三千铁甲驰骋 十万院士风云

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三千铁甲驰骋 十万院士风云

Three Thousand Selfless Warriors Galloping, A Hundred Thousand Chanyuan Academicians Shaping the Wind


Feb. 23, 2024

(Translation edited by Qinyou)



“Three Thousand Selfless Warriors Galloping, A Hundred Thousand Chanyuan Academicians Shaping the Wind” is the scene I envision for the future operation of human society in the era of Lifechanyuan. It signifies that there will be three thousand extremely wise and capable individuals, who are unselfish and selfless, managing and operating the construction of material wealth in human society. Additionally, there will be one hundred thousand individuals of celestial, Buddha, and angel levels creating spiritual and soul wealth for mankind.


In that era, there will be no countries, no political parties, and no religions. Marriage and family will not exist. The construction of material, spiritual, and soul wealth for all mankind will be managed and operated by three thousand management-level Chanyuan celestials and one hundred thousand soul-level Chanyuan celestials. That is to say, in the era of Lifechanyuan, all of mankind will be managed by only one hundred and three thousand individuals. Imagine, all of mankind is managed by only one hundred and three thousand individuals for the effective operation of society. How many civil servants are there in all of mankind now? I can’t find the total number, but just from the number of civil servants in these few countries, I know that at least more than 200 million people in all of mankind are relying on the public purse (data from 2023), the United States: 24.03 million people, the United Kingdom: 460,000 people, Russia: 685,300 people, South Korea: 1 million people, Germany: 1.8 million people, Japan: 4.48 million people, France: 5.05 million people, China: 7.167 million people. Look! Just these 8 countries participating in social management have a total of 44,672,300 people. There are 197 countries in the world. How many people will there be? It is estimated to exceed 200 million, and in the era of Lifechanyuan, only one hundred and three thousand individuals will replace more than 200 million people. Is it possible?




A pipe dream?

Whether you can understand it or not, this is a real scene of the future era of mankind.

I provide you with a way of thinking to understand. The people of the future are all those whose soul garden has been baptized since they were young. Their spiritual and mental states are vastly different from the spiritual and mental states of people today. They basically don’t need to be managed. They each know what to do. And the “One Hundred Thousand Academicians Shaping the Wind” are the people who baptize people’s soul garden. So you know, there are only three thousand individuals who are really responsible for management, and there are one hundred thousand individuals who are responsible for spiritual and mental construction. In addition, there will be a large number of artificial intelligence biological robots in the future. They completely replace the work of more than 200 million civil servants. One artificial intelligence biological robot can do the administrative work of tens of thousands of people now.


The one hundred and three thousand individuals in “Three Thousand Selfless Warriors Galloping, A Hundred Thousand Academicians Shaping the Wind” are not ordinary individuals in the usual sense. They should be called angels, bodhisattvas, celestials, Buddhas, and a small number of gods. Although they are all born from people, their nonmaterial structure of life has long been alienated. Their ultimate destination is the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent, and a small number will go to the Supreme Authentic Wisdom Continent.



Can people be alienated into pure unselfishness and selflessness? Can you believe it?

It’s hard to believe, because in today’s human society, you can hardly find a few individuals who can reach the pattern and realm of unselfishness and selflessness. But don’t deny it, because there is a group, this group has already given birth to dozens of selfless and egoless individuals, they are one of the “Three Thousand Selfless Wisemen” and “One Hundred Thousand Celestials”, they will lead mankind into the era of Lifechanyuan.


Here’s a tip, the happiest individuals in mankind are unselfish and selfless individuals, and the individuals with the best prospects in mankind are selfless and egoless individuals.


If you want to live a selfless and egoless life, your brain must be very clear. Individuals who are confused will definitely not be able to live a selfless and egoless life. Of course, this principle and mystery can only be understood and understood by those who have lived a selfless and egoless life. Before you reach the realm of unselfishness and selflessness, even if you think about it, it is difficult to comprehend.


If you want to become one of the “Three Thousand Warriors” and “One Hundred Thousand Academicians”, it is best to start from adolescence. When you reach middle and old age, because your thinking has solidified, it is difficult to make a subversive change in your outlook on life, values, outlook on LIFE, and worldview.


Look at the future human society, “Three Thousand Selfless Warriors Galloping, A Hundred Thousand Academicians Shaping the Wind.” That will be the happiest, most joyful, most free, and blessed era in human history. It can be said that everyone will live in a paradise on earth.
