美国副总统 Vance 谈全球化理念和富国与穷国

美国副总统 Vance 谈全球化理念和富国与穷国


How Globalization Backfired: China BEAT the West at Its Own Game

美国副总统 JD Vance 谈“全球化理念”和“富国与穷国

US Vice President JD Vance on the 'idea of globalisation', and 'rich & poor countries'




JD Vance 详细阐述了外包、廉价劳动力和经济傲慢如何帮助中国从制造 iPhone 转向设计自己的技术,在从人工智能到电动汽车等各个领域威胁美国。


???? 这不仅仅是经济学。这是幻想的破灭。

???? 以 JD Vance、苹果、国际货币基金组织数据、历史相似之处以及全球化承诺背后的残酷真相为特色。

美国副总统 JD Vance 周三表示,美国目前占全球船舶建造量的 0.1%,即 1% 的十分之一。另一方面,中国现在制造的商用船舶比世界其他国家加起来还要多。事实上,仅去年一年,北京一家国有企业建造的商用船舶就比美国自二战结束以来生产的船舶还要多。因此,虽然我们仍然是技术和创新领域的领导者,但我认为前景中出现了令人不安的迹象。

美国副总统 J.D. Vance 在美国活力峰会上批评了全球化实验,认为由于假设有误,该实验失败了。他强调了将设计和制造分开到不同国家是一个错误。虽然较富裕的国家希望在外包生产的同时保留高价值的设计工作,但制造业中心最终发展了自己的设计专业知识——这给将产业外包的国家带来了竞争劣势。



很高兴来到这里,感谢大家今天邀请我,特别是 Ben 和 Mark,我只是想在后台向 Ben 和 Katherine 打个招呼,但我知道 Mark 现在显然得了流感,所以 Mark,无论你在哪里,我想我得了和几周前一样的流感,这很糟糕,但我相信你会挺过去的,很高兴和你们在一起,很高兴谈论美国活力的重要性,以及我们的政府将采取哪些措施来支持这个国家最具开创性和引人注目的公司,我知道你们每天都在努力工作,我认为这是相当好的消息,几个月前,你们有一个政府与你们合作,促进你们的辛勤工作,而不是让创新变得更加困难,我认为这是最后一个政府确实为乔·拜登辩护,他大部分时间都在睡觉,我认为他没有完全意识到自己在做什么,但这肯定没有让事情变得更容易,他的政府现在没有为我们的创新者提供帮助,正如你们中的一些人可能已经看到的,我和本在后台谈到了这个问题,上个月我在巴黎的一次会议上发言,我向一群首席执行官和外国领导人传达的信息是,我们应该迎接未来,我们不应该害怕人工智能,特别是对于我们这些有幸成为美国人的人来说,我们不应该害怕富有成效的新技术,事实上,我们应该寻求主宰它们,而这肯定是本届政府想要实现的目标,我怀疑这个房间里的大多数人都有同样的想法,如果你不是,我不知道你为什么会参加美国活力会议,但我收到了一些担心人工智能的破坏性影响,一位记者说,演讲强调了技术乐观主义者和特朗普总统联盟的民粹主义右翼之间的紧张关系,今天我想以两个部落的骄傲成员的身份谈谈这些紧张关系,让我简单地说,虽然这是一个善意的担忧,但我认为这是基于一个错误的前提,这种认为技术进步的人和民粹主义者不可避免地会发生争执的想法是错误的,我认为现实是,在任何充满活力的社会中,技术当然都会进步,作为一名天主教徒,我想起了教皇约翰保罗二世在通谕的开篇,对不起,通谕呃劳动阿马林引用了通过工作,人必须赚取每日的面包,为科学技术的不断进步做出贡献,最重要的是不断提升他所生活的社会的文化和道德水平。我之所以会这么说,不仅是因为我是他的粉丝,还因为他正确地理解了在健康的经济中,技术应该能够提升而不是取代劳动力的价值。我认为,人们过于担心人工智能会取代工作,而不是增强我们现在所做的许多事情。在 20 世纪 70 年代,如果你回溯到过去,许多人担心自动柜员机(我们称之为 ATM)会取代银行柜员。事实上,ATM 的出现提高了银行柜员的工作效率,如今在金融领域从事客户服务工作的人数比 ATM 发明时要多。当然,他们现在从事的工作略有不同。是的,他们从事的任务更有趣。更重要的是,他们现在比 20 世纪 70 年代赚的钱更多。我们创新有时确实会导致劳动力市场混乱,这种情况确实会发生,但美国创新的历史是,我们倾向于提高人们的生产力,然后我们在此过程中提高他们的工资,我认为我们所有人都认为这是一件好事,毕竟,谁会说,人类的生产力因为晶体管、金属氧化物半导体或蒸汽机的发明而降低呢?真正的创新使我们的生产力更高,但我认为,它还提高了我们工人的尊严,提高了我们的生活水平,增强了我们的劳动力和劳动力的相对价值,作为美国人,我们所有人都应该为我们非凡的传统感到特别自豪,我认为这是美国发明东西的传统,也是我们国家至今作为世界最重要的研发推动者的地位,但所有这些,技术在劳动力市场中扮演的角色,以及我们是否以兴奋或恐惧的态度迎接创新突破,取决于目的首先,我们的经济体系,我认为这是民众的一个重要观点,当我们把如此多的工业基地运往其他国家时,我们停止在国内制造有趣的新事物,这并不奇怪,例如,看看现在的造船业,如果你回到第二次世界大战,美国建造了数千艘所谓的自由轮,用来运送部队货物和其他物品,每两天建造三艘,现在我们在美国全年建造大约五艘商船,结果,美国今天占全球造船业的0.1%,另一方面,中国现在制造的商船比世界其他国家加起来还要多,事实上,仅去年一年,北京的一家国有企业建造的商船就比美国自第二次世界大战结束以来生产的商船还要多,所以,虽然我们仍然是技术和创新的领导者,但我认为存在一些令人不安的问题地平线上的迹象,我提出所有这些问题,想问一下,这听起来像是一个政权吗?我说的是中国,它将放弃使用人工智能或任何其他技术来推进自身利益并进一步损害竞争对手利益的机会。我认为答案是显而易见的,这就是为什么美国我们必须在技术上领先。是的,有担忧,是的,有风险,但我们必须乐观地、充满希望地走向人工智能的未来,因为我认为真正的技术创新将使我们的国家更强大,所以去工业化、去工业化对我们的国家安全和劳动力都构成风险,这很重要,因为它影响到两者,最终结果是这个国家的许多人被剥夺了生产过程的任何部分。当我们的工厂消失,这些工厂的工作岗位流向海外时,美国工人不仅面临财务不安全,还面临个人和社区身份的严重丧失,因此,这一切就回到了原点紧张局势,即民众与技术乐观主义者之间的紧张局势。当我们谈论新发明和人工智能的革命性潜力以及你们正在研究的所有其他令人难以置信的技术时,我可以理解人们的怀疑态度,但我认为这种紧张局势有点夸大其词,所以我将回到一些技术乐观主义者和我们这边的民众之间的分歧,我认为,当民众展望未来并将其与过去发生的事情进行比较时,我认为他们中的许多人看到工人与工作、社区和团结感之间的疏远,你会看到人们与目标感之间的疏远,重要的是,他们看到领导阶层相信福利可以取代工作,手机上的应用程序可以取代目标感,我记得在硅谷的一次晚宴,特别是在我从事科技行业的时候,我和我的妻子坐在一起我和一些美国重要科技公司的领导人进行了交谈,这可能是在 2016 年或 2017 年,我谈到了我真正担心的事情,那就是我们正朝着一个方向发展,美国不再能支持靠中产阶级工资生活的中产阶级家庭,更重要的是,即使你有足够的经济活力来提供财富,确保这些人买得起房子,买得起食物等等,即使你取代了他们工作中的经济要素,你也会摧毁工作本身的尊严和目的,我记得当时在场的一位科技公司 CEO,如果我提到他,你就会知道他的名字,他是一家价值数十亿美元的公司的 CEO,他说‘好吧,我其实并不担心人们失业后会失去目标,我说好吧,那你认为会发生什么?取代那种目的感

他说,呃,数字化完全ersive 游戏,然后我的妻子在桌子下面给我发短信说“我们必须离开这里,这些人现在都疯了,当然,我认为首席执行官的观点不代表这个房间里的大多数人,但当我想到很多工人根据他们过去所见非常担心未来,因为坦率地说,他们的领导未能为他们服务,然后我从很多技术乐观主义者的角度考虑这个问题,我认为很多技术乐观主义者认为过度监管扼杀了创新,我的意思是你们是建设者,他们是建设者,虽然他们可能同情那些失去工作的人,但他们更沮丧的是政府不允许他们创造未来的工作,他们知道在数字媒体中建立业务虽然很难,但在数字媒体中建立业务仍然更难在我们所谓的原子世界里,他们看到政府让他们的生活更加艰难,他们必须信任任何向政府寻求帮助的人,我建议我们的工人,一方面是民粹主义者,另一方面是技术乐观主义者,都被这个政府辜负了,不仅是上届政府,而且是过去 40 年的政府,因为当谈到全球化时,我们的领导阶层有两种自负,第一种是假设我们可以将制造与设计分开,全球化的理念是富国将进一步向价值链上游移动,而穷国则制造更简单的东西,你打开一个 iPhone 盒子,上面写着在加利福尼亚州塞蒂诺设计的,当然,这意味着它将在深圳或其他地方制造,是的,有些人可能会失去制造业的工作,但他们可以学习设计或使用非常流行的短语

学习编码,但我认为我们错了,事实证明,从事制造业的地区在设计事物方面非常擅长,存在网络效应,正如你们所理解的,设计产品的公司与制造公司合作,他们共享知识产权,他们共享最佳实践,有时甚至共享关键员工,现在我们假设其他国家在价值链中总是落后于我们,但事实证明,随着他们在价值链低端变得更好,他们也开始在高端赶上我们,我们从两端受到挤压,现在这是全球化的第一个自负,我认为第二个是廉价劳动力从根本上来说是一种拐杖,它是一种抑制创新的拐杖,我甚至可以说,这是一种太多美国公司上瘾的毒品,现在如果你能更便宜地制造产品,那么这样做就太容易了,而不是创新,无论我们是否将工厂外包给廉价劳动力经济体或通过我们的移民系统进口廉价劳动力,廉价劳动力成为西方经济体的毒品,我想说,如果你看看从加拿大到英国的几乎每个进口大量廉价劳动力的国家,你就会发现生产力停滞不前,我不认为这不是完全发生的立场,我认为这种联系非常直接,现在你听到的关于最低工资的争论之一是,最低工资的增加迫使公司实现自动化,因此麦当劳的工资提高意味着更多的售货亭,无论你对最低工资的合理性有何看法,我都不会在这里对此发表评论,公司在没有廉价劳动力的情况下进行创新是一件好事,我认为你们大多数人并不担心越来越便宜的劳动力,你们担心的是创新创造新事物,关于旧的技术公式是用更少的资源做更多的事情大家每天都在努力用更少的资源做更多的事情,所以我想请我的朋友们,无论是技术乐观主义者还是民粹主义者,不要把全球化逻辑的失败看作是创新的失败。事实上,我认为全球化对廉价劳动力的渴求是一个问题,正是因为它不利于创新,我们的劳动人民、我们的民众和我们今天聚集在这里的创新者都有着相同的敌人,而我认为解决方案是美国的创新,因为从长远来看,技术可以提高劳动力的价值,创新就像美国体系和它引发的可互换零件革命,或者福特的流动装配线,它使我们工人的生产力飞速增长,这就是美国工业成为世界羡慕对象的原因,这也是我今天真正想谈的,为什么创新是赢得全球制造业竞争的关键,是给予我们的工人公平待遇,是重新夺回我们的遗产,通过美国伟大的工业复兴。我相信这就是我们正处于美国伟大工业复兴的风口浪尖。因为创新就是提高工资,这是保护我们家园的手段,我知道我们这里有很多国防技术公司,这是在战场上拯救士兵生命的方法,我知道今天在座的各位都基本同意,这就是为什么我们拥有一些最伟大的发明家和思想家,以及能源精密加工、无数关键的高价值行业,就在这个房间里,我认为另一个将你们所有人团结在一起的原因是,你们都是建设者,我使用这个词,几年前马克的宣言让我非常感动,关于美国,我们是一个建设者的国家,我们制造东西,我们创造东西,你们每个人来参加这次峰会,不是因为你们开发了一些昙花一现的应用程序,而是因为你们正在构建一些非常真实的东西,你们正在建立新工厂,你们正在将利润重新转化为研发,你们正在为美国同胞创造新的就业机会,这就是为什么我如此喜欢你们,本和马克斯以及我们政府现在认识到的整个努力,是时候将我们的工作利益与你们所有人的利益结合起来了,是时候将我们科技公司的利益与整个美国的利益结合起来了,现在你们都以自己的方式响应了这一号召,毕竟,没有什么强迫任何人今天来到这个房间里,你们每个人都可以在东南亚中国设立总部,我相信你们在经济上会做得很好,但我希望你们在这里,因为你们热爱你们的国家,你们热爱它的人民,热爱它给你们的机会,你们认识到,建设事物,我们创造经济新创新的能力不能是一场逐底竞争,现在美国不会通过放弃童工法或支付比中国或越南劳工更低的工资来赢得未来,我们不希望这样,而且我们不会考虑我们只有像往常一样保护工人、支持创新者,同时做好这两件事,才能赢得胜利,所以我想在这里谈一些具体的事情,特朗普政府为实现美国制造业的伟大复兴制定的伟大计划很简单,你在美国制造有趣的新事物,那太好了,我们将削减你的税收,我们将削减监管,我们将降低能源成本,这样你就可以建设,我们的目标是激励在我们自己的边境、在我们自己的企业、我们自己的工人和我们自己的创新上进行投资,我们不希望人们寻求廉价劳动力,我们希望他们在美国投资和建设,所以如果你允许的话,我想谈谈特朗普政府已经在推行的几种支持创新的经济方式,这种经济让我们的工人蓬勃发展,让我们的公司在竞争中胜过外国同行,简而言之,这是一种充满活力的美国优先,为各行各业、各种类型的美国人服务,现在,特朗普总统首先开始认真地重新安排我们的国际贸易和关税制度,我们认为关税是保护我们的工作和我们的行业免受其他国家侵害的必要工具,也是保护我们工人在全球化市场中的劳动价值的必要工具,事实上,结合正确的技术,它们使我们能够将工作带回美国,创造未来的工作,只需看看过去几个月的汽车行业,这是一个重要的例子,当你在汽车制造业等关键行业周围建立关税壁垒,并将其与先进的机器人技术和更低的能源成本以及其他提高美国劳动力生产率的工具相结合时,你现在就给美国工人带来了倍增效应,这反过来又允许公司以具有竞争力的价格在这里生产产品,我们的总统得到了这一点,这就是为什么上个月我们在经历了多年的停滞之后发布了 9,000 个新的汽车工作岗位,或者汽车行业甚至出现衰退,这就是为什么仅仅几周后,我们就收到了来自本田、现代和 Stellantis 的新计划生产公告,价值数十亿美元,并在已经创造的岗位基础上增加了数千个工作岗位,现在这需要努力,这是总统第一任期内的工作,总统撕毁北美自由贸易协定,为北美的美国制造商创造新的美国协议,但这是重要的工作,我们现在要做,第二,所有这一切,就是为什么总统如此积极地处理非法移民问题,因为他知道廉价劳动力不能替代经济创新带来的生产力增长,所以我们在边境严厉打击非法移民,上个月的结果不言而喻,移民过境人数下降了 94%,降至历史最低水平,而这发生在两个月的严厉边境执法之后,这要归功于特朗普总统上个月的领导使大多数就业增长都流向了在美国本土出生的美国公民这是一年多以来第一次,大多数就业机会实际上都给了美国公民,三分之一的政府专注于降低我们的制造商和其他所有人的投入成本,以实现能源和富足,我知道 Doug Bergam 早些时候来过这里,我们稍后会来,这是最重要的,因为当我们看一些最令人兴奋的新技术应用时,我们意识到需要大量的电力来维持它们的运行,我们很高兴有来自阿拉伯联合酋长国的朋友,一些商界领袖和政府领导人本周来到城里,与我们的政府会面,他们不断强调的一件事是,不幸的是,我们的欧洲盟友中很少有人明白,如果你想在人工智能领域处于领先地位,你就必须在能源生产领域处于领先地位,所以我们将在那里设定步伐,我们将从前线引领,现在我们已经看到了好消息,即使只是几个月,也有进步的迹象汽油和柴油价格正在下降,美国原油每桶价格大幅下降,上周三,政府采取重大措施,使能源更加便宜,并将我们的公司从令人窒息的环境法规中解放出来,这很好,但当然,在未来四年里,我们还有很多工作要做,制定正确的税收法案对你们所有人和你们的所有工人来说都特别重要,我们知道恢复资本投资的 100% 奖金折旧以及再次全额费用化研发是多么重要,我们希望人们在美国投资,我们将确保税法反映这一点,为了在原始税法(即总统第一届政府的税法)成功的基础上再接再厉,我们的政府正在努力扩大一些对工业基础至关重要的条款,例如扩大全额费用化以涵盖包括制造商在内的企业主的工厂建设,使 2017 年的减税永久化将提供进一步的信心和可预测地投资于新技术和设备 雇用更多美国工人并发展所有企业 我们还有很多事情要做,但该国已经开始看到本届政府对生产者和消费者的大胆经济议程的回报 通货膨胀终于开始下降 上周核心CPI降至2021年4月以来的最低水平,当谈到劳动力市场时,上个月的就业报告显示出现了巨大的逆转 创造了10,000个新的制造业就业岗位,而去年我们失去了100,000多个制造业岗位 你可能已经听到总统说,自上任以来不到两个月的时间,他已经在美国各地获得了超过1.7万亿美元的新投资,这意味着制造业、人工智能、其他硬科技领域等数十万个新工作岗位,所以我们认为有很多事情值得兴奋,有很多事情我们对此感到兴奋,我们当然希望你们也感到兴奋,但特朗普总统经济政策的基本前提和基本目标是,我认为要撤销这个国家 40 年来失败的经济政策,长期以来,我们沉迷于海外廉价劳动力,并将其进口到我们自己的国家,我们变得懒惰,我们过度监管我们的行业,而不是支持它们,我们对我们的创新者征收过高的税,而不是让他们更容易建立自己的伟大公司,我们让在美国建立和投资变得太难了,这种情况在两个月前就停止了,它将继续停止,并将继续为美国工人和雇用他们并支持他们的美国企业而战,所以我要感谢你们所有人的两件事,第一,我要再次感谢你们所有人所做的一切,你们本可以选择简单的道路,这个房间里的每个人,总统会说你们的智商都非常高,你们是一些你们是美国最有才华的人,你们选择在美国建立自己的企业,对此我深表感谢,但我想说的第二件事是,我认为你们不仅仅是在建立自己的企业,我认为你们是美国伟大工业复兴的一部分,无论是未来的战争,未来的工作,还是未来的经济繁荣,我们都相信,我们必须在美国建立它,所以感谢你们所有人的建设,感谢你们所有人建设美国,感谢你们所有人建设我想让我的孩子在其中成长的那种社会,上帝保佑你们,感谢你们接待我。

US Vice President JD Vance on the 'idea of globalisation', and 'rich & poor countries'

ThePrint 2025年3月20日


United Satates Vice Precident JD Vance Wednesday said United States today accounts for 0.1%, one-tenth of 1% of global ship building. China, on the other hand, now makes more commercial ships than the rest of the world combined. In fact, one of Beijing's state-owned firms built more commercial ships just last year than all of America has produced since the end of World War II. So while we remain the leader in technology and innovation, I think there are troubling signs on the horizon.'

Vice President J.D. Vance criticized globalization experiment at the American Dynamism Summit, arguing that it has failed due to flawed assumptions. He highlighted how separating design and manufacturing across different countries was a mistake. While wealthier nations expected to retain high-value design work while outsourcing production, manufacturing hubs eventually developed their own design expertise—creating a competitive disadvantage for countries that offshored their industries.

The VP also criticized reliance on cheap labor, calling it a "crutch" that inhibits innovation. He argued that offshoring and immigration have stalled productivity, while higher labor costs could drive technological advancements, as seen with automation spurred by rising wages.


it's uh it's great to be here thanks to everybody for having me today in particular Ben and Mark and I just got to say hello to Ben um and Katherine backstage but I know I know apparently Mark has the flu right now so Mark wherever you are uh I think I had the

same flu like a few weeks ago it sucks

but uh I'm sure I'm sure you'll get

through it and it's great to to be with

you all and it's great to talk about the

importance of American dynamism and what

our administration is going to do to

support so many of the country's most

groundbreaking and compelling companies

i know that you guys are working hard

every single day and I think it's pretty

good news right that as of a couple of

months ago you have an administration

that's working with you and facilitating

your hard work instead of making it

harder to innovate which is I think what

the last administration did though in

defense of Joe Biden he was asleep most

of the time i don't think he totally

realized what he was doing but uh it

certainly didn't make it easier his

administration did not for our

innovators now as some of you may have

seen and I talked about this with Ben

backstage I spoke at a conference in

Paris last month where my message to a

group of CEOs and foreign leaders was

that we should embrace the future

head-on we shouldn't be afraid of

artificial intelligence and that

particularly for those of us lucky

enough to be Americans we shouldn't be

fearful of productive new technologies

in fact we should seek to dominate them

and that's certainly what this

administration wants to accomplish i

suspect that most of you in this room

are of like mind and if you're not I

don't know why the hell you're at the

American Dynamism Conference but I I

received some push back from people who

are worried about the disruptive effects

of AI you one journalist suggested the

speech highlighted the tension between

the quote techno optimists and the

populist right of President Trump's

coalition and today I'd like to speak to

these tensions as a proud member of both

tribes and let me put it simply while

this is a well-intentioned concern I I

think it's based on a faulty premise

this idea that tech forward people and

the populists are somehow inevitably

going to come to a loggerheads is wrong

i think the reality is that in any

dynamic society technology is going to

advance of course and speaking as a

Catholic I think back to Pope John Paul

II's opening lines of the encycl excuse

me encyclical uh labor amarins quote through work man must earn

his daily bread and contribute to the

continual advance of science and

technology and above all to elevating

unceasingly the cultural and moral level

of the society within which he lives end

quote now I quote the Holy Father not

only because I'm a fan of his but also

because he rightly understood that in a

healthy economy technology should be

something that enhances rather than

supplants the value of labor and I think

there's too much fear that AI will

simply replace jobs rather than

augmenting so many of the things that we

do now in the 1970s if you go back a

little ways many feared that the

automated teller machine what we call

the ATM would replace bank tellers in

reality the advent of the ATM made bank

tellers more productive and you have

more people today working in customer

service in the financial sector than you

had when the ATM was created now they're

doing slightly different jobs of course

yes they're doing more interesting tasks

also and importantly they're making more

money than they were in the 1970s now

when we innovate we do sometimes cause

labor market disruptions that has that

happens but the history of American

innovation is that we tend to make

people more productive and then we

increase their wages in the process and

I think all of us believe that's a good

thing now after all who would claim that

man was made less productive by the

invention of the transistor or the metal

eighth or the steam engine real

innovation makes us more productive but

it also I think dignifies our workers it

boosts our standard of living it

strengthens our workforce and the

relative value of its labor and as

Americans all of us should be

particularly proud of our extraordinary

heritage i think it is American heritage

of inventing things and of our nation's

status to this day as the world's

foremost driver of research and

development but all of this the role

that technology plays in a labor market

and whether we greet innovative

breakthroughs with excitement or with

trepidation depends on the purpose of

our economic system in the first place

and I think this is where the populace

have an important point it should be no

surprise that when we send so much of

our industrial base to other countries

we stop making interesting new things

right here at home look for example at

ship building now if you go back to

World War II America constructed

thousands of so-called liberty ships to

carry troops cargo and other things

building them at a pace of three ships

every two days three ships every two

days now we build about five commercial

ships across an entire year in the

United States of America and as a result

the United States today accounts

for.1% onetenth of 1% of global ship

building china on the other hand now

makes more commercial ships than the

rest of the world combined in fact one

of Beijing's stateowned firms built more

commercial ships just last year than all

of America has produced since the end of

World War II so while we remain the leader in

technology and innovation I think there

are troubling signs on the horizon and I

raise all this to ask does this sound

like a regime I'm speaking of China that

will pass up on the opportunity to use

AI or any other technology to advance

their own interests and further

undermine the interests of their rivals

i think the answer is obvious and that's

why America we've got to be tech forward

yes there are concerns yes there are

risks but we have to be leaning into the

AI future with optimism and hope because

I think real technological innovation is

going to make our country stronger so

de-indust de-industrialization poses

risks both to our national security and

our workforce it's important because it

affects both and the net result is

dispossession for many in this country

of any part of the productive process

and when our factories disappear and the

jobs in those factories go overseas

American workers are faced not only with

financial insecurity they're also faced

with a profound loss of personal and

communal identity and so to come full

circle on this tension alleged tension

between the populace and the techno

optimists I can understand a reaction of

skepticism when we talk about the

revolutionary potential of new invention

and artificial intelligence and all the

other incredible technologies that you

guys are working but I think that that

tension is a little overstated and so

I'm going to come back to what's sort of

dividing some of the tech optimists and

the populace on our side i think the

populace when they look at the future

and when they compare it to what's

happened in the past I think a lot of

them see alienation of workers from

their jobs from their communities from

their sense of solidarity you see the

alienation of people from their sense of

purpose and importantly they see a

leadership class that believes welfare

can replace a job and an application on

a phone can replace a sense of purpose i

remember a Silicon Valley dinner uh in

in particular back when I was in in my

tech days where my wife and I were

sitting around talking to some of the

leaders of of the important technology

firms of the United States and this is

probably in 2016 or 2017 and I was

talking about my real worry that we were

heading in a direction where America

could no longer support middle class

families working on middle class wages

and importantly that even if you had

enough economic dynamism to provide the

wealth to ensure those people could you

know afford to buy a house and afford

their food and so forth that even if you

replace the financial element of their

jobs you would destroy something that

was dignified and purposeful about work

itself and I remember one of the tech

CEOs who was there that you know CEO you

would know his name if I mentioned it he

was the CEO of a of a multi-billion

dollar company he said 'Well I'm

actually not worried about the loss of

purpose when people lose their jobs and

I said okay well what do you think is

going to replace that sense of purpose

and he said uh digital fully immersive

gaming and then my my wife texted me

underneath a table and said "We have to

get the hell out of here these people

are effing crazy now I don't think that of course that

CEO's views are representative of of of

most people in this room but when I

think about the the the a lot of the

workers based on what they've seen in

the past are very worried about the

future because frankly their leadership

has failed to serve them and then I

think about this from the perspective of

a lot of the tech optimists i think a

lot of the tech optimists they see

overregulation they see stifling

innovation i mean you guys are builders

they are builders and while they may

sympathize with those who lost a job

they're much more frustrated that the

government won't allow them to build the

jobs of the future and they know that as

hard as it is to build a business in

digital media it's still harder to build

one in robotics or life sciences or

energy in what we call the world of

atoms they see a government that makes

their lives harder and they must trust

anyone who looks to that government for

aid and what I propose is that each

group our workers the populists on the

one hand the tech optimists on the other

have been failed by this government not

just the government of the last administration but the government in

some ways of the last 40 years because

there were two conceits that our leadership class had when it came to

globalization the first is assuming that we can

separate the making of things from the

design of things the idea of globalization was that rich countries

would move further up the value chain

while the poor countries made the simpler things you would open an iPhone

box and it would say designed in Certino

California now the implication of course

is that it would be manufactured in

Shenzhen or somewhere else and yeah some

people might lose their jobs in manufacturing but they could learn to

design or to use a very popular phrase

learn to code but I think we got it

wrong it turns out that the geographies

that do the manufacturing get awfully

good at the designing of things there

are network effects as you all well

understand the firms that design

products work with firms that

manufacture they share intellectual

property they share best practices and

they even sometimes share critical

employees now we assumed that other

nations would always trail us in the

value chain but it turns out that as

they got better at the low end of the

value chain they also started catching

up on the higher end we were squeezed

from both ends now that was the first

conceit of globalization i think the

second is that cheap labor is

fundamentally a crutch and it's a crutch

that inhibits innovation i might even

say that it's a drug that too many

American firms got addicted to now if

you can make a product more cheaply it's

far too easy to do that rather than to

innovate and whether we were offshoring

factories to cheap labor economies or

importing cheap labor through our

immigration system system cheap labor

became the drug of Western economies and

I'd say that if you look in nearly every

country from Canada to the UK that

imported large amounts of cheap labor

you've seen productivity stagnate and I

don't think that's that's not a total

happen stance i think that the

connection is very direct now one of the

debates you hear on the minimum wage for

instance is that increases in the

minimum wage force firms to automate so

a higher wage at McDonald's means more

kiosks and whatever your views on the

wisdom of the minimum wage I'm not going

to comment on that here companies

innovating in the absence of cheap labor

is a good thing i think most of you are

not worried about getting cheaper and

cheaper labor you're worried about

innovating about building new things

about the old formulation of technology

is doing more with less you guys are all

trying to do more with less every single

day and so I I'd ask my friends both on

the the tech optimist side and on the

populist side not to see the failure of

the logic of globalization as a failure

of innovation indeed I'd say that

globalization's hunger for cheap labor

is is a problem precisely because it's

been bad for innovation both our working

people our populace and our innovators

gathered here today have the same enemy

and the solution I believe is American

innovation because in the long run it's

technology that increases the value of

labor innovations like the American

system and the interchangeable parts

revolution it sparked or Ford's moving

assembly line that skyrocketed the

productivity of our workers that's how

American industry became the envy of the

world and that's what I really want to

talk about today why innovation is key

to winning the worldwide manufacturing

comp competition to giving our workers a

fair deal and to reclaiming our heritage

via America's great industrial comeback

and I believe that's what we're on the

cusp of a great American industrial

comeback because innovation is what

increases wages it's what protects our

homelands and I know we have a lot of

defense technology uh companies here

it's what saves troops lives on the

battlefield and I know everyone here

today largely agrees it's why we have

some of the greatest in inventors and

thinkers and energy precision machining

countless critical high-value industries

just in this room and I think the other

thing that unites all of you is that

you're builders and I and I use that

word deli i was very moved by Mark's

manifesto from a few years ago about

America we are a nation of builders we

make things we create things each of you

came to this summit not because you

developed some flash in the pan

application but because you're building

something very real you're raising new

factories you're turning profits back

into R&D and you're creating new

goodaying jobs for your fellow Americans

and this is why I'm such huge fans of

yours of Ben and Marks and of the entire

endeavor that we recognize now in our

administration is the time to align our

work interests with those of all of you

it's time to align the interests of our

technology firms with the interests of

the United States of America at large

now all of you in your own ways have

answered that call after all there's

nothing forcing anyone to be in the room

today each one of you could have set up

headquarters in Southeast Asia China I'm

sure and you would have done quite well

for yourselves financially but you're

here I hope because you love your

country you love its people the

opportunities that it's given you and

you recognize that building things our

capacity to create new innovation in the

economy cannot be a race to the bottom

now America's not going to win the

future by ditching child labor laws or

paying our workers less than Chinese or

Vietnamese laborers we don't want that

and it's not on the table we can only

win by doing what we always did

protecting our workers and supporting

our innovators and doing both of those

things at the same time and so I want to

talk a little specifics here the Trump

administration's great plan for staging

the great American manufacturing

comeback is simple you're making

interesting new things here in America

great then we're going to cut your taxes

we're going to slash regulations we're

going to reduce the cost of energy so

that you can build build our goal is to incentivize

investment in our own borders in our own

businesses our own workers and our own

innovation we don't want people seeking

cheap labor we want them investing and

building right here in the United States

of America and so if you'll allow it I'd

like to talk about a few ways that the

Trump administration is already pursuing

a pro-inovation economy that allows our

workers to thrive and our companies to

out compete their foreign peers in short

an economy that is vibrantly America

first that serves Americans from all

walks of life and of every kind now

first President Trump is starting with

and is dead serious about rearranging

our trade and tariff regime

internationally we believe that tariffs

are a necessary tool to protect our jobs

and our industries from other countries

as well as the labor value of our

workers in a globalized market in fact

combined with the right technology they

allow us to bring jobs back to the

United States of America and create the

jobs of the f future just look in the

past few months at the auto industry as

an important example when you erect a

tariff wall around a critical industry

like auto manufacturing and you combine

that with advanced robotics and lower

energy costs and other tools that

increase the productivity of US labor

you give American workers a multiplying

effect now that in turn allows firms to

make things here at a price competitive

basis our president gets that which is

why last month we posted 9,000 new auto

jobs after many many years of stagnation

or even decline in the auto sector it's

why just weeks in we already have new

planner production announcements from

Honda from Hyundai and Stellantis worth

billions of dollars and thousands of

additional jobs on top of the ones that

were already created now this takes work

it took in the president's first term

the president ripping up NAFTA and

creating a new US deal for American

manufacturers in North America but

there's important work and we're going

to do it now second second all of this

is why the president is approaching the

issue of illegal immigration as

aggressively as he has because he knows

that cheap labor cannot be used as a

substitute for the productivity gains

that come with economic innovation and

so we've cracked down on illegal

immigration at the border where the

results speak for themselves last month

migrant crossings were down 94% to their

lowest number all time and that happened

just in two months of serious border

enforcement thanks to President Trump's

leadership last month for the first time

in over a year the majority of job gains

went to American citizens born on US

soil and that's important for the first

time in over a year the majority of job

creation actually went to American

citizens a third this administration is

focused on reducing our input costs for

our manufacturers and for everybody else

achieving energy and abundance and I

know Doug Bergam was here earlier we'll

be here later is top of mind because

when we look at some of the most

exciting applications of new

technologies we realize it's going to

take a lot of power to keep them running

and we're we're thrilled to have our

friends from the United Arab Emirates a

number of the business leaders and

government leaders uh in town this week

for meetings with our government and one

of the things they consistently hammer

upon is something that unfortunately too

few of our European allies tend to get

is that if you want to lead in

artificial intelligence you have got to

be leading in energy production so we

are going to set the pace there and we

are going to lead from the front now we

are already seeing the good news is

signs of progress even just a couple of

months in gas and diesel prices are

dropping the cost of a barrel of US

crude is way down and last Wednesday the

administration took major steps to make

energy even cheaper and liberate our

companies from stifling environmental

regulations now that is great but of

course there's a lot more work we have

to do over the next four years getting

the tax bill right is especially

critical for all of you and for all of

your workers we know how important it is

to restore 100% bonus depreciation for

capital investments as well as full

expensing for R&D again we want people

to invest in America and we're going to

make sure the tax code reflects that in

order to build on the success of the

original tax law meaning the tax law

from the president's first

administration our administration is

working to broaden some provisions that

are critical to the industrial base like

expanding full expensing to cover

factory construction for business owners

including manufacturers making the 2017

tax cuts permanent will provide further

confidence and predictability to invest

in new technology and equipment hire

more American workers and grow all of

your businesses we have a lot more to do

but the country is already starting to

see the payoff of this administration's

bold economic agenda for producers and

consumers alike inflation is finally

starting to come down core CPI last week

dropped to its lowest number since April

of 2021 and when it comes to the labor

market last month's jobs report showed a

massive reversal 10,000 new

manufacturing jobs created where the

previous year we had lost over a 100,000

manufacturing jobs as you may have heard

the president say in less than two

months since he's took office he's

already secured more than $1.7 trillion

in new investments across the United

States that's hundreds of thousands of

new jobs in manufacturing AI other hard

tech sectors and more so we think

there's a lot to be excited about

there's a lot that we're excited about

and we certainly hope that you guys are

excited too but the fundamental premise

the fundamental goal of President

Trump's economic policy is I think to

undo 40 years of failed economic policy

in this country for far too long we got

addicted to cheap labor both overseas

and by importing it into our own country

and we got lazy we overregulated our

industries instead of supporting them we

overtaxed our innovators instead of

making it easier for them to build their

great companies and we made it way too

hard to build things and invest things

in the United States of America that

stopped two months ago and it will

continue to stop and will continue to

fight for American workers and the

American businesses that hire them and

that support them so I want to thank you

all for two things number one I want to

thank you all for doing what you do

again you could have chosen the easy

path every single person in this room as

the president would say you're all very

high IQ you're some of the most talented

people in the United States of America

you chose to build a business right here

in the United States of America and for

that I'm grateful but the second thing I

want to say is that I think you're not

just building your own business i think

that you were part of a great American

industrial renaissance whether it's the

war of the future the jobs of the future

the economic prosperity of the future we

believe that we must build it right here

in the United States of America so thank

you all for building thank you all for

building an America and thank you all

for building the kind of society that I

want to raise my children in god bless

you all thanks for having me.
