让·克雷蒂安 91岁告诉年轻人结婚,穿得更好

91 岁,告诉年轻人结婚,穿得更好



Tristin Hopper 2025 年 1 月 8 日


让·克雷蒂安描述了他不良的青年时代。照片由 YouTube/SPROUHT 提供

Jagmeet Singh 领取养老金

在过去的五年里,特鲁多一直领导着一个少数派政府,这意味着他可能在 2019 年以来的任何时候被赶下台。但这从未发生过,这完全要归功于新民主党在议会投票中不断支持他。如果辛格解散特鲁多政府,他确实可能会失去养老金。

在接受一位长寿 YouTuber 采访时,91 岁的前总理让·克雷蒂安建议年轻人结婚、穿得更好、努力工作,不要试图成为“你不是的人”。

克雷蒂安在接受加拿大采访者威廉·罗西采访时表示,如果没有已故妻子艾琳 (Aline) 来缓和他的少年犯罪行为,他永远不会成为总理。



“我母亲意识到 (艾琳) 对我有镇静作用,所以她为我做了一切事情来认识她。她已经决定她就是我的女人,她是对的,”他说。

艾琳于 2020 年去世,享年 84 岁。


D. 图奇勒:在西方,像特鲁多这样傲慢的觉醒领导人正在撤退



罗西是 Sprouht Media 的创始人,这是一家“自我提升”咨询公司,其 YouTube 频道经常发布老年人的生活建议。

在之前的视频中,罗西采访了 93 岁的亿万富翁开发商拉里·西尔弗斯坦和 103 岁的医生格拉迪斯·麦加里等人。

91 岁的克雷蒂安是现存最年长的加拿大前总理,目前在总寿命方面排名第五; Charles Tupper、Mackenzie Bowell、Louis St. Laurent 和 John Turner 去世时年龄都更大

克雷蒂安透露,他来自一个以长寿而闻名的家庭。八个兄弟姐妹在婴儿期幸存下来,他们都活到了 80 多岁或 90 多岁,一个姐姐活到了 100 岁。


91 岁的总理分享他最好的人生课程

Sprouht 2025 年 1 月 5 日


我问了 91 岁的加拿大总理让·克雷蒂安,他是迄今为止加拿大最具影响力的领导人之一。克雷蒂安总理的建议和智慧是如此深刻——他的人生经历有如此多不同的基调,值得一遍又一遍地倾听。请尽情享受!

你快 91 岁了,你希望更多人了解的人生真相是什么?

Jean Chretien




几周前,我有幸采访了加拿大前总理 90 岁的 Jean CR

他从未输过选举,以勇敢面对盟友而闻名,做出自己的重大决定,受到所有人的喜爱,毫无疑问,克兰先生的故事是一个坚持不懈的故事,他今天与我们分享的经验将 100% 让你成为一个更好的人,所以事不宜迟,让我们开始吧


Jean Chretien

我今年 90 岁了,一个月后我就 91 岁了

90 岁和快 91 岁的感觉如何

Jean Chretien









Jean Chretien


快 993 岁了,我有一个姐姐

100 岁了,一个兄弟 99 岁,另一个兄弟 95 岁,所以



最小的去世者是 81 岁

你出生在1934 年,嗯,很多人都知道你


91, tells young people to get married, dress better


He didn't mention the current Liberal prime minister, but he did repeatedly say he won three consecutive majorities

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Author of the article:
Tristin Hopper  Jan 08, 2025 
Jean Chrétien
Jean Chrétien describes his delinquent youth. PHOTO BY YOUTUBE/SPROUHT

Jagmeet Singh got his pension

In an interview with a longevity YouTuber, 91-year-old former prime minister Jean Chrétien advised young people to get married, dress better, work hard and stop trying to be “something you’re not.”

Speaking to Canadian interviewer William Rossy, Chrétien said he never would have become prime minister without his late wife Aline to temper his juvenile delinquency.

“When I was a kid I was a terrible kid, always excited all the time. My mother used to say, ‘There will be a black sheep in the family and Jean will be the black sheep,’” said Chrétien.

Aline was Chrétien’s first girlfriend, and he credited his mother, Marie, with engineering the relationship.

“My mother realized that (Aline) had the calming influence on me, so she did everything for me to meet her. And she had decided that she was the woman for me, and she was right,” he said.

Aline died in 2020 at age 84.

Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly not running for Liberal leadership

D. Tuccille: Across the West, arrogant woke leaders like Trudeau are in retreat

Chrétien also said to “watch the way you dress.”

“Still to this day I never come to the office without a tie,” he said, before indicating Rossy’s sneakers and saying, “I’m not comfortable having shoes like you when I go in public.”

Rossy is the founder of Sprouht Media, a “self improvement” consultancy whose YouTube channel often features life advice from seniors.

In prior videos, Rossy has interviewed 93-year-old billionaire developer Larry Silverstein and 103-year-old physician Gladys McGarey, among others.

At 91, Chrétien ranks as the oldest living former Canadian prime minister, and is currently in fifth place for total longevity; Charles Tupper, Mackenzie Bowell, Louis St. Laurent and John Turner were all older at their death

Chrétien revealed that he comes from a family known for its longevity. Of eight siblings who survived infancy, all of them lived into their 80s or 90s, with one sister making it to 100.

The video drops just as another Liberal prime minister, Justin Trudeau, is entering the final throes of his leadership.

A 91 Year Old Prime Minister Shares His Best Life Lessons

Sprouht 2025年1月5日


I asked 91 year old Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien, who is one of Canada's most influential leaders to date. Prime Minister Chrétien's advice and wisdom is so profound - his life experiences have so many different tones, which are worth listening to over & over again. Please enjoy!

you're almost 91 what is the truth about

life that you wish more people


Jean Chretien

I show more than one million

hands in my life sometimes you make

mistakes but experience tell you to be

guarded against that type of people

don't try to be somebody you're not

what did you do differently that led you to become the Prime



a few weeks ago I had the honor

of interviewing the former prime

minister of Canada 90-year-old Jean CR

he never lost an election and was famous

for standing up to his allies making his

own big decisions and being liked by

everyone there is no mistaking that Mr

cran story is one of perseverance and

the lessons he shares with us today will

100% make you a better person so without

further Ado let's get into it

how old are you

Jean Chretien

I am 90 years old and in a month I will be 91

what does it feel like to be 90 years old and almost 91

Jean Chretien

you know you have to take one day at a time I

feel normal I get up in the morning come

to work and enjoy life and uh I don't

think about my age I just mentioned that

when I was to impress people they are a

bit surprised that I still come to earn

my living at my age

if you're looking back on life what are things You' have

done to get to this point and feel the

way you feel

Jean Chretien

in my family we tend to get quite whole uh my dad would died was

almost 993 and I have a sister went to

100 a brother 99 another brother 95 so

you know it's uh normal in my family to

be that age we were nine living kids and

the one who died the youngest he was 81

you're born in 1934 right um a lot of people know you

as the Prime Minister former prime

minister of Canada but what do we need

to know about how you grew up in order

to understand the person that you are


Jean Chretien

my father was a blue collar in a

paper mills and he was a machinist

coming from the Royal part of Quebec uh

became a lawyer and I was elected to

Parliament at 29 and I could not speak

real English when I arrive on the hill

took my job seriously I was lucky and I

was lucky when the Luck came I was on

the hill more than 40 years I was in a

cabinet for 30 years of which 10 as

prime minister and I was on top of it

the leader of the opposition was

it always a dream of yours when you were

younger to be the prime minister or did

that come eventually

Jean Chretien

no I you know I became interested in politics because of

my dad and he dreamed to have one of his

kid to be an a politician and as I was

an hyperactive kid in realized he

thought I had the energy needed to do

that so he started to train me very

young like you train your son to be oy

player you go to the oy ring at 5:00 at

the morning and I wanted to become an

architect and dad said you will never

get elected as an architect you go to

the law school and in those days his dad

said something we listen so I became a

lawyer at his request and a politician

as it was his desire a lot of people go

through the stages you went through uh

you know from being in the cabinet and

being Minister but they never become

Prime Minister let's talk about like

reaching the peak of a goal what did you

do differently than everyone else that

LED you to be worthy and become the

Prime Minister I don't know I did you

know you have to work working in our

family it's a pleasure and success is a

goal it's what happened to me and

happened to my brothers most of they all

done quite well do you think most people

do the opposite people get it the wrong

way for a lot of people working is a

burden for me I never had a problem to

get up to go to work I always found the

inter and what I was doing but I was

lucky I always had interesting jobs

apparently I was the longer serving

minister in Canada in fact I never lost

an election and three majority

government it was not achieved very

often in fact I'm the only one who

managed to have three majority

government and never Lo lost and I had

promised my wife to quit before I was 70

years old and I quit I was 69 11 months

in one day you kept your word yes of

course you you said working is a

pleasure for you and you said a lot of

people treat work as a burden why does

that tend to happen why do most people

treat work like a burden but probably a

lot of people don't have jobs that they

love you know for me it was exciting it

was always new always new challenge and

when you're in politics you have to

perform and if you don't perform they

talk about it in the newspaper on TV and

so on so it's very challenging a lot of

people go to their work at 9:00 and come

back home at 5:00 and there was nothing

very exciting happening so they are

happy to leave at 5:00 or 4:30 to be

home where they have fun with sports and

family and so on one of the difficulties

is uh family life and public life but I

had married my girlfriend the first

girlfriend I had and she was my

girlfriend 5 years before I married her

and I was only 23 when I married her she

was 21 and she died after six 53 years

of marriage and 68 years of relation she

was a great lady very well alike in

Canada very respected she spoke four

languages she had a great political

judgment very quiet telling me the truth

in a very nice way and uh you know and I

would not have become Prime Minister

without her a lot of people have a hard

time finding love or or being with the

right person what was it about your your

wife that you you knew she was the right

person when I was a kid I was a terrible

kid over excited all the time and my

mother used to say there would be a

black sheep in the family and Johan will

be the black sheep until I met this

girls were next door girl somewhere and

my wife my mother realized that she had

the calming inference on me so she did

everything you know for me to meet her

and she had decided that I was that she

was a woman for me and she was right so

we grew up together basically and she

was very patient you know

everybody would say that we were making

a very good couple and was a exceptional

lady and when she passed away it was a

big national news in Canada because she

was respected by everybody you were

together for longer but married for 63

years can you define the word love for

me respect you know you have to respect

each other you have to

define the role of everybody she was the

bus at home so if she wanted to have a

color in the wall that I didn't like I

would shut up and uh there's no way to

do that she was in charge of the house

and if the kids were not happy I was

always on her side as a matter of policy

mom was always right she had to raise

the kids virtually alone you know I was

always on the road so she was extremely

good on that if she had problem with the

kids she would not even talk to me about

about it to not disturb me 1993 is when

you become the Prime Minister and that's

30 years ago when you win you become the

person responsible for managing 30

million plus people at that time in the

country that's a lot of pressure and I

know a lot of people go through

pressures in life in different stages

maybe your family your career your

friends whatever how did you manage

pressure for me a problem is a problem

and when you have a problem you have to

find a solution and in life you have to

make hopefully always the right decision

so I was calm apparently when there was

a crisis I will never get excited on the

contrary I will become calm knowing I

had to face a challenge and I

was very decisive that was one quality

that people mention of me I could make

up my mind for me I've been involved all

my life with decision to be made every

day you know most the Prime Minister I

hate question period I love it for me to

go to question period I love it it was a

challenge you know I used to make the

joke you never know if you've done well

most of people turn to their staff to

say was it a right I didn't have to do

that you know what I would do when I

would get up I would just do that if it

was dry I had done well and if it was

wet it's because I had problems so if

I'm faced with a big decision in life um

whether that's my job my career care my

my family what would be your advice for

me to be able to handle that

appropriately stay calm stay calm don't

make a move on the spur of the moment

for me I never make decision in front of

a meeting of people cuz if you have 10

guys around the table some are very

eloquent that doesn't mean that they are

right so put distance between the

decision and the discussion to have an

hour or two of reflection to forget

about the presentation some are very

good at presenting things some are shy

not very articulate and they might be

the one who are right I was known not to

make a decision after a discussion if

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your life this year what is one thing

that when you were younger you put a lot

of importance on and as you got older

you realized wasn't actually that

important oh spend a lot of time on

Sports for example sometime I tended to

do a little bit to much and that not not

on studying type of thing but it is life

you have your own personality you can be

natural be yourself all the time don't

try to be somebody you're not do you did

you ever put importance on what other

people thought of you might not oh I had

I had some people who didn't like me for

sure you have to be comfortable with

your this

yeah you know the people don't like you

there's nothing you can do they don't

like you but I was not provocative too

much I was doing public life like

playing hockey if I'm on the eyes don't

go in the corner you head down you go to

the board but after the game was over I

could have a beer with the PO opponent

guys and in fact in politics the

opposition the other side are your

adversary your enemies are the guys

behind you who want to replace you you

have to live with both so you tend to be

more comfortable sometimes with the

people across the aisle that are just

part of the game you know and they were

opposed to you they were not voting for

you that was a their job in their life

but they were nice guy anyway you've

come across so many different people

people who want something from you and

they might be authentic they might be

bsing you how do you judge whether

somebody is worth giving your time and

energy to what makes a good person in

that regard when you've been in public

life like me I sh more than one million

hands in my life if somebody is Ling you

you realize those who are authentic you

realize too and it is observing people

of all sort of personalities that you

navigate and sometimes you make mistakes

but experience tell you to be guarded

against that type or the other type of

people so people who are very flattering

usually just not too much you know come

on I know no don't don't insist it you

know yeah you know you know when it's

flattery and you know it's Pleasant once

in a while but not all the time so you

were known to make the queen laugh a lot

uh and the queen liked you a lot you've

been very good at getting people to like

you and I'm sure genuinely of course

what would be your secrets or advice for

someone who to present themselves in

society and be accepted don't try to be

somebody else try to be yourself

be natural you know you have to have

good manners you know watch the way

you're dress too I still to the day I

never come to the office without a tie

you know I'm not comfortable loving

shoes like you when I go in public and

uh you know and you know but but but no

I don't say you're wrong I say I'm

comfortable with that and I try don't

try to transform myself to be like the

gang and you think most people so tend

to take me as I am yeah you like it fine

if you don't like it there's nothing I

can do about it what's your thought

process to make a decision or not be

afraid of what others think when you're

comfortable with a decision you make it

when I became prime minister you know we

were in a real fiscal mess you know the

big financial newspaper one had written

that Canada was a candidate for the

third world status the World Bank was

looking at us to intervene and I said to

the cabinet I might be prime minister

only for one term but I will fix the

finance of the nation and I did but I

knew that I could fail and I might have

been a prime minister for one term but I

had already been in public life for 30

years so my ambition was to do the right

thing in your opinion what makes a great

leader what are the qualities that

someone has to be honest to be frank to

be knowledgeable to be artworking and to

do your best you know that

I did my best at the end of the day I

would come home I would say to myself

yeah I've done my best for you you're

almost 91 what is the truth about life

that you wish more people understood

your life is decided by life so you have

the destiny and your the assemble of

your qualities will determine or your

defect what kind of life you have so you

do your best all the time you have

something to do you try to do it if you

do something try to do it well have

pride and the quality of your work

sometimes you might not succeed sometime

it's terribly unfair I've seen guys who

have should have had a much better life

than they had they were unlucky and it's

sad but on the other hand you have to be

there when the luck passed don't be in

the bar you know when the blck pass be

on the job and you will have a chance to

do well if you could go back in time to

your 25-year-old self knowing everything

you know today day about life and you

could give him one piece of advice what

would you say to him work you know

nothing is completely easy and if you

have something in mind try it but don't

go and spend the rest of your life I

should have tried it but it's easy for me I was elected 12 times MP and never lost an election I went through majority government was 30 years in the cabinet three years the leader of the opposition so so I have a pretty good CV so I cannot complain thank you so much thank you appreciate it
