七律 人生偶感 – 余新
辗转春秋恰似鸥, 清风飘荡几争流。
红尘落落扛身骨, 雾野飞飞唱世愁。
辍罢兰心知卤味, 敲轻黄叶动霜眸。
晴姿每有寒姿近, 渤海兴帆去放舟。
Random Reflection on My Life by Yu Xin
From spring to fall, like a seagull I drift,
Braving waves and gales, my pinions, so swift.
Upholding my spine to bear thick and thin,
Through wilds and brume, my song of woe doth rift.
I shield my orchid heart, though taste the brine,
Flicking rotten leaves, my frosty brows lift.
A sunny day will oft meet chilly draughts,
I’d sail on Bohai – such a God-sent gift.
Tr. Ziyuzile
(To be revised)
今天是三八國際婦女節,遠方的姐妹們,祝你們節日快樂!願世上沒有男人 Dare shaft you guys at all!