什么 ??原来我一直活在 WEIRD 的世界
Susie Woo 戴舒萱
我今天所说的所有内容都来自约瑟夫·亨里奇(Joseph Henrich)的书《世界上最奇怪的人》。普遍道德观念的部分是来自Curry等人2019年的研究(https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi...
I live in the WEIRD world 我生活在「WEIRD」的世界中
W stands for western W代表Western(西方)
E stands for educated E代表Educated(受過教育)
I stands for industrialised I代表Industrialised(工業化)
R stands for rich R代表Rich(富裕)
and D stands for democratic 而D代表Democratic(民主)
This culture has influenced 這種文化已經影響了
a large portion of the world
But did you know 但你知道嗎
it's incredibly weird 與其他文化相比
compared to other cultures?
In today's video, let's look at 今天的影片 我們將探討
why Westerners think 為什麼來自WEIRD文化的人
and act so differently 會有如此不同的思維和行為
I'm Susie 我是戴舒萱
I'm from the UK 來自英國
and I teach all about language, culture and more 教授語言、文化及學習方面的內容
I'm from Brighton in the south 我來自英國南部的布萊頓
and I lived in Shanghai 並且曾在上海和台南
and Tainan for almost 3 years
Now, I'm studying anthropology at Oxford University 現在 我在牛津大學學習人類學
Now, I'm studying anthropology at Oxford University 現在 我在牛津大學學習人類學
and running the Susie Woo language school 並在空閒時間
in my free time
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Today, we're going to 今天 我們將一起來看看
look at insights from 人類學家Joseph Henrich
anthropologist Joseph Henrich's book 的書中的一些見解
His book is called 他的書叫做
《The Weirdest People in the World》 西方文化的特立獨行如何形成繁榮世界
By W.E.I.R.D, he means Western, W.E.I.R.D. 指的是西方
educated, 受過教育
industrialised, 工業化
rich and democratic 富裕和民主
Typical weird countries are 典型的 WEIRD 國家包括
the UK, US, 英國、美國
Canada, New Zealand and Australia 加拿大、紐西蘭和澳洲
According to him, 對他來說
if we look at history 如果我們從歷史來看
and if we compare ourselves 以及我們與今天的
to other cultures today, 其他文化做相比的話
this culture is the weirdest. 這種文化是最奇怪的
Before we start, 在我們開始之前
I need to caveat this by saying that 我必須先說明
we don't want to essentialise cultures
that means assuming that 也就是假設
all members of a particular culture 某個文化中的所有成員
share the same characteristics, values, and beliefs 都有相同的特徵、價值觀和信念
Human societies and civilisations are vast and complex 人類社會和文明是廣闊且複雜的
and each individual is unique 每個人都是獨特的
However, it can be fun 然而 思考更廣泛的文化差異
to think about broader differences 是很有趣的
especially if it helps us when we're travelling or moving 尤其當這些差異能幫助我們
to a country with a different culture 在旅行或搬到一個文化截然不同的國家時
to what we've been used to 能夠更好地理解並適應
So why is W.E.I.R.D. culture considered weird? 那為什麼W.E.I.R.D.的文化算很奇怪呢?
First, family structure 首先 家庭結構
makes our culture weird 讓我們的文化變得奇怪
In the West, people leave home early, 在西方 人們較早離開家
prioritise independence
and family ties might be weaker 而家庭關係可能較為薄弱
Compared to all other cultures 與當今及歷史上
throughout history, 所有其他文化相比
this is very weird 這確實非常奇怪
But why? 但為什麼會這樣呢?
Well, what was one common practice before 首先 在西方文化變得主流之前
Western cultures became more prominent? 有什麼常見的做法呢?
Marrying your cousin!
In Ancient Rome, 在古羅馬
Roman law allowed cousin marriage 羅馬法允許表親結婚
to keep power within the lineage 以保持家族的權力
In Pre-Islamic Arabia, 在伊斯蘭教興起之前的阿拉伯地區
many Arab tribes practised cousin marriage 很多阿拉伯部落也會進行表親結婚
to strengthen clan loyalty 來增強部落忠誠
Even after Islam, 即使在伊斯蘭教興起後
cousin marriage remained common 表親結婚仍然很普遍
as the Quran permits it
In India, many Hindu communities 在印度 許多印度教社群
practised uncle-niece and cousin marriage, 仍然實行叔侄或表親結婚
which continues today 這一習俗至今仍然存在
Celtic tribes had flexible marriage customs 凱爾特部落也有彈性的婚姻習慣
including cousin marriage 包括表親結婚
And in imperial China, 而在中國帝國時期
cousin marriage also allowed the elite 表親結婚則是精英
to consolidate wealth and property within the family 用來鞏固家族財富和土地的一種方式
How societies exchange women 過去 人類學界
through marriage arrangements 熱衷於研究社會如何
in order to establish kinship networks 通過婚姻安排交換女性
used to be a hot topic in anthropology
Point being: marrying your cousin 重點是 表親結婚
has been common throughout history across the world 在歷史上是全球普遍的做法
But today we think, 但今天我們卻覺得
eurgh, gross! 呃 很噁心!
Is it just because there's a 1-4% increase in 難道只是因為科學發現
birth defects compared to babies born from unrelated 表親結婚比非親屬結婚
couples as science has found over the last few centuries?
Around 500 AD, 大約在公元500年
the Catholic Church expanded incest laws 天主教擴大了亂倫法規
banning marriage between first cousins
They forced people to marry outside their kin 他們迫使人們與外族結婚
and rely less on family 並減少對家庭的依賴
By 800-1000 AD, 到了公元800至1000年
the Church had expanded the prohibition 教會的禁令範圍
up to seventh-degree relatives
which included distant cousins 包括遠親表親
which was later relaxed to fourth-degree cousins 不過後來放寬到第四親等的表親
Why did the church do this? 教會為何這樣做?
The Catholic Church saw wealthy family 天主教會認為富有的家族聯盟
alliances as a potential threat to the unity of society
and strong family networks could undermine 強大的家族網絡
the power of the Church and the state 可能會削弱教會和國家的權力
Therefore, extended family ties were intentionally 因此 教會故意通過
undermined by banning cousin marriage 禁止表親結婚來削弱家庭的聯繫
so that power was centralised in the church 使權力集中於教會
From this, we can understand 從這點我們可以更清楚地理解
more about why the nuclear family structure 為什麼核心家庭結構
has evolved the way it has, 會發展成今天的樣子
and why Western cultures place less emphasis 也能解釋為什麼
on family than non-western cultures today 今天的西方文化比非西方文化更少強調家庭
Second, reading has made Westerners' brains weird 第二 閱讀讓西方人的大腦變得奇怪
Yep, you heard that right 沒錯 你沒聽錯
But first, 但首先
If you can already communicate in English, 如果你已經可以用英語交流
if you like thinking deeply 如果你喜歡深入思考
and if you want to continue your education, 如果你想繼續你的教育
even though you're an adult, 即使你已經成年
then our new 那我們新開設的
advanced British literature course,
might be for you! 也許適合你!
This 10 week journey will take you through 這長達10週的旅程將帶你認識
three major British authors 英國三位主要作家
Through 1.5 hours of lessons every week, 透過每週1.5小時的課程
you'll be taken through a journey of 你將踏上一段英國文學歷史之旅
British literature in history 你將踏上一段英國文學歷史之旅
with one of our most popular teachers, Sara! 與我們最受歡迎的Sara老師!
Hi, I'm Sara 嗨 我是Sara
and I've been teaching English for 25 years
I teach both English as a second language 我既教非母語人士英語
to non native speakers and English Literature 作為第二語言 也教母語人士
to both native and non native speakers 和非母語人士英語文學
I'm going to be running a 10 week course 我將開設一個為期10週的課程
on Shakespeare's Hamlet, 關於莎士比亞的《哈姆雷特》
Charles Dicken's Great Expectations 查爾斯狄更斯的《遠大前程》
and Louis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, 路易卡洛爾的《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》
often considered a children's book, 它通常被認為是一本兒童讀物
but I guarantee you it's not
We're going to be looking at the character, 我們會看看裡面的角色
the plot, the context, 劇情 背景
why the books were written 為什麼要寫這些書
and how things have changed 以及事情如何變化
Have they actually changed that much? 他們真的有改變這麼多嗎?
Do people change? 人會改變嗎?
Does politics change? 政治會改變嗎?
So many questions 有太多太多的問題
If you're not a great reader, 如果你不是一位優秀的讀者
please don't worry
You don't have to read the whole play 你不必讀完整個劇本
or the whole books 或整本書
I'll be guiding you through them
So you'll feel almost like you've read them 所以你會感覺就像讀過它們一樣
At least you'll know 至少你會知道
why and who and where 為什麼 有誰和在哪裡
and all of those big questions 以及回答所有的大問題
But you might find that 但你可能會發現
you actually want to delve into it a bit 你確實想深入研究一下
And of course, 當然
we'll read some of the most famous extracts 我們將閱讀一些最著名的摘錄
If that sounds interesting, 如果這聽起來很有趣
please do join me 請加入我
I look forward to seeing you then 我期待著到時候見到你
Bye 拜
You'll need to be quick if you want to sign up 如果你想註冊 你需要快點
because there's an early bird discount now 因為現在有早鳥折扣
And there's only 9 places available,
so this is a very limited course 所以這是一個非常有限的課程
If you're interested, 如果你有興趣
click the link down below to find out more!
So the second point is 所以第二點是
literacy has had a profound 識字對認知發展
impact on cognitive development 產生了深遠的影響
This time, it was the Protestants, 這次 改變的推動者不是天主教徒
rather than the Catholics 而是新教徒
Protestantism spread across Europe 新教主要在16世紀
primarily during the 16th century 傳播到歐洲
They encouraged direct engagement with the Bible,
which led to a huge increase in literacy 這導致了識字率的大幅提高
Before this, the Catholic Church controlled access to 之前 天主教會掌控著宗教文本的進入
religious texts, with services and teachings 儀式和教義
delivered in Latin 都是用拉丁語進行
a language most people couldn't understand
Martin Luther rejected the idea that only 馬丁·路德拒絕了只有神職人員
the clergy could interpret scripture 可以解釋經文的觀點
and famously translated the Bible into German
making it accessible to the general population 讓一般民眾能夠閱讀
The shift towards literacy had 推動識字的變化
all kinds of effects on society 對社會產生了各種影響
It caused an increase in individualism, 它促進了個人主義
as people spent more time reading alone 因為人們花更多時間獨自閱讀
than interacting through storytelling etc 而不是通過口述故事等方式互動
Written texts have become 書面文本成為了
authoritative sources of knowledge,
which has made direct experience less important 使得直接經驗變得不那麼重要
as people look to external sources 人們開始依賴外部來源
to validate and shape their knowledge 來驗證並塑造自己的知識
And the development of writing in alphabetic 而字母系統的書寫發展
systems emphasises linear progression
We read from left to right, 我們從左到右閱讀
and this structure influences 這種結構影響了
how the brain processes information 大腦處理信息的方式
Written language encourages a logical, 書面語言促使邏輯
sequential thought process 順序的思維過程
This is why Western thought 這就是為什麼西方思維
often focuses on cause and effect, 常常強調因果關係
linear narratives, and logical arguments, 線性敘事和邏輯辯論
which is less common in societies 而這些在以圓形
where storytelling is circular or non-linear 或非線性敘事為主的社會中較為罕見
Also, reading, 此外 閱讀
especially of books or academic papers, 特別是閱讀書籍或學術論文
involves a greater degree of 涉及對材料的情感距離
emotional distance from the material 涉及對材料的情感距離
This emotional detachment can 這種情感的脫離
make it easier to engage with 使得人們更容易
abstract ideas and critique them rationally,
a common trait of Western intellectual traditions 這是西方知識傳統中的一個常見特質
Did you know 你知道嗎
differences actually show up in brain scans? 這些差異其實在大腦掃描中也能顯現出來?
WEIRD cultures WEIRD文化
e.g., U.S. 例如美國
show more brain activity in areas 在大腦區域顯示更多活動
like the left prefrontal cortex, associated with 特別是在與分析思維
analytic thinking and self-relevant decision-making 和自我相關決策的左前額葉皮層
In non-WEIRD cultures 而在非WEIRD文化
e.g., East Asia 像東亞
regions like 則會激活像是
the medial prefrontal cortex are activated, 內側前額葉皮層的區域
which are important for social cognition 這與社會認知
and holistic thinking, 和整體性思維有關
emphasising relationships and context 強調關係和情境
These cultures focus more 這些文化更加注重
on group identity and interdependence
The way different types of languages 不同語言類型
might influence the structure of our brain 如何影響我們大腦結構的方式
is fascinating 真的很有趣
I was speaking to a Chinese lecturer the other day 前幾天我和一位中國的教授聊過
who has gone from a Chinese environment 她從中文環境
to an academic English one 轉到學術英語環境
She says her thinking feels like 她說她覺得自己的思維
it's gone from blurry to more detailed, 從模糊變得更詳細
specific, and separated, 具體且分離
while I feel that by learning Chinese, 而我則覺得學習中文
my thinking has become more holistic
and less fragmented 少了碎片化
I feel more able to see the bigger picture 我現在更能看到全貌
or able to accept paradoxes 或者能接受矛盾
Is this just me? 這是只有我有這種感覺嗎?
What do you think? 你怎麼看?
Also, if reading 另外 如果閱讀
has changed our brain, 已經改變了我們的大腦
I want to know what processing things 我想知道透過螢幕處理資訊
through a screen must be doing to our brains 會帶來什麼影響
According to research, digital screens 研究顯示 數位螢幕會促使我們
encourage hyperlinked thinking where
we jump between topics rather than book reading 也就是不斷在不同主題之間跳躍
which encourages contemplative thought 而不像閱讀書本那樣培養深度思考
Yikes! 哎呀!
Thirdly 第三點
different moral systems have 道德系統不同
made WEIRD people behave differently 讓WEIRD的人行為有所不同
Because of the aforementioned spread of Christianity, 由於前面提到的基督教傳播
and the Catholic Church's 和天主教
disruption of traditional family structures, 會對傳統家庭結構的顛覆
Western thinking became more individualistic 西方的思維變得更加個人主義
and moral reasoning became more impersonal 道德推理也變得更為抽象
In other cultures, 在其他文化中
morality is often centred on loyalty to 道德通常圍繞著
family, human rights, and impartiality are emphasised 家庭 氏族和社群的忠誠
But in WEIRD culture, 但在WEIRD文化中
abstract principles such as fairness, 公平 人權和公正
human rights and justice are emphasised 這類的抽象原則被強調
Henrich highlights the distinction 作家強調
between guilt-based and shame-based moral systems 內疚型與羞恥型道德系統的區別
Guilt arises when people violate 內疚是一種內化的道德規範
their personal moral standards 當人們違背自己的個人道德標準時
regardless of whether 無論別人是否知道
others know about their actions
Influenced by Christianity, 受基督教影響
WEIRD societies WEIRD社會
usually see morality as universal 通常將道德視為普遍
ethical rules that apply to everyone equally, 適用於每個人的道德規則
even in private 即使是在私下也是如此
To give an example, 舉個例子
if I cheated on my taxes, 如果我在報稅時作弊
I would feel guilty 即使沒有人發現
even if no one found out, 我也會感到內疚
because I believe lying is inherently wrong
Not because I'm Christian, 不是因為我是基督徒
just because that was my cultural upbringing 而是因為那是我的文化背景
Shame is different 羞恥不一样
Shame is a social emotion, 羞耻是一種社會情感
related to how you are perceived by others
Losing face or damaging the reputation of one's family 失去面子或損害自己家庭
or community results in shame 或社群的名譽會產生羞恥感
and is a strong moral motivator 並成為一種強烈的道德驅動力
In non-WEIRD cultures, 在非WEIRD文化中
whether something is right or wrong 一件事情是否對錯
depends more on relationships, 往往更多地取決於
depends more on relationships, 往往更多地取決於
obligations and social expectations, 人際關係 義務和社會的期望
rather than a universal moral code 而不是一套普遍的道德準則
Let's say your friend has committed a crime 假設你的朋友犯了罪
and the police are investigating 警察正在調查
Should you help your friend evade justice? 你會幫助你的朋友逃避正義嗎?
In WEIRD societies, 在WEIRD社會
like the US, UK, Germany, 如美國 英國 德國
people tend to say they would not help their friend 人們通常會說他們不會幫助朋友
because they believe in impartial justice 因為他們相信公正的法律
and personal moral responsibility 和個人的道德責任
In non-WEIRD societies, 而在非WEIRD社會
like Latin America, Asia and Africa, 如拉丁美洲 亞洲和非洲
people are more likely to say they would help their friend, 人們更有可能說他們會幫助朋友
because loyalty to personal relationships and social 因為對個人關係和社會義務的忠誠
obligations outweigh abstract legal principles 超過了抽象的法律原則
Another interesting thing is that 另一個有趣的事情是
in WEIRD cultures, 在WEIRD文化中
because societies have become 由於社會已經
more integrated into market economies 更深入融入市場經濟
and are less reliant on kinship networks, 並且不再那麼依賴親屬網絡
people tend to value fairness 人們往往更重視公平
and are more likely to trust strangers 也更容易信任陌生人
This trust means you might assume 這種信任意味著你可能會假設
someone will not cheat or steal from you, 某人不會欺騙或偷竊
until proven otherwise
Conversely, in some non-WEIRD cultures, 相反 在一些非WEIRD文化中
you could be considered stupid not to take advantage 如果有機會利用你不認識的人
for yourself when there is the opportunity, 你可能會被認為很愚蠢
because your primary concern 因為你最主要的責任
should be towards your family
Non-WEIRD people are therefore 因此 非WEIRD的人
less likely to trust strangers too 往往也不太可能會信任陌生人
In one study, 在一項研究中
someone is standing at the train station 有一個人站在車站
and puts their bag on the floor 把包放在地上
Another person standing next to them picks up the bag 另一個站在旁邊的人撿起包並走開
and walks away without them seeing 沒有讓那個人發現
Observers were asked what they 觀察者被問及
thought about the person who picked up the bag 對那個撿包的人有什麼看法
In most cultures, 在大多數文化中
both WEIRD and non-WEIRD, 無論是WEIRD或非WEIRD
people judged the person taking the bag 大家都會認為撿包的人
as a thief who intentionally stole it
In the next scenario, 接下來的情況中
someone is standing at the train station again 這個人再次站在車站
and puts down their bag, 把包放下
but this time the person next to them 但這次旁邊的人放下了相同的包
That person then picks up 然後撿起對方的包走開
In this situation, 在這種情況下
In this situation, 在這種情況下
most people from WEIRD cultures said 大多數來自WEIRD文化的人
they thought the person who took the bag 都會認為那個拿包的人
must have taken it by mistake,
because the bags looked similar, 因為包看起來相似
so they were probably not a bad person 所以他可能不是壞人
In this way, we can see 從這裡我們可以看到
the sense of empathy 對陌生人展現同情
or projection of good intentions onto a stranger 或對他們的善意進行投射
People from non-WEIRD cultures 在非WEIRD文化中
were more likely to negatively 人們更有可能會對拿包的人
judge the person taking the bag, 進行負面評價
because for them, 因為對他們來說
actions are judged based on their consequences,
rather than the individual's intent 而不是個人的意圖
In some cases, 在某些情況下
the action was judged just as harshly as the previous one 這個行為甚至會和之前一樣
as an outright theft 直接被認為是偷竊
Doesn't this have 這對我們在
huge implications for how 全球化世界中的工作
we work in a globalised world? 有巨大影響 不是嗎?
How do we manage differences 我們如何處理
in values and how we perceive strangers? 價值觀和對陌生人的看法的差異?
If a person from a WEIRD culture projects good 如果來自WEIRD文化的人
intentions onto a relative stranger 對一個相對陌生的人展現善意
and trusts they will not steal, 並信任他不會偷竊
but the stranger steals from him 但這個陌生人
because there is an obvious opportunity to do so 因為有明顯的機會而偷竊
and he believes his primary responsibility 且他認為自己的首要責任
is towards his family, 是對他的家庭,
in this case, 這樣的情況下
is anyone at fault? 誰該負責?
Or perhaps they're just different? 還是說他們只是不同而已?
If moral systems vary so much, 如果道德系統差異如此之大
how can we work together? 我們又該如何共同合作?
Well, new research has shown that there 其實最新的研究表明
may in fact be universal moral principles 可能存在普遍的道德原則
In a recent study, 在最近的一項研究中
the following seven moral principles were seen 以下七條道德原則在60個社會中
as positive in 99.9% of the 60 societies studied 99.9%的人認為是正面的
as good 是正確的
1.Help your family 幫助你的家人
2.Help your group 幫助你的群體
3.Reciprocate 回報他人
4.Be brave 要勇敢
5.Defer to superiors 服從上級
6.Divide resources fairly 公平分配資源
7.Respect others’ property 尊重他人財產
That is reassuring, 這是令人欣慰的
because it suggests that on a fundamental level, 因為它表明在基本層面上
people in all societies 所有社會的人
are hardwired to cooperate
The only issue is that these behaviours are 唯一的問題是
prioritised differently 這些行為在不同文化中的
in different cultures
In WEIRD societies, 在WEIRD社會中
reciprocity and respect for property 回報和尊重財產
might come higher, 可能排在更前面
whereas in non-WEIRD societies, 而在非WEIRD文化中
deferring to superiors and helping your family 服從上級和幫助家人
might rank higher 可能排得更高
How would you rank these behaviours? 你會怎麼對這些行為進行排序呢?
We can see how challenging this problem is, 我們可以看到這個問題的挑戰性
and how hard it is to create global rules 以及制定全球規則的難度
Some argue that the Human Rights convention 一些人認為人權公約
is ethnocentric, 是文化中心主義的
meaning it prioritises 意味著它優先考慮了一種
a western way of thinking 西方的思維方式
that doesn't apply to everyone 而這種方式並不適用於所有人
Is the task of laying out universal 制定普遍的道德法則的任務
moral laws doomed to fail? 會注定失敗嗎?
Recently, it seems like some leaders have 最近似乎有些領導人
decided cultural differences cannot be overcome
Maybe returning to separate societies is the answer? 也許回歸分離的社會是答案?
But this feels like a regression to me 但這對我來說感覺是一種倒退
Perhaps something else is called for 也許需要其他的解決方案
Maybe in our hyper-connected world, 有可能在我們這個高度互聯的世界裡
we are coming increasingly closer to understanding 我們越來越接近理解
an underlying moral blueprint that might be 一種可以跨文化理解的
understood cross-culturally
So in summary, 總結來說
WEIRD cultures are different WEIRD文化在三個關鍵方面
from other cultures in three key ways: 與其他文化不同:
First, due to the church's historic 首先 由於教會歷史上
breakup of kinship structures 拆解了親屬制度
they are more individualistic 這些文化更加個人主義
and less family-oriented 較少以家庭為中心
Second, due to the early spread 第二 由於識字率
of literacy in these societies, 在這些社會中較早普及
their brains process information differently, 他們的大腦處理資訊的方式
their brains process information differently, 也有所不同
in a more analytical, 更偏向分析性思維
less holistic way 而較少採取整體性思維
Third, they are more likely to 第三 他們更傾向於
follow internal moral rules, 遵守內在的道德規範
regardless of whether anyone knows about it or not, 無論是否有人知道
and they are unusually forgiving of strangers 並且對陌生人表現出異常的寬容
Whether for good or bad, 無論是好是壞
Western, 西方
Educated, 受過教育
industrialised, 工業化
Rich, 富裕
Democratic 民主的文化
cultures have spread 已經在全球擴展
and changed the world in many ways 並以各種方式改變了世界
More and more cultures show these traits 越來越多的人正在呈現這些特質
What do you think the ideal 你認為理想的全球文化
global culture should look like? 應該是什麼樣的呢?
Which values should we hold on to, 我們應該堅持哪些價值觀?
and which do we need to let go of? 哪些又該放棄?
And how should these decisions be made? 這些決定應該由誰來做?
Thank you for watching today's video 感謝觀看今天的影片
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to learn all about how Shakespeare, Dickens 了解莎士比亞 狄更斯
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have impacted and been impacted by British culture 如何影響並被英國文化影響
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See you next time! 下次見!