10. 民主是平庸者的追求,应当实施超人哲学,即谁负责谁说了算,谁负责谁承担一切后果。
Democracy is the pursuit of mediocrity. The “Superman Philosophy” should be implemented, which means whoever is in charge should have the final say, and bear all consequences.
Democracy is a way for the majority to pursue mediocrity, while according to Lifechanyuan Values, we should implement the “Superman Philosophy,” which states, “Whoever is in charge should have the final say, and whoever is in charge must bear all consequences.” This philosophy aligns with natural law, as all things in nature follow the principle of cause and effect, emphasizing efficiency and harmony. In social governance, this philosophy unifies responsibility and authority, avoiding the inefficiency and internal friction often seen in democracy, and promoting efficient and transparent decision-making. It encourages capable individuals to make swift decisions and bear the consequences, reducing unnecessary compromises and delays, thus guiding society toward a more efficient, harmonious direction in line with natural laws.
To read more 800 Values for New Era Human Being online from:https://en.chanyuan8.org/800-values-for-new-era-human-being-third-edition/800-values-prologue-100
To FREE download 800 Values for New Era Human Being in PDF from:https://lifechanyuanvalues.wordpress.com/2024/06/23/some-pdfs-of-lifechanyuan-values/