
  • White rice (rice cooker)
  • Beef stew (its my repertoire)
  • Vegetable mix (buy it from the local Chinese restaurant)
  • Eggplant pot (from Chinese restaurant, for my husband)
  • Soup (optional)
  • Desert (pecan pie, from a local grocery called Food City, very fresh and a lot of big Pecan nuts-it has been my favorite)
  • Drink: tea, water, coffee, wine (guest can bring what they like the best), ice bucket (little round ice cubes), drink bucket with ice. water glass, wine glass, tea & coffee cup
  • hors d'oeuvre (我在这里用这个词儿是因为很多人请客的时候会要求客人带这个: from Trader Joe (4)
  • Centerpiece and dish: white flower, wedgewood dinner dish
