

Keyu Jin Reveals The BIGGEST Misunderstandings About China

Rise of Asia  2025年3月16日



这个国家的一些人可能认为中国的唯一目标就是超越美国,这在世界上是很多责任,不,谢谢,嗯,不,现在不可行的,抛开我们对中国的看法,他们的问题,他们的挑战,他们的挑战是模型,我们看到经济放缓,今天的步伐呃,事实仍然是,中国是人类历史上增长最快的国家,持续时间最长,上海政府实际上给了特斯拉金钱和廉价土地,希望他们能在那里建厂和销售汽车,中国地方政府给在中国的美国公司提供补贴,人们对此很满意,他们喜欢它,他们购买特斯拉汽车,它们现在遍布中国的街道,这再次是一个事实,尽管两国之间发生了什么,我不知道你是否注意到,但今天下载次数最多的五个应用程序中有四个实际上是中国的,这是伦敦经济学院的顾瑾教授所说的与您分享肯定会让您重新思考西方如何看待中国,所以我想讲述这个故事的另一面,故事总是有不同的一面,鉴于美国和中国之间的紧张局势,我认为讲述这个故事很重要,所以请允许我在接下来的一个小时内为您提供不同的视角和视角,人们经常问我对中国最大的误解是什么,其中之一实际上是模型如何运作,现在3000万家私营公司像蘑菇一样从沙漠中冒出来,在如此短的时间内20年,在开始阶段和20世纪80年代初,中国是一个彻底的反资本主义经济体,突然间3000万个公司从无到有,我们倾向于认为中国的体制是高度集中的,好像一切都是由少数人甚至一个人在高层做出的决定,但这并不完全准确,政治上非常集中,但经济上却非常分散,在实施决策时,嗯,都是由当地官员在实地做出的,他们实际上在帮助私营企业家取得成功,在我的书中,我称之为市长经济,地方省级领导,我的意思是,他们可能是市长,他们可能是党的书记,负责将落后的渔村变成全球技术中心,就像沈锦一样,这就是他们所做的,我不知道我们期望我们的市长在这个国家为我们做什么,但在中国,这是他们的使命,是促进增长,是实施这些激进的改革,是帮助保护环境,真正鼓励私营企业家建立嗯,嗯,一些新的东西,所以目前甚至快了很多年,今天他们在全国各地跑来跑去,在全国各地建立许多硅谷,帮助私营企业家找到人才协调融资,围绕电动汽车或半导体等关键公司建立整个工业体系,上海市政府实际上向特斯拉提供了资金和廉价土地,希望他们在那里建厂并销售汽车。中国地方政府为在中国的美国公司提供补贴,人们对此很满意,他们喜欢它,他们购买特斯拉汽车,如今它们遍布中国的大街小巷,所以很多人不明白这些市长背后的动机是什么,你知道分散的经济,他们想为私营企业家做这件事,帮助经济好转,这又回到了中国一些非常独特的制度特征,所以要想晋升到政治等级的高层,每个人都想得到晋升,嗯,你需要为当地经济做好工作,最重要的是,通过这样做,你会获得更多的工作,填满你的财政金库,嗯,你所拥有的土地,也就是地方政府拥有的土地,实际上是价值更高,最重要的是你需要私营企业家来帮助你,对吧?我们通常认为中国好像政府在压制私营企业,或者令人惊讶的是,事实恰恰相反,他们需要私营企业家,因为他们是最有生产力的,也是最具创新性的,所以有巨大的激励措施,最重要的是,中国各个地区之间竞争激烈,就像一场选美比赛,争夺最优秀、最有前途的企业家,你必须对他们友好,你必须对他们好,你必须乐于助人,所以在数据中我们看到,最干净、最友好的地方政府增长最快,最大的公司也崛起了。那些更腐败、更掠夺性更强的国家,他们就失败了,所以他们有动力去真正伸出援助之手,而不是掠夺之手,有些人可能会认为,在一个法治薄弱或政治权力集中在少数人手中的国家,这样做会非常困难,但这就是市长们所做的,你不需要每个市长都这样,你知道中国是一个大国,有成千上万的地方政府,其中许多政府腐败,钱都进了他们的口袋,但大多数人受到了激励,这足以导致这种惊人的变化,速度之快,现在抛开我们对中国及其问题的看法,他们的挑战,他们的挑战是我们看到经济放缓的模式,今天,这仍然是一个事实,它是人类历史上增长最快的国家,时间最长,这是事实,所以现在一定发生了一些事情,这涉及到一个更广泛的问题和更有争议的一点是,我们现在究竟如何看待国家的作用?我是一名受过西方训练的经济学家,我可以告诉你,在我们的模型中,在我们的智力思维框架中,除了在市场失灵时可能采取的监管措施外,国家几乎没有发挥空间。但我也能从文化和历史的角度理解,为什么我们对国家干预感到如此不安。我们也看到,国家干预过度,当然,过于严厉。这些都是问题,但在与政治家、领导人和专家举行的许多会议中,讨论发展中国家的发展时,一个经常出现的问题就是国家能力不足。新兴市场需要在未来几年内将其基础设施翻一番。国家协调不足,投资不足,这也是事实。中国没有这个问题。中国实际上有相反的问题,基础设施太多,这也是浪费。这是低效的,但更好的问题是拥有比没有足够的连接来释放人们的生产力总的来说现在尽管它很方便,但这个模式面临着严峻的挑战它正在接受考验它的效率低得多现在增长正在放缓巨额债务1.4亿空置房屋需要填补谁知道多少年产能太多供应太多需求不足金融系统真的是一只活着的恐龙对中小型企业的信贷太少这就是这种高增长高成本模式的另一面它成本高昂有浪费但对中国来说收益仍然超过成本因为十亿人摆脱了贫困即使在今天这也是第一次一个发展中国家能够做像尖端技术和设计这样的事情尽管存在问题我相信今天会有很多关于中国经济的问题我会和你分享我的灵感我仍然认为现在写还为时过早中国,这个国家,这个国家,美国,上个世纪我们经历了 12 次经济衰退,花了 10 多年时间才从 2009 年的大衰退中恢复过来,中国目前正在经历过去 40 年来第一次严重的经济衰退,潜力仍然存在,农村地区绝大多数人就业不足,受教育程度低,甚至只是中国,中国的现状和潜力之间,无论是城市化、高等教育还是服务业,产品活动都还有很大差距需要填补,而且即使在这个国家,我们也看到,随着时间的推移,穷国向富国靠拢,这是数据,中国也会发生这种情况,所以现在还有增长空间,第二个误解是关于中国的抱负,这个国家的一些人可能认为中国的唯一目标是超越美国,这太不可思议了世界上的责任不谢谢,嗯,不,不,今天绝大多数中国人每天的关注点仍然是如何养家糊口,如何让孩子上学,而不是对美国有危险的痴迷,他们真的不相信担心美国实际上会解决自己的问题,政府需要保持国内秩序,国内有很多挑战,顺便说一下,谈到愿望,我们有一个道德主题,在这个呃系列的谈话中,我们必须接受印度、印度尼西亚、越南和整个非洲大陆也有类似的愿望,他们正在崛起,他们有巨大的愿望,要踏上繁荣的道路,我们也必须处理这个问题,他们将开始向中国出售廉价商品,使用其技术,顺便说一下,其中一些已经发生,因为工厂正在大规模转移到东南亚,中国人真的没有太多时间谈论越南人抢走了他们的工作,我们在报纸上并没有真正听说过这件事,相反,他们听到的是,他们应该在智能制造方面投入更多,升级工具,提高工人的技能,爬上价值链,这样他们就不会永远被困在生产廉价商品的困境中,爬上全球价值链是他们关注的重点,也许这也是另一种文化,文化和历史是我书中的一个主题,我想谈谈它,因为我确实认为我们有时低估了它们的重要性,这导致了一些误解,但在中国,把危机转化为动力是一种文化,现在谈到拜登总统对半导体的出口管制,或者你知道,要求公司断绝与中国的联系,停止向他们出售产品,一开始并没有在中国,情况会好转,但是他们把它变成了一种积极的态度,它完全动员了所有人,他们鞭策公司,长期以来,他们实际上一直在舒适地进口美国芯片,现在突然之间,他们不得不开始购买中国芯片,这并不是因为中国政府强迫他们这样做,而是因为美国的这些政策,所以,事实上,他们说,谢谢你,谢谢你让我们保持警惕,这些国内产业有了巨大的加速,当他们在芯片行业取得突破时,几乎出现了全国性的欢欣鼓舞,虽然是小小的胜利,但仍然是小小的胜利,中国人民非常高兴,他们扭转了局面,说哦,这非常积极,顺便说一句,拜登总统,你介意也批准我们的国家男子足球队吗,不过,谢谢,玩笑归玩笑,嗯,看看非洲印度的崛起,中国想把它看作威胁还是机遇?实际上真的认为他们把它看作一个机会,世界其他地方正在发展,世界上 90% 的人仍然生活在发展中国家,他们也有这样的愿望,嗯,第三,最后是中国人的误解和新一代,这实际上是我最喜欢谈论的,嗯,它给了我最大的希望,我们将在新一代中做得更好,我们实际上并没有走向碰撞,当然,新一代是在 1980 年代独生子女政策之后出生的,我是第一代,我对此有很多想法,我对此做了很多研究,嗯,这是一个有趣的话题,嗯,他们与我父母那个时代截然不同,你知道,经历了巨大的变迁,经济,心理上的困难,在中国,在这个动荡的时代,新一代人喜欢休闲消费花钱衣服、旅行、娱乐等等,他们甚至喜欢借钱来消费,我们过去认为中国是一个储蓄大国,你知道,他们储蓄了这么多,然后向世界注入了资本和产品,而这一代人不同,他们借钱,他们花掉85%的消费信贷,实际上,35岁以下的人占了很大比例,点击阿里巴巴的电子商务网站,你可以借钱买一支口红,这就是大学生做的事,我不知道谁还钱,也许是他们的父母,但无论如何,他们仍然喜欢借钱,这种心态已经完全转变,尽管我们怎么看待独生子女政策的阴暗面,但也有一些意想不到的后果,首先,它严重提高了中国女性的地位,为什么,因为过去你先教育儿子,然后再教育女儿,而现在,每个人有了女儿,就把所有的资源都投入到她身上,这是每个家庭的现代问题是的,从数据上看,在我这一代,高等教育的性别差距已经完全缩小,从商业领袖的数据来看,出生于 90 年代的商业领袖中,45% 是女性,而出生于 70 年代或 60 年代的只有 6%,对不起,出生于 70 年代的只有 10%,所以这确实加速了中国这个曾经非常传统的儒家社会的性别差距的缩小,远远高于其他国家经济增长所预测的,而且这是非常开放的一代,我看过很多关于他们的国际调查,他们关心多样性、动物权利、社会不平等等问题,他们更有信心,你知道,在那些日子里,那些选择每晚上三班的工厂工人现在不这样了在那个时代,他们更加放松,更加冷静,你知道这不是坏事,嗯,他们不会像顽强那样努力工作,但他们对生活有更广阔的视野,而且他们沟通得更好,他们中的许多人都在这个国家接受过教育,这个国家的三分之一的国际学生是中国学生,500 万疫情爆发之前,许多游客来到这个国家,他们精通西方文化和语言,他们将成为中国伟大的大使,他们与世界各地的禅宗宗师有更好的联系,他们是沟通的桥梁,他们也非常创新,这又是一个事实,尽管两国之间发生了一些事情,我不知道你是否注意到,今天下载次数最多的五个应用程序中有四个是中文的,我不知道这种情况是否会一直保持下去,但你知道,新一代人拥有的文化鸿沟和差距要小得多,所以让我留下这个想法,我们伟大的领导人董小平真正推动了国家的改革开放,他是这个奇迹成功的先驱,他曾经说过棘手的问题,我们在那些日子里也有很多,让我们把它留给更聪明的年轻一代去解决,他们会的,他们会的解决这些问题,但与此同时,我们仍然需要让世界团结起来,给他们这个机会,嗯,我不认为除了我们要给他们背负的所有债务或更肮脏的地球之外,我们真的想让一个更危险的世界,一个崩溃的边缘,所以这就是像这样的论坛,提供这种交流,让我们更好地了解彼此,减少这些疑虑,我认为这是非常重要的,正是在这样的国家,这种好奇心和对不同观点的开放才能真正发生,所以我真的很感谢你们的倾听,感谢你们给我这个机会,感谢你们给我和来自中国、印度、非洲的许多其他学生向这个国家学习,我们也可以期待,当下一次全球金融危机来临时,我确信它会到来,美国和中国的两家央行,他们将不得不互相打电话,对吧如果真希望实现绿色转型,我们就需要最便宜、最清洁的能源和技术,以及大量的投资和合作来实现这一目标,而且这里的每个人都会留在这里,没有人会真正离开,我们在这里,所以让我们保持人民之间的联系,保持对话的开放,怀有善意,甚至可能只是从小小的胜利开始,我相信随着时间的推移,我们可以取得更多的成就,谢谢你们。

Keyu Jin Reveals The BIGGEST Misunderstandings About China

Rise of Asia  2025年3月16日


This is Professor Keyu Jin from the London School of Economics. What she’s about to share with you will definitely make you rethink how the West views China.

some in this country may think that China's sole goal is to overtake the US gez that's a lot of responsibilities in the world no thank you um and no not feasible now leaving aside what we think about China and their problems their challenges their challenges were the model we're seeing the economy slow down as significant Pace today uh it is still

a fact that it is the country that has

been growing the fastest for the longest

period of time in all of human history

the shangh government actually gave

money and cheap land to Tesla hoping

that they would build factories and sell

um cars there Chinese local governments

giving subsidizing American companies in

China people were fine with that they

liked it they bought Tesla cars they're

all over the streets of China today now

this is again a fact despite what's

happening between the two countries I

don't know if you noticed but four out

of the five the most downloaded apps

today are actually chines this is

Professor KU Jinn from the London School

of Economics what she's about to share

with you will definitely make you

rethink How the West views China and so I wanted to tell a

different side of the story and there is

always a different side of the story and

given how tense things have become

between the two countries us and China I

think it is important to tell that story

story uh so allow me to offer you a

different perspective and lens to look

through uh in the next hour so people ask me often what are the

biggest misunderstandings about China

now one of it is actually how the model

works now 30 million private companies

sprung out from nowhere like mushrooms

spring up from a desert in so little

time 20 years uh in the beginning stages

and beginning ages of 1980s it was China

was a thoroughly anti- capitalistic uh

economy and suddenly 30 million out of

nowhere and we tend to think of China's

system as being extremely centralized as

if everything is decisions are made on

the top by a few people maybe even one

person but that's not quite accurate politically it's very

centralized but economically it's

extremely decentralized decisions in

implementation um uh are all made on the

ground decided by local officials who

actually go about helping private

entrepreneurs to succeed in my book I

call this the mayor economy local

provincial leaders I mean they could be

Mayors they could be party uh uh

secretaries in charge of turning

backward fishing villages into global

technology hubs like Shen Jin and that's

what they did I don't know what we expect our

Mayors to do for us in this country but

in China that was their mandate it was

to help growth it was to implement these

radical reforms it was to help protect

the environment to to Really encourage

the private entrepreneurs to build um uh

something uh new and So currently even fast for many

years today they're running around all

over country uh all over the country

building many silicon valleys helping private entrepreneurs

find Talent coordinate financing build a

whole industrial clutter around key

companies like EVS or semiconductors the shanghainese

government actually gave money and cheap

land to Tesla hoping that they would

build factories and sell um cars there

Chinese local governments giving

subsidizing American companies in China

people were fine with that they liked it

they bought Tesla cars they're all over

the streets of China today and so a lot

of people don't understand what what are

the incentives Behind These Mayors you

know the decentralized economy that they

would want to do this uh for the private

entrepreneurs and help the economy well

that comes back to some pretty unique

institutional features in China so to be

promoted to the higher runs of the

political hierarchy and everybody wanted

to be promoted um you needed to do a

good job for the local economy and on

top of that by doing that you got more

jobs filled your fiscal coffers

um and the land you own which the local

governments own are actually worth

more and most of all you needed the

private entrepreneurs to help you right

we usually think about China as if the

state kind of suppresses the private or

surprises no actually it's quite the

opposite they need the private

entrepreneurs because they're the most

productive and they're the most

Innovative so there were huge incentives

and on top of that there was a lot of

competition across the regions in China

it was like a beauty contest you know

contesting for the best and promising

entrepreneurs and you had to be friendly

to them you had to be nice to them you

had to be helpful so in the data we see

that the cleanest friendliest uh local

governments saw the fastest growth and

the rise of the largest companies and

those that were more corrupt more

extractive they lost out so there's an

incentive to behave to actually lend a

helping hand rather than a grabbing hand

which some might expect in a country

with a poor rule of law or too much

political power concentrated in the

hands of too few would have been uh very

difficult but that was uh what the

Mayors did and you didn't need every

mayor to be like that you know China's a

big country there are tens of thousands

of local governments and many of them

were corrupt and money went into their

pockets but the majority were

incentivized and that was enough to lead

to this seesmic change at Breakneck uh

pace now leaving aside what we think

about China and their problems their

challenges their challenges were the

model we're seeing the economy slow down

as significant Pace today uh it is still

a fact that it is the country that has

been growing the fastest for the longest

period of time in all of human history

and that is a fact so something has must

have gone right now this comes to a

broader point and a more contested point

which is what do we actually think about

the role of the state now I'm a western

trained Economist I can tell you in our

models in our intellectual thinking

framework there's very little room for

the state except for maybe regulations

maybe stepping in when there are market

failures but I can also understand

culturally and historically why we feel

so uneasy about State interventions and

we've also seen the state overreaching

and being too heavy-handed of course and

these are problems but sitting around

many of these meetings with politicians

leaders experts talking about

development in developing countries a

perennial thing that comes up is not

enough State capacity Emerging Markets

need to double their infrastructure in

the next few years not enough State

coordination not enough uh investment that's a fact as well and

China didn't have that problem China

actually had the opposite problem too

much infrastructure which was also wasteful

it was inefficient but it was still a better

problem to have than to not have enough

connectivity to unleash people's

productivity on balance now for all of its expedience

the model has serious challenges it's

being tested it's much less effective

Now growth is slowing down huge amounts

of debt 140 million vacant homes to be

filled in who knows how many years

there's too much capacity too much

Supply not enough demand the financial

system is really a living dinosaur too

little credit for the small mediumsized

Enterprises and that's the other side of

this high growth high cost model it was

costly there were waste but to the

Chinese on net the benefits still

outweighed the cost because a billion

people were lifted out of poverty and

even today it's the first time that you

have a developing country being able to

do things like Cutting Edge technology and Des despite the problems

and I'm sure there'll be many questions

about Chinese economies today and I'll

share with you my muse I still think

it's too early to write China off this

country this very country the us we've

had 12 recessions in the last century it

took took more than 10 years to recover

from the Great Recession of

2009 China is currently experiencing its

first serious economic recession uh in

the last 40 years the potential is still

there there's a vast majority of people

underemployed undereducated in the rural

areas and even just between China where

China is today and its potential whether

it's in terms of urban urbanization

tertiary education the service sector

product activity there's a big gap still

yet to be filled and again even in this

country we've seen over time that poor

states converged to the Richer States

it's in the data and it's also going to

happen to China so there's still room

for growth now the second misunderstanding

is about Chinese aspirations some in this country may

think that China's sole goal is to

overtake the US gez that's a lot of responsibilities in the world no thank

you um and no not feasible the daily preoccupation of the

vast majority of Chinese today is still

about putting food on their table and

keeping their kids in school not really

having a dangerous Obsession about

America really it doesn't believe that worrying

about America is actually going to solve

its own problem problems and the

government needs to keep its own house

in order there's a lot of domestic

challenges and by the way talking about

aspirations and we have an ethical theme

in this uh series of talks we're going

to have to accept that there will be

similar aspirations from India

Indonesia Vietnam the entire African

continent they are rising they have huge aspirations to

Pedal their way to prosperity and we'll

have to need to deal with that too

they're going to start selling cheap

Goods to China use its technology and by

the way some of that is already

happening as factories are moving to

Southeast Asia on mass the Chinese don't really have much

time to talk about the Vietnamese

stealing their jobs we don't really hear

about it in the newspapers instead what

they hear about is they should invest

more in smart Manufacturing in up

tooling upskilling uh their workers

climbing up the value chain so they're

not forever stuck and condemned to

producing cheap Goods climbing up the

global value chain is what they're

focused on and maybe it's also another cultural

thing to do and again culture and

history is something it's a theme in my

book I like to talk about it a little

bit because I do think we kind of

sometimes underestimate how important uh

they are and that contributes to some

some of the misunderstandings um but it's a cultural

thing to do in China to turn a crisis

into motivation now speaking of President

Biden's export controls on uh

semiconductors or you know kind of

asking companies to break off uh ties

with China to stop selling to them well

initially it didn't go down that well uh

in in China um but then they kind of

just turned it into a positive attitude

it totally mobilized everybody they

whipped companies into shape for the

longest time they were actually

comfortably importing American uh chips

and now all of a sudden they have to

start buying Chinese Chips and not

because the Chinese government forced

them to but rather it's because of um

these policies from America so and in

fact they said well thank you thank you

for keeping us on our toes there were

huge accelerations in these domestic

Industries and there was almost a

national Euphoria when they made

breakthroughs in the chip industry small

victories but still small triumphs and

the Chinese people were pretty happy

they turned this around and said oh this

is pretty positive and by the way

President Biden would you mind also

sanctioning our national men's soccer

team too but thank you jokes aside

um to look at to the rise of African

India does China want to see that as a

threat or opportunity I actually really

think they see it as an opportunity and

that rest of the world is is coming 90%

of the people in the world still live in

the developing countries and they too

have that kind of aspirations um and third finally the

Chinese people the misunderstandings and the new generation

that's actually what I enjoy talking

about the most uh it's what gives me the

most hope that we are going to do much

better with a new generation and that

we're not actually headed on a Collision

Course the new generation born after the

one child policy in the 1980s I was

among the first generation I've have

lots of thoughts about it I've done lots

of research about it um it's a

fascinating topic uh they are radically

different from my parents age you know

going through huge vicissitudes economic

psychological hardships in China during

these turbulent times um the new generation they love

Leisure consuming spending money on

clothes uh traveling entertainment all

of that they even like to borrow to

spend we used to think about China as a

Big saver you know saving so much and

then flooding the world with capital and

products well this generation is

different they borrow they spend 85% of

the consumer credit is actually

accounted for by people under 35 one

click on alibaba's you know e-commerce

website you can borrow to buy a lipstick

that's what college students do I don't

know who who pays them back maybe their

parents but anyway they they still love

to to borrow that the mentality uh has

totally shifted and despite what we think about

the one child policy the dark sides

there were also some unintended

consequences for one it seriously raised

the status of Chinese women why because

you used to educate your sons first

before your daughters and everybody now

with a daughter pour all the resource

into her the modern molans of every family right

and we see in the data that the gender

gap completely closed in my generation

for uh attainment in higher education

and in the data Among The Business

Leaders those born in the 1990s 45% of

the Business Leaders are women compared

to only 6% of those born in the 1970s

60s sorry or 10% for those born in the

1970s so it really accelerated the

closing of the gender gap for China in

this formerly very traditional Confucian

Society way above what economic growth

would have predicted uh in uh uh in in

other countries and moreover this is a

really open-minded generation I've

looked at lots of international surveys

about them uh they care about things

like diversity animal rights um social

inequity they feel more confident uh you know the the kind of

factory workers that opted for three uh

shifts a night back in those days that's

not in that generation they're more

relaxed more chill you know it's not a

bad thing um they're not going to be

working as hard as tenacious but they

have a broader you know perspective

about life uh in general and also they

communicate better many of them have

been educated in this country a third of

international students in this country

are Chinese students and 5 million

visitors before the pandemic come to

this country they are fluent with the

Western culture the language uh and they

would be great ambassadors uh for uh

China and they connect much better with

the Zen genzies around the world and

they are that bridge um and they're also very

Innovative now this is again a fact

despite what's happening between the two

countries I don't know if you noticed

but four out of the five the most

downloaded apps today are actually

Chinese I don't know if it will stay

stay stay this way but you know the new

generation they have much more they have

much less of a cultural divide and

GAP and so let me leave with this

thought our great leader dung xao ping

who really pushed the country for

reforms and opening up and really was um

the the forefather of this miracle

success used to say about intractable

problems and we had many back in those

days as well let's leave it to the

smarter younger generation to figure it

out they're going to they're going to

sort it out but at the same time we

still need to hold the world together

for them to actually give them that

chance um I don't think that on top of

all the debt that we're going to throw

at them or the dirtier planet that we

really want to add a more dangerous

world the cusp of uh collapse uh to the

mix so it's where places like this

forums like this to offer this

exchange uh to get to know each better

each other better to uh reduce these

misgivings that I think is so so

important and it's really in this kind

of country that such curiosity and

openness for different views can

actually take place so I really thank

you uh for listening thank you for

giving me this uh opportunity and thank

you for giving me and so many other

students from China from India from

Africa to learn from this country and we

can also expect that when the next

Global financial crisis comes around the

corner and I'm certainly sure it will

the two central banks in us and China

they're going to have to call each other

up right that if there's ever a hope of

realizing the green transition we are

going to need the cheapest cleanest

energy and technology and a whole lot of

investment and collaboration uh to make it happen and

everybody here is here to stay nobody's

really going anywhere uh we're here so

let's keep the People to People

connection keep the dialogues open have

some Goodwill and maybe even just start

from small victories and I believe over

time even more can be achieved thank you

