国外生活20年, 如何看待英国(文化冲击)

国外生活20年, 如何看待英国(文化冲击)

How I See The UK After 20 Years Abroad (CULTURE SHOCK)

Chinese Is Easy 2024年11月6日

I've been living abroad for 20 years. Here's how I now see the UK....

2024年11月6日 我在国外生活了20 年。以下是我现在对英国的看法....



@teflerchina.2987 3 天前

我来自英国,自 2004 年以来一直在中国当老师,现在退休了。自从来中国后,除了在菲律宾度过两周假期外,我一次也没有出过国。我不想再回去了,因为我在这里很开心,而且经济状况比我还在英国时要好。我自 2007 年结婚以来,花了相当于 4 万英镑的价格买了一套属于自己的公寓。我当时有两份工作,永远也买不起房子。我的家乡哈德斯菲尔德已经衰落了,商店空荡荡的,街道肮脏不堪,坑坑洼洼,犯罪率居高不下。

@LubaWang 3天前


@colombard140 10小时前


@franzMong 3天前




我于2004年离开英国,随后的20年里,我周游世界,在中国生活,在日本生活,还去过 25 多个不同的国家,所以今年是我离开英国的 20 周年,在这段视频中,我想与大家分享我在国外生活 20 年后对英国的看法,无论是好的、坏的还是丑陋的,但如果你刚来这里,我的名字是 Fred Barton,我曾经是英国驻北京大使馆的外交政策分析师和翻译,现在我制作有关中国、英国和学习中文的视频,我最近在英国待了 6 个月,看望我的家人,我刚从印度回来一个月,到达英国后,让我印象深刻的第一件事就是道路状况,坑坑洼洼,足以压塌你的轮胎和轮辋你的车轮,却没有人对它们进行任何处理,我在这些道路上开车,甚至来自印度,我在英国地区的一些道路与我在印度部分地区看到的一样,它们的维修状态非常糟糕,没有人对它们进行任何处理,在我在那里的 6 个月里,我看到某些路段的进展非常缓慢,但基本上道路和其他基础设施领域都被遗弃了,任其腐烂和衰败,我被告知这是因为政府没有花钱翻新它们,而是投资于维修,这是一个非常非常明显的影响,当我回到英国进行这次访问时,这是让我真正震惊的第一件事,即道路和许多一般基础设施的维修状态多么糟糕,看起来被忽视了,非常破旧,这是我注意到的关于英国的第二件事,也是我之前注意到的我回国时遇到的问题是,英国的服务通常非常糟糕,没有很强的服务文化。我在一家餐厅点了餐,一个年轻人接了我的订单,他是一个不错的人,但他衣冠不整,看起来不干净,脸上到处都是穿孔。我不是保守派,但他看起来很邋遢,手臂上有很多随机的纹身,都是脏兮兮的劣质纹身,当我们接订单时,他靠在桌子上,就像正对着我女朋友的脸,所以这很不专业。他看起来不干净,不适合在餐厅工作,这不是英国许多餐厅和其他地方的孤立案例,我知道英国的服务文化并不强,我知道这些人的 PID 可能不是特别好,但与其他国家相比,商店和餐馆里的人通常都很好非常警觉和细心,而且在英国,你得到的印象是,这些人刚起床,另一家店里有一个人为我服务,看上去好像好几个星期没洗澡了,他并不想和我互动,因为我认为,英国的这些低薪工作让人们觉得,这有失身份,他们不想做,所以很明显,这会传达给客户,所以你的体验通常很差,没有强大的服务文化,我我明白这是由于经济状况造成的,我并不是想指责那些从事低薪工作的人,但作为客户或消费者,你只知道他们没有给予客户太多的关注或照顾,但一般来说,在我去过的英国以外的国家,客户服务要好得多,对客户的关注也更多,客户体验要好得多。我注意到的第三件事是,英国商业街的心脏被撕毁了,从我居住的市中心到我去看望父母的地方,那里的许多商店和餐馆现在都关门了,我知道这与新冠病毒和对经济的影响有关,但在城里走一走,它看起来就像一座鬼城,非常令人沮丧,那里没有了以前的活力,当你来自其他更繁荣的国家时,这给人一种非常沮丧的印象。活力 英国许多城镇的市中心和商业街看起来荒凉、破旧、空荡荡的 我对英国的第四个看法是,外出就餐通常价格过高,浪费金钱,而且服务也不好,但食物通常做得不是特别好,食材似乎也不是特别好吃,价格昂贵,最近我回英国旅行时,我出去吃饭的时候,对同行的人说,我们可以自己在家做一顿更好的饭,这样就不必忍受糟糕的服务、漫长的等待和糟糕的食物。有一次,我和家人出去庆祝周年纪念日,我妈妈开始抱怨等待,因为食物没有煮熟,这太麻烦了,在家做饭会容易得多,所以我认为英国的待客文化不是很好,食物做得不是很好,然后你就要花一大笔钱因此,在我居住和旅行过的英国以外的所有国家,外出就餐通常相对便宜,而且很美味,比在家做饭更好,外出是一种乐趣,而在英国,这有点像拔牙,事后你真的会感觉到钱包鼓了。第五件让我印象深刻的事情当然是英国的生活成本已经非常昂贵,我认为价格过高,而且与你在英国得到的东西相比性价比很低,但随着生活成本的上升,它已经变得完全无法控制,我可以选择长期居住,但我不可能留在英国,那次旅行后我直接去了台湾,回去探望我的家人,那里的性价比太低了,现在随着生活成本危机,情况更加糟糕,你可以在超市看到这种现象,FL 一个以前 60 美元的西兰花现在这么大,现在只有 13 美元了它只有网球那么大,所以在一个在很多方面已经非常昂贵的国家,东西变得更加昂贵,而你花的钱得到的却更少,所以基本上仅凭这一点,我永远不会选择住在英国。我从国外回到英国后真正注意到的 SI 事情是,东西通常维护得不好,而且很脏。英国人不好好照顾东西,我说的是,在我住的市中心,保龄球馆、电影院、麦当劳、星巴克这些地方都很脏,地毯真的很脏,玻璃上有油污,所有东西看起来都很脏。这不仅仅是与日本这样的地方相比,那里的东西维护得一尘不染,甚至与菲律宾和东南亚其他我住过的地方相比,那里的东西维护得要好得多,那里对卫生的关注度更高清洁度和建筑物、商店和餐馆通常似乎维护得更好,保持了更高的卫生标准,你可以看到,即使在体育中心,厕所里也充满尿液,人们在厕所里留下阴毛,诸如此类的事情,英国很多这样的场所的卫生或清洁水平都不是很好,这就引出了我在英国注意到的第七点,我以前从未考虑过,嗯,回到英国后,我发现英国的一般卫生标准实际上并不那么好,我从未认为自己是一个肮脏或不卫生的人,但在与来自不同国家的女性交往后,她们很惊讶我睡觉前不洗澡,或者我有其他她们认为非常不卫生的习惯,我想说,尤其是在东南亚,个人卫生水平极高,这显然与个人收入无关,人们经常洗澡我知道,这并不完全正确,我所在的越南有很多人现在,在其他地方,我看到人们的口腔卫生状况很差,但一般来说,尤其是女性,她们会更多地洗澡,东西也保持得更干净,而且,在亚洲生活了这么久之后,有一种习惯对我来说真的非常奇怪,那就是在家里穿着你在外面穿过的鞋子,你在肮脏的人行道上走来走去,人们会吐口水,狗会在上面撒尿,那里可能还有狗粪,你的脚底有很多细菌,然后你就穿着这些户外鞋走进你的家,把这些细菌蹭到地毯上,这看起来非常奇怪,韩国、日本、中国几乎东南亚国家几乎任何地方的人都认为这种做法非常奇怪,你为什么要用从外面带进来的所有这些细菌来玷污你自己的家,这对我来说完全合理,所以我总是把鞋子放在门外,穿着室内拖鞋,我知道人们会说你有在英国,人们不需要脱鞋,但我发现这是一种更普遍的做法,人们会说,哦,不,你不需要脱鞋,人们会穿着鞋在家里走来走去,而这在我去过的大多数国家都是不会发生的。在国外呆了这么久,我注意到的关于英国的第八件事是,牙科和医疗保健系统看起来基本上是坏的。我知道你仍然可以预约全科医生,你可以进入候补名单。如果需要,你可以等一年或两年才能做手术,但我不想这样做。我宁愿去东南亚或其他国家,在那里我可以快速轻松地支付优质标准的牙科和医疗保健费用。前几天,我在越南做了核磁共振检查,我现在在那里,我立即得到了预约,这个过程花费了大约 120 英镑。我和医生做了分析,一切都在几个小时内完成了,我不需要坐在等待名单

18 个月牙科也一样,我可以打电话预约,差不多当天就可以得到一流的治疗,大约 40 英镑就可以得到牙科治疗,而在英国,这大约是这个费用的 10 倍,所以我宁愿在国外这些国家私下支付费用,在那里我可以得到快速、高质量的服务,只需进出和护理,而且服务质量非常好,我注意到的第九件事是,英国人普遍情绪低落,生活质量很低,我以前也见过这种情况,这对我来说并不是什么新鲜事,但自从离开这么久之后,这种情绪就更加明显了,而在西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利、南欧等国家,人们会一起吃饭,一起在外面喝酒,我知道这当然与气候有关,英格兰的很多问题都与气候有关,你不能出去,你不能身体放松,因为天气很冷,但英国看起来很沉闷、灰暗和沮丧,现在很多地方的酒吧都关门了,这似乎是人们唯一的选择实际上,享受生活的方式就是在家看电视、喝酒、吃超市或外卖店的食物,这似乎是一种非常糟糕的生活享受方式,即使在我居住过的贫穷国家,也有娱乐的方式,即使在日本这样的地方,你只要花几英镑就可以去澡堂,人们可以一起做一些有益健康的公共活动,而不必像在英国那样只围绕着喝酒或看足球,对于很多外国人来说,有很多可以负担得起的小东西,比如外出就餐、和朋友一起吃饭、出去按摩、去澡堂,这些小事都能给你带来一点生活的乐趣,而在英国,我们似乎并没有这样的乐趣,这是一个非常分散的社会,人们放松的主要方式似乎是在电视机前吃垃圾食品、看足球或喝酒,好吧,这些都是负面方面自从在国外呆了这么久,我注意到了英国,但我也看到了英国的积极一面,我非常喜欢英国的第一件事是,我所在城镇的健身房和休闲中心的会员资格价格实惠,每月约 30 美元,我可以使用一个非常好的健身房,它有一个 25 米长的游泳池,它有一个桑拿浴室和一个蒸汽浴室,它真的很棒,即使在像越南这样非常便宜的国家,我现在居住的健身房会员费仍然很高,我和一位最近从巴利来访的朋友谈过,他说那里的健身房会员费高得惊人,高达 300 美元是相当正常的事情,所以我真的很喜欢英国便宜实惠的休闲中心,我认为它们很棒,对我来说,我喜欢运动,我喜欢锻炼,这是我自我护理所需的日常练习,所以这对我来说有很大的不同,与此相关的是食物和饮食我已经想好了要吃好吃的



很棒的脱口秀节目,无论你想去剧院听 Radio 4 上的节目,我确实认为英国在这些方面是无与伦比的,因为喜剧深深植根于我们的语言中,所以你真的很想念这一点


How I See The UK After 20 Years Abroad (CULTURE SHOCK)

Chinese Is Easy 2024年11月6日

I've been living abroad for 20 years. Here's how I now see the UK....


Viewers Commnets

@teflerchina.2987 3天前

I am from England and have been in China since 2004 as a teacher and now as a retiree. Not been out of the country once since arriving apart from a two week vacation in the Philippines. Not interested in returning as I am happy here and financially well off compared to what I would be if I was still in England. I have been married since 2007 and bought our own apartment for the equivalent of 40 thousand quid. I would never have been able to buy a home with the two jobs I had. My home town of Huddersfield has gone downhill with empty shops, dirty streets, potholes and a high crime rate.

@LubaWang 3天前

I have been in UK last 2 years as my children playing squash tournaments there, it's a completely different country from when I first visit 25 years ago. So many English are starving, needing food bank, felt unsafe at night, hardly any local English people were service us while we were there, I felt sometimes I might be in middle east or somewhere in SE Asia.

@colombard140 10小时前

As an iverterate diehard anglophile, it really makes me sick to see how the incompetent politicians are not capable of filling up the potholes and helping the poor miserable homeless and yet have billions of dollars to send warships and aircraft carriers to the South China Sea.

@franzMong 3天前

Understand what you said! Still Boris Johnson and other prime ministers after him, even the Labor party's Starmer continued sending money to Ukraine for fighting the ridiculous war. After Brexit, UK's economy is declining fast. UK should take care her own people first.


Main Topic

I left the UK in 2004 and spent the next

20 years traveling the world living in

China living in Japan and over 25

different countries so this year marks

the 20th anniversary of me leaving the

UK and in this video I want to share

with you The Good the Bad and the Ugly

of how I now see the UK after these 20

years abroad but if you're new here my

name is Fred Barton and I used to be a

foreign policy analyst and interpreter

at the British Embassy in Beijing and I

now make videos about China the UK and

learning Chinese I recently spent 6

months back in the UK on a visit there

to see my family and I was coming from a

month in India and the first thing that

struck me when arriving in the UK was

the state of the roads the potholes were

insane they were enough to cave in your

tires and cave in the rims of your

wheels and nothing was being done about

them I was driving around on these roads

and this was even coming from India and

some of the roads in my area in the UK

were equivalent to the roads I was

seeing in part of India they were in a

terrible state of repair and nobody was

doing anything about them in the 6

months that I was there I saw some very

slow progress on certain stretches of

road but basically the roads and other

areas of infrastructure were being left

to rot and Decay and I was told that it

was because there wasn't government

spending to refurbish them to invest in

repairs and it was a very very

noticeable impact when I moved back to

the UK for this visit it was one of the

first things that really really struck

me of just what a bad state of repair

the roads and lots of the general

infrastructure was in things looked

neglected and very rundown the second

thing I noticed about the UK and which

i' noticed before on other trips back

home is that the service is generally

very bad in the UK there isn't a strong

service culture I ordered a meal in a

restaurant the young guy taking my order

he was a nice enough guy but he was

unkempt he didn't look clean he had

piercings all over his face I'm not some

old fart conserv ative but he just

looked messy for the job he had a lot of

random tattoos just dirty poor quality

tattoos all over his arms and he was

leaning on the table like right into my

girlfriend's face when we were taking

the order so it was just unprofessional

he didn't look clean to be working in a

restaurant and this is not an isolated

case across many restaurants and other

places in the UK I know that there is

not a strong service culture and I know

these guys are probably not PID

particularly well but in comparison to

other countries people in shops and

restaurants they're generally well

presented they are usually pretty alert

and attentive and often times in the UK

the impression that you get is that

these people have just rolled out of bed

there was one guy in another shop who

was serving me looked like he hadn't

washed for weeks didn't really want to

interact with me because I think these

low paid jobs in the UK people feel that

it's beneath them they don't want to do

them so obviously that then comes across

to the customer so your experience

generally is very poor there is not a

strong service culture I understand it's

due to to economic conditions and I'm

not trying to slam the people in these

poorly paid jobs but as a customer or

consumer you just know that there isn't

a lot of attention or care given to the

customer but just generally in the

countries that I've been in outside of

England customer service is much better

and there's just more attention to the

customer and the customer experience is

much better the third thing that I

noticed about the UK is that the heart

has been ripped out of the British High

Street out of the Town Center where I

lived where I went to visit my parents

so many of the shops that were and

restaurants that were there had now been

boarded up and I know this is to do with

covid and the impact on the economy but

just walking around town it looked like

a ghost town it's very depressing the

none of the vibrancy was there that

there was before and it just gives a

very depressing impression when you've

come from other countries where there is

more prosperity and vibrancy the town

center and the High Street in a lot of

UK towns looks deserted and rundown and

empty my fourth view on the UK is that

eating out is generally overpriced and a

waste of money this is also combined

with a lack of good service but the food

is normally not cooked particularly well

the ingredients don't seem to be

particularly amazing it costs a fortune

and the times that I went out to eat on

my recent trip back to England I said to

the people that I was with that we could

have just cooked a better meal ourselves

at home and we wouldn't have had to go

through the poor service the long wait

the poor food there was one occasion

when I went out with my family it was an

anniversary and then my mom kicked off

at the waiting stuff because the food

was uncooked and it just created too

much hassle it would have just been much

easier to cook at home so I don't think

England does the hospitality culture

very well it doesn't do food very well

and then you're charged a fortune for it

so in all the countries basically

outside of the UK that I've lived in and

traveled to eating out is usually

relatively cheap it's delicious it's

better than you could cook at home it's

a joy to go out whereas in England it's

kind of like pulling teeth and you

really feel it in your wallet afterwards

the fifth thing that struck me of course

was the cost of living England was

already very expensive and I think

overpriced and poor value for money for

what you got in England but with the

cost of living it had become completely

unmanageable I had the option of staying

long but there was no way I would have

stayed in England I moved on to Taiwan

directly after that trip back to visit

my family and it's just such poor value

for money and now with the cost of

living crisis it's even worse and you

see this in the supermarkets the shrink

FL a head of broccoli that was 60 before

would be this big and now it's like13

and it's barely the size of a tennis

ball so in a country that was already

prohibitively expensive in a lot of ways

things have got even more expensive and

you get even less for your money so

basically based on that alone I would

never really choose to live in England

the SI thing I really noticed coming

back to the UK from abroad is that

things are generally not wellmaintained

and they are dirty British people do not

look after stuff very well and I'm

talking about in the Town Center where I

live the bowling alley the cinema the

McDonald's the Starbucks these places

were all Filthy the carpets were really

dirty there were greasy smears on the

glass everything just seemed very dirty

and this is not just in comparison to

places like Japan where things are

immaculately maintained even compared to

places like the Philippines and other

places in Southeast Asia where I've

lived things are maintained much better

there's there's a much greater focus on

hygiene and cleanliness and buildings

and shops and restaurants generally seem

to be maintained much better and kept to

a higher hygienic standard you see it

even in sports centers where the toilets

wreak of urine and they leave pubic

hairs in the toilets and this kind of

thing there just isn't a very good level

of hygiene or cleanliness in a lot of

these establishments in the UK and this

leads on to the seventh point which I

noticed in the UK which I never

considered before um after coming back

to the UK I see that the the general

standard of hygiene is not actually that

good in the UK I never considered myself

a dirty or unhygienic person but having

been in relationships with women from

various different countries they were

surprised that I didn't shower before

going to bed or that I had other

practices that they thought were quite

unhygienic I would say especially in

Southeast Asia the level of personal

hygiene is extremely high and this is

obviously not related to personal income

people do often shower a lot more and I

know this is not true across the board a

lot of people in Vietnam where I am now

and in other places I've seen have poor

oral hygiene but generally the women

especially they will shower a lot more

things are just kept a lot cleaner and

one habit that really seemed completely

alien and strange to me after living in

Asia for so long is the practice of

wearing shoes inside the house that

you've worn outside you've been walking

around dirty Pavements which people have

spat on there's chewing gum on there

dogs have peed on there potentially

there's dog mess there lots of germs on

the sole of your feet and then you just

walk into your house with these outdoor

shoes on and rub those germs into the

carpet seemed extremely strange and

people in Korea Japan China almost

Southeast Asian countries almost

anywhere see this practice as completely

bizarre of why would you desecrate your

own home with all these germs that

you're dragging in from the outside and

it's made complete sense to me so I've

always left my shoes outside the door

and had inside slippers and I know

people would say you have slippers in

the UK but I've seen it as a much more

common practice where people are like oh

no you don't need to take your shoes off

and people do walk around in their shoes

in the house which would never happen in

most countries that I've been in abroad

the eigh thing that I've noticed about

the UK since being abroad for so long is

that the dentistry and the Health Care

system looks basically broken I know

that you can still get an appointment

with a GP you can get on a waiting list

you can wait a year or two years for an

operation if you need to but I don't

want to do that I'd much rather be in

Southeast Asia or other countries where

I can just pay quickly and easily for

excellent standard dentistry and healthc

care I went for an MRI the other day in

in Vietnam where I am now I got an

appointment immediately the process cost

me about £120 I had an analysis with the doctor

everything was done within a few hours I

wasn't made to sit on a waiting list for

18 months same with Dentistry I can call

up get an appointment more or less on

the same day get first class treatment

and for about £40 I got dental treatment

that would cost about 10 times that in

the UK so I would far rather pay

privately in these countries abroad

where I can get rapid very high quality

service just be in and out and the care

and the quality of the service is

excellent the ninth thing that I noticed

about the UK is that people are

generally depressed there's very little

quality of life and I've seen this

before this is nothing new to me but

it's really emphasized since being away

for so long whereas in countries like

Spain Portugal Italy southern Europe

they eat together they will drink

outside together and I know this is

related to the climate of course a lot

of the problems in England are related

to The Climate you can't go out you

can't physically relax cuz it's cold but

the UK just looks very dull and gray and

depressed and now that the pubs have

been closed in many places it looks like

the only option for people to actually

enjoy themselves is to watch TV and

drink at home and eat food from the

supermarket or takeaways and that just

seems like a very poor way to enjoy your

life even in poorer countries where I've

lived abroad there are ways of having

fun and even in places like Japan you

can go to a bath house for just a few

pounds and there's like wholesome

communal activities that people can do

together it doesn't just have to revolve

around drinking or watching football

like it does in the UK there are little

things little treats that are affordable

for a lot of people abroad whether it is

eating out going for a meal with friends

out going for a massage going to as I

say the bath house these small things

just give you that bit of joy of Life

which in the UK we don't really seem to

have it's a very atomized Society the

main way people seem to relax is by

eating crap in front of the TV or

watching foot or drinking alcohol okay

so those are the negative aspects that

I've noticed about the UK since being

abroad for so long but there are

positive things that I've seen about the

UK as well and the first thing which I

absolutely love about the UK is

Affordable memberships to gyms and

Leisure centers in my local town for

about 30 a month I get access to a very

good gym it has a 25 meter swimming pool

it has a sauna a steam room and it

really is excellent even in countries

which are very cheap like Vietnam where

I'm living right now now gym memberships

are still high I spoke to a friend who

recently visited from barley he said gym

memberships are astronomical over there

up to like $300 as a fairly normal thing

so I do really love the cheap affordable

Leisure centers in the UK I think

they're excellent and for me I love

sports I love working out it's a daily

practice that I need for my self-care so

that makes a massive difference to me

related to this is food and diet once

I've worked out I want to get good food

and I've always loved the super markets

in the UK what I always noticed after

years abroad I would come back for a

visit and the shopping the food shopping

in UK was always the best and although

it has been impacted massively by the

cost of living and a lot of things were

not even available on the shelves when I

went to my soap supermarkets recently

there were a ration on eggs and other

things were actually not in stock I

would say overall it is still probably

the best food shopping that I've

encountered anywhere in any of the

countries that I've lived in or traveled

to apart from possibly Vietnam which has

amazing produce if you want healthy food

you can get kale beetro it's affordable

I really love the food shopping here but

in comparison to places like Taiwan and

Japan where the the food is extremely

expensive there's limited range I really

appreciate it being able to get good

quality produce and a massive range of

stuff and also healthy stuff and often

stuff that didn't have a lot of added

sugar in the supermarkets in the UK

after so long abroad the third thing

that I appreciate about the UK is its

overall culture and in terms of print

media television radio comedy I really

miss the comedy when I'm abroad I think

the UK comedy is unparalleled uh been to

Great standup shows whether you want to

go to theater listening to programs on

Radio 4 I do think the UK is

unparalleled in those areas and because

comedy is so deeply ingrained in our

language and so on you really miss that

being abroad the UK sense of humor is

very unique and you can only really

scratch that itch when you come back to

the UK and the third thing I would say

about the UK that I appreciate since

being away is the quality of Trades

people so for example it's the rainy

season here in Vietnam there was Heavy

downpours in the night the windows were

leaking water I called in a Tradesman

and he basically rubbed the windows down

with a cloth to dry them and because the

rain had stopped he then said there's no

problem now it's okay and I explained

that if the rain starts to pour again

which is going to do this afternoon and

evening there is going to be more

leakage from the windows but he didn't

want to do anything about it he

basically said the wind it's fixed for

now which basically involved him rubbing

a dry rag over the windows and waiting

for it to flood again later but the

quality of Tradesmen in the UK is very

good and having lived in a lot of

different condos a lot of different

apartments throughout the world and

through many different countries is a

consistent thing if anything goes wrong

if you've got a leak in the ceiling in

your apartment or another problem with

your house when you're living abroad

often you will get some guy to come in

and he just isn't skilled he doesn't

have a clue he's getting paid very very

little money and he'll come in smoking a

cigarette look at the thing for a few

hours and be like yeah I think it's okay

I put some gaffa tape over the hole you

know it's so things don't get done well

in terms of repair and maintenance on

your houses so I do appreciate the

trades people in the UK the fourth thing

that I really appreciate about the UK is

the countryside and having grown up in

the countryside I took it for granted

but having spent a lot of time in very

builtup areas like Beijing in Delhi

Tokyo then coming back to the UK and

spending time in the countryside

especially if the weather is good for a

change there is something unique about

that it has it is kind of a type of

unparalleled natural beauty and I do

actually really appreciate a lot of the

natural beauty there is in the UK

whether it's the coastline in Cornwall

the highlands in Scotland this is

something that I couldn't really see

because I was so used to it growing up

as a child but moving been back for a

quick visit last year and seeing these

places it does strike you how naturally

beautiful a lot of the UK is and the

final thing that I've learned to really

appreciate about the UK after so much

time abroad is the British people having

lived abroad for so many years the level

of banter that I have when I come back

home is something that I miss and

obviously because you have a shared

language and a culture you can interact

in a much friendly more intimate way

than you can with other people even

though I speak some languages quite well

abroad and a lot of people abroad are

also very friendly and you can have

banter with them there is something

unique about the British people and I

used to think that they were very

standoffish and cold but as I've got

older I've realized that that's kind of

a self-defense mechanism British people

appear very reserved and quite cold but

if you open them in conversation when

you chat to someone in the line at the

post office or the supermarket they

crack that smile you know the defensive

serious mask comes off usually and they

start chatting to you they're very

chatty very friendly and apart from

Americans who are are extremely

pro-social I think the English are some

of the chattiest people that I know and

I just really enjoy that banter and that

is one of the things that I do miss

sometimes when I am living abroad so

there you go those are my good and bad

points about living in the UK overall I

have no intention to move back there the

negatives outweigh the positives for me

but if you want to know more about my

experiences living in China and living

abroad and my views on those countries

then check out my videos here
