中英泰《新时代人类八百理念》之Value 7 + ChatGPT译文

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7. 封闭会导致愚昧落后,会导致僵化死亡,一个人是这样,一个民族一个国家也是这样。

Closure leads to ignorance and backwardness, and rigidity and extinction as well, for a person, an ethnic group, and a country too.



 Closure leads to ignorance, backwardness, rigidity, and even extinction. This applies not only to an individual, but also to an ethnic group or a country. When closed off, thinking becomes limited and society stagnates. Only by staying open and embracing change and new ideas can one avoid stagnation and maintain vitality.


To read more 800 Values for New Era Human Being online from:https://en.chanyuan8.org/800-values-for-new-era-human-being-third-edition/800-values-prologue-100

To FREE download  800 Values for New Era Human Being in PDF from:https://lifechanyuanvalues.wordpress.com/2024/06/23/some-pdfs-of-lifechanyuan-values/
