回复 'diaozhi' 的评论 : How do you like "All That Glitters"? Looking forward to your thoughts on the book.
Dang! 150,000 euros x 2! How sad. :)
On the other hand, I uses to watch "Antigues Roadshow", it's always exciting to see people discover a long forgotten piece of art that worth a fortune today.
Hmmm, excuse me, I need to go up to my attic now. See ya. :)
Incidentally, I am currently reading a book titled All That Glitters, by Orlando Whitfield, a self-described failed art dealer. (The book has been compared as an art world Great Gatsby - a hyperbole, many would say.)
The author disclosed in the book that in 2004, he purchased two Banksy prints for about 100 euros each. In the ensuing years, one was lost for good, and the other suffered quality degradation due to inadequate care. Had they been kept in good condition, the pieces would have fetched 150,000 euros or more, each, in 2024.