读报:Premier Law Case.

I read two articles written by Kathryn about a premium law case.The township secretary/treasurer Chris Bauer, divorced in 2015, he removed his former wife’s name from the policy and replaced it with then-girlfriend’s. She remained on the policy for eight years, costing the township about $75,000 in premiums. After the incident was discovered, the township supervisors do not admit their mistake and recover the money, which caused dissatisfaction among the masses.  The articles appeared in the Bucks County Herald, August 8 and September 5, 2024. Barbara gave me the newspapers.

1) Insurance fraud allegations roil Haycock Township.

Tensionis is high through Secretary/ Treasurer Chris Bauer wasn’t charged .

Haycock Township Supervisor Henry DePue at Monday night’s township meeting abruptly shut down public comments from residents questioning alleged insurance fraud by a township official.

Earlier at the meeting, DePue had announced the  Bucks County District Attorney’s office had investigated the allegations and found no fraud, “case closed,” he said.

This, despite the fact that Chris Bauer, now township secretary/ treasurer, had placed his then- girlfriend, Kyle Marie DeMartyn, on the township’s medical insurance plan. The township policy specifies that only township employee, their spouses and children are eligible for coverage.

Insurance documents provided to the Bucks County Herald show that in 2015 DeMartyn , then 43, was added to Bauer’s policy with a monthly premium of $625.68.Her premiums over the years climbed to $973.75 in 2023.

During public comment at the end of the agenda, Kim Pacella , reading from a written statement, told the supervisors, “ you can claim the D.A.’s office and the insurance company found no evidence of fraud. I spoke to the detective, (Timothy Campbell) and he told me one of the reason they did not pursue it, was, and I quote, ‘ The supervisors were okay with it.’ And I believe Susan ( Barnes) was told the same thing by the insurance company. As a taxpayer I am not okay with it and neither should you be. It was fraud.”

Babb and Haycock Fire Chief and township auditor Henry Grim III,Henry Grim IV,Susan Barnes and others had filed the Right to Know requests.

2)Haycock supervisors take flak for not recouping $75K in insurance premiums.

During a contentious public comment session , people wanted to hear why no action had been taken after it was discovered an employee’s girlfriend had been on the township’s insurance plan for nine years.

As public comment began, resident Robert Bender came to the supervisors’ defense. He commended the supervisors “ for your wisdom and restraint” in not acting. He said he had decades of experience in municipal matters. “ Do not breach confidentiality. Don’t play prosecutor, judge and jury.”he said, warning against a possible lawsuit.

But Bender was the only one who sided with the supervisors.

Angry residents questioned why the taxpayers are paying for the insurance, especially since the township is running a deficit budget and may have to cancel its donations to fire and ambulance companies serving the township.

Kathy Babb, a former supervisor appealed to the supervisors : “ All three of you ran for office with your primary goal being the healthy, welfare and safety of your constituents. You took the oath of office and are now failing to honor your commitment to all of us.  Please honor your election promises to do what is right and take all necessary steps to recover all monies misappropriated.

Babb continued, “ After the facts came to light and you learned that Chris misappropriated at least $75,000 you have chosen to condone the behavior with absolutely no repercussions, and leave him in a position that requires honesty, truthfulness and a high sense of ethics.”

 After public comment the supervisors announced they are taking steps to make sure business is conducted “ pursuant to the law.”

3) I think:China is different from America. The United States is a democracy, and legal cases can be discussed in the United States. China is a feudal autocracy led by the Communist Party, and the Chinese people are the objects of control. There are too many miscarriages of justice in China.

Because China is not a democratic country and officials are not under the supervision of the people, corruption among Chinese officials is serious.
