YouTube 老布什三子尼尔布什 中国被当作政治宣传工具

YouTube 美国前总统老布什三子尼尔。布什谈中美关系!中国现在被美国两党当作政治宣传工具




我很现实,这可能是中美关系的低谷,我乐观地认为情况不会再恶化了,我的意思是情况可能会变得更糟,但我乐观地认为情况会变得更糟我认为事情会循环往复,我们正处于这个周期的低谷,嗯,现在中国被美国两党视为威胁,中国很容易成为政治宣传的替罪羊,你知道,很容易抨击中国侵犯我们的权利,夺走我们的工作,用 ticktock 和华为做所有这些邪恶的事情,等等,我认为这些言论会逐渐平息,嗯,选举结束后,首先,我们意识到我们的经济已经被关税损害,双边贸易关系与中国的贸易关系没有邪恶的一面,它实际上非常健康,这对美国消费者有好处,对美国的繁荣也有好处,但对中国也有好处,所以这是一个典型的双赢局面,嗯,我认为美国人会意识到,中国人不是坏人,他们是好人,嗯,我另一个关键问题是中国的动机是什么?随着中国的发展,其军事力量显然也会增长,因为这就是各国建立国防能力的原因,问题是中国将如何使用这些军队,以及这些军队是否有可能以某种敌对的方式针对美国?我不认为这是中国的意图,你知道我父亲从不相信中国是美国的敌人,我想如果你这样对待他们,朋友就会变成敌人,但如果我们最终卷入某种冲突,对两国和世界来说都是毁灭性的,所以是的,我现实地认为我们正处于低谷,乐观地期待着上升,当理性思维占上风时,你如何看待中国经济的未来,如果中国和美国的公司和其他人能够合作,还有哪些其他潜力?答是的,潜力很大,现在合作的前景很好只是因为地缘政治紧张局势,我认为中国受到了贸易关系的伤害,关税,我们的贸易债务下降了,贸易额下降了,我不确定我现在是否看好在中国的投资,但我会看好中国复兴的长期前景,或者你知道反弹,你知道地缘政治局势使事情倒退,中国有足够多的消费人口和足够大的创新中心,有许多企业家或许多中小型企业将成长并变得繁荣,所以我不会打赌中国经济会下跌,我不是经济学家,但仅从我在街上听到的和我读到的,我不会预测中国会在短期内实现强劲增长

就像你之前提到的,你在过去几十年里来过中国 150 次,有人问过你为什么你经常去中国吗

太好了,我妻子问我你为什么要回中国?我不。我真的很喜欢访问中国。我从 1975 年开始,当时我 20 岁,还在上大学。我亲眼目睹了文化大革命期间的中国。文化大革命结束后,我每年都会回来。不是每年,80 年代,但从那以后,我每年都经常回来。亲眼目睹中国从一个非常贫穷的自行车国家崛起为现在的电动汽车领先国家,这真是一件了不起的事情。你知道,中国现在非常繁荣,这是 50 年前我第一次来这里时无法想象的。因此,亲眼目睹这一切对我来说真的很棒。我得出的结论是,大多数美国人




China right now is perceived as a threat to the United States by both political parties and China is an easy Whipping Boy for political propaganda and most Americans probably can't even tolerate that I will say this but that the Chinese system has worked for China so I'm I'm in a different Camp than 90% of the American people right now

you've been to China more than 100 times 150 times since the 1970s so you witness the ups and downs of China us relations at this particular time are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of China us relations 

I'm realistic that this is probably a low point in us China relations I'm optimistic that it can't get any worse I mean it could get worse but I'm optimistic that it won't get worse I think things ride in cycles and we're at a low EB of this cycle um China right now is perceived as a threat to the United States by both political parties and China is an easy Whipping Boy for political propaganda you know it's easy to bash China as infringing on our rights and taking our jobs and whatever doing all these evil things with ticktock and Huawei and blah blah blah I

think the rhetoric will die down um as one after this election is over first second after we realize that our economy has been damaged by tariffs and that the

relationship the bilateral trade relationship with China doesn't have an evilness to it that it's actually very healthy and that it's been good for American consumers and good for for America America's Prosperity but it's also been very good for China so there's been this classic win-win situation um and I think Americans going to realize

the Chinese aren't bad people you know that they're they're nice people and um and I the other kind of critical question is what are China's motivations as China grows clearly its military will also grow because that's what countries do they build up defense capabilities and the question is what will China use that military for and and is it possible that that military is going to be aimed

at America in some hostile way I don't think it I don't think that that's China's intentions at all you know my father never believed that China was enemy to the United States and I guess you can turn a friend into an enemy if

you treat them that way you know eventually but it would be devastating to to both countries and to the world if we ended up engaging in some kind of a conflict so yeah I'm I'm realistically suggesting that we're at a low Point

optimistically looking forward to to a to an upswing you know when when rational thought prevails

as a businessman and investor yourself um how do you see the future of China's economy and what other potentials if the companies and other people from China and America can work together

yeah the potential is great the the the prospects of working together right now are pretty pretty sluggish only because of the the geopolitical tensions China's been hurt I think by by our trade relationship with the tariffs our trade debt has gone down with China the trade exch the amount of trade exchange has gone down I'm not sure I'd be bullish right now on investing in China I would be bullish on the long-term prospects of China's Rejuvenation or you know rebounding you know Co set things back the geopolitical situation set things back and China has a large enough consumer population and a large enough Center of innovation there are many entrepreneurs or many small and medium-sized businesses that will grow and become you know prosperous so I I wouldn't bet against China's economy I'm not an economist but just from what I hear on the streets and what I read I wouldn't wouldn't predict China's robust growth anytime soon

like you mentioned before you came to China 150 times in the past few decades have anyone asked you why why you go to China so often 

that's a great my wife asks me that all the time why are you going back to China I don't I I really love my visits to China I started in 1975 when I was a 20-year-old man I was in college and I came and saw firsthand China during the cultural revolution the end of the cultural revolution and since then I've been coming back every every just about every year not every year in the in the 80s but since then I come back frequently um during every year and it's been a remarkable thing to witness China's rise from a very poor bicycling country to a country now that is the leading deployer of electric vehicles on the streets or you know where there's so much Prosperity that was unimaginable 50 years ago when I first came here and so it's been really wonderful for me to witness firsthand and and to I've come to the conclusion and most Americans probably can't even tolerate that I will say this but that the Chinese system has worked for China Chinese system has been so beneficial to hundreds of millions of people whose prospects for Prosperity




发表演讲,我们三四个人被要求向总统做三分钟的演讲,所以我在演讲中告诉他,我去过中国, 150 次左右,之后他说你需要让更多的人像你一样,你需要更多的人来,这是真的,如果你来一个国家,你已经预先设想了它会是什么样子,而这些观念受到现实的挑战,那里的人们很友好,食物很棒,进步是实实在在的,你可以看到所有这些进步,你知道,这些都是真实的证据,如果你真的花时间来看看今天我从北京乘坐高铁来到这里,你知道只是以非常高的速度行驶,而且是舒适的火车车厢,我们在美国没有这些,我不知道它们在中国是否具有经济可行性或成功,但这是我有点嫉妒的事情,我希望我能乘坐高铁从休斯顿到奥斯汀,你知道在我所在的州,这将非常有意义,但我们还没有能够绕过法规或限制完成任务 中国完成任务

我也去过美国很多次,和很多当地人交谈过,我发现很多人对我们很好,是的,但当然,一旦他们知道我来自中国,就会产生一定程度的误解和误导,是的,所以,我想前几天我看到新闻说,众议院通过了一项法案,筹集 16 亿美元用于在海外传播反华言论,所以我真的没有看到,是的,有新闻,所以它有可能通过成为法律,所以存在一定的误导,所以有了这种误导和造成一定的误解,我们如何才能让两国人民走到一起,确保我们相互理解

是的,我不知道这很难,我不知道这将如何改变,我确实认为我们处于低 E 水平,我确实认为两国关系将有所改善,我认为他们会更直接、更透明、更准确地沟通事实,你知道中国的动机是什么,你知道关税


更积极的方向,但你现在说得对,美国,你听说过《注定要开战》这本书吗,嗯,这是哈佛大学一位教授写的书,他研究了 16 个案例,其中一个老牌大国,比如美国,当今世界最强大的大国,面对一个崛起的大国

中国是一个崛起的大国,在 16 个案例中,有 12 个以战争告终,这是在过去 600 年里以战争告终的原因,一个崛起的大国和老牌大国最终陷入战争,因为老牌大国感到受到崛起的威胁,他们编造这些说法,说崛起的大国想要接管并成为地球上最强大的力量,或者崛起的大国将接管我的经济,或者崛起的大国,你知道我的意思,他们编造了很多虚假的叙述现在正在散布虚假的言论,我认为这与中国的崛起以及这种崛起对我们的生活水平、生活方式和国家安全的威胁直接相关,你知道,我只是不相信中国的崛起对美国构成威胁,所以我和现在 90% 的美国人处于不同的阵营,我同意你的观点,如果更多的人能来,他们就可以做出自己的判断,而不是听信美国政治精英的宣传和煽动,他们把中国描绘成某种魔鬼和敌人,你知道



were zero back 50 years ago were very limited under the old system and so with the opening with the US China bilateral trade and with a global trade with globalization China has has risen and so I come back for business I come back to promote my father's longstanding Legacy

interest in having uh respectful dialogue in having better understanding in finding ways to collaborate on major

issues when I wear the business hat and when I work kind of on behalf of my father's Legacy interest I it brings me back frequently this is my sixth trip to China this year for example wow this year wow just this year yeah I mean my passports already I got a brand new passport and it's already been 

I really wish more American people like you will come to visit China and talk to us

I actually the only time I've ever been in the U was with a group of distinguished leaders and I was asked to

give a speech there was like three or four of us who were asked to give like a three-minute presentation to the president so I told him during my speech that I'd been to China like 150 times or something and afterwards he said you need to get more people to be like you just like you that you need more people to come and it's true if you come and visit a country and you have preconceived no of what it's going to be like and those Notions are challenged by the reality that the people are friendly the food is great the progress is tangible you can see all this progress being made you know and that's those are that there's real evidence if you actually take time to come and look at today I came from Beijing on a highspeed rail you know just Cruise along you know at a very high rate and a comfortable you know train car we don't have those in America and and may I don't know if there's if they're economically viable or successful in China but it's it's something that I'm kind of jealous of I wish I could get on a high-speed rail to go from Houston to Austin you know in my state it would be Mak so much sense but we haven't been able to to um work around regulations or the you know restrictions to get it done China gets things done 

I've also visited America many  times and talked to a lot of local people there and I find a lot of people actually very nice to us yes but of course there there's certain amount of misunderstandings misinform once they uh know that I'm from China yeah so and I think the other day I saw the news that I think the House of Representative passed a bill to raise to use $1.6 billion US dollar to deliver anti-china narratives overseas so I mean really I didn't see that yeah there's a news so like it's possible that it will pass into law so there's a effort in certain like misinform so with that uh misinform and cause certain misunderstandings how can we bring the people from both countries together to make sure we

understand each other

yeah I don't that's very difficult to I have no idea how that's going to change I do think that we're at a low E I do think there's going to be Improvement in the ties and

I think they're going to be more direct and more transparent and accurate Communications about facts you know what China's motives are you know how tariffs

affect individual consumers in America and all those kinds of things and eventually things will will swing back

to a more positive direction but yeah you're right right now America have you ever heard of the book destined for war um it's a book by a by a professor from

Harvard who did a study of 16 cases where an established power like the United States that the strongest power faces a rising power in today's world

China is a rising power and in uh 12 of the 16 cases it ended up in War this is over the past 600 years ended up in war and the reason it is that that a rising power established power end up in Wars because the established power feels threatened by the rise and as a and they make up these claims that the rising power wants to take over and be the most powerful force on the Earth or the rising power is going to take over my economy or the rising power you know what I mean they come up with false narratives there are many false narratives being planted right now and I think it's a direct uh directly related to China's rise and the perceived threat of that rise to our standard of living and to our way of life and to our national security you know I just don't I don't believe that the rise represents a threat to America so I'm so I'm I'm in a different Camp than 90% of the American people right now and I and I agree with you that if more people could come they could make their own judgment and not listen to the propaganda and the demagoguery of the political Elite in America that make China out to be some kind of devil and you know enemy and you know

yeah what a main drive for you to continue to work and build connections between China and America

I'm trying my best it's a very lonely very lonely no I the B the George HW Bush foundation for us China




我希望如此,我不是制造业专家,也不是经济学家,但我相信,经济将面临越来越大的压力,是的,为了提高经济效率,你知道中国人将遭受人口减少的困扰,一大批老人将退休,那么谁来支持这些大型 PIV 的退休,我们需要什么样的生产力,不仅是中国,而且全球都需要提高制造效率,这样我们才能拥有更高的生产率,以满足世界各地公民日益增长的需求,所以对我来说,这似乎很合乎逻辑,也许我生活在老派的思维过程中,但全球化在帮助分享最佳实践、分享技术、分享创新等方面发挥了很好的作用,它让全世界的人们受益,我希望像这样的会议和世界各地的其他会议能够带来更多这样的嗯嗯,联合创新研究,比如实际应用,帮助提高全球制造业的效率,我不知道,所以我,我希望这是那种会对让世界变得更美好产生积极影响的事情,我很高兴来到这里

US China relations Is run by a guy that's a fluent Chinese speaker um he worked in China for the US state department for a long time he has the same sense of ility that my father had about you know establishing dialogue so we host dialogue between we have a party to party where the a CPC group meet you know has a meeting with Republicans and Democrats so we we we host military to military you know conversations kind of track two type dialogue we have a conference every once in a while so in the spirit of George HW Bush we try to bring people together um and it's true that if you sit in a room with somebody and you look them eye to eye and you listen respectfully you can't help but be empathetic or you know learn from and and lowers tensions you know it creates an kind of an opportunity for working together I and so we need way more of that people to people government to government business to business we need way more interactions between both sides to lower the distrust and the fear

we are here at the world manufacturing convention yes what's your perspective what's your vision for the future of this manufacturing convention do you see that the Europe China North America Australia we can all work together

I hope so yeah I'm not a manufacturing expert I'm not an economist but I do believe that there's going to be growing pressure on economies to and yeah for economies to be more efficient you know the Chinese are going to suffer from a population decrease and there's going to be a bunch old people retiring and so who's going to what kind of productivity is going to come to support you know the retirement of these large PIV you need we need and not just China but globally there needs to be an increase  in manufacturing efficiencies you know so that we can have higher rates of productivity to meet the growing needs of citizens around the world and so to me it seems pretty logical and maybe I'm I'm living at Old School thought process here but globalization has worked very well in helping to share best practices share Technologies share Innovations and that kind of thing it's benefiting people all across the globe and it would be my hope that conferences like this and others around the world can lead to to more like um um joint research for Innovation like real applications to help increase efficiencies in manufact facturing in manufacturing globally I don't know so I I I hope this is the kind of thing that that will be a positive influence on on making the world a better place and I'm happy to be here



China right now is perceived as a threat to the United States by both political parties and China is an easy Whipping Boy for political propaganda and most Americans probably can't even tolerate that I will say this but that the Chinese system has worked for China so I'm I'm in a different Camp than 90% of the American people right now 

you've been to China more than 100 times 150 times since the 1970s so you

witness the ups and downs of China us relations at this particular time are

you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of China us relations 

I'm realistic that this is probably a low point in us China relations I'm optimistic that it can't get any worse I mean it could get worse but I'm optimistic that it won't get worse I think things ride in cycles and we're at a low EB of this cycle um China right

now is perceived as a threat to the United States by both political parties

and China is an easy Whipping Boy for political propaganda you know it's easy

to bash China as infringing on our rights and taking our jobs and whatever

doing all these evil things with ticktock and Huawei and blah blah blah I

think the rhetoric will die down um as one after this election is over first

second after we realize that our economy has been damaged by tariffs and that the

relationship the bilateral trade relationship with China doesn't have an evilness to it that it's actually very healthy and that it's been good for American consumers and good for for America America's Prosperity but it's also been very good for China so there's

been this classic win-win situation um and I think Americans going to realize

the Chinese aren't bad people you know that they're they're nice people and um

and I the other kind of critical question is what are China's motivations

as China grows clearly its military will also grow because that's what countries

do they build up defense capabilities and the question is what will China use

that military for and and is it possible that that military is going to be aimed

at America in some hostile way I don't think it I don't think that that's

China's intentions at all you know my father never believed that China was

enemy to the United States and I guess you can turn a friend into an enemy if

you treat them that way you know eventually but it would be devastating

to to both countries and to the world if we ended up engaging in some kind of a

conflict so yeah I'm I'm realistically suggesting that we're at a low Point

optimistically looking forward to to a to an upswing you know when when

rational thought prevails 

as a businessman and investor yourself um how do you see the future of China's economy and what other potentials if the companies and other people from China and America can work together 

yeah the potential is great the the the prospects of working together right now are pretty pretty sluggish only because of the the geopolitical tensions China's been hurt I think by by our trade relationship with the tariffs our trade debt has gone

down with China the trade exch the amount of trade exchange has gone down

I'm not sure I'd be bullish right now on investing in China I would be bullish on

the long-term prospects of China's Rejuvenation or you know rebounding you

know Co set things back the geopolitical situation set things back and China has

a large enough consumer population and a large enough Center of innovation there

are many entrepreneurs or many small and medium-sized businesses that will grow

and become you know prosperous so I I wouldn't bet against China's economy I'm

not an economist but just from what I hear on the streets and what I read I

wouldn't wouldn't predict China's robust growth anytime soon 

like you mentioned before you came to China 150 times in the past few decades have anyone asked you why why you go to China so often 

that's a great my wife asks me that all the time why are you going back to China I don't I I really love my visits to China I started in 1975 when I was a 20-year-old man I was in college and I came and saw firsthand China during the cultural revolution the end of the cultural revolution and since then I've been coming back every every just about every year not every year in the in the 80s but since then I come back frequently um during every year and it's been a remarkable thing to witness China's rise from a very poor bicycling country to a country now that is the leading deployer of electric vehicles on the streets or you know where there's so much Prosperity that was unimaginable 50 years ago when I first came here and so it's been really wonderful for me to witness firsthand and and to I've come to the conclusion and most Americans

probably can't even tolerate that I will

say this but that the Chinese system has

worked for China Chinese system has been

so beneficial to hundreds of millions of

people whose prospects for Prosperity

were zero back 50 years ago were very

limited under the old system and so with

the opening with the US China bilateral

trade and with a global trade with

globalization China has has risen and so

I come back for business I come back to

promote my father's longstanding Legacy

interest in having uh respectful

dialogue in having better understanding

in finding ways to collaborate on major

issues when I wear the business hat and

when I work kind of on behalf of my

father's Legacy interest I it brings me

back frequently this is my sixth trip to

China this year for example wow this

year wow just this year yeah I mean my

passports already I got a brand new

passport and it's already been 

I really wish more American people

like you will come to visit China and

talk to us

I actually the only time

I've ever been in the U was with a group of

distinguished leaders and I was asked to

give a speech there was like three or

four of us who were asked to give like a

three-minute presentation to the

president so I told him during my speech

that I'd been to China like 150 times or

something and afterwards he said you

need to get more people to be like you

just like you that you need more people

to come and it's true if you come and

visit a country and you have

preconceived no of what it's going to be

like and those Notions are challenged by

the reality that the people are friendly

the food is great the progress is

tangible you can see all this progress

being made you know and that's those are

that there's real evidence if you

actually take time to come and look at

today I came from Beijing on a highspeed

rail you know just Cruise along you know

at a very high rate and a comfortable

you know train car we don't have those

in America and and may I don't know if

there's if they're economically viable

or successful in China but it's it's

something that I'm kind of jealous of I

wish I could get on a high-speed rail to

go from Houston to Austin you know in my

state it would be Mak so much sense but

we haven't been able to to um work

around regulations or the you know

restrictions to get it done China gets

things done 

I've also visited America many

times and talked to a lot of local

people there and I find a lot of people

actually very nice to us yes but of

course there there's certain amount of

misunderstandings misinform once they uh

know that I'm from China yeah so and I

think the other day I saw the news that

I think the House of Representative

passed a bill to raise to use $1.6

billion US dollar to deliver anti-china

narratives overseas so I mean really I

didn't see that yeah there's a news so

like it's possible that it will pass

into law so there's a effort in certain

like misinform so with that uh misinform

and cause certain misunderstandings how

can we bring the people from both

countries together to make sure we

understand each other

yeah I don't that's very difficult to I have no idea

how that's going to change I do think

that we're at a low E I do think there's

going to be Improvement in the ties and

I think they're going to be more direct

and more transparent and accurate

Communications about facts you know what

China's motives are you know how tariffs

affect individual consumers in America

and all those kinds of things and

eventually things will will swing back

to a more positive direction but yeah

you're right right now America have you

ever heard of the book destined for war

um it's a book by a by a professor from

Harvard who did a study of 16 cases

where an established power like the

United States that the strongest power

faces a rising power in today's world

China is a rising power and in uh 12 of

the 16 cases it ended up in War this is

over the past 600 years ended up in war

and the reason it is that that a rising

power established power end up in Wars

because the established power feels

threatened by the rise and as a and they

make up these claims that the rising

power wants to take over and be the most

powerful force on the Earth or the

rising power is going to take over my

economy or the rising power you know

what I mean they come up with false

narratives there are many false

narratives being planted right now and I

think it's a direct uh directly related

to China's rise and the perceived threat

of that rise to our standard of living

and to our way of life and to our

national security you know I just don't

I don't believe that the rise represents

a threat to America so I'm so I'm I'm in

a different Camp than 90% of the

American people right now and I and I

agree with you that if more people could

come they could make their own judgment

and not listen to the propaganda and the

demagoguery of the political Elite in

America that make China out to be some

kind of devil and you know enemy and you


yeah what a main drive for you to

continue to work and build connections

between China and America 

I'm trying my best it's a very lonely very lonely no I the B the George

HW Bush foundation for us China

relations Is run by a guy that's a

fluent Chinese speaker um he worked in

China for the US state department for a

long time he has the same sense of ility

that my father had about you know

establishing dialogue so we host

dialogue between we have a party to

party where the a CPC group meet you

know has a meeting with Republicans and

Democrats so we we we host military to

military you know conversations kind of

track two type dialogue we have a

conference every once in a while so in

the spirit of George HW Bush we try to

bring people together um and it's true

that if you sit in a room with somebody

and you look them eye to eye and you

listen respectfully you can't help but

be empathetic or you know learn from and

and lowers tensions you know it creates

an kind of an opportunity for working

together I and so we need way more of

that people to people government to

government business to business we need

way more interactions between both sides

to lower the distrust and the fear

we are here at the world manufacturing convention yes what's your perspective

what's your vision for the future of this manufacturing convention do you see

that the Europe China North America Australia we can all work together

I hope so yeah I'm not a manufacturing expert I'm not an economist but I do

believe that there's going to be growing

pressure on economies to and yeah for

economies to be more efficient you know

the Chinese are going to suffer from a

population decrease and there's going to

be a bunch old people retiring and so

who's going to what kind of productivity

is going to come to support you know the

retirement of these large PIV you need

we need and not just China but globally

there needs to be an increase in in in

manufacturing efficiencies you know so

that we can have higher rates of

productivity to meet the growing needs

of citizens around the world and so to

me it seems pretty logical and maybe I'm

I'm living at Old School thought process

here but globalization has worked very well

in helping to share best practices share

Technologies share Innovations and that

kind of thing it's benefiting people all

across the globe and it would be my hope

that conferences like this and others

around the world can lead to to more

like um um joint research for Innovation

like real applications to help increase

efficiencies in manufact facturing in

manufacturing globally I don't know so I

I I hope this is the kind of thing that

that will be a positive influence on on

making the world a better place and I'm

happy to be here
