
In the course of justice none of us should seek salvation.
We do pray for mercy.
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Simon Rosenberg 是贺锦丽团队选情分析主管,下面的视频是他对选情的最新分析。






选情分析过程中,Simon顺便提到马斯克的新名字,副总统候选人 Tim Walz 在集会上给马斯克起了个新名字,Dancing Deepshit。一个琅琅上口的名字。


美国司法部今天警告 Dancing Deepshit马斯克,他从事的签名请愿便可参与抽奖的操作可能违法。

前两天的帖子里刚说,马斯克很快会发现,美国比南非大。结果给人发奖的马斯克,自己一天就获得两个奖,一个来自美国司法部,还一个来自Tim Walz.


ShalakoW 发表评论于
马斯克的抽奖活动似乎停止了。He is screwed.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
chc_magnet: ... That's what's unfair.
Yes, it's unfair. And it is also what it always is in life and what has become in politics ever since Trump came in almost 10 years ago.
However a dirty business politics is, it's also a gentleman's (or a gentlewoman's) game, wherein that players collectively follow the same principals/rules is deemed necessary as much as honorable. Trump has destroyed it all.
Trump is not an honorable man. He is a man of no honor, no code, and no sense of duty and responsibility.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
According to Simon, Democrats will pretty certainly win back the House, and have not given up the hope of keeping the Senate.
neshershahor 发表评论于
Just one question: How's the House will looks alike?
chc_magnet 发表评论于
Van Jones: “Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are not taking the same exam. And I think it bothers people. They’re not taking the same exam. He gets to be lawless. She has to be flawless. That’s what’s unfair.”
davidinchina 发表评论于