One self-elevation book a week w/ implementation

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atomic habits summary by james clear

Narrated by Escaping Ordinary (B.C Marx)

1% better every day, 1 year-37x better

positive self-talk

my goals: improving quality of life, life skills, become someone I have never been, such as a ballet dancer. 

Focus on systems rather than goals:

--Outcomes, processes, identify: Focus on the person that I want to become: runner, weight lifter, leader, housewife,  live up to the identify

Habit loop: Cue, craving, response, reward,

Cues to initiate good or bad habits

Habit score card: positive, negative, neutral

Need clarify: time, location, doing what. 

Stacking habits, chain of habits: 

Redesign the habit

Dopamine release during the pleasure and in anticipating the pleasure. 

Combine what I need to do with what I want to do

Find groups to join where the habit you desire the norm

Underlying motives, concerning energy, finding love, winning social acceptance, connecting and bonding, reducing uncertainty

Make hard habits more attractive if you can associate them w/ positive experience. 

Increase the number of reptation, reduce friction

--2-min rule, stop procrastinating, routine in place

--what is immediately rewarded is repeated, add small pleasure, feel success, effort is paid off, little wins. 

--habit tracking, exercise log, satisfying

--having a bad day: it's valuable to just show up. Showing up daily w/o breaking the links. 

--bad habit to eliminate: distracted and overconsumed by social media

--good habit: sleeping at 10:30pm, self-guided meditation 10min/day
