纳税人每天支付 224 美元来安置非法越境者
Taxpayers paid $224 per day to accommodate illegal border crossers
By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, True North Wire May 14, 2024
在保守党议员 Lianne Rood 提出的质询中,自由党政府承认纳税人每天支付 224 美元来为某些非法进入加拿大的寻求庇护者提供生活和住宿。
Rood 在社交媒体上发布了政府的回应,详细说明了渥太华为仍在等待移民审查的庇护寻求者拨出的“商品和服务”资金。
数据显示,住宿费用平均为每间房 140 美元,另外每人还需为伙食费预留 84 美元,因此每人每天的总支出为 224 美元。
“新民主党-自由党政府给予非法越境者的福利是帮助加拿大老年人的十倍!可耻!”Rood 对 X 评论道。
这一信息是在加拿大难民申请增加期间曝光的,加拿大移民、难民和公民部报告称,正在处理 156,032 起案件。
并非所有申请人都住在 IRCC 管理的设施内,但这些数字凸显了寻求庇护者涌入所带来的问题。
截至 11 月,渥太华为加拿大各地 7,000 人提供了临时住宿,使用了 3,800 个房间,每年花费纳税人 5.57 亿美元。
Rood 的质询专门针对一群寻求庇护者,政府称他们为“非法越境者”,指的是那些非法越境进入加拿大寻求庇护的人。
根据 IRCC 的数据,截至去年年底,非法越境者未决案件数量达到 42,387 件,年底申请数量大幅增加 2,145 件。
尽管 2023 年 3 月关闭了通往魁北克的常用非法越境点 Roxham Road,但寻求庇护者的涌入仍在继续,这引发了人们对移民当局有效处理申请的能力的质疑。
IRCC 数据显示,多年来,虽然有 39,643 名非法越境者获得了官方难民身份,但有 22,611 人的申请被拒绝、撤回或放弃。
Taxpayers paid $224 per day to accommodate illegal border crossers
By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, True North Wire May 14, 2024
Rood published the government response on social media detailing the funds Ottawa has set aside for “goods and services” for asylum seekers who are still awaiting immigration review.
The figures indicate that the average daily cost for accommodation is $140 per room, with an additional $84 set aside for food per person, leading to a total daily expenditure of $224 per person.
“The NDP-Liberal government is giving ten times the benefits to illegal border jumpers than it is giving to help Canadian seniors! Disgraceful!” Rood commented on X.
This information has come to light during a period of increased refugee claims in Canada, with Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada reporting 156,032 cases being processed.
Not all claimants are housed within IRCC-managed facilities, but the significant numbers highlight the issues brought about by the influx of asylum seekers.
In response to the rising need for temporary housing, the Liberals launched the Interim Housing Assistance Program, which provides shelter to the growing number of asylum seekers.
As of November, Ottawa funded temporary accommodation for 7,000 people across Canada, using 3,800 rooms costing taxpayers $557 million per year.
Rood’s query was specifically aimed at a group of asylum seekers whom the governments call “irregular border crossers,” which refers to those who illegally crossed the border into Canada to claim asylum.
According to IRCC data, the number of pending cases by illegal border crossers reached 42,387 by the end of last year, with a significant increase of 2,145 claims by year-end.
Despite the shutdown of Roxham Road, a frequently used illegal border crossing point into Quebec, in March 2023, the influx of asylum seekers has continued, raising questions about the ability of immigration authorities to process claims efficiently.
Over the years, IRCC data shows that while 39,643 illegal border crossers have received official refugee status, 22,611 claims were denied, withdrawn, or abandoned.