吴健雄 为美国发明原子弹,墓碑刻着永远的中国人


热点话题 时间 2023年5月6日


吴健雄(1912年5月31日—1997年2月16日),女,出生于江苏省苏州市太仓浏河镇 [9](一说出生于中国上海市 [5]),原籍江苏太仓。美籍华裔物理学家,中国科学院外籍院士美国国家科学院院士美国艺术与科学院院士,台湾“中央研究院”院士。





赴美留学,就读于加州大学伯克利分校物理系,专攻核物理研究,后到波士顿著名的史密斯学院任助理教授,不久又到普林斯顿大学为参与国防项目的军官讲授物理,由于她长期与军官的交往,以及她出色的个人能力,很快被美国当局选中,加入国防部最高级别的绝密任务曼哈顿计划,吴倩江成为唯一一位参与制造原子弹行动的华人女性,以高级科学家身份进入哥伦比亚大学实验室,与吴雄为美国原子弹的制造做出了相当大的贡献,至今大多数核电站都使用锆棒燃料棒来防止吸收气体1945年7月16日,一声巨响,人类历史上第一颗原子弹在新墨西哥州的沙漠中成功引爆,这种人类历史上威力最大、杀伤力最大的热武器,开启了世界军事史的新纪元。三周后,美军在日本广岛和长崎投下了原子弹。在这种前所未有的恐惧和恐吓之下,第二次世界大战终于结束,中国也结束了14年的对日战争。一些人认为,钱紫苑对曼哈顿计划的贡献对中国有着不可估量的意义。这两颗原子弹使无数中国人免于在战场上牺牲生命。事实上,作为唯一参与曼哈顿计划的中国女性,我们用她独特的方法结束了战争,拯救了无数在战火中受苦受难的人们。除了诺贝尔奖获得者 曾获美国总统颁发的国家科学奖章 美国国家科学院颁发的康斯托克物理学奖 爱因斯坦学会颁发的爱因斯坦奖章 莫斯科理论与实验物理研究所颁发的波美拉尼亚查克奖 以色列颁发的沃尔夫物理学奖 总之,她获得了所有重大科学奖项,尽管她在国外取得了很高的成就 她没有忘记自己是中国人,始终关心着中国的科研发展 她的父亲吴忠义是一位教育家,在当地创办了明达女子职业学校,成为她童年成长的重要引路人 小学毕业后,她以优异的成绩考入苏乔第二女子师范学校 18岁,她就读于苏乔第二女子师范学校数学系她以奖学金考入南京中央大学,由于受到居里夫人的影响,对物理产生了浓厚的兴趣,从数学系转到物理系,在这里真正走上了寻求科学真理的道路,也许她从未想过,多年后,自己会和居里夫人同名,当时中国正处于内外经济繁荣时期动乱时期,根本没有足够的条件让她继续学习物理,吴思远思量之后,决定暂时离开祖国,到科学研究最先进的美国去学习,她知道国家和民族正处于最危险的时刻,但自己的力量太弱,只能从美国带回更先进的物理知识,为了实现中华民族的复兴,1936年她离开家乡,去美国留学,几年后吴思远爱上了著名的美籍华裔物理学家袁天罡,并与他结婚,在漫长的人生路上,她的丈夫袁天罡在她的个人生活和学术研究中都扮演了重要的角色,成为她成功道路上不可或缺的关键人物,他们都是爱国者,但因为当时中国正处于抗日战争时期,他们不能回国报效祖国,吴思远很幸运有机会参与加速日本投降、为中华民族作出贡献的曼哈顿计划吴氏夫妇在中国时,对抗战结束后蒋介石的不抵抗政策一直心怀不满,对蒋介石建国后发动内战感到愤怒吴氏夫妇迫切希望立即回国,但由于中美关系尚未缓和,不得不放弃,终于在1971年,随着亨利·基辛格的来访,中美关系恢复正常,杨振宁成为第一位回大陆访问的中国科学家两年后吴氏夫妇踏上了回国的旅程,他们先到广州,然后回到家乡拉合巷,最后来到人民大会堂此时北京的人民齐江夫妇吴、袁会见了新中国领导人之一的乔总理,就中国的科研问题谈了六个多小时,为乔总理提出了许多宝贵的建议。此后,她和吴、袁连续几年从美国回到中国讲学,为本国许多科研项目提供建设性建议,并为国外提供了足够的支持。如何才能推动我国科研工作的长远发展吴、袁深深认识到,新中国不缺人才,缺的是良好的科研教育环境,因此,未来我国的科技发展不能只靠一两个名人,而必须从教育做起1978年,中国科学技术大学副校长包章默率团赴美出席在斯坦福大学举行的电子同步加速器用户年会,会上,她与史安武、袁向同胞详细介绍了美国科学界的动态,并运用专业知识和经验,对中国科学技术大学正在建设的同步加速器的工程设计提出了关键建议,中国科学技术大学代表团成员深受启发,热情邀请包章默夫妇到美国来参观访问他们接受邀请,对中国科学技术大学作了详细的考察和分析,并向全校师生作了两次关于八十年代中微子和高能物理研究及高能加速器的进展的报告,帮助学生接触当今世界上最先进的物理知识。1984年9月,中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室即将破土动工,袁将再次回到祖国,在美国的岁月里提供学术指导。他们始终关心着中国科技实力的发展和科技人才的培养,因此,在1997年江建去世后,她嘱咐家人把她的骨灰安葬在家乡的明达中学,以激励每一位学生为中国科学的发展而努力。虽然江建吴小晖没有获得诺贝尔奖,但她有比诺贝尔奖更珍贵的东西。在北京大学为她举行的纪念大会上,李章道先生引用居里夫人的话来评价她。我们不仅要记住她在工作中的成就,还要记住她的成功和知识,她的高尚品德和人格,这些对未来和历史都至关重要。吴建江没有获得诺贝尔奖,她在物理学领域的贡献,以及她为人类和平发展所做的努力,足以让她扬名立万,虽然身在异国他乡,她和熊老师依然默默地为中国科技发展贡献着自己的每一点知识和经验,她永远是中国人,谢谢观看,如果您有什么建议,请在评论区留言,我们会尽快回来查看,然后给予反馈,下次见

She invented the atomic bomb for the USA, but the tombstone is engraved an eternal Chinese?

Hot Topics Time 2023年5月6日


On February 16, 1997, Wu Jianxiong or Chien-Shiung Wu passed away due to illness at her home in New York. Her ashes were later placed in Mingde High School in Jiangsu Province, China, which is her hometown. Before her passing, Wu had participated in the American "Manhattan Project" and helped manufacture the first atomic bomb. Despite holding American citizenship at the time of her death, her family buried her ashes in China, with her tombstone reading, "She was an outstanding global citizen and a forever Chinese person."

So what were Chien-Shiung Wu's achievements in the scientific field? Why did she help the Americans make an atomic bomb, change her citizenship, and still be referred to as a forever Chinese person? Today, let's get to know "China's Madame Curie" - Chien-Shiung Wu.

on February 16 1997 Wu jinxiong or

chianchiung Wu passed away due to

illness at her home in New York

her ashes were later placed in mingda

high school in jonsu Province China

which is her hometown before her passing Wu had participated

in the American Manhattan Project and

helped manufacture the first atomic bomb

despite holding American citizenship at

the time of her death her family buried

her ashes in China with her tombstone

reading she was an outstanding Global

Citizen and a forever Chinese person

so what were Chien Chiang Woo's achievements in the scientific field

why did she help the Americans make an

atomic bomb change her citizenship and

still be referred to as a forever

Chinese person today let's get to know China's Madame

Curie Chi and Chiang woo.

in 1936 24 year old chian Chiang Wu

traveled to the United States to study

at the University of California

Berkeley's physics department

she specialized in nuclear physics

research afterwards she went to the famous Smith

college in Boston as an assistant

professor and soon moved to Princeton

University to teach physics to Military

Officers participating in defense

programs because of her long-term

interaction with Military Officers as

well as her outstanding personal

abilities who was quickly selected by

the U.S authorities to join the highest

level of the defense Department's top

secret mission the Manhattan Project Wu

became the only Chinese woman to

participate in the action of making

atomic bombs entering the laboratory at

Columbia University as a senior

scientist she and xiong Wu made a

considerable contribution to the

production of the American atomic bomb

to this day most nuclear power plants

use zirconium alliclet fuel rods to

prevent the gas that absorbs neutrons

from spilling out which was inspired by

Wu's work on July 16 1945 with a loud

noise the first atomic bomb in human

history was successfully detonated in a

desert in New Mexico this thermal weapon

the most power powerful and lethal in

human history ushered in a new era in

World military history three weeks later

the U.S military dropped atomic bombs on

Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan

under this unprecedented fear and

intimidation World War II finally ended

and China ended its 14-year war against

Japan because of this some believe that

Chien Shion was contribution to the

Manhattan Project has an immeasurable

significance for China these two atomic bombs spared countless

Chinese people from sacrificing their

lives on the battlefield indeed as the

only Chinese woman to participate in the

Manhattan Project we used her unique

methods to end the war and rescue

countless people suffering in the Flames

of War thank you aside from the Nobel Prize who has

received the national medal of science

presented by the president of the United

States The Comstock Prize in physics

awarded by the National Academy of

Sciences the Albert Einstein medal from

the Albert Einstein Society the pomeran

Chuck prize from The Institute of

theoretical and experimental physics in

Moscow and the Wolf Prize in physics

from Israel in short she has won every major

scientific award that exists despite her

High achievements in foreign countries

who has not forgotten that she is a

Chinese and always cares about the

development of scientific research in

China her father zhongi Wu was an

educator who founded the mingda women's

Vocational School locally and became an

important guide for her growth in

childhood after graduating from

elementary school who was admitted to

sujo's Second girl's normal school with

excellent grades at the age of 18 she was enrolled in the

Department of Mathematics at Nanjing

Central University with a scholarship

due to the influence of Madame Curie she

had a great interest in physics and

transferred from the Department of

Mathematics to the Department of physics

here what truly embarked on the path of

seeking scientific truth perhaps she never imagined that she

would be named with Madame Curie years

later at that time China was in a period

of internal and external turmoil and

there were simply not enough conditions

for her to further study Physics

after thinking it over Wu decided to

temporarily leave her motherland and go

to the United States where scientific

research was most advanced to study who

knew that the country and the nation

were in the most dangerous moment but

her own strength was too weak

she can only bring back more advanced

physics Knowledge from the United States

to achieve the Rejuvenation of the

Chinese nation in 1936 will left her

hometown and went to the United States

to study a few years later Wu fell in love with

and married Yuan T Ali a well-known

chinese-american physicist on the long

road of Life her husband Yuan T Ali

played a great role in both her personal

life and academic research becoming an

indispensable key figure on her path to

success both of them were patriots but

because China was in the period of the

war of resistance against Japan they

could not return home to serve their

country fortunately Wu had the opportunity to

participate in the Manhattan Project

which accelerated Japan's surrender and

contributed to the Chinese Nation when

Wu and Yuan T Lee were in China they

were always dissatisfied with Chiang

kai-shek's policy of non-resistance

after the end of the war of resistance

they were angry with Chiang kaishek for

launching the civil war after the

founding of the People's Republic of

China Wu and her husband were eager to

return to their motherland immediately

but they had to give up due to the fact

that the relationship between China and

the United States had not yet eased

finally in 1971 with the visit of Henry

Kissinger sino-us relations returned to

normal and Chen ning Yang was the first

Chinese scientist to return to the

mainland for a visit two years later Wu

and her husband embarked on their

Journey back to China they first arrived in Guangzhou then

returned to their hometown of lahexiang

and finally came to the Great Hall of

the people in Beijing at this point the

couple Chi and Chiang Wu and Yuan met

with Premier Johan lay one of the

leaders of New China they talked about the scientific

research issues of China for more than

six hours providing Premier Joe with

many valuable suggestions since then she

and she on Wu and Yuan have returned to

China from the United States for several

consecutive years to give lectures and

provide constructive suggestions for

many scientific research projects in

their home country as well as offering

sufficient support foreign.

how can we promote the long-term

development of scientific research work

in China Wu and Yuan deeply understand that new

China does not lack talent but rather a

good educational environment for

scientific research therefore the

scientific and technological development

of China cannot rely solely on one or

two famous people in the future but must

start with education in 1978 vice

president Bao zhangmo of the University

of Science and Technology of China led a

delegation to the United States to

attend the annual meeting of users of

electron synchrotron accelerators held

at Stanford University at the meeting

she and shianwu and Yuan gave a detailed

introduction to their compatriots on the

Dynamics of the U.S scientific community

and used their Professional Knowledge

and experience to make key suggestions

for the engineering design of the

synchrotron accelerator that the

University of Science and Technology of

China was building the members of the

delegation from the University of

Science and Technology of China were

deeply inspired and warmly invited the

couple to visit them accepted the invitation and made a

detailed investigation and Analysis of

the University of Science and Technology

of China they also gave two reports to

the faculty and students neutrinos in

the 1980s and progress in high energy

physics research and high energy

accelerators to help students access the

most advanced physics knowledge in the

world today in September 1984 the

national synchrotron radiation

laboratory of the University of Science

and Technology of China was about to

break ground and Yuan and will once

again return to their home country to

provide academic guidance

during their years in the United States

they were always concerned about the

development of China's scientific and

technological strength and the

cultivation of scientific and

technological talents therefore after

Chien Chiang was death in 1997 she asked

her family to bury her ashes in mingda

Middle School in her hometown in order

to inspire every student to strive for

the development of Chinese science

although Chien Chiang Wu did not receive

the Nobel Prize she has something more

precious than the Nobel Prize at the

commemorative Conference held for her at

Peking University Mr Lee Zhang Dao

quoted Madame Curie to evaluate her

we should not only remember her

achievements in her work but also her

success and knowledge her noble

character and morality and personality

which are crucial for the future and

history although Chien Chiang Wu did not

receive the Nobel Prize her

contributions to the field of physics

and her efforts for the peaceful

development of mankind are enough to

make a name even though she is in a

foreign country she and xiong was still

silently contributes every bit of her

knowledge and experience to the

development of Science and Technology in

China she is a Chinese forever well thanks for

watching if you have any suggestions just leave

them in the comments section

we'll come back as soon as possible and

check them and then we'll give feedback

see you next time
