硅谷工匠 【not that there is anything wrong with it.】
George 骗人说自己是 gay,以便更容易带女人回家。
有一次 George 假装 gay 真带了一个女人回家,正好 Jerry 正在和一个女伴在家里,戳穿了他的谎言(George 说 Jerry 是他的男同志)。
George 为了圆谎,指责 Jerry 背叛了男同。
Jerry 的女伴信以为真,夺门而走。
Jerry 为劝女伴回来,说他自己不是 gay,虽然 not that there's anything wrong with that。
I see your point that Jews are the problem of the world. They represent evil side of extremity whether it’s capitalism or communism.The problem is extremity, so the solution would be zhongyongnism. Now America is too left and needs to be right.
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硅谷工匠 发表评论于
CCP brainwash people thinking Communists fight capitalism. That is a JOKE. People are lead to think communist must fight capitalism. That is wrong my friend. The biggest communists are actually so called capitalists. Jews are communists. They are also capitalist. Capitalism and communism leaders are the same guy, they live on the Wall Street. They are Jewish, not that there is anything wrong with it.
For capitalists, communism is a marketing slogan and business model. For communists, capitalism is how they make sure everyone shuts up.