Distinct Face: 徐熙媛 Baby-face was looking like Angela Lansbury (1925 - 2022) (97 years old). I watched TV of her role in Murder, She Wrote: 1984–2003.
Gaslight (1944)
Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury was a British, Irish, and American actress with an 80-year career across film, television, and stage. She's best known for her role as Jessica Fletcher, a mystery writer, in the TV series Murder, She Wrote from 1984–1996.
Moving into television in 1984, she achieved worldwide fame as the sleuth Jessica Fletcher in the American whodunit series Murder, She Wrote, which ran for twelve seasons until 1996, becoming one of the longest-running and most popular detective drama series in television history.
Among her numerous accolades were six Tony Awards (including a Lifetime Achievement Award), six Golden Globe Awards, a Laurence Olivier Award, and the Academy Honorary Award, in addition to nominations for three Academy Awards, eighteen Primetime Emmy Awards, and a Grammy Award.
"Angela has been adding class, talent, beauty, and intelligence to the movies" since 1944.[262] The Oscar statue is inscribed: "To Angela Lansbury, an icon who has created some of cinema's most memorable characters inspiring generations of actors".[263]
I'm eternally grateful for the Irish side of me. That's where I got my sense of comedy and whimsy. As for the English half–that's my reserved side ... But put me onstage, and the Irish comes out. The combination makes a good mix for acting.
Citizenship |
I was a wife and a mother, and I was completely fulfilled. But my husband recognised the signals in me which said 'I've been doing enough gardening, I've cooked enough good dinners, I've sat around the house and mooned about what more interior decoration I can get my fingers into.' It's a curious thing with actors and actresses, but suddenly the alarm goes off. My husband is a very sensitive person to my moods and he recognised the fact that I had to get on with something. Mame came along out of the blue just at this time. Now isn't that a miracle?.
[In Ireland, our gardener] had no idea who I was. Nobody there did. I was just Mrs. Shaw, which suited me down to the ground. I had absolute anonymity in those days, which was wonderful.
A small number of people have seen me on the stage. [Television] is a chance for me to play to a vast US public, and I think that's a chance you don't pass up... I'm interested in reaching everybody. I don't want to reach just the people who can pay forty-five or fifty dollars for a [theatre] seat.
Global fame
[edit]Murder, She Wrote: 1984–2003
Murder, She Wrote had been created by Peter S. Fischer, Richard Levinson, and William Link, who had earlier had success with Columbo, and the role of Fletcher had been first offered to Jean Stapleton, who had declined it.[134]
I did not know her until now, viewing the crossing of the board about her sudden pass-away in Japan, due to Flu complications (徐熙媛患有哮喘、癫痫病和心脏病,多次因癫痫发作入院救治。这次在日本,两次叫了救护车,家人还是不重视。), R.I.P. Curious to check, wow! I had seen her movies but did not know her name until now:
2010 with Andy Lau: https://youtu.be/42C1VPr1asU?si=e6orphBQLPdVhTCk
未來警察 | 王雪娥 |
徐熙媛(英語:Barbie Hsu,1976年10月6日—2025年2月2日),藝名「大S」,台灣女藝人、作家,籍貫山東省郯城縣,生於臺北市。1994年,與其妹徐熙娣(藝名小S)共組雙人女子團體「S.O.S」出道。1996年,她與徐熙娣開始主持綜藝節目《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》,而後又共同主持《娛樂百分百》和《大小愛吃》。2001年,她主演《流星花園》並入圍金鐘獎最佳女主角獎。