Sheriff Grady Judd 向杀害副警长的人开 68 枪原因

Sheriff Grady Judd 向杀害副警长的人开 68 枪原因

"子弹用完了”——警长贾德向杀害副警长的嫌疑人开了 68 枪的原因

Valuetainment 2024 年 7 月 31 日


你的信念从何而来,你这样说话,我相信你得到了什么奖,2022 年信仰爱国者,信仰爱国者,世界爱国者,我的意思是,也许我理解错了,但

类似的东西我给了你,对吧,所以有信仰的元素,但也有你越界的元素,我的意思是你甚至在早期就有一个故事,当他们带走你的一名副手和 K9 时,如果我没记错的话,这可能是 '06 Williams 是这位绅士的姓氏,然后罪犯从背后开枪打死了他,如果我没记错的话,他开了六到八枪,然后你们向这个人开了 68 枪,当媒体问你为什么向他开枪 68 枪时,你的回答是,我们用完了子弹,我们会向他开更多的枪,这是从哪里来的


开枪打死了我们的 K9 Handler 开枪打死了后备副警长,然后带着死去的 K9 Handler 的枪跑进了树林,市警察来支援我们,向其中两人开枪,但恰好没有打中他们,第二天我们包围了该地区,第二天早上天亮时,我们让一支特警队并肩穿过这片树林,以便找到他,他用死去副警长的枪指着特警队,你觉得会发生什么,你会被枪击很多次,你会被枪击很多次,你可以打电话给星期日纽约时报,这就是发生的事情 68 次 68 次


字幕英文文章:被指控杀害副警长,嫌疑人被枪击 68 次


68 是有多少人向他开枪



首先,我在这个行业工作了很长时间,我目睹了我所说的传统警察管理一次又一次地公开露面,就在前几天,我们可能会谈论这个,但最大的失败是对社区不诚实,不直接射击,不告诉他们确切的情况,如果我的家人搞砸了,我们会打扮好,坦白并修复,我们承认我们搞砸了,我们会修复它,我们会立即修复,但我会确切地说出发生了什么,如果我们在街上发生枪击或谋杀,周围有很多警察活动,我不会说,好吧,对不起,嗯,我们正在收集信息,我们不确定到底发生了什么,呃,一旦我们完成调查,我们将在三四个月后回来和你在一起,人们不想听到那是废话,你是在暗示什么,那是 Boney 的,是的,你是在暗示,对,这就是你所说的,好吧,所以我直接告诉他们,我会说,看,我在新闻发布会上开始,是的,是在社交媒体上,他们把它从主流媒体上剪下来,我说看,我今天给你的信息是全新的信息,好的,这是我们目前所知道的最好的信息,它不仅可能会改变,而且很可能会改变,但这是我们在调查的早期阶段所知道的,我告诉了所有的兄弟姐妹,我告诉了所有人,你知道人们接受了什么,然后随着调查的进行,我回来修改它,因为我没有隐瞒任何事情,我没有什么可隐瞒的,我们这里有一个紧急情况,我们对紧急情况做出了回应


"Ran Out Of Bullets" - Sheriff Judd's Reason For 68 SHOTS At Suspect Who Killed Deputy

Valuetainment July 31, 2024

Sheriff Grady Judd tells Patrick about one of his most notorious cases where a criminal made the WRONG decision of shooting one of his guys. 

where does your conviction come from to speak like that you you got I believe

what was the award that you got the what was it the 2022 Faith Patriot

faith-based Patriot of the world I mean maybe I'm not getting it right but

something like that I was given to you right so there is an element of Faith

but then there's the element of you cross the line I mean you even had a

story early on right when they took out one of your deputies and the K9 if I'm

not mistaken this could have been an ' 06 Williams was the gentleman's last

name and then the the the criminal came in shot him from the back if I'm not

mistaken shot him six or eight times and then you guys shot this guy 68 times and when the media asked you why shoot him 68 times your answer was we ran out of bullets we would have shot him more where does that come from 

well it comes from the heart and it comes from the soul and it comes from what the

overwhelming majority of the people are thinking this guy shot and killed our K9

shot and killed our K9 Handler shot the backup Deputy then took the dead K9 Handler's firearm ran into the woods City police came to back us up shot at two of them and happened to miss them well the next day we had the area surrounded the next morning when we had daylight we had a SWAT team walk shoulder toosh shoulder through this wooded area in order to find him well he pointed the dead deputy's gun at a SWAT team what do you think's going to happen you're going to get shot a lot you're going to get shot so much you can ring the Sunday New York Times through you and that's what happened 68 times 68 times 

in your mind you're not even flinching we we did it right we should have done more 

字幕英文文章: Accused of killing deputy, suspect shot 68 times

well that's how quick it happens and and that happens in a matter of a second and a half I mean you're pointing a deputies gun at a SWAT team it it's over 

68 is from how many people that shot him 

there was probably eight or 10

so he got shot up from a bunch of different angles from a bunch of different people sure did okay but but going back to it so in your mindset like you know a lot of times when you go I don't know if you're a football guy I don't know if you're a sports guy obviously you're Die Hard hockey fan based on the conversation we had prior to this that's a lot of sarcasm there but if you're a football guy you'll say you know well you know Bill Walsh is the guy that produced the most coaches assistant coaches that went to the Super Bowl he produced this guy and that guy and this guy and Lombardi never produced anybody even though they call it the Lombardi trophy Bill Walsh is the guy that built the most people and that's who should be known as a greatest and then you'll see certain habits when you work under somebody right I have a lot of my dad's traits he's a hardworking Guy character tough tells it the way it is but I got it from him so that my conviction comes from there where where is your conviction coming from to be able to speak as confidently as you do 

well first and foremost I've been in this business a long time and I've watched what I call traditional police Administration publicly fa Time After Time After Time it fell just the other day and we'll probably talk about that but the biggest failure is not being honest with the community and not shooting straight and not telling them exactly like it is if my folks mess up we dress up fess up and fix up we admit it we screwed this up we'll fix it and we'll fix it immediately but I tell exactly what it is that's happening if we have a shooting in the streets or a murder and there's a lot of police activity around I don't say well excuse me um we're Gathering the information and we're not sure exactly what happened and uh as soon as we complete this investigation we'll be back with you in three or four months people don't want to hear that that's crap are you hinting at something that's Boney yeah you kind of are though right that's what you're saying so okay so I tell them straight up I'll say look I start out the press conference yeah it's on social media they cut it out of mainstream media I say look the information I give you today is brand new information okay it's the best information that we know at this time it's not only subject to change it probably will change but here's what we

know at this early stage of the investigation and I tell it all brothers and sisters I tell it all and you know what people accept that and then as the investigation goes along I come back and modify it later because I'm not hiding anything I have nothing to hide we had an emergency here we responded to the emergency you know they shot at us we shot at them or two people shot at each other and we have somebody in custody we always want to peacefully take everyone into custody so that we can take them into the criminal justice system if we have to shoot someone or shoot at someone we don't make that determination

they make us shoot them that's not our determination that's the bad guys's determination but I say it publicly and people understand the truth what they don't understand is obis skating lying standing up in front of the media after somebody has just shot at president Trump two or three days later and go oh I really don't know about that oh got that under investigation The Whole World's throwing the BS flag on that you know something you could tell us.
