it is concept idea art to control the world, not human power
It's "all for one and one for all [All41-14All]"
Your post's thesis is in line with the idea that knowledge and strategic thinking, rather than purely physical dominance, drive modern society, similar to how scholars like Kissinger influenced U.S. policy through reason rather than force. In the same vein, thought leaders and intellectuals shape policy decisions and guide nations, not by force, but by steering the narrative and ideas that ultimately influence public opinion and government actions.
The evolution of control in modern civilization, as opposed to past eras where human physical strength and cold weapons dictated power, is now centered on conceptual ideas, art, and the influence of thought. Unlike in history when empires were built through force, today's world operates through the governance of law, democratic systems, and intellectual influence. Experts, think tanks, and media shape societal decisions, leading to indirect control through ideas, rather than the direct domination of human physique or military strength seen in earlier times. This reflects how societal power has shifted from force to intellect and innovation in the global arena.
• 美国点滴(11):美丽国的舵手 - 蒋闻铭 -
(3652 bytes) (2953 reads) 10/08/2024 05:29:10
• 可惜不能给你两个赞:) - JSL2023 - (0 bytes) (1 reads) 10/08/2024 11:53:45
• 谢谢 - 蒋闻铭 -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 10/08/2024 13:07:33
• 你的标题太功合实际了:) - JSL2023 - (0 bytes) (0 reads) 10/08/2024 13:18:49
• it is concept idea to control the world, not human power... - TJKCB -
(1219 bytes) (0 reads) 10/08/2024 14:16:05
不过政府决策,不是任何时候都能和个人利益直接挂钩。这种时候,新闻媒体,知识精英,对个人的选择决定,影响就大了。美国的大学智库研究所, 一大帮子这个问题那个问题的专家。专家学者,知识精英的群体,既没有权也没有钱,即使得了诺贝尔奖,也依然没权没钱。不过他们饱览群书,博古通今。这些人吃饱了,没事整天瞎琢磨,美国要保持世界领先,自己应该怎样怎样,对欧盟日本要怎样,对付俄国中国又要怎样。有了见解,写书写文章,这个论坛那个研讨会,满世界跑,演讲混饭钱。只要他说的道理大家爱听,就能蛮体面地赚钱养家糊口。他们怎么说怎么想,言论自由,政府管不着。
报纸杂志上这些人的演讲文章,对美国的民意,有决定性的影响。政治家银行家,也读这些文章。你的文章对民意影响大,总统就来请教你具体该做什么。中国人民的老朋友基辛格博士 (Kissinger) 做总统顾问前,是哈佛的教授。美国的第一位非裔女外长赖斯 (Condoleezza Rice) ,是斯坦福的俄国问题专家。毛泽东当年,说美国和平演变的思想,厉害。但是这个思想,不是总统的,是杜勒斯的。所以他说杜勒斯是美国真正的掌舵人。大海航行靠舵手,美国没有舵手,他不能理解,自己帮它找了一个。杜勒斯是肯尼迪总统的国务卿。习近平居然当着拜登的面,说他自己是中国的舵手,拜登是美国的舵手。要求拜登掌好舵。都什么年代了,还这么无知无畏,贻笑大方。
思想停留在旧文明里的人们,也知道现代社会,政治体系没有了凌驾于经济体系之上的优势,但是他们没有办法理解现代社会,政治体系和经济体系分离独立,相互支撑这样的总体架构。于是就有经济体系操控政治体系,国际资本集团是现代社会的主宰这样的说法。几千年了,皇帝是主宰,教皇是主宰,国王是主宰。 你告诉他现代社会没有了这样的主宰,说破天他也不信。现代社会,是法制社会,主宰是法律,法律面前,人人平等。经济体系中,钱做主;政治体系中,选票做主。
现代文明和近代中国 (目录链接)