哈里斯在高知家庭都读不好书,必须依靠现在已经判违宪的平权法案读三流法学院。她的法学院的照顾计划叫“Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP), 专门为照顾“educational disadvantage, economic hardship, or disability”学生设计的。哈里斯到底克服了什么困难?父母双亲都是Tenured Professors,收入是普通美国民众的几倍。长在离婚家庭的美国孩子以百万计算,美国一半的婚姻以失败告终。
可见该法学院网站的进一步说明:“LEOP offers admission to approximately 50 high-achieving students each year—up to 20 percent of the class—who have experienced major life hurdles, such as educational disadvantage, economic hardship, or disability,” the article says. “The majority are students of color.““;
即使这样受到如此关照,哈里斯仍然不好好读书,她在首次的律师执照的考试中没有通过。可见媒体这样介绍她:“FAILED Bar Exam and, after needing a do-over, eventually passed. Only 18% of her UC Hastings law classmates failed the bar that year” (“未通过律师考试,之后重新参加才通过。她那一年在加州大学赫斯廷斯法学院的同学中,只有 18% 未通过律师考试。”)。
Kamala Harris graduated from Hastings college of law. The law school is ranked 82nd out of 196 law schools. She took her bar exam and failed, she failed the exam, she never had any of her business, never had her own employees, ever. In 2017 to 2021. She served in the California Senate, during those four years she worked on 164 pieces of legislation, not one of them ever became the law, her job approval was 8%. What makes it worse is that she is a liberal governing in a liberal State and she was still zero for 164, so, during four years she accomplished nothing. As Vice President she has a record of the lowest approval rating ever in the history of this country 28%.
回复 '老财主说两句' 的评论 : +1 LOL!
雅美博主提到“Opportunity Program (LEOP), 专门为照顾“educational disadvantage, economic hardship, or disability”学生”,根据老哈的家庭经济情况, by elimination, 她拿到这个奖学金的唯一理由就是“disability”, I wonder what kind of “disability” she suffered from;) Low IQ?
刚刚看了JD Vance 在 MSG Rally 的讲演,wow, amazing! 他给老哈建议一个口号:“Nothing comes to mind!” 哈哈哈!