第六,川普通俄有了新证据。在2020年5月美国人民的悲壮抗击疫情、当时新冠检测工具、呼吸机极其短缺、许多人难以获得检测和治疗、美国伤亡惨重之时,川普关心的是普京的龙体和俄罗斯人民的健康,花费美国纳税人数百万美元私下寄给普京数百台呼吸机和无数的美国的检测试剂盒,还在给普京的信中说:“I am a big fan of yours(我是你的铁丝)”。川普卸任之后,跟普京至少有7次私下通话,特别是在众院表决援乌的前后,干涉美国的外交政策,这对一个卸任总统显然是不合适的。
“Real Clear Politics and its affiliated websites have taken a rightward, aggressively pro-Trump turn over the last four years as donations to its affiliated nonprofit have soared … Real Clear’s evolution traces a similar path as other right-leaning political news outlets that have adapted to the upheaval of the Trump era by aligning themselves with the president and his large following, its writers taking on his battles and raging against the left.”(RCP在过去四年中经历了明显的右倾转变,变得更加支持特朗普,这一变化受到其关联非营利组织捐款激增的影响。这种演变与其他右倾政治新闻媒体相似,这些媒体通过与特朗普及其大规模追随者对齐,适应了特朗普时代的动荡,其作者积极参与特朗普的政治斗争,并反对左翼。这一趋势反映了保守媒体在特朗普时代的广泛适应)。
In California, there are specific laws regarding voter identification at the polls. Generally, voters are not required to show ID when they vote in most cases. Here are some key points:
1. ID Requirements: California does not require voters to present identification when voting, except in certain circumstances. For example, if a voter is voting for the first time and did not provide ID when they registered, they may be asked to show some form of identification.
2. Provisional Ballots: If a voter’s eligibility is in question, they may be allowed to cast a provisional ballot. This ballot will be counted once the voter’s eligibility is confirmed.
3. Identification Types: If ID is required, acceptable forms include a driver’s license, utility bill, or any government document with the voter’s name and address.
4. Election Security: California has measures in place to ensure election security, but these do not generally include ID checks at the polling place.
These laws aim to make voting more accessible while ensuring election integrity. If you’re looking for the latest updates or specific situations, checking with the California Secretary of State's office or local election officials can provide the most current information.