作恶的美国人说 被中国发明隐身斗篷吓死了

中国发明隐身斗篷 吓死喜欢作恶的美国人



Glaze 2024年11月10日


中国展示了一种创新的隐形服,有可能改变现代战争,震惊了全球军事界,这项革命性的技术有望使人、武器和车辆几乎无法被发现,在军事界引起冲击波,美国和其他国际大国能否跟上中国的快速发展,发现中国第一套军用隐形服的规格中国军用套装无论是空中优势弹道导弹高超音速导弹还是基本的背心,都没有区别,如果它能让中国军方比美国更有优势,他们就会拼命追求,所以当中国科学家宣布一种神话与科学的惊人结合时,这并不令人意外,他们揭示了一种新的混合材料,据报道,这种材料带来了隐形的概念伪装成现实 中国研究人员在材料创新方面取得了重大进展 灵感来自传说中的奇美拉和三种冷血生物——变色龙、玻璃蛙和鬃狮蜥的独特特征 据中国媒体报道,这种被称为奇美拉的物质 超材料有可能改变军事隐形技术和动物保护计划 总部位于香港的南华早报首次报道了奇美拉超材料的创造 旨在通过适应不同的地形和光谱环境来超越当前伪装方法的局限性 科学家们根据每种动物独特的自然生存策略创建了一个实验版本 使其在微波可见光和红外光谱中无法被发现 研究小组的仿生学启发技术代表了超材料应用的重大进步 他们利用这些合成结构的电磁波修改功能使物体在雷达上不可见 这项工作将伪装技术从密闭环境转移到动态地形标记可重构电磁学发展的重要一步 这些下一代技术可以调整和改进电路,使 IES 完美地融入不断变化的环境,从而实现前所未有的隐身和监视能力 通过操纵表面结构,异金属材料可以精细地反射电磁波,从而使物体不被雷达探测到 另一方面,传统的异金属材料具有固定的功能,限制了它们在各种环境条件下的有效性 中国科学家已经开发出一种可以适应各种光谱情况和地形的异金属材料 令人惊讶的是,这种异金属材料保留了避免被可见光和红外光源探测到的能力 嵌合异金属材料具有有希望的军事应用 通过允许无缝集成到各种情况下,提供战略优势 这种技能可以通过在各种环境中保持战术优势来改善军事行动 尽管俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的冲突仍在继续 双方在设计方面都取得了重大进展伪装服可以击败敌人使用的热成像设备,例如在 2023 年 1 月,俄罗斯企业 hder X 透露,他们正在开发一种新型伪装服,可以操纵佩戴者周围的环境温度,使俄罗斯人员几乎无法被敌人的热成像设备发现。同样,乌克兰声称正在开发一种隐形斗篷,以保护其军队免受俄罗斯热成像技术的侵害。适应性是中国创新中的一个重要概念,设想中的超材料以神话中的生物 Chimera 命名,旨在融入各种光谱情况和景观,同时避开可见光和红外探测。研究人员强调了 Chimera 超表面惊人的适应性,使其能够与频谱上的五种不同地形相协调。metam 材料的设计灵感来自变色龙改变皮肤色素沉着的能力,这反映在嵌合体能够修改微波反射以适应各种环境背景,此外,玻璃蛙在睡眠期间的自然透明度促使了类似 O 的加入光学特性,这些特性是通过将电子设备策略性地放置在宠物塑料和石英玻璃层之间来实现的。为了解决热伪装的困难,研究人员开发了一种系统,该系统受到鬃狮蜥的热调节能力的启发,以减少温差,使 Chimera 几乎无法被红外探测技术隐形。Chimera meta 材料的实验性迭代通过精心开发图案化塑料基板金属网形式和精密组装工艺,揭示了其多种隐身特性。这项技术具有众多潜在应用,从军事行动(它可以提供相当大的战略利益)到野生动物保护(它可以实现对自然栖息地动物的非侵入性观察)。据《南华早报》报道,通过减少人类对生态系统的参与,Chimera meta 材料可以支持保护工作,并展望未来,科学与自然之间的界限将逐渐消失,寻求相互共生。尽管如此,世界各地的军事力量都在突破尖端伪装技术创新的极限,美国和以色列等国家也在进行研究和开发隐形斗篷,使士兵、车辆、坦克和飞机免受各种探测技术的影响尽管取得了这些进展,但尚未开发出一种能够在战斗中让部队完全隐形的完美设计,然而,这一障碍不太可能阻止全球主要大国不懈地追求竞争优势。几代人以来,创新的量子隐身技术让隐身的概念一直吸引着人们,从哈利波特的斗篷到雅典娜的隐身帽,然而,技术的最新发展使这个梦想成真,一个能消失吗?一家加拿大企业创造了一种隐形斗篷,这一事实可能会让你感到惊讶。在深入研究这项令人惊叹的技术之前,了解可见性的基本原理至关重要。任何与光接触的东西都会反射或吸收它。任何背景光和信号都会被物体阻挡。当光被吸收时,物体就会被阻挡,使其可见。如果光被反射,物体也会同样被突出显示和显现。光和物体本质上决定了量子隐身的可见性,这是??加拿大伪装设计公司 hyper stealth 发明的一项新技术,这种东西不需要任何电源,价格便宜,像纸一样薄,但不像魔法斗篷那么彻底,它可能非常令人迷惑,而且在隐藏东西方面做得非常出色,有人可以用这种材料观察你,而不会被发现,这给了他们足够的时间来考虑任何威胁,你可能知道这种技术中使用的双凸透镜的概念,当你遇到从一边到另一边改变外观的图像时,这种方法被用来使它们以类似的方式呈现出三维效果,量子隐身有效地使介于两者之间的一切隐形,通过弯曲光线,只有非常近或非常远的物体才能被看到,从紫外线到红外线,潜艇操作的是宽光谱的光,因此,当通过在可见光谱之外工作的摄像机看到时,隐形效果更加明显,由于材料对背景的扭曲,显然隐藏了一些东西,但并没有说明隐藏了什么。自 2010 年以来,超级隐身技术专家 Guy Kramer 一直与军事机构合作,完善他首次发明的技术,因为光线在穿过具有不同折射率的材料时会改变方向,斯涅尔定律是量子隐身概念的基础,士兵、潜艇、坦克或飞机可以借助这项具有重要军事用途的技术秘密移动,你如何保护自己免受隐形敌人的攻击,这对敌人有显著的心理影响,即使是准备充分的敌人,在考虑可能受到隐形力量的攻击时也会感到不安,中国是其他对这项隐身技术感兴趣的超级大国之一,表明其具有广泛的潜力,隐形能力可能是无敌的关键,人类长期以来一直对隐形着迷该技术的应用范围广泛,从军事隐身到监视、医学成像,甚至时尚,尽管该技术仍处于早期阶段,但它已被纳入军事行动,为作战提供了新的方式,士兵、车辆甚至整栋建筑都可以使用隐形技术隐藏在敌人视野之外,几乎无法被发现,这项技能有可能改变战斗方式,世界各地的各种军事组织都在大力投资其发展。由于其广泛的应用,军方是隐形技术最重要的投资者之一,例如,这项技术可以帮助士兵保持伪装,使他们不易受到敌方攻击,它还可能使车辆和飞机雷达隐形,使他们能够避免敌方导弹袭击,此外,建筑物和军事基地可能会被伪装以逃避敌方卫星的观察。军事上的隐形技术仍处于早期阶段,但已取得重大进展,例如,美国陆军已经创建了一个自适应伪装系统,可以改变颜色和纹理以融入环境,这对狙击手来说是一个显着的优势,同样,中国军方开发了一种原型隐形斗篷,它可以弯曲光线以遮挡视线中的物体,随着技术的进步,战斗中隐形的潜力将大大增加,未来的改进可能会产生真正的隐形斗篷,隐形无人机和机器人能够在危险的环境中不被发现地工作然而,这种技术的兴起引发了道德问题,包括可能进行不负责任的秘密行动和更高的平民死亡人数,随着隐形技术的进步,必须谨慎使用,权衡其好处与道德考虑,它提出了隐形盾牌 2.0,继 2022 年成功生产出功能齐全的隐形盾牌之后,总部位于英国的隐形盾牌 Comer 在 Kickstarter 上推出了其第二代盾牌,包括令人惊叹的 Mega Shield,它是有史以来最大的盾牌,经过四年的专门研究和开发,该团队专注于完善光学技术,使物体和人在光天化日下隐形,新的盾牌设计方便,体积小,折叠后只有组装尺寸的 130 分之一,便于运输和部署,这些盾牌有三种尺寸可供选择,迷你 8 英寸高,全尺寸 3 英尺高,超级盾牌超过 6英尺高,可满足各种需求,其中最强大的是超级盾牌,可以隐藏并排站立的多个人,更大的版本具有符合人体工程学的手柄,便于携带,并且是独立式的,适合在各种环境中使用,值得注意的是,每个盾牌都完全防水,不需要电池,完全由可回收材料制成,既实用又环保,隐形斗篷的概念在 2006 年取得了显着进展,当时英国科学家 John Pendry 使用一种可以弯曲微波的材料开发了第一件隐形斗篷,围绕一个小的 2D 物体虽然这个早期版本仅限于微波而不是可见光,但它为未来的发展开辟了道路,隐形盾牌公司的团队通过使用超大型精密工程透镜阵列实现了生产功能性隐形盾牌的目标,这些组成盾牌表面的阵列将光线从观众身上转移开,使人或物品位于盾牌后面有效地隐形镜片的设计目的是将背景光散射到整个盾牌表面,让背后的主体与周围环境完美融合设计师 Tristan Thompson 强调团队的动机是纯粹的享受和创造新事物的兴奋第二代隐形盾牌成本约为 70 美元,经过严格测试,结果是一种超材料结构,可以散射光线并用背景替换主体图片隐形技术有几个潜在的应用,包括军事生物医学计算机甚至能量收集例如,它可能使飞机无法被雷达探测到或减少便携式设备和通信系统的干扰由伦敦玛丽女王大学赞助的英国 Quest 项目正在研究控制电磁场的新方法,将石墨烯与金属材料结合起来,生产隐形壁纸和无线安全空间,随着更强大的制造技术的发展,隐形的未来成为虽然仍有一些障碍需要克服,但隐身斗篷变得更加实用并在各个行业得到更广泛的应用只是时间问题。隐形车梅赛德斯-奔驰选择了一种不寻常的方法来销售其最新的 Fel 汽车,使其在公众眼中隐形。零排放的 Fel 汽车被设计成从视野中消失,作为创意广告的一部分,强调其环保性。梅赛德斯通过在车辆的一侧覆盖数百个单独的 LED,并在另一侧安装佳能 5D Mark 1 摄像头,实现了实时伪装效果,使汽车与周围环境完美融合。f-cell 汽车采用氢燃料电池运行,只排放水蒸气。

China Just SHOCKED The US With This New Invention!


Glaze 2024年11月10日

In a groundbreaking move that has left the world in awe, China has just made a surprising decision that could change the balance of power globally—and it has Washington on edge. This video dives deep into China’s latest technological, economic, and geopolitical advancements, analyzing what this means for the future of the U.S.-China relationship

Harry Potter's invisibility cloak seem old school scientists have found a way

to not only hide objects but make entire events invisible

China has shown an Innovative invisibility suit that has the potential

to change Modern Warfare astounding the worldwide military Community this revolutionary technology promises to make people weapons and vehicles nearly undetectable sending

shock waves through military circles can the Us and other International Powers

keep up with China's rapid development discover the specifications of China's

first military invisibility suit Chinese military Suites it makes no difference whether it is air superiority ballistic missiles Hypersonic missiles or even a basic vest

if it offers the Chinese military an advantage over the US they will pursue

it fiercely so it came as no surprise when Chinese scientists announced a spectacular

combination of myth and Science by revealing a new hybrid material that

reportedly brings the concept of an invisibility cloak to reality Chinese

researchers have made substantial advances in material Innovation inspired

by the fabled Chimera and the distinct characteristics of three coldblooded

creatures the chameleon glass frog and bearded dragon according to reports in

Chinese media this substance known as as Chimera metam material has the potential

to transform both military stealth technology and animal conservation

initiatives the South China Morning Post based in Hong Kong was the first to

report on the creation of chimera meta material which aims to transcend the

limitations of current camouflage methods by adjusting to different

topography and spectral circumstances the scientists created an

experimental version based on each animal's unique natural survival

strategy making it undetectable in the microwave visible light and infrared

Spectrum the research team's bionics inspired technique represents a

significant advancement in metamaterial applications they use the electromagnetic wave modification capabilities of these synthetic constructions to make objects invisible to radar this work transforms camouflage technology by moving it from confined

settings to Dynamic terrains marking a significant step forward in the development of reconfigurable electromagnetics these next Generation

Technologies May adapt and adjust circuit to polish IES to flawlessly

integrate into everchanging environments enabling previously unheard of stealth and surveillance capabilities metam materials by manipulating their surface

structures can delicately reflect electromagnetic waves thereby obscuring

things from radar detection traditional

metam materials on the other hand have

fixed capabilities that limit their

efficacy in a variety of environmental

circumstances Chinese scientists have

developed a metam material that can

adapt to a variety of spectral

situations and terrains surprisingly

this metam material retains its capacity

to avoid detection by both visible and

infrared light sources Chimera metam

material has promising military

applications providing strategic

advantages by allowing seamless

integration into a variety of

situations this skill could improve

military operations by preserving a

tactical advantage in a variety of

settings despite the ongoing conflict

between Russia and Ukraine both sides

have made made significant progress in

designing camouflage suits to defeat the

thermal imaging equipment utilized by

their foes for example in January 2023

the Russian business hder X revealed the

creation of a new camouflage suit that

manipulates the ambient temperature

around the wearer making Russian

Personnel virtually undetectable to

enemy thermal imaging gear similarly

Ukraine has made claims about developing

a invisibility cloak to defend its

forces from Russian thermal imaging

technology adaptability is an important

notion in Chinese Innovation the

envisioned meta material named Chimera

after the mythical creature is designed

to blend into a variety of spectral

situations and Landscapes while eluding

visible and infrared detection the

researchers emphasized the Chimera

metasurfaces amazing adaptability which

allows it to harmonize with five

different terrains across the frequency

spectrum the metam materials design is

inspired by the chameleon's ability to

change skin pigmentation which is

reflected in chimera's ability to modify

microwave Reflections to match various

environmental backdrops furthermore the

glass Frog's natural transparency during

Slumber prompted the incorporation of

comparable Optical characteristics which

were accomplished by strategically

placing Electronics amid layers of pet

plastic and quartz glass to solve the

difficulty of thermal camouflage the

researchers developed a system inspired

by the bearded dragon's Thermo

regulatory abilities to reduce

temperature differentials making the

Chimera nearly invisible to infrared

detection Technologies an experimental

iteration of the Chimera meta material

revealed its multifarious stealth

Properties by meticulously developing

patterned plastic substrates metal mesh

forms and precision assembly processes

this technology has numerous potential

applications ranging from military

operations where it could provide

considerable strategic benefits to

Wildlife Conservation where it could

enable non-invasive observation of

animals in their natural habitats

according to the South China Morning

Post by reducing human involvement in

ecosystems Chimera metam material could

support conservation efforts and provide

a look into a future in which the

boundaries between science and nature

melt in search of mutual

symbiosis nonetheless military forces

around the world are pushing the limits

of innovation in cuttingedge camouflage

Technologies countries such as the

United States and Israel are also

conducting research and development to

construct invisibility cloaks that can

conceal soldiers Vehicles tanks and

aircraft from various detection

Technologies despite these developments

a faultless design capable of making

troops fully invisible in battle has yet

to be developed however this obstacle is

unlikely to dissuade major Global powers

from relentlessly pursuing a competitive

Advantage the Innovative quantum

stealth for Generations the notion of

turning invisible has fascinated people

from Harry Potter's cloak to Athena's

invisibility cap recent developments in

technology however have made this dream

come true can one vanish though the fact

that a Canadian business created an

invisibility cloak may surprise you

gaining an understanding of the

fundamentals of visibility is crucial

before delving into this amazing

technology anything that comes into

contact with light will either reflect

or absorb it any background light and

signals are blocked by the object when

light is absorbed making it visible the

object is similarly highlighted and made

apparent if the light is reflected the

relationship between light and the

object is essentially what determines

visibility now for quantum stealth a

novel technology created by the Canadian

camouflage design firm hyper stealth

this stuff doesn't need any power source

is cheap and is as thin as paper though

not as thorough as a magical cloak it

may be highly disorienting and does a

remarkable job of concealing stuff

someone can watch you with this material

and not be dis discovered which gives

them plenty of time to consider any

threats you may be aware of the notion

of lenticular lenses which is used in

this technology this approach is used

when you encounter images that change

appearance from side to side to make

them appear three-dimensional in a

similar vein quantum stealth effectively

makes everything in between Invisible by

bending light such that only extremely

close or extremely far away objects can

be seen from UV to infrared a broad

spectrum of light is operated upon by

the sub as a result when seen through cameras

that function outside of the visible

spectrum the cloak effect is

significantly more noticeable it's

evident that something is hidden due to

the material's Distortion of the

background but it doesn't say what is

hidden since 2010 guy Kramer of hyper

stealth has worked with military

agencies to perfect the technology that

he first invented since light changes

Direction when it passes through

materials with differing refractive

indices Snell's law serves as the

foundation for the idea of quantum

stealth soldiers submarines tanks or

aircraft can move covertly thanks to

this technology which has important

military uses how can you protect

against an invisible enemy this has a

significant psychological influence on

foes even highly prepared enemies become

uneasy when they consider the potential

of being attacked by an invisible power

China is among the other superpowers

that have expressed interest in this

stealth technology indicating its broad

potential invisibility ility could be

the key to invincibility humans have long been

fascinated with invisibility technology

which has possible applications ranging

from military stealth to surveillance

Medical Imaging and even fashion while

still in its early phases this

technology is already being incorporated

into military operations providing new

ways to conduct battle soldiers vehicles

and even entire buildings can be

concealed from enemy Vision using

invisibility technology rendering them

nearly undetected this skill has the potential

to transform combat and various military

organizations throughout the world are

substantially investing in its

development because of its wide range of

applications the military is one of the

most significant investors in

invisibility technology for example this

technology can assist soldiers stay

disguised making them less vulnerable to

hostile attacks it also has the

potential to render vehicles and

aircraft radar invisible allowing them

to avoid enemy missile attacks

furthermore structures and Military

sites may be camouflaged to evade

observation by hostile satellites

invisibility technology in the military

is still in its early stages but major

advances have been made the United

States Army for example has created an

Adaptive camouflage system that changes

color and texture to blend in with the

environment a significant Advantage for

snipers similarly the Chinese military

developed a prototype invisibility cloak

that bends light to obscure objects from

Vision as technology progresses the

potential for invisibility in battle

increases dramatically future

improvements may result in true

invisibility cloaks invisible drones and

robots capable of working undetected in

dangerous circumstances however the rise of such

technology raises ethical problems

including the possibility of

unaccountable clandestine operations and

higher civilian deaths as invisibility

technology advances it must be used with

caution weighing its benefits against the

ethical considerations it raises the

invisibility Shield 2.0 following the successful production

of functioning invisibility shields in

2022 the uk-based invisibility Shield

Comer has unveiled its second generation

of shields on Kickstarter including the

stunning Mega Shield which is builded as

the largest Shield ever built during

four years of dedicated research and

development the team concentrated on

perfecting Optical Technologies to

render objects and people invisible in

broad daylight the new shields are

designed for ease with a small form that

collapses to 130th of its assembled size

making them simple to transport and

deploy these shields are available in

three sizes Mini 8 in tall full size 3

ft tall and mega Shield more than 6 ft

tall catering to a variety of needs the

most powerful of them the mega Shield

can conceal multiple people standing

side by side larger variants have ergonomic handles

for easy carrying and are freestanding

making them suitable for usage in a

variety of settings notably each Shield

is fully waterproof requires no

batteries and is made entirely of

recyclable materials making it both

practical and environmentally

friendly the notion of invisibility

cloaking Advanced significantly in 2006

when British scientist John pendry

developed the first invisibility cloak

using a material that could Bend

microwaves around a small 2D object

although this early version was limited

to microwaves rather than visible light

it opened the path for future

developments the team at invisibility

Shield Co met their goal of producing

functioning invisibility Shields by

using ultra-large Precision engineered

lens arrays these arrays which comprise

the shield surface divert light away

from The Spectator making the person or

item behind the shield effectively

invisible the lenses are designed to

diffuse background light throughout the

Shield's face allowing the subject

behind it to blend in perfectly with

their surroundings designer Tristan

Thompson stressed the team's motivation

fueled by the sheer enjoyment and

excitement of creating something new the

second generation invisibility Shields

cost roughly $70 and have been

rigorously tested the result is a

metamaterial structure that diffuses

light and replaces the subject's picture

with the background invisibility

technology has several potential

applications including military

biomedical computer and even energy

harvesting for example it may make

aircraft undetectable to radar or lessen

interference from portable devices and

communication systems the UK's Quest project sponsored

by Queen Mary University of London is

looking into novel ways to control

electromagnetic fields combining

graphine with metam materials to produce

stealthy wallpapers and wireless safe

spaces as more powerful Manufacturing

Technologies develop the future of inv

visibility becomes clearer although

there are still obstacles to overcome it

is only a matter of time before

invisibility cloaks become more

practical and have greater applications

in various Industries the invisible car

Mercedes-Benz has chosen an unusual

method of selling its latest Fel vehicle

rendering it invisible to the public the

Fel automobile which emits zero

emissions was designed to fade from view

as part of a creative advertisement

emphasizing its environmental

friendliness Mercedes achieved a real-time camouflage

effect by covering one side of the

vehicle with hundreds of individual LEDs

and installing a Canon 5D Mark 1 camera

on the opposite side allowing the

automobile to merge flawlessly with its

surroundings the f-cell vehicle runs on

hydrogen fuel cells and emits only water

vapor making it an appealing choice for

military applications where stealth is

critical its silent electric motor and

negligible emissions offer considerable

advantages for clandestine operations

allowing military personnel to carry out

missions undetected the F cell's longer

range than standard battery electric

vehicles makes it ideal for

long-distance military operations

allowing troops to complete missions

without running out of power While most

manufacturers are still testing the

technology behind the F cell it opens up

interesting prospects for future

military operations like other Global

Powers the Chinese are paying attention

as such breakthroughs might transform

from the battlefield of Modern

Combat China tests invisibility cloaks

on regular fighter jets the competition

to create Superior cloaking technology

is heating up with China and the United

States competing for the top spot both

countries are making significant

investments in metam materials which are

exotic materials designed to bend

electromagnetic waves such as light and

radar in ways that would not be

conceivable naturally these materials

could potentially make items invisible

or change their appearance providing

substantial strategic benefits in

military operations the concept of quantum

invisibility formerly confined to

science fiction is quickly becoming a

reality metam materials are at the heart

of this technology and the first country

to grasp its use will gain a huge

military and technological advantage in

the global Arena although the United

States has been investing in this

technology for a longer time China is

making tremendous progress with reports

indicating that it may have eclipsed the

United States in some areas this

Improvement is attributable to

significant investments in R&D as well

as industrial Espionage rang Liu also

known as China's Elon Musk plays a

significant role in the creation of meta

materials Leu and others in China are

pushing the limits of this technology

and sources suggest that the Chinese

military is supporting multiple research

teams to investigate its potential these

teams which include top researchers from

major universities like a chingua

university and the Chinese Academy of

Sciences are working on developing

materials that can bend light and other

electromagnetic waves to attain

invisibility given the potential for

revolutionizing Warfare the Chinese

military's interest in cloaking

technology is unsurprising this technology which

renders Vehicles equipment and even

troops invisible to radar and other

detection Technologies could provide a

huge tactical Advantage for example BAE

Systems a large defense contractor is

working on adaptive camouflage technology that employs hexagonal pixels

to match the temperature and appearance of a tank to its surroundings making it

appear like a regular car China appears to be focused on invisibility in the

visible spectrum according to reports Chinese researchers have exhibited early versions of this technology in movies that show items such as fish and cats simply disappearing from view however while the prospective applications are exciting considerable hurdles remain main for example Thomas we an associate professor at Villanova University claims that it is technically impossible to make an object fully invisible to human sight implying that certain assertions may be exaggerations despite these hurdles Chinese experts are currently developing invisibility cloaks on Military Jets to help them avoid radar detection if effective this technology could dramatically improve the combat capability of these Jets however the technology is still in its early phases with difficulties such as mass production and Effectiveness across a wide range of radar bandwidths need to be addressed nonetheless China's success in this area demonstrates its desire to lead the next generation of military technology thanks for watching see you

in our next video
