ONE MORE STEP UP (This is the electronic letter I just sent to the village office of Standard, cc to RCMP, AHRC, CBC NEWS, CAIWA)
The Village Office of Standard, Alberta
Attention: Ms. Yvette April, Chief Administration Officer
September 16, 2002
Dear Madam,
This is to inform you that, rather than remitting payment on my property taxes directly to the Village Office, I will instead pay the full amount into my lawyer’s trust account, in trust pending the resolution of our dispute at the appropriate forums. This is a change from my practice over the years, when I have faithfully paid my taxes when due, even though I do not believe that you are deserving of them, given your ongoing harassment against my hotel and me.
I have filed complaints with AHRC and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police against the Village Office, along with new evidence, for overreaching and abusing its power, and for incessantly harassing my business in different ways, in spite of my multiple attempts to communicate with and bringing forth constructive suggestions to you. I have also initiated a legal action at the Queen’s Bench Court of Alberta, Drumheller, to nullify your unlawful seizure of my hotel and land, as well as against your equally unlawful attempt to auction them off, causing damages to my business and myself. The Statement of Claim will outline the nature of the damages caused by you and the compensation which I am seeking.
I have tried to be a good and contributing citizen of Standard since relocating to the area. Having invested significant time and money to operate and preserve the Standard Hotel, which is of great historical and cultural significance to the Village and its Danish heritage, I cannot understand why, rather than supporting my undertaking, you have seen fit to abuse your power in harassing and discriminating against my business and me, seemingly with the end of ultimately shutting it down.
Peter Zhen Guo Pan
PS: since my poster posted on Standard Alberta Community Bulletin Board, some people started accusing bullying on me, some people even didn't know what is going on and just used their imagination wrote their comments, so I publish my comments below:
@ again, as I am a one of the civilians for ten years long so far, and I am a investor who brought and spent over million cash invested in this village, I deserve fair and equal treatment just like anyone else, unfortunately I received such unfair, unequal treatment by the village office since 2013 till today, why it never happened to other civilians or other business owners? Just because I am an Asian, single parents with two minors, with disabilities, from other province as Quebec?
I tried very hard to fit in this village, to save the culture historical belong to this Danish community, which even not my culture. I never want to post in public and on this Facebook community board if the village office acted as a bit as human beings, somehow this is not the react as I expected although I made several requests , suggestion to the village office, ...
Since the village never care whatever I requests, suggestion privately, by then I publish in public and wish to get support from the social medias especially by this village Facebook community board to protect my rights, my family and my business, because I am a part of this community although I didn't own same skin like yours,, spoken broken English, but we are all running with red blood.
I just wonder what could be the reaction once those I mentioned above happened to you, to your family, to your relative
s, to your friends, what should be your reaction?
I am a Canadian citizen since year 1990, I beg your kindness before you put your comments on my post with my appreciation. God bless us

With my respect,
Peter Zhen Guo Pan
My petition: