Hanna Ziady,CNN 2024 年 9 月 2 日
大众汽车正在考虑是否在其 87 年历史上首次关闭德国工厂,因为在来自中国电动汽车制造商的竞争日益激烈的情况下,大众汽车正在加大成本削减力度。
这家德国汽车制造商是全球最大的汽车公司之一,该公司在周一发表的声明中表示,它不能排除在本国关闭工厂的可能性。其他“为未来做好准备”的措施包括试图终止自 1994 年以来一直存在的与工会的就业保护协议。
大众汽车去年年底启动了 100 亿欧元(111 亿美元)的成本削减计划,正在失去其最大单一市场中国市场份额。今年上半年,中国客户交付量较 2023 年同期下降 7%。集团营业利润暴跌 11.4% 至 101 亿欧元(112 亿美元)。
相关文章 大众电动汽车在欧洲的订单翻了一番
德国最强大的工会之一 IG Metall 周一将公司的不足归咎于管理不善,并发誓要为保护就业而战。
“今天,董事会提出了一项不负责任的计划,动摇了大众的根基,严重威胁到了工作和地点,”IG Metall 首席谈判代表 Thorsten Groeger 在一份声明中表示。
根据大众最新的收益报告,大众在全球拥有近 683,000 名员工,其中约 295,000 名在德国。
1.. 40年来,大众汽车集团一直是中国汽车工业发展的先驱,如今,它正在智能网联汽车(ICV)新时代占据主导地位
2.. 坚实的基础:大众汽车集团拥有39家工厂、9万名员工和约5000万名驾驶集团品牌汽车的客户,是中国工业生态系统不可或缺的一部分,并正在利用市场的创新力量实现下一次技术飞跃
3.. 大众汽车集团始终坚持“在中国,为中国”的方针,继续推动本地化,加强产品与中国市场需求的一致性中国客户
4.. 大众汽车集团正在拓展本地开发专业知识,并在位于安徽省合肥市的创新中心投资 25 亿欧元,以进一步加快中国创新步伐
5.. 投资还包括生产两款大众品牌汽车,目前正与中国制造商小鹏汽车联合开发
北京。40 年来,大众汽车集团一直是中国个人出行的先驱。如今,大众汽车在中国的网络拥有 39 家工厂、90,000 名员工和约 5000 万驾驶集团品牌汽车的客户。大众汽车与其合资伙伴一起,是中国工业生态系统不可或缺的一部分,并奠定了坚实的基础。随着向全互联电动汽车的快速转型,该集团正在不断调整其在该地区的业务。通过持续实施其“在中国,为中国”战略。
大众汽车正在推动本地化发展,并使其产品与不断变化的客户需求保持一致。在最新的战略里程碑中,大众汽车集团将进一步扩大其位于安徽省合肥的生产和创新中心,总投资额达 25 亿欧元。除了扩大研发能力外,大众汽车集团还为两款大众品牌车型的生产做准备,这两款车型目前正在与中国合作伙伴小鹏汽车共同开发。第一款车型是一款中型 SUV,最早将于 2026 年开始生产。
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40 years of Volkswagen in China: Group accelerates its realignment with 'In China, for China' strategy
- The Volkswagen Group has been a pioneer in the development of China's automotive industry for 40 years and is now taking over a leading role in the new era of intelligent connected vehicles (ICV)
- Strong foundation: With 39 plants, 90,000 employees and around 50 million customers who drive a Group brand vehicle today, Volkswagen is an integral part of the Chinese industrial ecosystem – and is harnessing the market's innovative power for the next technological leap forward
- With a consistent 'In China, for China' approach, Volkswagen continues to drive localisation and strengthens the alignment of its products with the needs of Chinese customers
- Volkswagen is expanding local development expertise and investing 2.5 billion EUR in its innovation hub in Hefei, Anhui Province, to further increase the pace of innovation in China
- Investments also include the production of two Volkswagen brand vehicles, which are currently being developed jointly with Chinese manufacturer XPENG
Beijing. The Volkswagen Group has been a pioneer for individual mobility in China for 40 years. Today, Volkswagen's network in China features 39 plants, 90,000 employees and around 50 million customers who drive a Group brand vehicle. Together with its Joint Venture partners, Volkswagen is an integral part of China's industrial ecosystem and has created strong foundations. With its rapid transformation towards fully connected electric mobility, the Group is consistently realigning its activities in the region. Through the consistent implementation of its 'In China, for China' strategy.
Volkswagen is driving forward the localisation of development and aligning its products with changing customer needs. In the latest strategic milestone, Volkswagen is further expanding its production and innovation hub in Hefei, Anhui Province, with investments totaling 2.5 billion EUR. In addition to the expansion of R&D capacity, preparations are also being made for the production of two Volkswagen brand models, which are currently being developed together with Chinese partner XPENG. Production of the first model, an SUV in the mid-size segment, will begin as early as 2026.
'A very serious situation': Volkswagen could close plants in Germany for the first time in history
By Hanna Ziady, CNN Sept 2, 2024
Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Volkswagen is weighing whether to close factories in Germany for the first time in its 87-year history as it moves to deepen cost cuts amid rising competition from China’s electric vehicle makers.
In a statement Monday, the German automaker, one of the world’s biggest car companies, said that it could not rule out plant closures its home country. Other measures to “future-proof” the company include trying to terminate an employment protection agreement with labor unions, which has been in place since 1994.
“The European automotive industry is in a very demanding and serious situation,” said Volkswagen Group CEO Oliver Blume. “The economic environment became even tougher, and new competitors are entering the European market. Germany in particular as a manufacturing location is falling further behind in terms of competitiveness.
Volkswagen, which embarked on a €10 billion ($11.1 billion) cost-cutting effort late last year, is losing market share in China, its single biggest market. In the first half of the year, deliveries to customers in that country slipped 7% on the same period in 2023. Group operating profit tumbled 11.4% to €10.1 billion ($11.2 billion).
The lackluster performance in China comes as the company loses out to local EV brands, notably BYD, which also pose an increasing threat to its business in Europe.
“Our main area of action is cost cutting,” Blume told analysts on an earnings call last month, citing planned reductions to factory, supply chain and labor expenses. “We have done all the organizational steps needed. And now it is about costs, costs and costs,” he added.
Volkswagen’s cost-cutting plans will face heavy resistance from labor representatives, which hold almost half the seats on the company’s supervisory board, the body that appoints executive managers.
IG Metall, one of Germany’s most powerful unions, on Monday blamed mismanagement for the firm’s shortcomings and vowed to fight to protect jobs.
“Today, the board presented an irresponsible plan that shakes the very foundations of Volkswagen, massively threatening jobs and locations,” IG Metall lead negotiator Thorsten Groeger said in a statement.
“This approach is not only short-sighted but also highly dangerous — it risks destroying the heart of Volkswagen… We will not tolerate plans that the company makes at the expense of the workforce.”
Volkswagen employs almost 683,000 workers worldwide, including some 295,000 in Germany, according to its most recent earnings report.
Thomas Schaefer, the CEO of Volkswagen passenger cars, said the company remains committed to Germany “as a business location.” He added that VW would initiate talks with employee representatives urgently to explore possibilities for “sustainably restructuring the brand.”
“The situation is extremely tense and cannot be resolved through simple cost-cutting measures,” Volkswagen said.
福斯汽车节约计画停滞 考虑关闭德国生产厂
(法新社法兰克福2日电) 德国福斯汽车集团(Volkswagen)今天表示,由于去年宣布的一项节约计画没有进展,可能采取前所未有的行动,关闭在德国的生产厂址,甚至进一步裁员。
福斯是德国绩优企业之一,却透露上述讯息,令各界更关切德国总理萧兹(Olaf Scholz)在国内经济近月陷入困境后将如何因应。
福斯执行长布鲁莫(Oliver Blume)在备忘录中说:「欧洲汽车产业处于要求很高且非常严峻的情势…经济环境变得更艰难,新的竞争对手正进入欧洲市场。」