中国合成钻石 摧毁印度200亿美元钻石业

中国的合成钻石如何摧毁印度价值 200 亿美元的钻石产业?

How China’s Synthetic Diamonds Crushed India’s $20 Billion Diamond Industry?

2025 年 1 月 5 日

印度钻石行业曾是全球钻石加工领域的领军者,如今正面临几十年来最严重的危机。苏拉特和古吉拉特邦等城市占全球钻石抛光市场的 80%,该行业一直是印度经济的基石,支持了数百万个就业岗位和数十亿美元的出口收入。然而,中国人造钻石市场的崛起彻底改变了全球格局。到 2022 年,中国占据了人造钻石市场 30% 以上的份额,提供了价格合理的替代品,重塑了消费者的偏好。

本视频探讨了印度钻石行业的急剧衰落,以及中国在实验室培育钻石技术方面的进步如何导致这一转变。从人造钻石的流行度飙升(成本仅为天然钻石的一小部分)到天然钻石价格暴跌,我们分析了这一转变背后的关键因素。影响是深远的:工厂关闭、失业人数超过 20 万、古吉拉特邦钻石中心的工资削减高达 50%。此外,中国在实验室生产的钻石生产方面占据主导地位,河南省是领头羊,威胁到印度的复苏能力。



欢迎来到 Nexus 项目几十年来,印度的钻石

行业一直是世界上最重要的钻石加工中心之一,特别是苏里特和古吉拉特邦等城市的钻石加工行业提供了数百万个就业机会,并支持了数十亿美元的出口收入,根据国际钻石交易所的数据,印度曾经占据全球切割和抛光钻石市场的约 80%,该行业吸引了来自世界各地的投资和贸易,成为印度经济的基石,特别是作为珠宝和奢侈品领域的关键参与者,然而近年来,该行业急剧下滑,这主要是由于中国的崛起引发的,因为中国开始大规模生产合成钻石并迅速占领了全球市场,印度传统钻石加工业的前景在 2018 年急剧恶化,中国的合成钻石市场首次超过 10 亿美元,到 2022 年,根据《南华早报》报道中国合成钻石市场份额已超过全球30% 合成钻石价格仅为天然钻石十分之一,已成为越来越受欢迎且价格合理的替代品,推动了消费者需求的转变 据《南华早报》去年12月报道,由于中国消费者对天然钻石失去兴趣,天然钻石需求大幅下降,导致整体消费量大幅下降 与此同时,中国的合成钻石行业正在快速发展,并向全球市场扩张 经济学家认为,多年来钻石价格持续下跌,导致许多人认为钻石不再是一项值得的投资,预计这一趋势将持续 报告强调,天然钻石的价格在全球范围内下跌,由于天然钻石价格高昂,消费者纷纷放弃购买天然钻石,而价格低廉的合成钻石越来越受欢迎 上海一家钻石公司的创始人表示,蒂芙尼珠宝不再是必需品消费者他指出,虽然他能够像前几年一样每周获得大约 10 颗钻石订单,但现在客户更喜欢更便宜的替代品,新婚夫妇倾向于购买较小的钻石以适应他们缩减的预算,有时甚至选择合成钻石,其价格仅为天然钻石价格的十分之一在过去的两年里,全球批发钻石价格从 2022 年初到现在下跌了约 40%,实验室培育的毛坯钻石价格在零售端下跌了 85%,1 克拉实验室培育钻石的价格自 2022 年达到历史高点以来,已从峰值下跌了 80% 以上。全球毛坯钻石价格出现了特别急剧的下跌钻石行业分析师 Paul Zusy 表示,中国市场的变化对钻石价格产生了重大影响坦率地说,去年中国的钻石需求已经断崖式下降,他说该行业显然感受到了影响 独立亚洲经济学家 Rajiv Bisas 指出,中国钻石市场价值 90 亿美元,是仅次于美国的世界第二大钻石市场,然而,越来越多的人认为钻石已经失去了投资价值。他解释说,随着时间的推移,钻石不再被视为价值储存手段,因为它们的价格一直在稳步下降。与此同时,分析师表示,中国在实验室培育钻石的大规模生产方面处于领先地位,而实验室培育钻石的价格仅为天然钻石的一小部分。早前彭博社的报道援引美国市场研究公司 Tendis 的最新报告指出,2024 年 10 月,美国成品珠宝零售额增长了 99.9%,天然钻石珠宝小幅增长了 4.7%,而实验室培育钻石则大幅增长了 46%。此外,根据德国统计数据平台的数据,全球珠宝市场预计将出现实验室培育钻石的销售额在 2024 年达到约 180 亿美元,占总市场份额的 20% 以上,市场的这种转变对印度的钻石行业产生了直接影响,曾经依赖天然钻石的加工厂现在面临订单的急剧减少,导致 2023 年失业率飙升,苏雷特的钻石加工出口暴跌近 50%,工厂关闭和大规模裁员导致约 200 至 100,000 人失业,同时印度钻石工人的工资也大幅下降,一些地区的工资下降幅度高达 50% 此外,随着中国不断改进其人造钻石生产技术,其生产能力和出口规模正在迅速扩大,河南省的人造钻石行业已成为全球领导者,出口到包括印度在内的多个国家,直接威胁到印度的生存。印度钻石行业数据显示,中国现在占全球人造钻石产量的50%以上,这一快速的市场转变在过去十年中进一步削弱了印度传统的钻石加工行业。中国中部的湖南省已成为全球实验室培育钻石的生产中心。《湖南商报》11月的一篇文章提到,自1963年中国成功研制出人造钻石以来,超硬材料行业蓬勃发展并逐步占据领先地位。湖南作为人造钻石工业化的发源地,已成为超硬材料研发中心和人才中心,是中国和全球最大、最重要的钻石产区。公开数据显示,中国生产的钻石单晶约占全球产量的95%,保持全球领先地位,其中湖南占中国实验室培育钻石产量的80%。中国的产能约占全球产能的50%,其中80%来自湖南。中原、南阳等城市超硬材料产业发展成为地方优势产业 以中原为例,它是中国第一颗人造金刚石的诞生地,是全国超硬材料产业的人才中心、技术创新中心和产业基地 该市拥有完整的人造金刚石产业链,拥有超硬材料电商企业122家,2023年产业规模将接近200亿元 人造金刚石产量占全国总产量的三分之一以上,出口额超过20亿元,位居全国第一 此外,中原还拥有行业70%以上的中高端创新资源,拥有七个国家级超硬材料研发平台 超硬材料产业的快速崛起,很大程度上得益于政府的高层举措 近年来,湖南省已将人造金刚石产业定位为国家“十三五”重点产业2022年7月,该省启动了一项计划,以加速包括超硬材料在内的新材料产业的发展。到2025年,该地区的目标是打造以郑州、昌山、拉哈南洋和新洋为重点的六万亿级支柱产业,建立世界上最大的超硬材料研究和生产基地。中国人造钻石的崛起给印度钻石行业带来了前所未有的打击。因此,苏拉特的钻石行业正经历50年来最严重的经济衰退,导致20万个工作岗位流失。钻石行业的工资被削减了50%。据印度媒体报道,钻石行业直接雇佣了苏雷特和古吉拉特邦其他地区约17万名工人,其中110万人印度许多人依靠加工毛坯钻石为生然而持续的危机导致90%的小型钻石工厂关闭,超过20万工人失业仍在运营的工厂的工人面临20%至50%的减薪据古吉拉特邦钻石工人工会称,财务压力引发了工人的心理健康危机在过去的一年里,苏雷特有45名钻石工人自杀工会的热线接到了3000多通工人的求助电话中国人造钻石的崛起对印度传统的钻石加工业产生了深远的影响,震撼了全球市场随着中国继续通过技术创新和产业布局加强其在全球钻石市场的地位,像印度这样传统上是主要钻石生产国的国家将在未来几年面临日益激烈的竞争和不确定的未来全球钻石市场竞争格局或将发生深刻变化,印度钻石行业复苏之路将更加复杂艰难。从黄金时代到目前的低迷时期,印度钻石行业的衰落并非一朝一夕,而中国人造钻石的崛起无疑加速了这一进程。中国不仅改变了全球钻石市场的供需动态,也深深影响了印度传统钻石加工行业的命运,印度在市场上的竞争力下降,未来几年行业的复苏前景将面临重大挑战。

How China’s Synthetic Diamonds Crushed India’s $20 Billion Diamond Industry?

2025 年 1 月 5 日


India's diamond industry, once the world leader in diamond processing, is now facing its most significant crisis in decades. With cities like Surat and the Gujarat region accounting for 80% of the global diamond polishing market, the industry has been a cornerstone of India's economy, supporting millions of jobs and billions in export revenues. However, the rise of China’s synthetic diamond market has drastically shifted global dynamics. By 2022, China captured over 30% of the synthetic diamond market, offering affordable alternatives that have reshaped consumer preferences.

This video explores the dramatic decline of India’s diamond sector and how China’s advancements in lab-grown diamond technology have led to this shift. From the surging popularity of synthetic diamonds, costing a fraction of natural diamonds, to plummeting natural diamond prices, we analyze the key factors behind this transformation. The impact is profound: factory closures, job losses exceeding 200,000, and wages cut by up to 50% in Gujarat’s diamond hubs. Additionally, China’s dominance in lab-grown diamond production, with Henan Province leading the charge, threatens India’s ability to recover.

We also examine global trends, such as rising lab-grown diamond sales in markets like the U.S. and Europe, where affordability and sustainability drive demand. As natural diamond exports dwindle and synthetic alternatives rise, India faces challenges to compete with China's innovative superhard materials industry.


welcome to project Nexus for decades India's Diamond

industry was one of the most significant

Diamond processing centers in the world

in particular cities like surit and the Gujarat region saw the diamond processing industry provide millions of jobs and support billions of dollars in export revenues according to the International Diamond Exchange India

once accounted for Approximately 80% of

the global market for cutting and

polishing Diamonds the industry

attracted Investments and trade from

around the world becoming a Cornerstone

of India's economy particularly as a key

player in the jewelry and luxury goods

sector however in recent years the

industry has seen a sharp decline

largely triggered by the rise of China

as China began mass-producing synthetic

diamonds and rapidly captured the Global

Market the outlook for India's

traditional Diamond processing industry

deteriorated drastically in 2018 China's

synthetic diamond Market exceeded $1

billion for the first time and by 2022

according to the South China Morning

Post China's market share of synthetic

diamonds had surpassed 30% of the global

market synthetic diamonds which cost

only a tenth of the price of natural

diamonds have made them an increasingly

popular and affordable alternative

driving a shift in consumer demand

according to a report from the South

China Morning Post in December last year

the demand for natural diamonds

plummeted as Chinese consumers lost

interest resulting in a steep decline in

overall consumption meanwhile China's

synthetic diamond industry is rapidly

growing and expanding into the global

market economists believe that the

consistent drop in diamond prices over

the years has led many to view diamonds

as no longer a worthwhile investment

this trend is expected to continue the

report highlighted that the price of

natural diamonds is falling globally

with consumers shifting away from

natural diamonds due to their high costs

while synthetic diamonds which are much

cheaper are gaining popularity the

founder of a Shanghai Diamond company

said that Tiffany Jewelry no longer

feels like a necessity to Consumers he

noted that while he was able to secure

about 10 Diamond orders per week like in

previous years customers now prefer

cheaper alternative newlywed couples tend to buy smaller

diamonds to fit their shrinking budgets

and sometimes even opt for synthetic

diamonds which cost just a tenth of the

price of natural diamonds over the past

2 years Global wholesale diamond prices

have dropped by around 40% from the

beginning of 2022 until now rough lab

grown diamond prices have fallen by as

much as 85% on the retail end the price

of a 1 karat lab grown Diamond has

dropped by more than 80% % from its peak

since reaching historic highs in

2022 Global rough diamond prices have

seen a particularly sharp decline

Diamond industry analyst Paul zusy

stated that the changes in the Chinese

market have significantly impacted

diamond prices frankly Diamond demand in

China has already dropped off a cliff

last year he said the industry has

clearly felt the effects independent

Asian Economist Rajiv bisas pointed out

that China's Diamond Market valued at $9

billion is the second largest in the

world after the United States however

many people are increasingly viewing

diamonds as having lost their investment

value he explained that over time

diamonds are no longer seen as a store

of value because their prices have been

steadily declining meanwhile analysts

indicate that China is leading the way

in the mass production of lab grown

diamonds which are priced at a fraction

of the cost of natural diamonds earlier

reports from Bloomberg citing the latest

report from US market research firm

tendis noted that retail sales of

finished jewelry in the US grew by 99.9%

in October 2024 natural diamond jewelry

saw a modest increase of

4.7% while lab grown diamonds surged by

an impressive

46% additionally according to Germany's

statistic data platform the global

jewelry market is expected to see lab

grown Diamond sales reach approximately

$18 billion in 2024 accounting for more

than 20% of the total market share this

shift in the market has had a direct

impact on India's Diamond industry

processing plants that once relied on

natural diamonds are now facing a sharp

reduction in orders leading to Soaring

unemployment rates in 2023 Diamond

processing exports from suret plummeted

by nearly 50% with factories closing and

widespread layoffs resulting in

approximately 200 100,000 job losses

meanwhile wages for Indian Diamond

workers have also significantly dropped

with some regions experiencing

reductions of up to 50% moreover as

China continues to improve its synthetic

diamond production technology its

production capacity and Export scale are

rapidly expanding the synthetic diamond

industry in Honan province has become a

global leader exporting to multiple countries including India directly threatening the survival of IND India's Diamond industry data shows that China nowaccounts for more than 50% of global

synthetic diamond production and this

rapid Market shift has further

undermined India's traditional Diamond

processing industry over the past decade

Hunan Province in central China has

become the Global Production hub for lab

grown diamonds an article from the Hunan

Business Daily in November mentioned

that since China successfully developed

synthetic diamonds in

1963 the super hard materials industry

has flourished and gradually taken a

leading position Hunan as the birthplace

of synthetic diamond industrialization

has become the research and development

center for super hard materials and a

talent Hub making it the largest and

most important Diamond producing region

in China and globally public data shows

that China produces around 95% of the

world's Diamond single crystals

maintaining its position as the global

leader with Hunan accounting for 80% of

China's synthetic diamond production

in the lab grown Diamond field China's

production capacity represents about 50%

of global capacity with 80% of that

coming from Hunan specifically cities

like jungo xuong and nanyang have seen

super hard materials evolve into local

industries of strength take Jung Joo as

an example it is the birthplace of

China's first synthetic diamond and

serves as the talent Hub technological

innovation Center and Industrial base

for the country's super hard materials

industry the city boasts a complete lab

grown Diamond industry chain with 122

e-commerce companies in the super hard

material sector and an industry scale

nearing 20 billion yuan in 2023 lab

grown Diamond production accounted for

over a third of China's total with

export values exceeding 2 billion yuan

ranking first in the country moreover

Jung Joo houses More than 70% of the

industry's mid to- high-end innov ation

Resources with seven National level

research and development platforms for

super hard materials the rapid rise of

the super hard materials industry owes

much to top level government initiatives

in recent years Hunan Province has

placed a strong emphasis on the

development of the new material sector

particularly super hard materials in

July 2022 The Province launched a plan

to accelerate the development of

material Industries including super hard

materials by 2025 the region aims to

create Six Trillion level pillar

Industries with Jung Joo xuong shanu

Laha nanyang and shinyang as key points

establishing the world's largest

research and production base for super

hard materials the rise of China's

synthetic diamonds has dealt an

unprecedented blow to India's Diamond

industry as a result surat's Diamond

industry is experiencing the worst

economic downturn in 50 years leading to

the loss of 200,000 jobs wages in the

diamond industry have been slashed by

50% according to Indian media the

diamond industry directly employs about

170,000 workers in suret and other parts

of Gujarat with 1.1 million people

relying on processing rough diamonds for

their livelihoods however the ongoing

crisis has led to the closure of 90% of

small diamond factories with over

200,000 workers losing their jobs

workers at factories still in operation

are facing wage cuts of 20% to 50%

according to the Gujarat Diamond Workers

Union the financial strain has triggered

a mental health crisis among workers

over the past year 45 Diamond workers in

suret have committed suicide the Union's

helpline has received over 3,000 calls

for assistance from workers the rise of

China's synthetic diamonds has had a

profound impact on India's traditional

Diamond processing industry shaking the

global market as China continues to

strengthen its position in the global

Diamond Market through technological

innovation and Industrial layout

countries like India which have

traditionally been major Diamond

producers will face increasingly Fierce

competition and an uncertain future in

the coming years the global Diamond

Market's competitive landscape May

undergo profound changes and India's

Diamond industry faces a more complex

and difficult road to recovery from its

golden era to its current slump the

decline of India's Diamond industry did

not happen overnight but the rise of

China's synthetic diamonds has

undoubtedly accelerated the process

China has not only altered the supply

and demand dynamics of the global

Diamond Market but also deeply affected

the fate of India's traditional Diamond

processing industry with India's

competitiveness in the market declining

the industry's recovery prospects in the

coming years will face significant

