凯特·巴顿接替自 2013 年以来一直担任创始全球首席执行官的埃利奥特·波特诺伊
2024 年 7 月 24 日
全球最大的全球律师事务所大成律师事务所今天宣布,其全球董事会和全球咨询委员会已选举凯特·巴顿为事务所下一任全球首席执行官。巴顿将从安永加入大成律师事务所,在安永,她在各种高管领导职位上拥有 35 年的卓越职业生涯,最近担任全球副主席。她将接替埃利奥特·波特诺伊 (Elliott Portnoy),后者是安永创始全球首席执行官,自 2013 年公司成立以来一直担任首席执行官。
巴顿领导了安永的多个业务部门,安永是一家市值 500 亿美元的公司,业务遍及全球 150 个国家。除了担任全球副主席外,她还担任税务、法律和人力咨询服务部门的首席执行官,该部门拥有 70,000 名专业人员,在她的领导下,创造了超过 110 亿美元的收入。除其他成就外,她还通过对人才、技术、全球共享服务中心、世界一流的方法和流程以及并购活动的战略投资,帮助改变了安永的全球税务业务。
Barton 将于 9 月初加入 Dentons,与 Portnoy 开始一段有意义的交接期,Portnoy 的任期将于 2024 年 11 月 9 日结束。Barton 将于 2024 年 11 月 10 日开始担任全球首席执行官。
“Kate 在领导复杂的全球专业服务组织方面拥有丰富的经验,并且在管理人员、流程和系统方面拥有出色的技能。她成功的客户服务经验,加上她周到的整合方法,使她成为领导我们公司的理想人选,”全球首席执行官 Elliott Portnoy 表示。“她得到了我无条件的支持,我相信她将带领 Dentons 从强大走向更大的强大和成功。”
回顾她的任命,Kate 说:“我亲眼目睹了 Dentons 以其开创性的业务战略和客户产品重新定义了法律服务格局。在 Elliott 的领导下,这家公司以其多中心的方法和综合的跨境和多学科客户参与脱颖而出,证明了团结和作为一个公司运营更具影响力。我期待与 Elliott 合作完成过渡,并与 Dentons 经验丰富的地区领导层合作,继续挑战行业规范,适应全球律师事务所和专业服务公司面临的不断变化的技术和创新世界,为我们的员工和客户提供卓越的服务。”
作为创始全球首席执行官,Portnoy 见证了 Dentons 的显著增长——Dentons 为 82 个国家的 167 个地点的客户提供服务——同时推进了公司独特的“独特的全球性、深度本地化”专业服务方法。在他的领导下,Dentons 已成为全球最重要法律和商业解决方案服务购买者调查中最知名和最受好评的律师事务所之一。
“Dentons 和更广泛的法律界都从 Elliott 富有远见的领导和成就中受益匪浅。 “我们感谢他的服务,感谢他帮助大成在当今充满活力的环境中继续蓬勃发展,”大成全球董事会非执行主席 Nicholas Howon Park 表示。“Kate 对我们的目标表现出了最高的承诺——重新定义可能性并塑造未来——我代表我们的领导层欢迎她加入我们的组织。”
任命全球首席执行官的过程由大成全球董事会人才与治理委员会主席 Gerald Singham 领导,并得到了公司全球董事会和全球咨询委员会(由公司的区域和地方董事会组成)的支持。该过程探索了所有地区的内部和外部候选人。
Barton 在她的职业生涯中获得了无数荣誉和奖项,包括因其在税收方面的技术创新而获得 Women World Awards 颁发的“年度女性高管”奖、Stevie Awards 颁发的“年度女性——商业服务”奖和《纽约商业杂志》颁发的“最具影响力的女性”奖。她是 All Stars National、Shanti Bhavan、爱尔兰基金晚宴委员会、波士顿学院法学院院长顾问委员会和波士顿大学管理学院顾问委员会的董事。她是纽约和马萨诸塞州的注册会计师,马萨诸塞州和波士顿律师协会的成员,并且获得了 NACD 董事认证。Barton 在波士顿大学法学院获得税务法学硕士学位,在波士顿学院法学院以优异成绩获得法学博士学位(法学荣誉勋章)??,并在波士顿大学获得工商管理学士学位。
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关于 Dentons
Dentons 遍及 80 多个国家/地区,帮助您发展、保护、运营和融资为您的组织提供独特的全球和深度本地法律解决方案。我们以多中心、目标为导向,致力于包容、多样性、公平和可持续性,专注于对您最重要的事情。
Dentons elects Kate Barton as new Global CEO
Kate Barton succeeds Elliott Portnoy, the founding Global CEO who has served since 2013
July 24, 2024
Dentons, the world's largest global law firm, today announced that its Global Board of Directors and Global Advisory Committee have elected Kate Barton as the Firm’s next Global CEO. Barton will join Dentons from EY, where she has had a highly distinguished 35-year career in a variety of executive leadership roles, most recently as Global Vice Chair. She will succeed Elliott Portnoy, the founding Global CEO, who has served since the Firm’s launch in 2013.
Barton led multiple business units at EY, a $50 billion organization operating in 150 countries around the world. In addition to serving as Global Vice Chair, she was CEO of Tax, Law, and People Advisory Services, which had a global workforce of 70,000 professionals and – under her leadership – generated revenues in excess of $11 billion. Among other achievements, she helped to transform EY’s global tax practice through strategic investments in people, technology, global shared service centers, world-class methods and processes, and M&A activity.
Barton will join Dentons in early September to begin a meaningful handover period with Portnoy, whose term ends on November 9, 2024. Barton will start her term as Global CEO on November 10, 2024.
“Kate has extensive experience in leading a complex and global professional service organization and has an outstanding skillset in managing people, processes and systems. Her successful client service experience, coupled with her thoughtful approach to integration, make her the ideal individual to lead our Firm,” said Elliott Portnoy, Global CEO. “She has my unqualified support, and I am confident she will lead Dentons from strength to even greater strength and success.”
Reflecting on her appointment, Kate said, “I have watched Dentons redefine the legal services landscape with its pioneering business strategy and client offerings. Under Elliott’s leadership, this Firm has differentiated itself with its polycentric approach and integrated cross-border and multidisciplinary client engagements, proving that uniting and operating as one firm is far more impactful. I am looking forward to working with Elliott on a transition and to collaborating with Dentons’ accomplished regional leadership to continue challenging industry norms and adapting to the ever-changing world of technology and innovation faced by law firms and professional service firms around the world in order to deliver excellence for the benefit of our people and our clients.”
As founding Global CEO, Portnoy has overseen significant growth – Dentons serves clients in 167 locations in 82 countries – while advancing the Firm’s distinctive “uniquely global, deeply local” approach to professional services. Under his leadership, Dentons has become one of the best known and most favorably regarded law firms in surveys of the world’s most important purchasers of legal and business solutions services.
“Both Dentons and the broader legal profession have benefited enormously from Elliott’s visionary leadership and accomplishments. We thank him for his service and for positioning Dentons to continue thriving in today’s dynamic environment,” said Nicholas Howon Park, Non-Executive Chair of the Global Board – Dentons. “Kate has shown the highest commitment to our purpose – redefining what is possible and shaping the future – and I speak on behalf of our leadership in welcoming her into our organization.”
The process to appoint the Global CEO was led by Dentons’ Global Board Talent & Governance Committee Chair, Gerald Singham, with the support of the Firm’s Global Board and Global Advisory Committee (which is composed of the Firm’s regional and local boards). The process explored both internal and external candidates across all geographies.
Barton has received numerous honors and awards over the course of her career, including “Female Executive of the Year” by Women World Awards for her technology innovation in tax, “Woman of the Year – Business Services” by the Stevie Awards, and “Women of Influence” by the New York Business Journal. She serves on the Boards of All Stars National, Shanti Bhavan, The Ireland Funds Dinner Committee, Boston College Law Deans Advisory Council and Boston University School of Management Advisory Council. She is a licensed CPA in New York and Massachusetts, a member of the Massachusetts and Boston Bar Associations, and is NACD Director Certified. Barton earned her LLM in Taxation from Boston University School of Law, her JD in Law, Order of the Coif, from Boston College Law School where she was Magna Cum Laude, and her BS in Business Administration from Boston University.
About Dentons
Across over 80 countries, Dentons helps you grow, protect, operate and finance your organization by providing uniquely global and deeply local legal solutions. Polycentric, purpose-driven and committed to inclusion, diversity, equity and sustainability, we focus on what matters most to you. www.dentons.com