孩子跟妈妈的情感连接,在小婴儿时期,咿咿啊啊地一问一答似的,跟你聊天。现在3岁半了,用他孩子那特有的清澈明亮的眼睛,看着你的眼睛,咯咯的笑。在你带他去好玩的地方,他开心地开始跳舞,用那种小男孩特有的无忧无虑,调皮捣蛋的动作。有一个周日早上起来,他说mommy I love you, so I make breakfast for you.然后就开始开冰箱门,拿鸡蛋,拿小平底锅,打鸡蛋在里面,还加了番茄酱和蛋黄酱。做妈妈的不得不感动一下。
Raising children is a painful process. They are happy while you suffer in many fronts, your money, your marriage, your mental statues and your body are all going downhill. I feel like 10 years older than I am. Everyday there's a battle to fight: morning routines, meals, homework, after school activities, housework, sleep time. On and on and on, like a grinding mill.
borisg 发表评论于
Thanks for sharing your experience. When you are becoming a child again, and put yourself at the same footing, you understand your child better and this helps to build a working relationship through the years and may even extends to their adulthood.