1964 年 4 月 3 日出生, 是英国政治家和广播员,自 2024 年起担任克拉克顿国会议员和改革英国领袖,此前曾于 2019 年至 2021 年担任该党领袖。[c] 他是 2006 年至 2009 年和 2010 年至 2016 年的英国独立党 (UKIP) 领袖。法拉奇从 1999 年起担任东南英格兰欧洲议会议员 (MEP),直到 2020 年英国退出欧盟 (EU)。
法拉奇自 1990 年代初以来一直是著名的欧洲怀疑论者,于 1999 年首次当选欧洲议会议员 (EP)。2004 年,他成为自由与直接民主欧洲主席。[b] 法拉奇于 2009 年当选为英国独立党领袖2006 年,他领导该党参加了 2009 年的欧洲议会选举,该党赢得了英国第二多的选票。他在 2010 年的大选中在白金汉宫失利,同年他再次担任英国独立党领袖。在 2014 年的欧洲议会选举中,英国独立党赢得了英国最多席位,迫使戴维·卡梅伦在 2016 年举行欧盟成员国公投。[2][3][4] 在 2015 年的大选中,法拉奇在南萨尼特区落选。
公投成功后,法拉奇辞去了英国独立党领袖一职。 2018 年,他与他人共同创立了脱欧党(2021 年更名为改革英国),该党得到了那些对特蕾莎·梅政府推迟实施脱欧感到沮丧的人的支持,并在 2019 年欧洲议会选举中赢得最多选票,成为议会中最大的单一政党;[5][6] 几天后,梅宣布辞职,鲍里斯·约翰逊继任,约翰逊政府于 2020 年实现脱欧;法拉奇曾多次批评脱欧的实施。在 2024 年大选中,法拉奇再次成为改革英国的领导人,并在克拉克顿获胜。
法拉奇以其独特的性格和风格而闻名,包括他华丽的个性、[7][8] 时尚、[9][10][11][12] 和社交媒体影响力,[13][14][15][16] 以及他的英国右翼民粹主义形式。[17] 2013 年,他在《每日电讯报》评选的 100 位最具影响力的右翼人士中排名第二,仅次于卡梅伦。2014 年,他还被《泰晤士报》评选为“年度英国人”。[18][19] 他在《新政治家》2023 年的右翼权力榜上排名第一,被誉为“英国右翼最具影响力的人物”。[20]
奈杰尔·保罗·法拉奇出生于英国肯特郡法恩伯勒[21][22][23],父亲是芭芭拉 (娘家姓史蒂文斯),母亲是盖伊·贾斯特斯·奥斯卡·法拉奇。[24][25][26] 他的父亲是一名在伦敦金融城工作的股票经纪人。2012 年,英国广播公司第四频道的一篇人物简介将盖伊·法拉奇描述为一名酒鬼[24],奈杰尔五岁时就离开了家。[27]两年后的 1971 年,他的父亲戒酒,丢掉了证券交易所的职位,进入古董行业;第二年,在朋友的推荐下,他回到了针线街新证券交易所大楼的交易大厅。[28]
法拉奇的祖父哈里·法拉奇是一名参加过第一次世界大战并受伤的士兵。[29] 有人认为法拉奇这个名字来自一位遥远的胡格诺派祖先。[30] 法拉奇一位曾祖父的父母都是德国人,1861 年后不久从法兰克福地区移民到伦敦。[31] 1870 年,他的德国祖先尼古拉斯·施罗德在报纸上被提及,当时他与两名男子就普法战争发生争执。[32]
法拉奇的第一所学校是西威克姆的格林海斯男校,随后他在附近伊甸园的一所类似的学校度过了一段短暂的时光。[33] 1975 年至 1982 年,法拉奇就读于伦敦南部一所收费私立学校达利奇学院。他在自传中赞扬了英格兰板球测试赛选手约翰·德维斯为他提供的职业建议,“他肯定发现我很有胆量,可能擅长演讲,不怕出风头,有点吵闹,而且擅长推销东西”。[34] 法拉奇在学生时代就积极参与保守党活动,基思·约瑟夫曾到访过他的学校。
1981 年,一位从未见过 17 岁的法拉奇的英语老师克洛伊·迪肯 (Chloe Deakin) 写信给达利奇学院的校长戴维·埃姆斯 (David Emms),要求他重新考虑任命法拉奇为级长的决定,理由是其他人对法拉奇所谓的“法西斯”观点表示担忧。埃姆斯否认了这些担忧,学校副校长特里·沃尔什也否认了这些担忧。沃尔什后来表示,法拉奇“以挑衅他人而闻名,尤其是挑衅那些没有幽默感的左翼英语教师”。法拉奇后来表示:“任何指控我曾参与极右翼政治的说法都是完全不真实的。”
Nomad Capitalist 2024年11月16日
在这次 Nomad Capitalist Live 2024 采访中,英国议员兼改革英国领袖奈杰尔·法拉奇讨论了对西方的最大威胁以及导致西方社会灭亡的原因。法拉奇分享了他对西方垂死的工作文化、移民、宗教和文化冲突、觉醒和环保主义政策的失败以及美国和欧洲正在发生的政治重组的看法。
法拉奇还预测了 2027 年法国总统大选的获胜者,并预测将发生重大金融冲击。此外,他还透露,如果他不得不再次这样做,他是否会领导另一场英国脱欧运动,让英国脱离欧盟。
00:00 权力和财富从西方向东方大规模转移
02:43 西方正在消亡的工作文化
04:41 人工智能与工作的未来
07:30 英国脱欧值得吗?
11:16 西方的移民政策和政治
13:47 “马克思主义病毒”和“保守派懦弱”
15:37 2027 年法国大选预测和欧洲政治转变
17:18 职业政客、大规模移民和文化认同
21:42 对西方的最大威胁
22:46 几十年来最大的外交政策失败
24:26 西方的消亡和代际转变
26:24 达到“觉醒高峰”和拒绝觉醒文化
28:17 欧洲的伊斯兰教和穆斯林同化
29:39 黄金价格和即将到来的重大金融冲击
32:24 大国家保守主义与自由市场和企业家精神
33:49 美国和欧洲的政治重新调整
34:54 宗教在西方的作用和环保主义
1... 大规模的权力和财富从西方转移到东方
当然,就在新加坡的路上,嗯,这些地方发展的速度和步伐真是太惊人了,正如我们之前所说的,那并不是很久以前的事情,所以我们在新加坡大约 60 年被赶出去了马来基金会的我将在 2024 年的 Nomad capitalist live 上谈论安德鲁今年 40 岁,40 年前新加坡正在崛起,现在它们在相对较短的时间内成为地球上经济最自由的地方安德鲁斯谈到了马来西亚。1984 年,他出生的那一年是一个落后地区,你来这里现在不是落后地区了
新加坡的有趣之处在于你知道有一场新加坡独立运动,而且我认为马来人已经有点厌倦了这一切,无论如何,但有趣的是反对新加坡独立的最大论点是它不够大,不够强大,不可能生存,所以你知道在英国脱欧运动期间我以新加坡为例并不奇怪,有趣的是,你看看这些国家,看看它们为什么做得这么好,我认为有两个突出的原因,一个是教育,以及适合生活在 21 世纪的世界的正确教育我的意思是,我们非常重视科学、数学、工程等,所以 St 绝对是的,绝对是的,嗯,第二个是文化、工作文化,我们有一个新的
2... 西方正在消亡的工作文化
毒品,这很好,非常好,你知道,而且,而且,雄心在哪里,动力在哪里,渴望进步在哪里,这就是我在东方、东方和远东看到的,我的儿子住在这里,你知道他搬到这里,因为他住在新加坡,他住在香港,嗯,他选择去那里,好吧,政治上有点压抑,嗯,但是他来了,因为他想出人头地,他想做得很好,他不想被征收高得离谱的税率,英国许多年轻专业人士都陷入这种税率,但这就是这种工作文化,我们在西方正在失去它,你知道,我们在美国也看到了福利主义,福利主义原本是在一个文明社会中设计的,旨在帮助那些跌倒的人,无法自救,但现在它却成为了实现抱负的玻璃天花板,如果你停止福利,回去工作,你最终会受到惩罚,所以你的税率可能会超过 100%,是的,所以我认为地方让这个做得很好的原因之一是正确的教育,以及所谓的工作文化和抱负,所以让我们简单谈谈这个事实,我们会说孩子和我
我不想只挑孩子们的毛病,因为最终这不会发生,我不认为如果老一代人不允许,但那是另一回事,所以让我们谈谈人工智能,我不能说我真的理解它,但如果我们有人工智能,所有这些工作都会过去,你知道,消失了,MH,这难道不是他们让我们为 Ubi 准备的吗?
发放资金,你的看法是什么,我们将走向何方,这是可能的,但自从人类诞生以来,我们经历了一系列技术变革,你知道,在过去的几个世纪里,新的工业技术得到了发展,这意味着需要的工人更少,这是否意味着没有人会找到工作,实际上,这些工作会被其他东西取代,你知道 80 年代英国的煤矿都关闭了,这些人是否永远都找不到工作?又要开始工作了,但突然间,你知道有新的服务行业,其他事情也出现了,我对人工智能也有同样的感觉,我的意思是,某些工作注定要失败,比如新闻业,你知道,如果你有一个我不知道的报纸或电视公司,它有 100 名员工在房间里,使用人工智能,他们可以用 5 人或 10 人来做这件事,我的意思是,我确实亲眼目睹了这项工作,我看过把一个新闻故事放进人工智能系统,让它产生这个或那个结果,让它在地理上与一个或另一个区域相关,你的基本呃,你的基本黑客没有未来,但仍然会有意见的空间,仍然会有反思的空间嗯,但是,开车也是一样的,我的意思是想想有多少人靠开公共汽车、开火车、开汽车谋生嗯,你知道无人驾驶汽车有可能取代所有这些人,但其他东西也随之而来,这是一种创造性破坏的形式吗,是的,我认为可能是,我认为可能是这样,所以我不会太纠结,也不会太沮丧,因为我们在这次谈话中已经谈到了失业问题,失业对人们的心理有多么可怕,他们有点失去了生存的意志,失去了目标感,我的意思是,这很有趣,你知道,如果你仔细想想,我们的身份是确定的,我们绝对需要一个身份,如果我们没有身份,我们作为人类的生产力就会大大降低,所以不,我认为我们会发现人工智能造成的流离失所,但我认为其他形式的工作也会随之而来
好吧,很多人可能都会问,如果把时钟拨回到 2016 年,如果你必须重新考虑脱欧,MH,你还会这样做吗?把时钟拨回到 1993 年,当时我们一半的观众都不在场,我知道我知道,因为那是事情开始的时候,嗯,那是痴迷开始的时候,那是我疯狂的时候,不,那是我决定要站出来,我必须做点什么,你知道,我所反对的,我们现在知道的是全球化,正是这种想法让你放弃对自己生活的控制,放弃对生活杠杆的控制,这就是国家主权,你知道,国家主权是一种西方观念,通过你的投票,你可以影响直接负责你生活的人,负责利率的人,负责税率的人,负责我们在社会和商业生活中必须遵守的规则和条例的人,所以我反对将其转移给外国权力,而是外国官僚机构,所以是的,从 1993 年到 2016 年,我从未停止过,从未休息过,从未抽出时间,我只是一直坚持不懈,我不认为拥有自由是错的,无论是个人自由,还是家庭自由,呃,还是国家自由,做出的决定必须永远是正确的,呃,我遗憾的是,英国政治机构不希望出现这种结果,从未接受过结果,从未将其视为机会,而是一次受损的解放演习,我们做的一些事情是好的,我认为奥库斯协议是一项非常好的交易,这就是我们美国人澳大利亚人的交易,澳大利亚人拥有这些绝对没用的法国柴油动力潜艇,它们将被核潜艇取代,这意味着它们可以保持潜水,这意味着中国海军更难发现它们的位置和它们在做什么,这是外交政策方面的一个例子,我们做不到作为欧盟的一员,因为我们必须向我们的友好朋友表示声援,因为他们的技术已经过时,但在边境控制、移民方面,我们有选择性,你认为移民是好事,但你需要合适的人来,呃,这将带来积极的好处,然后我们失败了,但另一个重大的失败是,我认为每个企业家,我把企业家这个词用在出租车司机、经营灵魂交易的人、呃,可能可以在家工作的电脑技术人员身上,呃,你知道,自始至终,我认为每个人都认为远离公司法的束缚,这就是布鲁塞尔的意义所在,这一切都是关于大型跨国公司为自己的行业制定规则,我想每个人都认为他们的生活可能会变得更容易一些,事实上他们的生活可能会变得更糟,所以从这个程度上说,许多人觉得英国脱欧被背叛了,我想说它被推迟了,我们仍然会得到这些自由,但不是现在,你提到移民,这是一个巨大的问题。
西方当我看欧洲时,我看到了被认为是极右翼政党的政党,哦,我们都是极右翼政党,除非我们是,因为你不同意建制派的观点,但是让我们说中间偏右的政党,是的,20年前,至少在美国,建制派会同意这些政党,但现在移民问题已经失控,而左翼政府仍然在西方大部分地区掌权,这显然是这些国家公民的问题,我最近谈到了瑞典,或者德国,或者法国,在某种程度上,你们自己的国家,我认为这是美国的一个大问题,在过去四年里有1000万人,所以为什么左翼政党不能继续掌权,当每个人都反对这种事情的时候,有大量的人,我的意思是美国是最糟糕的例子,因为有1000万人越过边境,这甚至不是合法移民,这是非法移民,是的,美国似乎接受了,你知道吗艾森豪威尔在任总统时驱逐了 100 万非法入境者,这在当时没有问题,因为你知道,如果你想去美国,你必须经过层层考验,做正确的事情,合法地做这件事,嗯,这对我来说是个奇迹,对我来说是个奇迹,但随着 11 月 5 日临近,民主党仍然与共和党不相上下,我认为你在欧洲看到的情况比你分析的更为根本,嗯,我认为欧洲国家开始意识到,大规模引进的文化在某些情况下与我们认为的现代西方价值观截然相反,尤其是在对待女性的态度上,我认为这是真正的大问题,瑞典是典型代表,嗯,我认为这些新的右翼超越了中右翼,其中许多人正如你所说,20 年前根本不会被认为是右翼,而是主流保守主义,但到目前为止,辩论的重心已经发生了变化向左,嗯,这是
因为两件事,一是马克思主义病毒,马克思主义病毒每 20 或 30 年就会变异并卷土重来,以不同的方式,嗯,过去它与阶级和金钱有关,你知道扎尔人拥有所有这些美妙的宫殿,我们必须推翻政权,现在他们利用种族,现在他们利用种族,就像他们过去利用阶级一样,所以公开宣称马克思主义的组织希望摧毁西方所代表的一切,例如黑人生命很重要,被纽约时报和 CNN 统治,嗯,好像这些都是促进和谐与和平的美妙组织,而实际上他们所做的只是促进分裂,我认为所有这些问题在于,这与社交媒体上的那种塔架相一致,我认为我们走到这一步的原因,我责怪保守派的懦弱,我们没有保守派政治家准备站出来接受辱骂,相信你我认为,你现在从资金充足的有组织的左派那里得到的辱骂程度与我们以前在政治上看到的任何辱骂程度都不同,而且
7... 2027 年法国大选预测和欧洲政治转变
实际上,这种文化冲突确实是非常坏的消息,我认为你会看到非常大的变化,我认为玛丽娜·勒庞将在 2027 年成为法国总统,我毫不怀疑这会发生,如果你看看意大利总理乔治亚·马洛尼,当她当选时,全球媒体都尖叫着
但实际上她做得非常得体可敬的你再也听不到她的消息了,没错,因为她做得很好,你说得对,在匈牙利,你有一个非常保守的领导人,维克托·奥尔班,他一次又一次地连任,我的意思是,他在多党制中获得了 50% 的选票,这非常特别,完全不同寻常,顺便说一下,我们的工党政府只获得了 34% 的选票,但他们在我们的制度下拥有绝大多数选票,这难道不奇怪吗,世界上有这么多总理,得票率 34% 35%,他们掌权了,嗯,这一切都取决于选举制度,你知道,嗯,美国制度是老式的绝对主义,两党获胜或全胜,是的,你知道自由阿里安派和绿党都站出来了,但你基本上以 48% 的选票成为美国总统,是的,还有 270 张选举人票,是的,这就是这种情况已经持续了很长一段时间了,所以现在我认为欧洲正在发生的政治转变将会继续下去,嗯,我认为意大利向你展示了它的发展方向,我们稍后再谈移民问题,我的意思是
8... 职业政客、大规模移民和文化认同
政客就是政客,对不起,他们在那里是为了掌权,嗯,不是像你这样的反建制人士,嗯,不,政治界有两种人,两种截然不同的人,有些人从政是为了有所成就,我认为这就是你指的,是的,有些人从政是为了做点什么,是的,可能比例是 3 比 1,我会说后者占优势,是的,你知道,而且正如你所知,整个西方的政治越来越多地被那些没有实际生活或在政治之外没有取得重大成就的人所主导,如果你是一个有地位的人,你为什么要忍受你所忍受的一切,所以随着时间的推移,它会达到最低的公分母,是的,它会这样,为什么我希望我的家人经历这些,普通人会说是的,这是媒体的侵扰,这很有趣,呃,当选的政治人物要么赚得盆满钵满,要么大幅削减开支,你可以猜猜我属于哪一类,好吧,让我们回过头来谈谈那些想永远掌权的政客,更多的是移民问题的算计,通过采取我们的立场,我们将获得更多的选票,还是更险恶一点,他们真的想破坏这个系统,托尼·布莱尔在1997年赢得了一场大选胜利,以一种我们从未见过的方式打开了合法移民的大门,他的亲密顾问说,我们想在多样性方面与右翼擦肩而过,这意味着他们实际上想通过从根本上改变英国国籍的性质IM 移民,他们故意、有意识地着手这样做,这部分是出于一种自我厌恶,这是乔治奥威尔在 20 世纪 40 年代末写到的,嗯,我认为这也不是英国独有的,这种想法让你回顾你的国家历史,我更愿意为你的祖先走过的旅程感到自豪,通过他们经历的所有胜利和悲剧,我们基本上为我们是谁而自豪,我们为我们的国家而自豪,我们为我们的家庭在其中扮演的角色而自豪,当然,它并不完美,别忘了我们有不同的道德判断,嘿,我们今天的道德判断与 20 年前不同,更不用说 200 年前了,嗯,毫无疑问,50 年后人们会回顾我们,我们是野蛮人,你知道,我的意思是事情就是这样,或者你属于认为这是令人厌恶的思想流派,我们已经看到了它回到讨论的开始,实际上关于教育,我们已经看到左派在大西洋两岸的学术机构中大行其道,这种情况已经达到了最惊人的程度,大学讲师总是倾向于有点左派,但现在他们倾向于非常强硬,不被重视,现在我担心我们的孩子正在被毒害,是的,他们被告知我们过去的一切都是可怕的,嗯,这就是你知道索鲁斯先生资助的各种组织,这些组织让孩子们怀疑国家的历史,把孩子们分成白人孩子认为他们是压迫者,黑人孩子认为他们是受害者,顺便说一句,这对 7 到 8 岁的孩子来说是一件可怕的事情,我的意思是这绝对是非常可怕的,嗯,他们甚至让孩子们在他们有性想法或接近青春期之前就怀疑自己的性取向,所以这些是我们社会中发生的病态事情
9... 对西方最大的威胁
是的,我思考过这个问题,我思考过这个问题,但我年复一年地思考了这个问题,我认为答案是前者,我认为最大的敌人是我们,因为是我们,是我们失去了我们是谁的感觉,我们失去了我们对国家认同意味着什么的感觉,我们失去了对社区意味着什么的感觉,我们失去了对家庭实际上非常非常重要并且不应被低估的感觉,正是因为我们的领导人失去了对我们是谁的集体信心,才让我们的敌人变得更加强大,最好的例子,最好的例子,美国在 10 年内留下了 3,000 名士兵......几十年来最大的外交政策失败
阿富汗他们不再参与积极战斗,没有美国士兵为此而牺牲前 18 个月,顺便说一下,美国人和英国人在那里的人口数量相同,遭受了同样的损失,花了同样的钱,你知道,我们与美国盟友并肩作战了 20 年,单方面,一个软弱的美国领导人乔·拜登决定撤出美国军队,没有考虑与他的英国伙伴商量,当然,他不喜欢我们,没有考虑那里的装备,没有考虑从阿富汗撤军会如何进行,我认为这是我一生中见过的最大的外交政策错误,它导致了,当然,自越南战争以来,当然,自越南战争以来,英国人顺便说一句说不,嗯,有一件事哈罗德·威尔逊是工党首相说对了,美国留下了价值 850 亿美元的 A 级装备,在撤出过程中造成了不必要的死亡,塔利班在一周内重新掌权,我不相信普京会入侵乌克兰,如果他没有看到西方的这种软弱感,所以我们我们自己最大的敌人,或者更确切地说,我们内心有一个敌人,它正在摧毁我们
11… 西方的死亡和世代更替
西方是西方的一面,但我有一些希望,我希望我们已经看到了政治变化,正如我们所描述的那样,我们看到的政治变化就像我说的意大利,法国正在走向哪里,这些事情令人鼓舞,我认为公众已经准备好在未来几年内进行更多的变化,另一件有趣的事情是千禧一代已经走了,他们已经浪费了空间,他们不相信你,这都是关于工作与生活的平衡,你知道 Z 世代是不同的,我真的很有趣,我遇到的 16 到 24 岁的年轻人,我发现他们非常不同,哦,哇,他们只是拒绝所有这些东西,我的意思是他们不是大众,而是相当多数,这些年轻人中的大量年轻人说见鬼去吧,他们在挑战老师告诉他们的东西嗯我在社交媒体上关注他们,这真是太了不起了,据说 K starma 担任首相初期要做的主要事情之一就是将投票年龄从 18 岁降低到 16 岁,也许他最好不要这么做,现在他决定不这么做,因为他担心法拉奇,他担心这些人,所以我认为这是一个代际转变,我开始看到更多的野心,我开始看到年轻一代有更多的认同感,正是年轻一代推动了
法国的 Leen 投票,正是年轻一代推动了 afd 和德国,顺便说一句,他们是一个混合体,我的意思是真的非常非常混合体嗯,所以我确实看到了一些希望,我确实看到了一些希望嗯,我也认为,如果你从长远的历史角度来看,钟摆会在几个世纪中来回摆动,钟摆
正在反对 ESG 投资哦,绝对的,我的意思是发生在一个大嗯,我认为,但你不觉得在表面下他们仍然在实践其中的一些,只是可能没有那么明显地出现在你面前,我认为这是相反的,是的,我认为当他们声称在做这件事时,他们并不总是在做,这是第一信号,是的,我认为这是相反的,嗯,这非常有趣,我的意思是 Glen Co 是世界上最大的矿业公司,最近询问他们的伦敦股东,你知道,你知道机构大多是否应该出售 Cal 分部,答案是否定的,保留 Cal 分部,这是你能得到的最好的部分,所以我们看到我们看到了变化,我们看到了一些变性疯狂的变化,现在看看让人们让人们成为他们自己,一直有一小部分人觉得他们身处错误的身体里,我们应该同情他们,爱他们,好吧,我承认当你是这个意思时,我真的这么做了,但是你知道,一个经历过男性的人青春期,身高 6 英尺 3 英寸,突然穿上裙子说我想成为一名游泳运动员,你知道,与女运动员相比,这种疯狂我们现在看到了钟摆的转变,体育运动现在采取了更负责任的态度,所以我认为已经看到了迹象,我真诚地相信我们已经到达了巅峰,我认为现在有更多的转向常识,嗯,我说这不仅仅是出于希望,只是见证,你一直在看到公众,你每天都在互动,是的,所以正在发生转变,现在正在发生转变,你知道有,但我们是否太落后了
13... 伊斯兰教和欧洲穆斯林同化
兔子洞,这让我很担心,我的意思是激进伊斯兰教的嵌入英国的城镇让我非常非常担心,虽然英国绝大多数穆斯林人口都融入了英国社会,他们的孩子和我们的孩子一起玩,他们想踢足球或做其他事情,很多穆斯林人都做得很好,他们的医生和律师也做得很好,这很好,但是我们需要他们的帮助,我们非常需要他们的帮助,他们绝对支持文化,他们绝对知道,因为令人担忧的是,英国有 20% 到 25% 的年轻穆斯林男性,我认为 J 接受是一个可以接受的概念,这让我非常非常担心,这是一个瑞典、英国、德国、法国在未来几十年都将面临的问题,这不是一个可以在一夜之间改变的问题,这不是一个简单的钟摆摆动,所以这让我非常担心,我认为其他许多马来西亚人都可以抗争,尽管在经济上你确实想知道
14... 黄金价格和重大金融冲击即将到来
你确实想知道债务与 GDP 的比率是否超过 100,是的我的意思是我们刚刚经历了 100 年,好吧,我唯一要反驳的是,我同意你的观点,这是我的主要担忧,但看看日本,他们多年来一直占 GDP 的 250%,而且他们还在,是的,也许你知道也许我们错了,也许你可以永远这样生活,但我不认为你可以,为什么我们不废除税收,只印钞票,政府拥有他们需要的一切,我对此非常认真,如果我们可以印制我们需要的东西,为什么我们还要纳税,现代货币现代货币理论是的,鞋匠,我只是不相信任何不,我认为这太荒谬了,但到目前为止,没有发生任何不好的事情,嗯,2008 年,你知道是一个非常大的警醒,很酷,你的意思是,呃,金融危机,是的,绝对的,另一场危机即将到来,我不知道什么时候会是,是的,我告诉你我认为黄金价格告诉我们什么,这告诉了你一切,正如我告诉人们鲍勃他们会说鲍勃,你是不是有点太悲观了,好吧,我先把我在新闻里读到的一切都放在一边,它非常政治化,有时人们要么同意,要么不同意,有时非常激烈,所以我会说,考虑一下黄金的价格,我看着它与政治无关,是的,这告诉我有些事情不对劲,我完全同意,我已经说了一年多了,嗯,这实际上很有趣,不是吗,当你看黄金时,我觉得它仍然看起来很便宜,是的,不,我是认真的,如果西方再次回到西方,因为正如你之前指出的那样,财富,影响力,PO 正在从西方转移到东方,所以黄金的束缚是的,西方人很自满,他们不会买黄金,如果他们真的买了,事情就会呈抛物线状,是的,当然,你知道我们的戈登·布朗,你知道谁赞同黄金是野蛮遗物的观点,他卖了 400 公吨黄金,价格是 258 两,他向世界宣布了多少他当时在卖,而且是在什么日期卖的,那是在 90 年代末,你简直不敢相信,是的,所以黄金价格告诉我,有一个重大的金融冲击,嗯,可能是地缘政治的,但我不得不相信,它主要是金融的,它即将到来,当它真的到来时,它将加速政治变革的步伐,在所??有的变化中,我唯一担心的,我应该,我今天晚些时候要谈论这个,就是当我们是
15... 大国家保守主义与自由市场和企业家精神
看到整个欧洲都在向保守主义靠拢,他们都是大国家保守派,在美国也一样,我认为他们是大国家,我再也没有听到贵国或美国的右翼政党谈论自由市场, 这让我很担心,是的,这就是我们的不同之处,这就是改革的不同之处,因为我们相信企业家精神,我们相信企业家精神,我们讨厌这样一个事实,我们讨厌这样一个事实,即全球公司现在比政府更强大,他们影响政府,他们影响立法令人难以置信的是,规则越适合大人物,就越不适合小人物,我真诚地认为,真正的经济增长,顺便说一句,西方几乎没有,如果没有经常账户赤字,就不会有任何增长,今年美国经济增长的唯一原因是他们有 2 万亿美元的预算来保持经济增长,所以我相信企业家精神,我认为政府太大了,嗯,这让我与欧洲其他保守派政治家在文化上脱颖而出,你知道我在经济上与他们站在一起,我有不同的看法,这不是很有趣吗,我比你大一点,但在我这一代
16... 美国和欧洲的政治重组
今天都支持言论自由,50 年后,他们投票g 代表拥抱跨国公司并希望在每一个转折点审查言论的政党哦是的我知道我知道你的中产阶级或中上阶层的人本来是保守派,现在可能是一个相当激进的绿色自由主义者,你的工人阶级盖伊本来是工党,现在在右翼,是的煤矿工人正在投票给呃中右翼政党他们他们是他们有趣的是老煤矿工人社区在社会上是最保守的他们是最强大的信徒在家庭和社区他们了解教会的作用它发挥什么所以是的,事情发生了最显著的变化我不想花太多时间在这个问题上但你很快就提到了教会的作用似乎在西方正在减少确实
17... 宗教在西方的作用和环境保护主义
与我们正在谈论的所有问题有关无论你的宗教信仰如何绝对的事实是犹太教-基督教文化和价值观支撑了西方所代表的一切2000 年来,你知道《十诫》,如果你仔细想想,你会发现《十诫》仍然是我们所建立和信仰的一切的基础,就好像人们羞于站起来说“羞耻”,我们需要把这个放在后面,我觉得我们已经变得非常不信教,非常无神论,我认为文化基督教是至关重要的,我认为你知道相信你想相信的东西,但要明白为什么这很重要,有一种新的宗教可以解释,它被称为全球变暖,它被称为对净零的信仰,它被称为我们不能再生产石油了,老实说,这已经成为越来越多人的基本信仰体系,特别是年轻人,但不是神圣的,嗯,在美国,我看到今年的一项民意调查显示,那些与中产阶级截然相反的研究生学历的人都赞成关闭飞机,关闭任何与中产阶级有关的东西石油,我认为最终他们的经济福祉面临更大的风险,因为没有这些东西,你怎么能有增长的经济,所以它必须是经济以外的东西,似乎在你看来,这可能是某种狂热,呃,如果你愿意的话,可以称它为异教,但实际上,如果你仔细想想,它就是非常异教的,是的,呃,不,不,我的意思是他们没有意识到我们在马来西亚,我的意思是,这些灯的动力来自哪里,科尔,是的,煤炭,他们不得不把它带回德国,因为其他东西不起作用,在德国的情况下,褐煤是一种污染严重的含硫煤,中国人建造了一些风力涡轮机,让我们都感到高兴,但实际上,每年都会开设 60 到 80 个全新的冷火发电站,莫迪刚刚在印度连任,几乎在印度连任,他在竞选活动中吹嘘的一件事是,今年我们生产了 10 亿吨煤炭,你知道 2024 年这个统计数据是令人惊讶的是,到 2024 年,世界将燃烧 80 亿吨煤炭,这在哪里堆积起来,你就是无法理解他的故事,这是有史以来最多的,是的,是的,是的,西方说,哦,我们不是很可爱吗,是的,所以,看,你知道,我们关心环境、我们的空气、我们的海洋,以及我们留给我们的孩子的东西,当然,我们当然关心,但以实现低碳净零的名义所做的一切对西方来说绝对是灾难性的,没有哪个国家比我的国家遭受的更严重,自 1990 年以来,我们已经将二氧化碳排放量减少了 50%,你知道我们是怎么做到的吗?在过去的两周里,我们关闭了所有工厂,在过去的两周里,我们关闭了南威尔士的主要钢铁厂,该公司宣布这些工作将转移到印度,英国最大的炼油厂宣布将关闭,一个新的无烟煤矿被拒绝开采,看起来北海可能会关闭,损失 25 万个工作岗位,石油减少我们的碳排放,以显示世界上什么级别的人会反对清洁能源,我想不出有人会反对,所以我不知道是2050年,还是2060年或2075年,可再生能源,我的意思是,我们还没有达到可以依靠这种能源运行经济的地步,为什么不让自由市场发挥作用,我的观点是,我不知道现在的解决方案是什么,但如果我们让自由市场发挥作用,某个地方可能是美国,可能是英国,可能是亚洲的某个地方,也许我们会有所发现,我的意思是,毕竟40年前,无论谁设想了互联网,看看它是如何变化的,因为那是某个人,呃,被给予了某种激励,去生产一些让生活更美好的东西,难道我们不能想出一些办法吗这样我们就不必有这些严苛的观点,比如在找到替代品之前就淘汰内燃机,看在上帝的份上,是的,我的意思是,如果没有补贴,可再生能源就不会存在,当然不是,你知道这就是一直以来的资金来源,这就是拜登南加州所说的,78万亿美元,我们将不得不在未来30年内投入78万亿美元,是的,我们没有78万亿美元,而且对于一种间歇性能源来说,这就是问题所在,间歇性就是问题所在,我们还没有解决电池问题,如果没有大量的政府补贴,它就不存在,所有的证据都表明,它会导致消费者支付更高的价格,是的,所以我同意你的观点,我的意思是,如果它有效,我并不反对,自由市场可以让它发挥作用,那太棒了,我会很高兴,如果事实确实如此,但遗憾的是,我认为我们已经没有时间了,我们可以继续,这是一个球,奈杰尔法拉奇,非常感谢你。
Nigel Farage: The Destruction of Western Society
Nomad Capitalist 2024年11月16日
In this Nomad Capitalist Live 2024 interview, British MP and Leader of Reform UK Nigel Farage discusses the biggest threat to the West and what has been causing the death of the western society. Farage shares his views on the dying work culture in the West; immigration, religion and the clash of cultures; the failures of woke and environmentalist policies; and the political realignment taking place in the United States and Europe.
Farage also predicts the winner of the 2027 French presidential election and forecasts a major financial shock. Additionally, he reveals whether, if he had to do it over again, he would lead another Brexit campaign to bring the United Kingdom out of the European Union.
1... Massive Transfer of Power and Wealth West to East
2... Dying Work Culture in the West
3... AI and the Future of Work
4... Was Brexit Worth It?
5... Immigration Policy and Politics in the West
6... The "Virus of Marxism" and "Conservative Cowardice"
7... 2027 French Election Prediction and Political Shift in Europe
8... Career Politicians, Mass Immigration and Cultural Identity
9... The Biggest Threat to the West
10... Biggest Foreign Policy Failure in Decades
11... Death of the West and Generational Shift
12... Reaching "Peak Woke" and Rejection of Woke Culture
13... Islam and Muslim Assimilation in Europe
14... Gold Price and Major Financial Shock Coming
15... Big State Conservatism vs. Free Markets and Entrepreneurship
16... Political Realignment in the US and Europe
17... Role of Religion in the West and Environmentalism
1... Massive Transfer of Power and Wealth West to East
the reason we've moved so far that way I blame conservative cowardice we have not had conservative politicians prepared to stand up and take the abuse and believe you me the levels of abuse you get now from the well-funded organized left are of a different magnitude to anything we've seen before in policy I know called the leader of Reform UK Nigel farage
well I'm Bob Henderson I'm The Nomad dad delighted to have Nigel farage with me today welcome to koala Lampur thank you good to be here isn't this a wonderful place extraordinary um I mean one of the things of course that's going on in the world is this massive transfer of power money and influence that's going from the West to the East and boy don't you see it here yeah don't you see it here
and of course just down the road Singapore um it just just remarkable the
speed and pace of which these places are developing well as we were talking earlier it wasn't that long ago so we're roughly 60 years in Singapore kicked out of the uh Malay Foundation I'm going to be talking at Nomad capitalist live 2024 about uh Andrew being 40 years old this year and 40 years ago Singapore is on the ascent and now they're the most free place economically on the face of the Earth in a relatively short period of time Andrews talked about Malaysia in
1984 the year of his birth being a Backwater you come here now it's no
Backwater what the funny thing about Singapore is you know there was this campaign for Singaporean Independence and and and and I think you know the Malay has got a bit tired of it all and anyway but one of the funny things is
the big argument against Singapore becoming independent is it wasn't big enough it wasn't strong enough it couldn't possibly survive so it won't surprise you to know that during the brexit campaign I use Singapore as an example interesting you look at these countries and why they're doing so well and I think there are two standout reasons one is education and the right sort of education for the world living in the 21st century by which I mean a big emphasis on science mathematics engineering those kind of things so St absolutely yes absolutely um and the second is culture work culture we've got a a new
2... Dying Work Culture in the West
business secretary in Britain chat called Reynolds and um by the way he's never
had a job never had a proper job I mean you know trained as a lawyer didn't practice as a lawyer uh worked in you know MP's back offices career politician and he says he wants to end the culture of presenteeism meaning you don't need to turn up to the office I mean you can surely you know work at home and and and and we have a a something for nothing culture you know if you're young you can choose to just not work and take a bit of money off the government and smoke
drugs and that's fine absolutely great you know and and and where's the ambition where's the where's the drive where's the desire to get on and that's what I see in the East the East and the Far East is I see and my son lives out here you know he's moved out here for he lives in Singapore he he lives in Hong Kong in Hong Kong um and he's chosen to go there all right it's a bit repressive
politically um but but he's come because he wants to get on he wants to do well
he doesn't want to be taxed at some ludicrous rate which which that many young Professionals in Britain fall into but it's this work culture and we're losing it in the west and you know welfarism we're seeing in America too welfarism which was designed in a civilized society to help those that were falling down and and couldn't help themselves has now become a glass ceiling on aspiration where you finish up uh you finish up actually being penalized if you get off benefits and go back to to work so so your tax rate might be over 100% at that point that's
right and and and and so I think one of the reasons places let this do well the right education and as say work culture and ambition so let's talk briefly about the fact that well we'll say kids and I
3... AI and the Future of Work
don't want to just pick on the kids uh because ultimately it wouldn't have happened I don't think if the older Generations wouldn't have permitted it but that's another story so let's talk about AI for a moment I can't say that I truly understand it but if we had Ai and all these jobs passed uh you know went
away MH well isn't that maybe what they're getting us ready for in terms of Ubi
handing out money what is your view where are we going with this it's possible but we've had a whole series of technological changes since the birth of man you know and you think about over the last few centuries about new industrial techniques are developed and that means there are fewer workers needed and does it mean no one's ever going to find any jobs and and actually that gets replaced by something else and you know the coal mines all close in England in the 80s and are these men ever going to do work again and yet suddenly you know there are new service Industries other things that crop up and I I feel the same about AI I mean there are certain there are certain jobs that are doomed I mean take journalism you know say you have a I don't know a newspaper or TV company that's run it's got a 100 members of Staff in the room with AI they can do it with five or do it with 10 I mean and and I've literally watched this work I've watched put a news story into an AI system ask it to produce this result or that result ask it to be geographically relevant to one area or another and your basic uh your basic hack doesn't have a future but there'll still be room for opinion
there'll still be room for reflection um but but and it's the same with drive as cars I mean think of the number of people that earn a living driving buses driving trains driving cars um you know it's possible that driverless cars replace all those people but something else comes along so is this a form of creative destruction yeah
I think it probably is I think it probably is so I'm not going to get too hung up I'm not going to get too depressed about this uh because we've already in this conversation talked about worklessness and how awful worklessness is for people psychologically they kind of just lose the will to live they lose their sense of purpose I mean it's funny you know we are identified if you think about it by what we are absolutely we need an identity and if we don't have an identity we become far less productive as human beings so no I think I think what we'll find is displacement through AI but I think other forms of work will come along
4... Was Brexit Worth It?
well the question probably on a lot of people's minds is this turn the clock back to 2016 if you had to do brexit all over again MH would you still do it well turn the clock back to 1993 when half our audience wasn't even here that I know I know because that's when it started uhuh that was when the obsession started that was when the madness began with me no that was when I decided I got to make a stand I've got to do something you know and what I was fighting against we now know is globalism it was this idea that you give up control of your life you give up control of the levers over your life and and that really is what national sovereignty is you know National sovereignty is the idea certainly the Western idea that through your vote you could influence the people directly in charge of your life the people in charge of interest rates the people in charge of tax rates the people in charge of the rules and regulations by which we have to live socially and commercially and so I was opposed to the transference of that not just to a foreign power but to a foreign bureaucracy so yeah 1993 to 2016 without
ever stopping I never took a break I never took any time away I just kept
plugging away I don't believe it can ever be wrong to have freedom and whether that's individual Freedom whether it's freedom for your family uh whether it's freedom for your country to make decisions that must always be the right thing to do uh what I regret is that the British political establishment didn't want this result to happen never accepted the result never saw it for a minute as an opportunity but as a damaged Liberation exercise there are some things we've done that are good I think the orcus deal is a very good deal and that's the deal with us the Americans the Australians the Australians had these absolutely useless out ofd French diesel powered submarines and they're going to be replaced by nuclear submarines which means they can stay submerged which means it's much more difficult for the Chinese Navy to spot where they are and what they're doing that's an example in foreign policy terms of something we couldn't have done as a member of the European Union because we've had to you know we' had to
shown solidarity to our friendly friends for their outdated technology but in terms of controlling borders in terms of immigration being selective in that you think immigration is a good thing but you need the right people to come uh that are going to bring a positive benefit integrate um then we failed dramatically but the other big failure is I think everybody that's an entrepreneur and I apply the term entrepreneur to taxi drivers to people running Soul traders to um computer techs who probably can work from home uh you know all the way through I think everyone thought that being away from the grip of corporate law which is what Brussels is all about it's all about big multinationals setting the rules for their own industry I think everyone thought maybe their lives would get a little bit easier and in fact they probably got worse so to that extent many people feel brexit's been betrayed I would say it's been delayed we're still going to get those freedoms but not just yet you bring up immigration this is a huge issue in the
5.. Immigration Policy and Politics in the West
west as I look at Europe I see what are deemed far right parties oh we're all
far right unless we're because you don't because you don't agree with the establishment but let's say right of Center parties yeah the 20 years ago would have been agreed with by The Establishment at least in the US but now immigration has run a mock yet the left leftist governments are still pretty much in charge throughout most of the West how does this work when it's it's so obviously a problem to the citizenry of these countries and I talk about Sweden recently or or or the Germans uh the French to some extent your own country I think it's a huge issue in the United States uh 10 million in the last uh four years so so why isn't the left party stay in charge when everybody's against this sort of thing there a large plurality well you I mean America is the worst example of all
because it's 10 million that are AC cross the border it's not even legal immigration it's illegal immigration yes uh that America seems to be accepting do you know Eisenhower when he was president deported a million people who'd come illegally that was no problem then because you know if you wanted to go to America you had to go through the hoops and do the thing properly and do the thing legally um and it's a miracle to me it's a miracle to me but the Dems are still neck and neck with the Republicans as we run up to November the 5th now I think what you're seeing in Europe is much more fundamental than perhaps you analyze um I think the I think the penny is dropping in European countries that the mass importation of cultures that in some cases are diametrically opposed to what we would consider to be modern Western values and that means in particular attitudes towards women I think that's the really big one Sweden's the poster child for well absolutely um and I think these new right-wing passes center right passes many of whom as you quite rightly say wouldn't have been considered to be rightwing at all 20 years ago it would have been mainstream conservatism But but so far has the center of gravity of debate shifted to the left um and this is
6... The "Virus of Marxism" and "Conservative Cowardice"
because of two things one it's the virus of Marxism and the virus of Marxism
mutates and comes back every 20 or 30 years in different ways um it used to be about class and money you know the Zars got you know all these wonderful palaces and we must you know tear down the regime and now they use
race now they use race just as they used to use um class and so avowedly Marxist
organizations that wish to destroy everything the West stands for such as black lives matter are lorded by the New York Times by CNN um as if somehow these are wonderful wonderful organizations promoting Harmony and peace when actually all they're doing is promoting Division and I think the problem with all of this is that that aligned to the kind of pylons that you get on social media I think the reason we've moved so far that way I blame conservative cowardice we have not had conservative politicians prepared to stand up and take the abuse and believe you me the levels of abuse you get now from the well-funded organized left are of a different magnitude to anything we've seen before in politics and the
abuse comes with threats and intimidation as well physical threats and intimidation I know more about this I've been attacked so many times over and over and over um you know people throwing drinks in your face stuff like that and some of it some of it you've seen on television most of it you haven't yeah most of it you haven't som so so I think what's happening is the public are waking up to the fact that
7... 2027 French Election Prediction and Political Shift in Europe
actually this Clash of cultures is really very bad news and I think you're going to see very big change I think Marine Le Pen will become president of France in 2027 I have little doubt that will happen if you look at Georgia Maloney who's the prime minister of of Italy when she was elected the global press had the
screaming abdabs but actually what she done very decent very respectable you don't hear about her anymore well that's right because she's doing a good job you're absolutely right uh in in um in Hungary you have a very conservative leader in the shape of Victor Orban who gets reelected Time After Time After Time I mean he gets 50% of the vote in a multi-party system it's it's quite extraordinary totally extraordinary um our labor government by the way only got 34% of the vote and yet they have a big majority under our system isn't that amazing so many prime ministers around the world on 34 35% and
they're in power yeah well it all depends on electoral systems you know um
the American system is the oldfashioned absolutist two parties win or take all
and yeah you get you know Liberty Arian stands and a green stands but you basically become American president on 48% of the vote yeah and 270 electoral vote yeah and that's the way it's been for a very very long time so now I think that the political shift uh that is taking place in Europe will continue um and I think Italy shows you the way it's going to go let's talk about immigration in a moment I mean
8... Career Politicians, Mass Immigration and Cultural Identity
politicians are politicians excuse me they're there to stay in power um not
anti-establishment like you uh no there were two types of people in politics two very distinct types of people in politics there were those who are in politics to be something and that I think is what you're referring to yes and there were those who are in politics to do something yeah probably the split is about 3 to one I would say that in favor of the latter in favor of the careerists yes you know and and and politics as you know right across the West has increasingly been dominated by people who've had no real life or no big achievements outside of the political why would you want to put up with what you put up with if you're somebody uh with any kind of stature so it's going to get to the lowest common denominator over time yeah it's going that way why do I want my family to go through this the average person's going to say yes they are and it's it's it's it's that it's media intrusion it's it's funny uh people in in elected politics either are on the biggest money they'll ever earn or are taking gigantic cuts to do it you can guess which category I've been in well okay so let's go back and talk about the politicians that want to stay in power forever more is the calculous on the immigration issue we will get more votes by taking the stand we have
taken or is it a little bit more Sinister in that they're really trying to trash the system well Tony Blair won a big electoral victory in 1997 and opened the doors to Legal immigration in a way we'd never seen the likes of and his close advisor said we want to rub the noses of the right in diversity which meant they actually wanted to fundamentally change the character of British nationality through IM immigration they willfully and deliberately set out to do that and this is partly motivated by a kind of self-loathing it's something that George Orwell wrote about in the late 1940s um I don't think it's Unique to Britain either this this idea that you look back at your National History I'm rather being proud of the journey that your forbears were on uh through all of their triumphs and tragedies that they went through we're basically proud of who we are we're proud of our nation we're proud of our fam's role in it warts and all warts and all because of course it wasn't perfect and don't forget we have different moral judgments hey we have different moral judgments today to 20 years ago let alone 200 years ago um and no doubt people will look back on us in 50 years of Barbarians you know I mean that's just the way that it is or you belong to the school of thought that says this is loathsome and what we've seen and it goes back to the start of
the conversation actually about education we have seen the march of the left through the academic institutions both sides of the pond and this has happened to the most remarkable degree kind of University lecturers were always tended to be a bit Lefty but now they tend to be quite Hardley and not taken seriously and
they're now I'm afraid our kids are being poisoned yeah they're being told everything about our past is awful um and this this is you know Mr sorus funds all sorts of organizations that make children doubt the history of the country uh divide children up into making white children think they're oppressors black children think they're victims which by the way is a Dreadful thing to do to kids age seven 8 years old I mean it is abs absolutely truly awful um they even make kids doubt their own sexuality way before these children have even had sexual thoughts or got anywhere near puberty so these are the sick things that have been going on in our societies
9... The Biggest Threat to the West
question is the biggest threat to the West us you know we have met the enemy
and they are us or is it some foreign adversary in the near to medium term
future yeah I've pondered this I've pondered this question but I've pondered this question so long and hard year after year after year and I think the answer is the former I think the biggest enemy is us because it's us it's us losing our sense of who we are us losing our sense of what national identity means us losing our sense of what community means us losing our sense of why family actually is really very very important and shouldn't be underestimated and it's because of that loss in our leaders of of a sort of collective sense of confidence in who we are that has allowed our enemies to become stronger best example best example America had 3,000 troops left in
10... Biggest Foreign Policy Failure in Decades
Afghanistan they were no longer engaged in active combat no American Soldier had been killed for the previous 18 months the Americans and the Brits by the way who prata for population were there in the same numbers took the same losses and spent the same money you know side by side with our American Allies for 20 years and unilaterally unilaterally a weak American leader Joe Biden decides he's going to withdraw the American troops without any thought for Consulting his mates the British well of course he doesn't like us anyway without any thought for the equipment that was there without any thought for how the withdrawal from Kabul from Afghanistan would go I think that's the biggest single foreign policy mistake I've seen made in my lifetime it led to well not just well certainly since Vietnam certainly since Vietnam which the Brits by the way said
no to um one thing Harold Wilson is the labor Prime Minister got right and America Left Behind $85 billion worth of of grade a kit uh there were unnecessary deaths in getting out the Taliban was back in charge within a week and I do not believe that Putin would have invaded Ukraine if he hadn't seen that sense of weakness from the West so we are our own worst enemies or better put there is an enemy within that is that is destroying us suicide of the
11...Death of the West and Generational Shift
West it is the side of the west but I have some hope the hope that I have is
that we're seeing political changes already as we describe those please well with the the political changes we're seeing are as I say Italy where France is going uh and those things are encouraging uh and I think I think the public are ready for a lot more of that change over the course of the next few years and the other interesting thing is this the Millennials are gone they're gone waste of space they don't believe you it's all about work life balance and you know gen Z is different I really interesting the 16 to 24 year olds I'm meeting I'm seeing they're very
different in what way oh wow they're just rejecting all this stuff I mean they not on mass but significant plurality a huge number of young of these young people are saying the hell with that they're challenging what their teachers are telling them um my social media following among them is was absolutely remarkable it was said that one of the primary things that K starma would do early as prime minister is reduced the voting age from 18 to 16 well maybe he better not and now he's decided not to do it because he's worried about farage and he's worried about how these guys so I think there is a generational shift and I'm beginning to see a bit more ambition I'm beginning to see a bit more sense of identity in this younger generation and it's it is that younger generation that is powering
the Leen vote in France it is that younger generation that is powering the the afd and Germany who by the way are a mixed bag I mean genuinely very very mixed bag um so I do see some hope I do see some hope um I also think you know if you take the long historical view there are pendulums that swing back and forth through the centuries the pendulum
12... Reaching "Peak Woke" and Rejection of Woke Culture
is swinging back against ESG investing oh definitely I mean happening in a big big way um I think the but don't you think under the surface they're still practicing some of that just maybe not so blatantly in your face I think it's the other way around really yeah I think when they were professing to be doing it they weren't always doing it it's First Signal yeah yeah I think it's the other way around um it's very interesting I mean Glen Co the biggest mining you know Corporation in the world uh recently asked their London shareholders uh you know you know institutions most ly whether they should sell the Cal Division and the answer came back no keep the Cal division it's the best bit you've got so we're seeing we're seeing change on that we are seeing a change on some of the trans lunacy now look let people let people be what they are there have always been a tiny percentage of people who felt they were in the wrong bodies and we should we should have sympathy for them and love for them all right I genu when you mean that I I really do but but the idea you know that somebody who's been through male puberty and is 6'3 can suddenly put a dress on and say I want to be a swimmer you know against female athletes some of that Madness we're now seeing the pendulum shift and sports are now taking a more responsible attitude so I think there is already I see signs I I I I genuinely believe that we've reached Peak woke I think there is now a little bit more of a shift towards common sense um and I say that not just out of Hope but just witnessing well you're you're seeing the public all the time you're interacting every day yeah yeah so there is a shift going on there is a shift going on now you know there are but are we too far down
13... Islam and Muslim Assimilation in Europe
the rabbit hole well this worries me I mean the embedding of radical
Islam in some of Britain's towns and cities worries me very greatly very greatly um whilst the vast majority of the Muslim population in Britain are integrated their kids play with our kids they want to play soccer or whatever it is and a lot of these Muslim people have done very well and their doctors and their lawyers and that's great uh but we need their help we need their help very badly to stand up absolutely for the culture they absolutely you know um because a worrying 20 25% of young Muslim men living in Britain I think J has an accept is an acceptable concept uh that worries me very very greatly uh that is a problem that Sweden Britain Germany France uh we're going to face that for decades to come that is not a problem that can change overnight that is not a simple swing of the pendulum so that concerns me very deeply uh many of the other malayas um I think can be fought um although economically economically you do wonder
14... Gold Price and Major Financial Shock Coming
you do Wonder with you know ratios of of of of debt GDP well over 100 yeah I I
mean we we we've just gone through a 100 yeah well and I the only thing I'll push back on I mean I agree with you it's a major concern of mine but look at Japan they 250% of GDP have been for years and they're still around yeah well maybe you know maybe we're wrong maybe you can just live like this forever but I don't think you can why don't we abolish taxes and just print money and the government has everything they need and I'm deadly serious about that if we can print what we need why do we have to pay taxes modern monetary modern monetary Theory yeah cobblers I I just don't believe any of no I think it's ridiculous but so far nothing bad's happened well 2008 you know was a was a very big wake up cool you mean with the uh great financial crash yeah absolutely and another one's coming I don't know when it's going to be yeah look I tell you what I think the gold price is telling us that tells you everything as I'm tell people Bob they'll say Bob aren't you a little bit too gloomy all right I'll put aside for a moment everything that I read in the news it's very political sometimes people either agree or disagree and sometimes vehemently so I'll say consider the price of gold I look at that it's apolitical yeah tells me something is wrong I agree totally I've been saying this for a year or more um it's it's actually quite it's funny isn't it really when you look at gold I think it still looks cheap yeah no I do I'm being serious well if if the west back on the west again because as you pointed out earlier the wealth the influence the PO is moving from west to east y so is the gold bind yeah the westerners are complacent they're not buying gold if they ever do the thing's going to go parabolic yeah well of course been you know our Gordon Brown um you know who subscribed to the view that gold was a barbarous relic sold 400 metric tons of gold that at what price 258 two and he announced to the world how much he was selling and on what dates he'd sell it that was in the late '90s and you can't believe it yeah so the gold price tells me there's a major Financial shock well well it's geopolitical probably but it's I have to believe it's mostly Financial it's coming and when it does come that will then accelerate the pace of political change of all the change the only worry I have and I should I'm going to talk about this later on today is whilst we are
15... Big State Conservatism vs. Free Markets and Entrepreneurship
seeing a move towards conservatism across Europe they're all big state
conservatives same in the US I think they're big state I never hear the right
leaning parties in your country or in the US talk about the free market
anymore that concerns me yeah well that's where we're different that's where reform is different because we believe in entrepreneurship we believe in entrepreneurship and we hate the fact we hate the fact that Global corporations are now more powerful than governments they influence governments they influence legislation to the most incredible degree and the more the rule book suits the big guys the less it suits the little guys and I genuinely think that real economic growth which by the way the West has hardly any of no hardly any if it wasn't if it wasn't for the current account deficit there wouldn't be any growth at all well the only reason we have growth in the US this year is they have a $2 trillion def to keep it a exactly exactly so I do believe in entrepreneurship I do think the state is way too big um and and that kind of makes me stand out against the other conservative type politicians across Europe culturally I you know I'm with them economically I have a different vision isn't it interesting I'm a little bit older than you are but in my generation
16... Political Realignment in the US and Europe
when I was coming of age the left detested the major corporations and they
were all for free speech today 50 years later they're voting for the party that
Embraces the multinational corporations and wants to censor speech at every turn oh yes how does that I know I know and your middle or middle upper class person that would have been conservative is now probably quite a radical green liberal and your working class geizer who would would have been labor is now on the right yeah the coal miners are voting for uh the center right parties they they are they and and interestingly the old coal mining communities are socially the most conservative they're the strongest Believers in family in community they understand the role of the church what it plays with so yeah things have changed in the most remarkable way I don't want to spend too much time on this but you brought it up quickly the role of the church it seems to be diminishing in the west does does
17... Role of Religion in the West and Environmentalism
that have something to do about all the problems we're talking about whatever your religious conviction what is absolutely a fact is that it is judeo-christian
culture and values that have underpinned everything the West has stood for for 2,000 years you know the Ten Commandments well if you think about it you know the Ten Commandments still underpin pretty much everything that we built and we believe in um and it's as if people are ashamed to stand up and say ashamed kind of we need to put this to the back and I think I think we've become pretty irreligious pretty Godless um I think cultural Christianity is vital I think you know believe what you want to believe individually but understand why this matters and there is a new religion that's explain fling it's called global warming it's called the belief in Net Zero it's called the we mustn't produce oil anymore it's and this honestly this has become a fundamental belief system for a growing number of people uh especially young people but not holy well and the and the more welltoo in the United States I saw a poll this year that showed that the people with uh postgraduate deges who are so diametrically opposed to the middle class are all for shutting down airplane rides uh shutting down anything that has to do with oil and I would think that ultimately their economic well-being is more at risk because without those things how can you have a growing economy so it has to be something other than the economy it appears that to your point it's probably some sort of zealotry uh call it a Pagan religion if you want to but it is actually if you think about it very Pagan yeah uh no no and I mean they are oblivious to the fact that here we are in Malaysia I mean where what's powering all these lights Cole yes coal and they had to bring it back in Germany too because the other stuff wouldn't work and in Germany's case lignite which really is quite a polluting sulfurous coal um the Chinese build a few wind turbines to make us all feel happy but actually are opening 60 to 80 every year brand new cold fire power stations every year Modi who was just reelected in India just about reelected in India one of his boasts in the election campaign is this year we produced a billion tons of coal do you know in 2024 this this statistic is amazing in 2024 the world will burn 8 billion tons of coal where is that stack up his story you just can't get is that the most ever it's the record yeah the record whilst the West says oh aren't we lovely we yeah so so look you know do do do we are we concerned about the environment and our air and our seas and what we leave our kids of course we are of course we are but what is being done in the name of achieving low carbon Net Zero is absolutely catastrophic for the west and no country has suffered it worse than mine we have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 50% since 1990 do you know how we've done it by closing everything in the last two week the last two weeks we've had the major steel Works in South Wales close and the firm announced those jobs are going to India we've had the largest refinery in Britain announced it's going to close we've had a new anthracite mine refused permission to open and it looks like the North Sea could close down with a loss of a quarter million jobs for for oil to reduce our carbon emissions to show the world what level people we well so who would be opposed to cleaner energy I can't imagine anybody would be so I don't know it's 2050 the year is it 2060 or 2075 the Renewables I mean we we're not anywhere near the point where we can run an economy on this no why don't we let the free market work my view is and I have no idea what the solution is at this point but if we let the free market work somewhere could be the us could be Great Britain could be somewhere in Asia maybe we'll make some sort of a discovery I mean after all 40 years ago whoever envisioned the internet and look at how that's changed because that was somebody uh that was uh given uh some sort of incentive to produce something that made lives better can't we come up with something uh so that we don't have to have these Draconian points of view as to you know getting rid of the internal combustion engine before we have anything to replace it For Heaven's Sake yeah it's I mean listen without subsidy Renewables wouldn't exist well of course not you know that's what's been funding this all the way through that is what the Biden So-Cal well jenet y said it's $78 trillion uh we're going to have to throw 78 trillion at it over the next 30 Years yeah we don't have 78 trillion and also for a form of intermittent energy that's the problem it's it's the intermittency that is the problem we haven't solved the battery problem it doesn't exist without vast government subsidies and all the evidence is it leads to Consumers having higher prices yeah so I agree with you I mean I'm not against it if it works and the free market can make this work that's just fantastic I'd be wonderful I'd be over the moon if that's the case but it just sadly isn't I think we're out of time that's a ball we could go on that's a ball Nigel farage thank you so much as thank you.