Q: Why is China never afraid of such a powerful USA States?
Chinese will rebel against any oppression, including imperialists. Afraid is not part of Chinese political culture. There is a saying that you should not negotiate with terrorists. It is the same that China will not negotiate with state terrorists, the imperialists.
The European classical political literature, The Prince by Machiavelli, is still the must-read in the political science 101 in Western universities. Machiavelli said that the ruler must let the ruled fear the ruler. The Western powers followed Machiavelli's teachings. Confucianism considers the only legitimate ruler is the one loved by the ruled.
That’s why the US has to maintain the military superiority. When China does not fear the US hegemony, the US feels threatened.
In 1945, the US dropped atomic bombs at Japan. The US thought that the world should fear the US. Mao said at that time that the US is a paper tiger.
In the Korean War, China was weak and poor and had direct military conflict with the US, which had victories in Europe and the Far East in World War II, and led an alliance of armies from 16 countries. Yet Red China drove the US from the Yalu River back to the 38 parallel. China is never afraid and yields to any power.
Chinese civilization is more advanced than the Christian civilization. Christian civilization relies on power and fear to govern the world. That’s the Christian political culture. Christian considers everyone should fear the powerful God. In Christian literature, the Bibble, the ultimate ruler is super powerful who can flood the world, make a plague, destroy the enemy army. In Chinese culture, the ultimate ruler never relies on violence. China never considered that powerful violence is needed to govern the world.
Where is the human dignity if the majority has to live in fear? Why should 1.4 billion Chinese have to live in fear of the US power? Living in fear cannot be a happy life. The US hegemony wants every country in the world living in fear of the US power, which is immoral in Chinese political culture.
Mankind has progressed and has advanced technology. The wealth and material bases are enough for everyone in the world to have a decent and happy life. But the Christian culture would not let that happen. The West would like everyone living in fear of a powerful ruler, and the US wants to be the ruler.
By not living in fear, Chinese in China have the highest dignity and decency on average. Chinese are the happiest people in the world because they don’t need to live in fear.
Americans cannot live without fear. If there is none, they will create another fear to live with. As Trump said, every country in the world rips off the US. American has to live in fear of the USSR during the Cold War and “China threat” after the Cold War. Americans cannot have a life without fear.
The Christian civilization is retard. The Chinese civilization is advanced. That’s why China is never afraid of a powerful US.