AI Finding agreement through a free exchange of views

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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I don't know How, but I put hope on AI to come up with solutions to break the deadlocks:

  • BY
    • Michael Henry Tessler
    • Michiel A. Bakker
    • Daniel Jarrett
    • Hannah Sheahan
    • Martin J. Chadwick
    • Raphael Koster
    • Georgina Evans
    • Lucy Campbell-Gillingham
    • Tantum Collins
    • David C. Parkes
    • [...]
    • Christopher Summerfield
  • Free
Finding agreement through a free exchange of views is often difficult. Collective deliberation can be slow, difficult to scale, and unequally attentive to different voices. In this study, we trained an artificial intelligence (AI) to mediate human ...
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Public opinion alone won’t save democracy
BY Brendan Nyhan, Rocío Titiunik
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    • Scott Williamson
    • Eddy S. F. Yeung
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How do people around the world define democracy? Answering this question is critical as countries face democratic backsliding and authoritarian governments promote alternative notions of democracy. Indeed, some scholars argue that people from different ...
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Public opinion alone won’t save democracy
BY Brendan Nyhan, Rocío Titiunik
17 Oct 2024