All men/women are created equal We're one being Humankind

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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This is my kind of movie. Good wins over evil, and at the end, they provided an epilogue instead of an abrupt ending. And I always love Morgan Freemans characters.
If music is the language of love, sing it; if its poetry, hand me all thy satirical flourishes, and should it be in paintings, then let me drown in colors of heavenly bliss. This is a bloody dandy moviedeliciously brilliant. The subtle hilarities made the heart overflow with pleasantriessweetness extraordinaire. Now, why havent I seen this before? Many thanks.
The best Cinderella story Ive ever seen. Wonderful story! Fabulous acting and costuming! Cant say enough positives!! Best movie I have seen in a very long time!!