Jim Kwik -limitless 笔记 10.25.2024

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6 mental models and thinking:

The six thinking hats, 6 functions

--white: information gathering

--yellow: positives

--black: negatives

--red: what emotions at play

--green: find solutions to the problems

--blue: management mode

8 intelligence:


--bodily kinesthetic







3 learning styles:




40/70 rule

Not to make a decision w/ less than 40% of the information or more than 70% of the information

Create not-to-do lists:

–I will not read pushed post-不看推送







Second order thinking: Do this, then what? what happens in a few days, months, years

Netflex? 1 hour a day watching netflex, in a week, 1m, 1 year

Third order thinking: 1825 hours in 5 years

Exponential mindset/thinking: be 10x better, not incremental, but logarithm better.
