回复 '五彩缤纷北极光' 的评论 : I saw an interesting Youtube that says the "rules of our world" are not happy with just uniting workers, because workers get salary raise and then stop resistance. They want to create permanent "oppressor" class and "oppressed class". The young women, blacks, lgbtq++, are all "oppressed". They hope to lump all these together and lead a fight against the "oppressor" - white male.
回复 'dhyang_wxc' 的评论 : The hardest part for anyone to understand, is that a private organization is writing "blank checks" or "spending authorization" to the "government". The organization is secret, not accountable to anyone, and infinite power.
I used to think that money has to be printed. Then I learned QE. There is no physical printing. The average people like us don't even see it, except through inflation.
I once thought the QE had some restrictions and ressitance, then I learned it has no resistance. I later learned the "MONEY" is really just a number they type into the computer. They set a new "debt ceiling" for the government to charge - the government is like having a blank no limit credit card - but no one complains, even the card issuer. They love the "repayment".
See the Jews think differently from the Chinese. Chinese don't "borrow money" and wants to spend within means. The Jews want you to borrow money from them. They give you a golden handcuff and enjoys your "monthly payment". If you pay faster, your credit score will drop. The name of the game is "lending", or "financing".
硅谷工匠 发表评论于
回复 'dhyang_wxc' 的评论 : The servo has no friction. That is the problem. There is no damping and the congress/senate are just rubber stamping everything the "deep state" want.
The Deep State is the secret deal between bankers (mostly Jews) and the "Government". Here the "government" is bigger than any president. It needs a shake up or it will run it into infinity.
xiaoxiao雨 发表评论于
The current system has reached the limit so it needs some new ideas to restart a new system. it may reduce the damn globalization and limited governement since there is not much produced here.
dhyang_wxc 发表评论于
Thank you for the post.I am still struggling to understand the puzzle and the pieces. My brain needs it.:)
If we see it as a control process, the QE added a DC part to the feedback.It is like a servo system being tuned to a new position.It is linearly moving and keeps balancing at the same time. So, who is behind the tuning hand? Where is the catch?