在上海,他们请了专业摄影师跟拍,在城隍庙、外滩等地留下了他们幸福成双的脚印,让瞬间变成了永久的美好记忆。这个叫大朋的摄影师在小红书上分享了他们其中的一些照片,并且说:“他们说是10周年,OMG,分明是刚结婚的小情侣!” 说明儿子媳妇的婚姻生活很幸福,所以10年光阴飞逝,依然都保持了充满青春活力的最佳状态。下面是截图:
Dear son and daughter-in-law:
On this special day, we are filled with joy to congratulate you on your 10th wedding anniversary! It seems like you were still there when you walked into the marriage hall, and today you have walked hand in hand for 10 years. It has been a wonderful journey full of countless precious memories.
We are so proud of you and grateful that you chose each other because you are perfect together. We have witnessed your growth as a couple and how much happiness you bring to each other. May you continue to respect and cherish each other in the years to come, create more beautiful memories together, live happily and have a successful career.
May love and happiness always be with you, and may the Almighty always watch over you and give you the best blessings. We are sure that you two will be a blessing to each other and to those you meet on your journey. May God continue to guide your steps and bless your union with his love and grace. No matter what the situation is, may God fill your life with satisfaction, love and trust in each other!
Love you forever,
Mum and Dad
亲家母说:“So thoughtful of you, I am sure they both can feel your love for them. Blessed to have Michael as our son。” (你太体贴了,我相信他们都能感受到你对他们的爱。很幸运有麦克 作为我们的儿子。)
杭州的妹妹说:“他们结婚十周年,刚结婚的照片和现在的照片, 相貌身材没什么变化,还是那么年轻漂亮,这是你给他们的最好礼物!”