Audrey Hepburn, Hubert de Givenchy 0f 40+Years fashionFriendship

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Audrey Hepburn, Hubert de Givenchy 0f 40+Years fashionFriendship

Why You Should Know About Audrey Hepburn and Givenchy's Collaboration


"He devoted over four decades to her, his muse, crafting countless iconic looks. His final farewell, carrying her coffin, was a testament to a love that transcended time and the ordinary. Explore the extraordinary bond between Hepburn and Givenchy, a companionship that extended far beyond the realm of romance." English hashtags: #AudreyHepburn #HubertDeGivenchy #FashionIcons #LifelongFriendship #BeyondLove #LegendaryDuo

為赫本終身未娶守護40餘年,成就其無數經典形象,逝世後親自抬棺送別,細看赫本與紀梵希超越愛的陪伴 #愛情 #友情 #時尚 #慈善 #情感
