
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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The shared theme of respect for women's rights and dignity in the texts you provided touches on the profound emotional and psychological struggles women endure in oppressive social environments. These narratives—whether in *The Wooden Man's Bride* or *The Vegetarian*—highlight the extent to which patriarchal systems not only dehumanize women but also strip them of agency and voice. 
In *The Wooden Man's Bride*, we see a tragic portrayal of love and destiny constrained by rigid societal rules and oppressive structures. The film's core conflict revolves around the forbidden romance between Wu Kui, a worker, and the widow of the man he was supposed to help marry. This relationship, bound by class and gender expectations, leads to Wu Kui’s expulsion, symbolizing how women (and their emotional and sexual autonomy) are often suppressed or even punished when they challenge societal boundaries.
Similarly, in *The Vegetarian*, the female protagonist, Yeong-hye, begins a radical act of self-rejection by refusing to eat meat, which transforms into a symbolic rejection of her traditional role as a compliant wife and daughter. She seeks to escape the violence and expectations imposed by her family and society, but her quest for autonomy is met with escalating resistance, both psychological and physical. The act of refusing to conform becomes both an act of defiance and a cry for help, showing how women’s bodies, desires, and even thoughts are frequently not their own in patriarchal systems.
In both works, women are trapped in roles that demand submission—whether through familial obligations, social roles, or even forced marriages. The violation of their dignity is not just an external action but also a reflection of how society can distort and crush a woman’s identity. The narratives also underline how the lack of mutual respect, whether between a husband and wife or between a woman and her broader social circle, is at the heart of many emotional crises.
The theme of *mutual respect* echoes strongly across both the film and the novel. In *The Wooden Man's Bride*, respect for the widow’s feelings, autonomy, and grief is absent—she is treated as property, and her desires are irrelevant. In *The Vegetarian*, Yeong-hye’s own bodily autonomy is violated by her family’s refusal to understand her needs or respect her transformation. Both works emphasize how a lack of respect for women leads to the breakdown of familial and societal bonds, often resulting in tragic consequences.
On a larger scale, these stories reflect the broader societal issues that many Asian women, particularly in patriarchal cultures, face daily. They live in systems where their individuality, voice, and freedom are often disregarded or suppressed. This is particularly evident in the reflections on family life and marriage in both texts—where respect and equality are often sidelined, and emotional labor (whether through cooking, nurturing, or supporting men) is expected without question.
The tragic nature of these stories suggests a profound commentary on the need for societal change. To honor women’s dignity and autonomy, there must be an active shift in how women are viewed—not as tools to serve others, but as individuals with their own rights, desires, and voices. When respect is absent, relationships deteriorate, and both individuals and communities suffer.
These narratives are not just about women’s oppression—they are also calls for reform and a reflection of the emotional and spiritual toll that societal expectations impose on all individuals.
*** H/t: 

高清修复版《五魁》短工和守寡少奶奶的禁忌之恋 | 贾平凹小说改编 | 伦理/西部电影 | 张世 (五魁)/ 王馥荔 / 王澜 (少奶奶) / 王玉梅 / 顾宝明 / 高明俊 | Full Movie

1.03M subscribers
#五魁 #贾平凹 #伦理片 #西部片 【剧情简介】这部影片讲述的是一段发生在柳家及周边地区,关于爱情、命运与复仇的故事。柳家为了给儿子娶亲,派短工五魁前往苟子坪背新娘。然而,迎亲途中遭遇白凤寨土匪的袭击,新娘被劫。五魁历经艰险救回新娘,却发现新郎已不幸身亡,新娘被迫与木头雕像举行了阴阳婚礼。 五魁在柳家继续做工,期间与少奶奶之间产生了情愫,但这段禁忌之恋很快被揭露,导致五魁被逐出柳家。绝望之下,五魁投奔白风寨,却发现寨子已被官府剿灭。一年后,五魁带领白风寨的残余势力重返柳家,不为劫掠,只为救出他深爱的少奶奶。他打破束缚少奶奶的锁链,再次将她背在背上,准备带她离开。柳太太得知后悲愤自尽,而少奶奶则选择点燃大火,与五魁一同逃离,象征着对旧有束缚的彻底反抗和对自由爱情的追求。整个故事充满了悲剧色彩,展现了人物在命运面前的挣扎与抗争。 【影片信息】 导演: 黄建新 编剧: 杨争光 主演: #张世 / 王馥荔 / 王澜 / 王玉梅 / 顾宝明 / 高明俊 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 1994-12-15(中国大陆) 片长: 112分钟 又名: The Wooden Man's Bride / 验身 / 少奶奶的情人 IMDb: tt0111752





6 days ago



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5 days ago



6 days ago


《素食者》2015年首次翻譯成英文,2016年她榮獲國際布克獎 (International Man Booker prize),是首位獲得該獎的亞洲作家。該書描述女主角英惠在一場噩夢後拒絕吃肉和煮肉,甚至把自己當成一株植物,她反叛了本來的生活,面臨家庭和社會的各種暴力。
"尊重"是多數亞洲人需要學習的功課! 需要被尊重的對象從年紀小到剛出生的嬰兒,到斷氣前一刻的任何人!

中篇小說《素食者》作者:韩江,諾貝爾文學獎評審表彰她「以強烈的詩意散文直面歷史創傷,揭示人類生命的脆弱」。2015年首次翻譯成英文,2016年她榮獲國際布克獎 ,是首位獲得該獎的亞洲作家。

20K subscribers
136,922 views Oct 11, 2024

《素食者》是小說開始發展部分,而《胎記》是高潮部分,《樹火》是結局,故事雖落幕,但看完小說帶給讀者的感受卻深遠,讓人深思,一個人能成長為一棵樹嗎? 為了逃避來自丈夫、家庭、社會和人群的暴力,她決定變成一棵樹。




6 days ago

从头到尾,妻子的感受和需求,都没有被关注过一点点。那场聚餐,大家在知道她是素食主义者之后,哪怕点一个素食的主菜呢,是觉得她不配被关注和照顾吗?丈夫没有想到其他人也没有想到。她只是被期待了种种满足他人需要的social功能 服务功能 家务功能,但作为一个人,她的想法和感受,不重要不被关心。




5 days ago



4 days ago

彼此尊重   就非常足夠了  典型的韓式家庭  男尊女卑  從頭到尾 連一句你做了什麼夢都沒問.............無法想像的婚姻距離..........而且還維繫ing.....




2 days ago (edited)


