2024-10 美零元購再升級 不甩警直接搶火車

1... Oct 11, 2024, Thieves loot freight train on West Side, Chicago police say; at least 6 arrested


2... Oct 12, 2024, Chicago Railway Cargo Heist: A Bold Theft Sparks Concerns Over Broken System


2024-10 美零元購再升级 不甩警直接抢火车

芝加哥警方称,窃贼抢劫西区货运列车;至少 6 人被捕


作者 Tre Ward WLS logo 2024 年 10 月 11 日

芝加哥 (WLS)——芝加哥警方正在调查周五下午该市西区发生的一起铁路货物盗窃案。

Chopper 7 在现场上方拍摄了这起明目张胆的货运抢劫案,一群明显的小偷被发现在南奥斯汀洗劫一列货运列车,翻遍了多箱商品。

目击者告诉 ABC7,在警察到达之前,至少有十几个人参与了近一个小时的入室盗窃。






芝加哥警方表示,警察在下午 4 点前赶到了北拉蒙大道 400 街区的现场。





警方称,去年 8 月,在城市西区的劳勒和金齐附近,窃贼闯入另一列货运列车,偷走了多个装满电视的箱子。



联合太平洋公司现已从 CPD 接手调查,该公司表示,至少有六人被捕,部分货物被追回。


警方调查时,Metra 列车在 Kedzie 附近停了下来。



作者:Gloria Ogbonna | 2024 年 10 月 12 日



Chopper 7 拍摄了现场的航拍画面,显示一群明显的小偷正在翻找一辆停下的货运列车上的多箱商品。


目击者称现场景象令人难以置信。“当我看到那些家伙时,我心想,‘哎呀,这看起来不对劲’,”当地居民 Princess Shaw 说。她和其他人目睹了这群窃贼公然闯入火车车厢,抢劫似乎是零售商品的东西。Shaw 拍了几张犯罪过程的照片,被窃贼的大胆行为震惊了。



芝加哥警方在下午 4 点前赶到现场。在北拉蒙大道 400 号街区。到那时,窃贼已经在抢劫中取得了重大进展。







就在几个月前的 8 月,窃贼瞄准了劳勒和金齐附近的另一列货运列车,偷走了装满电视机的箱子。这已经成为一种机会主义盗窃的模式,由于缺乏预防措施,居民们感到脆弱和沮丧。



肖和其他当地人认为,这些盗窃直接反映了该地区更广泛的社会和经济困境。 “这是一起机会犯罪,发生在一个机会稀少的社区,”肖哀叹道。

联合太平洋铁路公司从芝加哥警察局 (CPD) 接手了调查,并确认至少有六人因盗窃被捕。




此次调查还导致通勤服务中断,当局对盗窃案进行??调查期间,Metra 列车在凯齐附近停运。




来源 ABC7

作者:Gloria Ogbonna Gloria Ogbonna 是一位杰出的人,她毫不费力地将讲故事和写作技巧结合在一起。从小,她就拥有一种好奇的精神和一支注定要成就伟大的笔。她对人类体验的天生把握和发掘不为人知的故事的永不满足的渴望凸显了她非凡的旅程。格洛丽亚拥有独特的才能,能够创作出留下深远影响的文字,展示了她通过沟通艺术创造变革的能力。本文表达的观点均为作者本人观点,不代表 yourNEWS 的官方立场。(注:文章可能不是原创内容。请注明原文出处。)

Thieves loot freight train on West Side, Chicago police say; at least 6 arrested


 ByTre Ward   Oct 11, 2024

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chicago police are investigating a railway cargo theft Friday afternoon on the city's West Side.

Chopper 7 was above the scene, showing the brazen freight heist as a mob of apparent thieves were seen ransacking a cargo train in South Austin, ripping through multiple boxes of merchandise.

Witnesses told ABC7 at least a dozen people took part in the burglary for nearly an hour before police even arrived.

"When I seen the guys up there, I'm like, 'Eh, this doesn't look right,'" witness Princess Shaw said. "As we were coming down, we saw the gentleman on Cicero itself, opening up the freight train."

That's when Shaw said she began snapping pictures just as the group began breaking into the freight cars.

Who's really doing something about this, right? Because obviously this is a broken system.
Princess Shaw, witness
In a statement late Friday, a spokesperson for Union Pacific said "the train was stopped, awaiting an interchange with a partner railroad, when thieves began opening containers."

Chicago police said officers responded to the scene just before 4 p.m. in the 400 block of North Lamon Avenue.

"We just seen the police just, like, flying down here from all different directions," Shaw said.

At one point, police officers were seen drawing their weapons and aiming them toward at least one vehicle apparently speeding away from the scene.

The railway is no stranger to these type of freight cargo thefts. It was the second time in a few months people allegedly broke into cargo trains on the train route.

"This happens on and on, over and over again," Shaw said.

It was back in August, near Lawler and Kinzie on the city's West Side, when thieves broke into another freight train and got away with multiple boxes full of TVs, police said.

It is a crime of opportunity in a West Side neighborhood that Shaw said, for many, is empty of opportunities.

"Who's really doing something about this, right?" Shaw said. "Because obviously this is a broken system."

Union Pacific, who has now taken over the investigation from CPD, said at least six people have been arrested and some of the merchandise was recovered.

In a statement earlier Friday, a Union Pacific spokesperson said, "rail burglaries pose a safety threat to the public, our employees and local law enforcement officers."

Metra trains were stopped near Kedzie when police were investigating.

Chicago Railway Cargo Heist: A Bold Theft Sparks Concerns Over Broken System


by  | Oct 12, 2024

A brazen railway cargo theft on Chicago’s West Side has left local residents and authorities questioning the efficacy of the system designed to prevent such crimes.

Chicago police are currently investigating the broad daylight heist that unfolded Friday afternoon, where a mob of thieves ransacked a freight train in the South Austin neighborhood.

Chopper 7 captured aerial footage of the scene, revealing a group of apparent thieves ripping through multiple boxes of merchandise aboard a stopped cargo train.

The chaotic scene unfolded for nearly an hour before police arrived, allowing the mob to loot undeterred.

Witnesses described the scene as surreal. “When I saw the guys up there, I was like, ‘Eh, this doesn’t look right,’” said local resident Princess Shaw. She, along with others, witnessed the group of thieves brazenly breaking into the train cars as they looted what appeared to be retail merchandise. Shaw took several pictures of the crime in progress, stunned by the audacity of the thieves.

“As we were coming down, we saw the gentlemen on Cicero itself, opening up the freight train,” she added, highlighting the lack of any immediate law enforcement response.

The heist occurred as the train was stopped, waiting for an interchange with a partner railroad. A Union Pacific spokesperson explained that the thieves began opening containers during this brief stoppage.

Chicago police responded to the scene just before 4 p.m. in the 400 block of North Lamon Avenue. By that time, the thieves had made significant headway in their robbery.

Witnesses, like Shaw, described the overwhelming sight of police cars flooding the scene from multiple directions.

“We just saw the police flying down here from all different directions,” Shaw said. At one point, officers were seen drawing their weapons and aiming them at a vehicle that was attempting to speed away from the crime scene.

Despite the arrival of law enforcement, the crime had already been largely committed. Shaw, frustrated by the repeated freight train thefts in her neighborhood, voiced a sentiment shared by many: “Who’s really doing something about this, right? Because obviously this is a broken system.”

Her statement reflects a growing concern among residents that the issue is systemic and that current efforts to curb such crimes are failing.

This incident is not an isolated one. Cargo thefts have been a recurring issue along Chicago’s railway system, particularly on the West Side.

Just a few months earlier, in August, thieves targeted another freight train near Lawler and Kinzie, making off with boxes full of televisions. It’s become a pattern of opportunistic thefts that have left residents feeling vulnerable and frustrated by the lack of preventive measures.

“This happens on and on, over and over again,” Shaw said, underscoring the repetitive nature of these crimes.

The West Side, a neighborhood often described as lacking in economic opportunities, has become a hotspot for such criminal activity.

Shaw and other locals believe that these thefts are a direct reflection of the broader social and economic struggles in the area. “It’s a crime of opportunity in a neighborhood where opportunities are few and far between,” Shaw lamented.

Union Pacific has since taken over the investigation from the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and confirmed that at least six individuals have been arrested in connection with the theft.

Some of the stolen merchandise has been recovered, but the full extent of the loss is still being assessed.

In a statement released earlier on Friday, a Union Pacific spokesperson highlighted the gravity of the situation, saying, “Rail burglaries pose a safety threat to the public, our employees, and local law enforcement officers.”

The company, which manages the freight lines, expressed concern over the ongoing thefts and vowed to continue working closely with law enforcement to prevent future incidents.

The investigation also caused disruptions to commuter services, with Metra trains stopped near Kedzie while authorities conducted their investigation into the theft.

The daring nature of this latest cargo theft, combined with its repetition in the area, raises serious questions about the effectiveness of security along Chicago’s freight lines.

Residents like Princess Shaw are left wondering when, or if, the cycle of theft will end and whether meaningful reforms will be put in place to address the underlying issues.

As the investigation continues, many in the community are calling for stronger preventative measures to protect their neighborhoods and ensure that rail systems are secure from further theft.

Source ABC7

Posted by Gloria Ogbonna Gloria Ogbonna stands as an exceptional individual who effortlessly weaves together the crafts of storytelling and writing. From an early age, she possessed an inquisitive spirit and a pen destined for greatness. Her innate grasp of the human experience and an insatiable yearning to unearth untold stories underscore her remarkable journey. Gloria possesses a distinct talent for crafting words that leave a profound impact, showcasing her ability to create change through the art of communication. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of yourNEWS. (Note: Articles may not be original content. Reference byline for original source.)
美「零元購」再升級!不甩警直接搶火車 居民:像耶誕節拆禮物

美國「零元購」再升級,嫌不甩警直接搶貨運火車。(圖/翻攝自 X@Manokekame1)美國「零元購」再升級,嫌不甩警直接搶貨運火車。(圖/翻攝自 X@Manokekame1)
過去幾年,美國出現所謂的「零元購」(zero-dollar shopping)搶劫現象,犯罪者從貨架中偷走商品,大搖大擺離開卻沒人敢阻止。這種現象起源於美國加州,但隨著全美經濟情況不佳,已逐漸蔓延至其他城市。近日芝加哥(Chicago)也發生一起鐵路貨運搶劫案,一群竊賊肆無忌憚地洗劫一列貨運列車,目擊者傻眼表示:「他們就像過聖誕節一樣把車廂打開。」
《ABC7》等媒體報導,事發於美國時間11日下午,一群竊賊埋伏在芝加哥西部南奧斯汀(South Austin)車站,趁一列貨運列車靠站時蜂擁而上,闖入列車車廂撕開多個裝有商品的箱子。目擊者蕭(Princess Shaw)透露,警方抵達現場前,至少有十幾人偷竊長達1小時,遭竊物品包括電視、氣炸鍋和其他電子產品。



聯合太平洋鐵路公司(Union Pacific)發言人11日晚間表示:「列車靠站與鐵路公司交接時,竊賊開始打開集裝箱。」該公司表示,至少有6人被捕,部分贓物已被追回。



提案通過後,雖然加州成功減少了監獄人口,但也導致犯罪氾濫,連鎖商店像是沃爾瑪(Walmart)、Apple Store;住宅區、車輛內物品都成了搶劫受害者,即使有清楚的影片證據,警察依然不受理。
