Ingredients: (12 Dinner Rolls make 12 buns)
12 Dinner Rolls - 12 个晚餐包
1000g radish - 1000克的白萝卜
300g Turkey meat --300克火鸡肉馅
4red pepper -- 4个小红米椒
a small piece of ginger -- 1 小块生姜
4scallion --4根青葱
3 cloves of garlic -- 3 瓣大蒜
1tbsp Haitian spicy soybean sauce -- 1 大勺海天辣黄豆酱
1/4 tsp Granulated Chicken flavor Soup base mix -- 1/4 小勺鸡精
1tbsp light soy sauce -- 1 大勺生抽酱油
1 tbsp oyster sauce -- 1 大勺蚝油
1 tbsp dark soy sauce -- 1 大勺老抽酱油