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Once again, my heart is always filled with joy when I can be here again speaking to all of you. Fill your hearts with Light. Don’t let your surroundings get you down. I can assure you, difficult times are already upon us. And they will be difficult for many reasons. The extreme violence, the barbaric episodes, humanity’s own actions, the events on Gaia, the transformations on your planet.


Everything will happen at the same time. There is no room for judgment, against anyone or against what. This is a time not to judge. It’s time not to ask. Why? The moment is to live each lesson with a heart full of Love and Light.


Don’t go deeper into suffering. Don’t fill your hearts with pain and sadness. Many are leaving and many will still go. It’s up to each soul to live these moments or not; to evolve in the physical body or not. Don’t judge either. Each one is going their own way. Be ready, because many will leave.


You have to be in your heart. You have to feel love for yourself and for your entire journey. Remember, it was your soul’s choice to be here. Be grateful for the choice you made. Don’t criticize your soul, no matter how hard its journey. Because if your soul has made this choice, it knows that you are capable of making it. Your Higher Self knows what you are capable of.


So just walk. Take one step at a time. Don’t try to run. This is not a time for running. This is a time for slow, careful steps, because each step you take now will generate the step you will take later.


Try not to make mistakes. Always try to stay within the Divine Laws. Fear nothing. Ask for our help at all times. Don’t think that you’re bothering us. This is our role. This is my role, as the Christ Being who came to this planet to sow Christ Consciousness.


My arms are open to each one of you, and it’s up to each one of you. Like me, all the other Beings of Light are available, ready to help you. Don’t try to think you’re too strong and get through without help. You won’t make it. You will need our help.


These will be very difficult times for many. They will be terrible times for many. They will be moments of total despair for many. Don’t think you’re too strong, because we know you won’t be. So be ready to ask for our help, at any time, at any moment. Trust in our help. Trust that you will be able to get through it all.


Trust in what is being done for the evolution of this planet, for your evolution. You have to break down barriers. Mountains have to be removed.


You have to move the Earth. You have to destroy whole layers of negativity.


Strengthen your hearts with love. It’s the only way. And know that we are in control. Nothing that happens will be the result of the shadows. It will be the necessary changes that have to be made by the Light, to put an end to the shadows. To put an end to everything negative that is still on this planet. You will survive. Those who are ready, those who ask for our help, those who believe in the New World. And you will get there.


Now come the difficult tests, where you will apply everything you have learned. But above all, never forget that we are just a thought away. And we are ready to take each one of you into our arms; to support you, strengthen you and prepare you for the next one. This is the way.


And let go of everything and everyone. Be ready for anything. And know, none of this is punishment. Don’t ever think that. It’s just the consequences of everything you’ve created. You have to learn. You have to live what you have caused.


Be ready, my sons and daughters, with a lot of love in your hearts. And be sure, as Michael says, the world will fall around you, but if you have faith, you will stand up. Don’t doubt it.




