美国之音 揭示拜登腐败至极

美国之音要关闭?川普(Trump)任命的美国之音台长凯丽·雷克(Kari Lake)说出实情【Echo走遍美国】 【Echo's happy life】 【Echo的幸福生活】

川普任命的美国之音台长凯丽·雷克Kari Lake:应当像教育部长那样态度鲜明,将大幅裁减乃至彻底撤销自己管理的机构作为惠及美国民众的根本措施,这才是真正的自我革新。她在视频中揭露了两大问题:一是拜登政府任命的前任领导在离职前以2.5亿美元签下了一栋新办公大楼15年的租约,装修奢华却毫无必要,而美国之音原本已拥有一栋早已还清贷款的大楼,完全可以通过翻修升级使用;二是前任在离职前批量修改拨款合同,刻意掩盖资金流向和用途。美国纳税人的血汗钱就这样被肆意挥霍。
嗨,美国,我现在在华盛顿特区,担任美国全球媒体署的高级顾问,我代表你们和特朗普总统及其政府工作,我已经在职几个星期了,我对我了解到的有关这个机构的一些事情感到震惊,我坐在这座崭新漂亮的摩天大楼的 13 层,这座大楼的花费是你们纳税人的钱,拜登政府的人在他们离任前管理这个机构,为这栋大楼签署了一份全新的租约,为期 15 年,将花费纳税人近 2.5 亿美元,这是最关键的,他们已经有一栋他们所在的大楼,已经付清了租金,他们本可以翻新或更新,但他们却选择让我们签订一份租约,这笔钱要花纳税人的钱,我知道你们每个人都在努力工作,税金,你希望它被明智地使用,而不是被滥用和管理不善,我可以告诉你,这栋楼是一个巨大的浪费,看看这栋楼里有什么,豪华的会议室,全墙都是窗户,至少有 26 间会议室,我数了一下,这栋楼有四座通往无处的桥,巨大的瀑布,意大利大理石饰面,到处都是皮革家具,所有这些都是由美国纳税人支付的,这不是我们看到的唯一的东西,我们看到的是补助金,他们拿走了补助金,在我们进来前几天就改变了合同,让我们更不透明地知道钱去了哪里,这些受助者发生了什么,这是一个明显的迹象,他们想阻止我们发现任何我们可能进入并改变和为美国人做得更好的事情纳税人,我想让你们知道,我在华盛顿特区努力工作,确保我们不会花光辛苦赚来的钱,我们将尽一切努力取消可以取消的合同,节省资金,缩小规模,确保你的钱不会被滥用。
美国之音要关闭?川普(Trump)任命的美国之音台长凯丽·雷克(Kari Lake)说出实情【Echo走遍美国】 【Echo's happy life】 【Echo的幸福生活】

hi America I'm here in Washington DC as

senior adviser at United States Agency

for Global media I'm working on behalf

of you and president Trump and his

administration and I have been on the

job for a couple of weeks now and I'm

horrified by some of the things I'm

learning about this agency I'm sitting

here on the 13th floor of a shiny brand

new beautiful skyscraper building that

is costing you the taxpayer of Fortune

the Biden Administration folks who were

running this agency before right before

they left office signed a brand new lease for this building a 15-year lease that's going to cost the taxpayer nearly

a quarter of a billion dollar here's the

here's the kicker they already have a

building that they're located in that is

paid off that they could have renovated

or updated but they chose instead to get

us into a lease that's costing the taxpayer of Fortune I know that every one of you out there is working hard and

parting with your tax dollars you're

expecting it to be used wisely not

misused and mismanaged and I can tell

you that this building is a colossal

waste of money take a look at what's in

this building fancy conference rooms

with wall to--all Windows there's 26

conference rooms at least that's what

I've counted in this building there are

four Bridges to Nowhere massive

waterfalls Italian marble finishes

everywhere leather Furnishings all of

this being paid for by the American

taxpayer and it's not the only thing

we've seen we are seeing grants where

they've taken the grants and they've

changed the contracts just days before

we got in here to make it less

transparent for us to find out where the

money is going and what's happening with

these grantees it was an obvious obvious

sign that they wanted to keep us from

finding out anything that we could

possibly go in and change and make

better for the American taxpayer I want

you to know I'm hard at work here in

Washington DC I working to make sure

that we are not being buil out of our

hard-earned dollars and we're going to

make sure we're doing everything we can

to cancel contracts that can be

cancelled save money downsize and make

sure there's no misuse of your dollars.