's actually come down in price powerful opioids the Prime Minister has spent $100 million on so-called safe Supply One global news reporter went into the street to find out where all are going turns out they're being resold to other addicts in order to raise the money to buy deadly fentanyl will the Prime Minister cancel the dollars for and instead put the resources into treatment for addicts we are pretty fed up with this fight against evidence-based programs
that actually are saving lives we cannot
allow the conservatives to take us back
to the fa failed ideology of the past
even Harper's advisor Ben parin thinks
they're tweaking nonsense so just stop
it and save lives no common sense the
evidence is seen in the tragic faces of
addicts who lie over doed on the pavement in the downtown east side of
Vancouver where after this prime minister spent $100 million handing out
free addicts he has led to a 300% increase in overdoses will he stop
giving dollars for and instead follow my
Common Sense plan to put the resources
into treatment and Recovery to bring our
loved ones home save 46,000 overdoses have been reversed in
in safe consumption sites that member
says that he will stop that I want him
to speak to the parents of the people
that would have been lost if there weren't safe consumption sites and safer
Supply this is ridiculous people are
dying because the policies of this prime
minister are killing them he is his
policies are flooding the streets with
that now go for a dollar a hit you can
buy 26 hits of hydromorph which is an analog for $30 Mr Speaker this is paid
for by Canadian tax dollars under a program by this government that has led
to a 300% in yes why won't they get some common sense and and put our people in treatment Minister from order The Honorable Minister for mental health people have to stay alive long enough to get treatment people are dying because of a toxic safe Supply allows people to stay alive long enough it means that in the
CJ study just yet order order good job good job please start from the top the same courtesy I gave to the opposition leader people have to stay alive long enough to get to treatment people are dying because of the toxic tainted when people are on safe Supply the CJ article yesterday talked about less less overdoses left less petty crime this is an evidence-based project and and program that it meets the test of of evidence and science not a journalist who only will speak to the people who who disagree with him subscribe to my patreon for senseless content Link in the description
