退休以后最近某个周末去了一趟 Big Sur(加州),参加一个瑜伽的 workshop (Esalen Institute)。营地有一著名温泉,早年他们修了露天温泉浴场。网上记载是相当宽裕的场所,有七八个单人或情侣浴池,另外有两个多人浴池。其中一个临海,在悬崖边上。顶上面有高大的石拱覆盖。入夜后有较暗的灯光照明。组织者说,泡温泉最好还是裸体,效果更好。当然人最少的时候应该是进餐时间。
我们在那里住两晚上,晚餐后我征得老婆同意(她不愿意泡温泉),我本来带有泳裤,但临时起意决定赤身裸体玩一把。走下石头砌的浴场暗道,里面提供毛巾和休息室,左边是白天付费按摩的专用浴池,据说预约需要几个月,对面的墙上写着 Silent。右手边是浴场,写着 Quiet 标志。右转进人浴场,往前走左边是淋浴间,右边是更衣室,都是十来平米,敞开式男女混用。我进去时有数位男女在里面更衣,我当然也不免俗。第一次的时候,我身旁站一白人男性小伙,我对他笑说,I have never done this before!他也笑了,说 he did it while he was very little。彼此。进入浴场,我就直奔那个靠墙的多人浴池,征得里面一位男士同意,我就下去了。
如果你有生理反应说明你正常,很好啊。如果别人看到你对她产生生理反应,也说明对方也很正常啊,也很好啊。总之一句话:No one cares。
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Google 了一下,各种说法,其中这个比较有意思:I normally get erections on the nude beach and is completely natural. Women are generally shameless and stare at it as much as they can even when they are with their partners. In my experience, women even stop with any excuse to look at it and spend some minutes even going for a dip or picking up some shells others even take photos. I have had even ocassions when coming out the water with a rock hard cock and when reached the towel with my wife and a girl was passing by and my wife has engaged her in a conversation the three of us as she caught her staring at my cock and she loved it. So I would say it is completely natural and women love it more than dislike it.