当人民需要帮助时 英国援助马来西亚自行车道

当我们国家人民需要帮助时,这太可恶了” | 英国援助马来西亚自行车道

“It’s OBSCENE When People In Our Country Are In Need” | UK Aid Spent On Cycle Lanes In Malaysia

2024年8月21日 伦敦


经济事务研究所 (IEA) 的一份报告显示,援助资金已资助了8个比英国部分地区富裕的地区的13个项目。该研究将这些地区的人均GDP与英国最贫穷的地区北爱尔兰的阿兹和北唐进行了比较。

朱莉娅·哈特利-布鲁尔 (Julia Hartley-Brewer) 与国际能源署通讯官雷姆·易卜拉欣 (Reem Ibrahim) 进行交谈。

Julia Hartley-Brewer
现在让我们谈谈 Story 看,我们多年来多次谈到外国艾滋病,但纳税人一直在资助世界上比英国某些地区更富裕的地区的发展项目,这是根据经济事务研究所的一份新报告,我的意思是这包括中国等敌对国家,顺便说一句,这些国家非常富裕,他们拥有火箭计划和核武器等,但哦不,我们绝对应该把我们辛苦赚来的钱寄给他们,让我们和 Ia ree 的通讯官 ree Ibrahim 谈谈这个问题,我的意思是这些统计数据绝对是这些地方有多少钱特别的,我的意思是告诉我们这些地方有多少钱

Reem Ibrahim
这绝对是特别的,所以谢谢你邀请我来 Julia,这篇论文有效地研究了我们目前正在资助的世界地区,所以纳税人的钱将流向这些地区,用于非常不为人知的发展项目,实际上这些地区的世界上的很多地区都比英国的某些地区富裕得多,所以我们研究了英国不同地区的人均 GDP,所以这一切都是基于人均 GDP 的,实际上我们发现世界上有很多地区我们花钱的地方其实并不富裕,嗯,比英国的某些地区富裕得多,例如我们再次研究了中国的一些地区
正如你所说,中国是英国的敌对国家,其人均 GDP 为 27,500,比英国的 69 个地区还要多,所以纳税人的钱流向了世界上由敌对国家管理的地区,事实上
这些地区实际上比 69 个地区富裕得多,这太疯狂了,不是吗

Julia Hartley-Brewer
像我指的是中国上海的地方,马来西亚的 koala Loa,我是说我去过我去过 quala Luma,我是说你知道我确信 quala Luma 中有一些需要帮助的人我更倾向于认为马来西亚政府应该照顾这些人,我们并不是在谈论向世界上一些战乱地区提供援助,那里的人们是内战的受害者,他们没有其他人可以帮助,也没有洪水或某种你知道的,人们因为干旱而挨饿,我们谈论的是西方工业化国家的正常运转,我们正在向他们提供资金,我的意思是,当我们自己国家有需要的人时,这太可恶了,Reem Ibrahim,这太可恶了,这绝对是可耻的,我们已经承担了自第二次世界大战以来最高的税收负担,我们正在世界各地花费巨额纳税人的钱在各种不同的项目上,这些项目确实流向了世界上比英国某些地区更富裕的地区,我认为这是这篇论文真正强调的一点,而且很有趣,显然有激励措施英国公务员和援助人员希望在基础设施更好的地方工作,因此实际上存在这种激励,很多援助人员和公务员

Julia Hartley-Brewer

多年来,我们还看到从这个援助预算中抽取的资金,当时它占 GDP 的 0.7%,这意味着现在你们减少了这部分资金,然后他们将其纳入国际发展,纳入他们的对外援助,纳入外交部,但你知道,仍有巨额资金流出,很多资金下落不明,这些资金流向高度腐败的国家,过去我们有过女孩禁令,你知道某种外国政府版本的辣妹组合,我们一直在花钱我们知道我们需要在紧急情况下照顾人们,让你知道水ntraception

Reem Ibrahim
basic you know vaccinations we should be concentrating on the basic stuff if a
country can't do that other than that if you you know if you've got your own rocket project I think we can safely say You can afford it you can afford to look after your own

Reem Ibrahim
absolutely now you're absolutely right Julia and this is really the interesting point again we're not saying that you know all foreign aid absolutely goes to waste but the point is because we look at it from an arbitrary kind of approach a certain percentage of GDP it means that a lot of this money is going to projects that quite frankly don't need to be there so we've got a couple of examples and we call the paper I'mgoing to have to leave it I'm so sorry we are out of times I haven't got time Its worth it for the examples but again there's a few in that but in that paper but again it's worthwh knowing it's just it's the idea that our taxes oh sorry we haven't got money to fix pox holes we haven't got money to give some more investment in you know cancer survival rates or maternity units in this country but no no we'll deal with something going on in koala Lumpa it's it is genuinely insane I don't know who these idiots are who running on government over the last God knows how many years

“It’s OBSCENE When People In Our Country Are In Need” | UK Aid Spent On Cycle Lanes In Malaysia

2024年8月21日  LONDON
British taxpayers' money has been splashed on Chinese opera, cycle lanes in Mexico, and road schemes in Malaysia—while poor areas of the UK are left short.

More than £3 million in foreign aid has gone to affluent regions abroad, funding projects like an all-female Chinese opera in Shanghai, anti-congestion measures in Kuala Lumpur, and a cycle lane in Mexico City.

A report by the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) revealed that aid money has funded 13 projects in eight regions richer than parts of Britain. The research compared these areas’ GDP per capita to that of Ards and North Down in Northern Ireland, the UK’s poorest region.

Julia Hartley-Brewer speaks with communications officer at the IEA, Reem Ibrahim.

Julia Hartley-Brewer
let's talk right now about Story look we talked about foreign AIDS many many times over the years uh but taxpayers have been funding development projects in parts of the world that are richer than some areas in the UK this is according to a new report from The Institute of economic Affairs I mean this includes places like China hostile Nations by the way vastly Rich Nations they got rocket programs and nuclear weapons and things but oh no absolutely we should absolutely be sending them some of our hard-earned money well let's talk about this with ree Ibrahim who's Communications officer at the Ia ree I mean these stats are absolutely How much money is going to these places extraordinary I mean tell us how much money is going to these places 

Reem Ibrahim
it's absolutely extraordinary so thank you having me on Julia this paper effectively looks at areas of the world that we are currently giving money to so tax pay money is going to these areas of the world for really quite obscure development projects and actually these areas of the world are much wealthier than some areas of the UK so we looked at various different areas of the UK and their GDP per capita so it's all based on GDP per capita and it actually found that there are many areas of the world in which we actually spend money that's actually much less um wealthy it's much wealthier than areas of the UK so for example we looked at areas like oos in China again
as you said China is a hostile state to the UK which has a GDP per capita of 27,500 which is more than 69 regions in the UK so tax pay money is going to areas of the world that is actually run by a hostile state to the UK and indeed
that is actually less more well off than 69 regions it's crazy isn't it you

Julia Hartley-Brewer
places like I mean Shanghai in China koala Loa in Malaysia I mean I've been to I've been to quala Luma I mean you know I'm sure there are some people in
need in quala Luma I'm rather of the
view that the Malaysian government
should take care of those people we're
not talking about sending Aid to some
War Tor part of the world where people
are victims of a civil war they've got
no one else to help nor there's a a
flood or a or or some sort of you know
people are starving as there result of a
drought we're talking about functioning
Western know Western industrialized
nations and we're sending money to them
this is I mean it's obscene when there
Why its obscene are people in our own country in need

Reem Ibrahim
it's obscene and it's absolutely scandalous when we've already got some of the highest tax burdens since the second world war we are spending huge amounts of tax pay money on various different projects across the world that indeed are going to areas of the world that are wealthier than some areas of the UK and this is really the point that the paper I think highlights and it's quite interesting there are obviously incentives for UK civil servants and Aid workers to want to work in better places that have better infrastructure so there's actually that incentive a lot of those Aid workers and civil servants
don't want to be working in as you said a war torn area of the world in which some of this money could actually go really quite far they want to be working in safer places with better infrastructure because ultimately they live a more comfortable life yeah but 

Julia Hartley-Brewer

we've also seen money over the years from from this this Aid budget when it was 0.7% of GDP mean that that's now mean you people's got reduced that and then they Incorporated in the you know International Development into their foreign aid into the for foreign office as well but you know but there's still huge sums of money going and a lot of this stuff it's unaccounted for it's in countries that are highly corrupt and in the past we've had you know girl banss you know the some sort of foreign some government's version of a of the Spice Girls and we've been spending money on that sort of nonsense we know we need to be looking after people in emergencies getting you know water co

“It’s OBSCENE When People In Our Country Are In Need” | UK Aid Spent On Cycle Lanes In Malaysia

2024年8月21日  LONDON
British taxpayers' money has been splashed on Chinese opera, cycle lanes in Mexico, and road schemes in Malaysia—while poor areas of the UK are left short.

More than £3 million in foreign aid has gone to affluent regions abroad, funding projects like an all-female Chinese opera in Shanghai, anti-congestion measures in Kuala Lumpur, and a cycle lane in Mexico City.

A report by the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) revealed that aid money has funded 13 projects in eight regions richer than parts of Britain. The research compared these areas’ GDP per capita to that of Ards and North Down in Northern Ireland, the UK’s poorest region.

Julia Hartley-Brewer speaks with communications officer at the IEA, Reem Ibrahim.

Julia Hartley-Brewer
let's talk right now about Story look we talked about foreign AIDS many many times over the years uh but taxpayers have been funding development projects in parts of the world that are richer than some areas in the UK this is according to a new report from The Institute of economic Affairs I mean this includes places like China hostile Nations by the way vastly Rich Nations they got rocket programs and nuclear weapons and things but oh no absolutely we should absolutely be sending them some of our hard-earned money well let's talk about this with ree Ibrahim who's Communications officer at the Ia ree I
mean these stats are absolutely How much money is going to these places extraordinary I mean tell us how much money is going to these places 

Reem Ibrahim
it's absolutely extraordinary so thank you having me on Julia this paper effectively looks at areas of the world that we are currently giving money to so tax pay money is going to these areas of the world for really quite obscure development projects and actually these areas of the world are much wealthier than some areas of the UK so we looked at various different areas of the UK and their GDP per capita so it's all based
on GDP per capita and it actually found that there are many areas of the world in which we actually spend money that's actually much less um wealthy it's much wealthier
than areas of the UK so for example we looked at areas like oos in China again
as you said China is a hostile state to the UK which has a GDP per capita of
27,500 which is more than 69 regions in the UK so tax pay money is going to
areas of the world that is actually run by a hostile state to the UK and indeed
that is actually less more well off than 69 regions it's crazy isn't it you

Julia Hartley-Brewer
places like I mean Shanghai in China koala Loa in Malaysia I mean I've been
to I've been to quala Luma I mean you
know I'm sure there are some people in
need in quala Luma I'm rather of the
view that the Malaysian government
should take care of those people we're
not talking about sending Aid to some
War Tor part of the world where people
are victims of a civil war they've got
no one else to help nor there's a a
flood or a or or some sort of you know
people are starving as there result of a
drought we're talking about functioning
Western know Western industrialized
nations and we're sending money to them
this is I mean it's obscene when there
Why its obscene are people in our own country in need

Reem Ibrahim
it's obscene and it's absolutely scandalous when we've already got some
of the highest tax burdens since the second world war we are spending huge
amounts of tax pay money on various different projects across the world that
indeed are going to areas of the world that are wealthier than some areas of
the UK and this is really the point that the paper I think highlights and it's
quite interesting there are obviously incentives for UK civil servants and Aid
workers to want to work in better places that have better infrastructure so
there's actually that incentive a lot of those Aid workers and civil servants
don't want to be working in as you said a war torn area of the world in which
some of this money could actually go really quite far they want to be working
in safer places with better infrastructure because ultimately they live a more comfortable life yeah but 

Julia Hartley-Brewer

we've also seen money over the years from from this this Aid budget when it
was 0.7% of GDP mean that that's now mean you people's got reduced that and
then they Incorporated in the you know International Development into their
foreign aid into the for foreign office as well but you know but there's still
huge sums of money going and a lot of this stuff it's unaccounted for it's in
countries that are highly corrupt and in the past we've had you know girl banss
you know the some sort of foreign some government's version of a of the Spice
Girls and we've been spending money on that sort of nonsense we know we need to
be looking after people in emergencies getting you know water contraception
basic you know vaccinations we should be concentrating on the basic stuff if a
country can't do that other than that if you you know if you've got your own rocket project I think we can safely say You can afford it you can afford to look after your own

Reem Ibrahim
absolutely now you're absolutely right Julia and this is really the interesting point again we're not saying that you know all foreign aid absolutely goes to waste but the point is because we look at it from an arbitrary kind of
approach a certain percentage of GDP it means that a lot of this money is going
to projects that quite frankly don't need to be there so we've got a couple
of examples and we call the paper I'mgoing to have to leave it I'm so sorry
we are out of times I haven't got time Its worth it for the examples but again there's a few in that but in that paper but again it's worthwh knowing it's just it's the idea that our taxes oh sorry we haven't got money to fix pox holes we haven't got money to give some more investment in you know cancer survival rates or maternity units in this country but no no we'll deal with something going on in koala Lumpa it's it is genuinely insane I don't know who these idiots are who running on government over the last God knows how many years
