


作者:Sasha Loftis 2024 年 10 月 11 日

拉斯维加斯 (KLAS) – 拉斯维加斯市发布的统计数据显示,山谷无家可归者可以使用的服务有所增加。


“当你准备好时,”外联团队成员 Leslie Ann Ferrell 对一位目前无家可归的人说。 “总有一天你会给我打电话的。”

Ferrell 是多机构外联资源参与团队 (MORE) 的成员,该团队与当地执法部门合作提供资源。



据市政府官员称,2023 年,庭院无家可归者资源中心提供了近 12,000 项服务,包括淋浴、医疗和就业援助。

内华达州的无家可归者人数也创下了 10 年来的新高,有 7,906 人流落街头。人口普查数据还显示,一年内无家可归者人数增加了 20%。

拉斯维加斯市议员维多利亚·西曼和前国会女议员雪莱·伯克利在本周 8 News Now 的市长辩论中谈到了无家可归问题。


她们都分享了自己对城市现行露营禁令的立场,并提出了一项扩大禁令的提议,即允许法官在两次定罪后判处 10 天监禁或康复。





拉斯维加斯市每年拨款 1100 多万美元用于运营庭院无家可归者资源中心,另外拨款 530 万美元用于康复护理中心。



City of Las Vegas shares services accessed by homeless population as numbers rise in Nevada



LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – The City of Las Vegas released statistics, showing a rise in services accessed by the valley’s homeless population.

City officials shared a video of outreach groups hitting the streets to help those in need.

“When you’re ready,” outreach team member Leslie Ann Ferrell said to someone currently unhoused. “One day you are going to give me a call.”

Ferrell is part of the Multi-Agency Outreach Resource Engagement Team (MORE) which works with local law enforcement to offer resources.

The City of Las Vegas released statistics, showing a rise in services accessed by the valley’s homeless population. (KLAS)

“You could do your own thing, but I say give it a try,” Ferrell said to another person. “What would it hurt? We’re right here.”

According to city officials, in 2023, nearly 12,000 services were accessed at The Courtyard Homeless Resource Center, including showers, medical care, and employment assistance.

Homelessness also hit a 10-year high in Nevada, with 7,906 living on the street. Census numbers also show a 20% increase in those unhoused in one year.

Las Vegas City Councilwoman Victoria Seaman and Former Congresswoman Shelley Berkley touched on homelessness during this week’s mayoral debate on 8 News Now.

“Homelessness has no boundaries,” Seaman said. “And the city has been dealing with it, the shelter, the corridor.”

Each shared her stance on the city’s current camping ban and a proposal to expand it, which would allow a judge to call for 10 days in jail or rehabilitation after two convictions.

“I don’t think homelessness should be criminalized,” Berkley said. “I think it is a humanitarian issue.”

“The purpose is to give them that opportunity to get services,” Seaman countered, supporting the ban. “To get services over at the corridor.”

Those pounding the pavement called it crucial work to turn things around one person at a time.

“It’s important to me,” Ferrell said. “To make other people feel heard.”

The City of Las Vegas allocates over $11 million a year to operate The Courtyard Homeless Resource Center and another $5.3 million for the Recuperative Care Center.
Clark County commissioners are also considering a similar ordinance to crack down on people sleeping in homeless encampments.

This comes after the U.S. Supreme Court vowed to back camping bans in cities across the country earlier this year.
