Angela Lansbury徐熙媛 藝名「大S」台灣女藝人、作家

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Distinct Face: 徐熙媛 Baby-face was looking like Angela Lansbury (1925 - 2022) (97 years old). I watched TV of her role in Murder, She Wrote: 1984–2003.

Angela Lansbury, a beloved star of the ... Angela Lansbury - Turner Classic Movies Angela Lansbury - Wikipedia Angela Lansbury in Gaslight ...  Gaslight (1944)Angela Lansbury Dead: 'Murder, She ...   A young white women facing forward, with the name "Angela Lansbury" superimposed in front of her A five-point star set in the ground; the name "Angela Lansbury" is written in the centre of it in gold lettering

Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury was a British, Irish, and American actress with an 80-year career across film, television, and stage. She's best known for her role as Jessica Fletcher, a mystery writer, in the TV series Murder, She Wrote from 1984–1996. 

Moving into television in 1984, she achieved worldwide fame as the sleuth Jessica Fletcher in the American whodunit series Murder, She Wrote, which ran for twelve seasons until 1996, becoming one of the longest-running and most popular detective drama series in television history.

Among her numerous accolades were six Tony Awards (including a Lifetime Achievement Award), six Golden Globe Awards, a Laurence Olivier Award, and the Academy Honorary Award, in addition to nominations for three Academy Awards, eighteen Primetime Emmy Awards, and a Grammy Award.

 "Angela has been adding class, talent, beauty, and intelligence to the movies" since 1944.[262] The Oscar statue is inscribed: "To Angela Lansbury, an icon who has created some of cinema's most memorable characters inspiring generations of actors".[263]

I'm eternally grateful for the Irish side of me. That's where I got my sense of comedy and whimsy. As for the English half–that's my reserved side ... But put me onstage, and the Irish comes out. The combination makes a good mix for acting.

 – Angela Lansbury.[9
  • United Kingdom
  • United States (from 1951)
  • Ireland (after 1970)
I was a wife and a mother, and I was completely fulfilled. But my husband recognised the signals in me which said 'I've been doing enough gardening, I've cooked enough good dinners, I've sat around the house and mooned about what more interior decoration I can get my fingers into.' It's a curious thing with actors and actresses, but suddenly the alarm goes off. My husband is a very sensitive person to my moods and he recognised the fact that I had to get on with something. Mame came along out of the blue just at this time. Now isn't that a miracle?.

 – Angela Lansbury.[72
[In Ireland, our gardener] had no idea who I was. Nobody there did. I was just Mrs. Shaw, which suited me down to the ground. I had absolute anonymity in those days, which was wonderful.

 – Angela Lansbury.[1
A small number of people have seen me on the stage. [Television] is a chance for me to play to a vast US public, and I think that's a chance you don't pass up... I'm interested in reaching everybody. I don't want to reach just the people who can pay forty-five or fifty dollars for a [theatre] seat.

 – Angela Lansbury.[1

Global fame


Murder, She Wrote: 1984–2003

Two middle-aged white women standing next to each other
Lansbury with Mame original Broadway cast member Bea Arthur at the 41st Primetime Emmy Awards in 1989.
In 1983, Lansbury was offered two main television roles, one in a sitcom and the other in a detective drama series, Murder, She Wrote. As she was unable to do both, her agents advised her to accept the former, but Lansbury chose the latter.[131] Her decision was based on the appeal of the series' central character, Jessica Fletcher, a retired school teacher from the fictional town of Cabot Cove, Maine. As portrayed by Lansbury, Fletcher was a successful detective novelist who also solved murders encountered during her travels.[132] Lansbury described the character as "an American Miss Marple".[133]

Murder, She Wrote had been created by Peter S. FischerRichard Levinson, and William Link, who had earlier had success with Columbo, and the role of Fletcher had been first offered to Jean Stapleton, who had declined it.[134]


I did not know her until now, viewing the crossing of the board about her sudden pass-away in Japan, due to Flu complications (徐熙媛患有哮喘、癫痫病和心脏病,多次因癫痫发作入院救治。这次在日本,两次叫了救护车,家人还是不重视。), R.I.P. Curious to check, wow! I had seen her movies but did not know her name until now:

2010 with Andy Lau:

未來警察 王雪娥
知名艺人“大S”徐熙媛因流感并发肺炎去世 ...

中国台湾女演员徐熙媛去世-腾讯新闻 大S離世|徐熙媛曾因感冒癲癇心臟病入院為 ...

徐熙媛(英語:Barbie Hsu,1976年10月6日—2025年2月2日),藝名大S」,台灣女藝人、作家,籍貫山東省郯城縣,生於臺北市。1994年,與其妹徐熙娣(藝名小S)共組雙人女子團體「S.O.S」出道。1996年,她與徐熙娣開始主持綜藝節目《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》,而後又共同主持《娛樂百分百》和《大小愛吃》。2001年,她主演《流星花園》並入圍金鐘獎最佳女主角獎。大S逝世|徐熙媛2021年与前夫汪小菲离婚 ...


• 有感于大S的那些八卦 兰宜 -  给 兰宜 发送悄悄话 兰宜 的博客首页 (2793 bytes) (3088 reads) 02/03/2025  07:20:05

• 她就是严重的不够爱自己。她的原生家庭严重的不把女孩当回事。她自己小小年纪帮妈妈,带妹妹,承担家庭生计。 大年 -  给 大年 发送悄悄话 大年 的博客首页 (424 bytes) (362 reads) 02/03/2025  09:06:45

• 台湾还是很传统的,别看镜头前她们都很跳脱的样子,其实骨子里还是相夫教子那一套 路过2013 -  给 路过2013 发送悄悄话 路过2013 的博客首页 (322 bytes) (279 reads) 02/03/2025  09:19:49

• 没错。大S再婚是幸福的吗?那也算是个安慰 大年 -  给 大年 发送悄悄话 大年 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (20 reads) 02/03/2025  09:25:50

• 不知道为什么,我对大s婚后在韩国街头被路人拍到的一幕印象深刻 路过2013 -  给 路过2013 发送悄悄话 路过2013 的博客首页 (141 bytes) (737 reads) 02/03/2025  09:33:38 (2)

• 知道你说的那张照片 大年 -  给 大年 发送悄悄话 大年 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (77 reads) 02/03/2025  09:38:58

• 中年以后的美需要体力(身体好)和心力,那么爱美要强的她被全民网暴,很心疼她 aahniu -  给 aahniu 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (15 reads) 02/03/2025  11:03:11

• 完全同意,姐妹两个都是不生儿子不罢休吧,那小s实在是生不出来了才停止。大s这身体其实早早不婚不育 drifting -  给 drifting 发送悄悄话 drifting 的博客首页 (120 bytes) (118 reads) 02/03/2025  13:53:21

• 蓝正龙,周渝民这样的年轻影视帅哥哪里肯轻易被绑定。国内的帅哥们大多不也是如此,在结婚之前没有几段恋爱经历哪里肯结婚。:) shan. -  给 shan. 发送悄悄话 (177 bytes) (147 reads) 02/03/2025  09:17:08

• 没看过她的片子或者综艺,但不知道为何,听说过大S, 小S。 昨天刚知道她已经走了,可怜了孩子们。的确,女人首先得爱自己。 linda2 -  给 linda2 发送悄悄话 linda2 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 02/03/2025  10:30:07

• 她应该挺爱汪小菲的,能拼死生下两个孩子很有勇气 月色浅浅 -  给 月色浅浅 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (19 reads) 02/03/2025  11:26:34

• 不一定 路过2013 -  给 路过2013 发送悄悄话 路过2013 的博客首页 (287 bytes) (168 reads) 02/03/2025  14:42:46

• 【大S骤逝】大S遗体日本火化骨灰,带回台湾安葬 汪小菲急奔到台。。。。。。。。。。。 lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (5102 bytes) (1222 reads) 02/02/2025  22:52:05

• 汪小菲,回台原因复杂。。。。。。。。 lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (490 bytes) (761 reads) 02/02/2025  22:56:40

• 美人短命,渣男。。。。。。。。 lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (313 bytes) (432 reads) 02/02/2025  23:00:06

• 这家人烦死了。妈妈马上发女人自强微博,汪小菲在媒体还没有报道前就把社交账号改黑色 drifting -  给 drifting 发送悄悄话 drifting 的博客首页 (164 bytes) (39 reads) 02/03/2025  13:57:05 (1)

• 这两母子,就靠大S成名,死了还去沾光! lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 02/03/2025  14:25:32

• 才48.太可惜了,RIP。在网上看到一个算命微博,还挺准的。 crabtree12 -  给 crabtree12 发送悄悄话 (262 bytes) (635 reads) 02/03/2025  04:09:08

• 很像邓丽君。。。。。。。 lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (341 bytes) (308 reads) 02/03/2025  04:25:21

• 哦!算得挺准的! lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 02/03/2025  11:30:51

• 那日本二夫,看起来黑蚴蚴的,很命硬的剋妻像! lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (12 reads) 02/03/2025  11:36:16

• 是韩国的。克不克妻不知道。但是从外面看他跟大s感情很好还挺般配的。这人在韩国名声也很好的 drifting -  给 drifting 发送悄悄话 drifting 的博客首页 (87 bytes) (37 reads) 02/03/2025  14:09:27

• 大S的初恋呢!还为他纹身呢! lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 02/03/2025  14:19:29

• 为什么这么着急火化 shawnma - 给 shawnma 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (13 reads) 02/03/2025  10:08:08

• 日本严重病,怕传染更多人! lovecat08 -  给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 02/03/2025  11:32:15







她号称“美容大王”, 对美颜护肤不遗余力,为保持体重苛待自己。但婚后为了怀孕,毫不犹豫地置美容理念于不顾,肆意增肥。为生孩子患了子痫,生老二儿子时差点死在产床上。都说女人生孩子像到鬼门关走一遭,她生孩子真的去了一趟,却又不管不顾地怀上第三胎打算再去。虽然后来胎停,但她做事的拼劲可见一斑。




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