视频里的场景应该是2016年总统大选辩论时发生的。主持人要求作为竞选总统的对手Donald Trump和Hillary Clinton各自说出一件对方值得尊重,欣赏和肯定的事情,然后希拉里赞扬川普的孩子们都很优秀,值得尊敬;而川普则称赞希拉里是一个斗士,永不放弃,永不言败。
-- They should make this question mandatory in every presidential debate.
-- The thing is , if everybody complimented each other , every time they disagreed with something,the world would be a different place. It shifted the entire energy between the two of them. Love is the way people.
-- Respecting his children means respecting him as a father. And that is the highest compliment a men can get
-- Hillary did not expect that to hear from Trump. It touched her, and she almost shed tears.
-- She got emotional. That was probably the best compliment she’s ever received
-- He is a true CEO. He is able to see the good in people in spite of differences. And he will always give credit where credit is due. That's what good bosses do!
-- I feel like she could have almost cried. For your opponent to say this about her under the circumstances, it was honest and heartfelt.