Britain was the only England and Wales,but UK now

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Hi enjoying the program except for one thing! You keep referring to Britain when you should be saying UK. Perhaps you are unaware that Britain is only England and Wales. It became Great Britain in 1707 with the Act of Union with Scotland. So your comments that Britain did this and Britain did that are very insulting to the many people of Scotland and Northern Ireland! Who made the greatest sacrifice? When I watch a history program, I expect the history to be factual! In future programs, could you fix this? Regards Andy
Really? Its that important to you? That hes missed the word Great? Were doomed.
The price of greatness is responsibility for peace (Winston Churchill). Liam Dales WAR STORY, complete with episode breaks for top-ups and comfort visits. Covering the period from SEPT 1939 - OCT 1941, this comprehensive series will give you serious coverage of this monumental period of history.

hashtagww2 hashtagworldwar2videos hashtagww2documentaries

00:00:00 Ep. 1: Sept - Dec 1939 - The Road to War

00:55:43 Ep. 2: Jan - Mar 1940 - Battle Lines Drawn

01:48:29 Ep. 3: Apr - Jun 1940 - First Blood

02:40:03 Ep. 4: Jul - Sept 1940 - Britain Under Attack

03:32:31 Ep. 5: Oct - Dec 1940 - Fighting Further Afield

04:25:26 Ep. 6: Jan - Mar 1941 - On Land, in the Air and all at Sea

05:20:19 Ep. 7: Apr - Jun 1941 - The Blitz, the Bismarck and Barbarossa

06:15:44 Ep. 8: Jul - Sept 1941 - Russian Roulette

We will expect it to be hard! And long!Winston Churchill said. Then, childish chuckle.

Are you referring to Britain when you should be saying UK?

Perhaps you are unaware that Britain is only England and Wales.

It became Great Britain in 1707 with the Act of Union with Scotland.